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New Sexual Experience (Peed During Intercourse)

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On 8/25/2022 at 11:20 PM, LickerLover said:

Patiently waiting for updates 

Hopefully there is an encore performance soon.

Good luck - we’re all rooting for you!

Thanks! No update yet, we haven't had sex since then. We usually do it about once/week, so it just hasn't happened yet. 

We did, however, talk about it a few days after it happened. I brought it up - I asked her if there were any residual effects from it afterwards. She said that the next day she'd dripped a little more than usual - that there was a small (coin-sized) wet spot on her underwear. But that was it, so I guess not too bad.

She still wasn't thrilled with the whole situation though. It definitely wasn't a turn-on for her like it was for me. 

So I don't know how soon I should try this again. It might end up being a once-in-a-great-while thing that she reluctantly allows. We'll see.

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25 minutes ago, LickerLover said:


And thanks for the update.

Maybe the next time or two you don’t pee during sex - she will start to miss it, and then perhaps she will start requesting it (one can hope and dream).

Maybe! She's not really the type that asks for what she wants during sex; I always have to take the lead and ask things like "Do you like what I'm doing? Does that feel good? Do you want to change positions?" (etc.). 

But I guess anything's possible!

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It sounds like you've set a precedent for future pee-play: she's willing to try new things that please you even if she doesn't necessarily enjoy them. I would encourage her to continue with a conversation telling her how much you enjoy it, that you appreciate her support of your "kink", and would like to reciprocate and do something new that she might be interested in experimenting with. Ask if there's any sort of fantasy she's thought of, no matter how extreme, that you could help her experience. Tell her that nothing's off limits since she's acquiesced to your request, then make a huge effort to do whatever it is that she suggests. Hopefully that encouragement will help her to continue to let you enjoy pee play with her, and might contribute to a far more adventurous sex life overall. 

I've had three different girlfriends who were into pee play during sex, and both of them enjoyed having me pee on their clit - they found the warm pee stream to be very arousing. They both also enjoyed when I peed inside them, describing the pleasurable feeling as similar to having someone cum inside them.

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5 hours ago, Peefun said:

It sounds like you've set a precedent for future pee-play: she's willing to try new things that please you even if she doesn't necessarily enjoy them. I would encourage her to continue with a conversation telling her how much you enjoy it, that you appreciate her support of your "kink", and would like to reciprocate and do something new that she might be interested in experimenting with. Ask if there's any sort of fantasy she's thought of, no matter how extreme, that you could help her experience. Tell her that nothing's off limits since she's acquiesced to your request, then make a huge effort to do whatever it is that she suggests. Hopefully that encouragement will help her to continue to let you enjoy pee play with her, and might contribute to a far more adventurous sex life overall. 

I've had three different girlfriends who were into pee play during sex, and both of them enjoyed having me pee on their clit - they found the warm pee stream to be very arousing. They both also enjoyed when I peed inside them, describing the pleasurable feeling as similar to having someone cum inside them.

Thank you for the kind and encouraging words! Unfortunately my wife is not a very sexual person. She doesn't really desire sex, and acquiesces to me because she feels it's her "wifely duty." 

I've made many offers in the past of what you're describing, and she's not interested. Ironically, the only thing I'd be able to offer her sexually is to do it less often. 

Edited by Kirby23
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Another update - we did this again a few nights ago, making it three times total now. I wasn't actually planning to do it again right away. I wanted to let things settle a bit, have sex the "normal" way a few times, and then maybe bring it up again in a month or so. 

But the problem is that I often drink an adult beverage most evenings, so I often need to pee around bedtime, which is when we usually have sex. This time I'd had a 16-oz Mike's Hard Lemonade about 45 minutes before, so by the time we were doing it, I felt it in my bladder. 

The previous two times I've peed inside her, we were in missionary position. And both times she remarked that she didn't like the feeling of the pee running down the inside of her buttcrack. So this time, since I had to pee anyway, I suggested why don't we try doggy style position, and see if that works any differently/better. She was mostly ambivalent, not particularly caring one way or the other. She's definitely still not into it, but it doesn't seem to repulse her either. 

So, while in doggy style position, I peed, squirt-by-squirt, about all I could easily produce. While doing it, I held a towel directly underneath (against her pubic area), to catch whatever leaked out. Interestingly, not much seemed to come out - the inside of her vagina seemed to hold it all, while she was in doggy position. While peeing, I managed not to cum this time. I thrusted in and out a few more times, but it was difficult while holding the towel (we were on the bed, so I didn't want to take any chances). 

So I suggested she turn back over to missionary. After going back in, I definitely felt the warm wetness inside - there was a whole pool of my pee in there. I finished rather quickly, and that was that. She held the towel up to her crotch, got up, and went to the bathroom. I fidn't have to go, I'd peed it all out into her.

It was definitely exciting again, it feels good to combine the pleasurable feeling of peeing with the pleasurable feeling of sex.

But the day after, and since, I'm also racked with feelings of guilt and remorse. I feel bad about "selfishly" performing a sex act that she's not into. I'm afraid that her tolerating it isn't totally the same as full consent. And these feelings I'm having make me feel sick when I think about it. So I don't know if I'll be doing it again, unless I know she's expressly consenting, or better yet, asks for it. 


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I hear you. It's one to talk to her about. Only you and she can work through the guilt thing. It's not uncommon in sexual relationships, and very much not limited to pee play but comes into all sorts of things.

I felt huge guilt for years about K not liking some of the things we did but doing them because she knew I liked them. Gradually her gentle reassurance that she was freely giving her consent as an act of love made me lose most of the guilt. It's not easy.

Good luck ❤️❤️

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
7 hours ago, Omoeastcoast said:

“She didn't really say yes, but she didn't say no either. That was good enough for me.”

This doesn’t seem consensual. 

Looking at the context, there was plenty of opportunity to say no and/or for her to not go along with the plan.   There was time taken to get towels and lay them out and she would then have laid on those towels.   I am sure that @Kirby23 and his wife know each other well enough that she would say if she didn't want something (she declined the shower) and that he would know if she was against something by her actions or resistance.   It sounds to me like Mrs Kirby is finding it a little strange, but is up for experimenting.    This is much like my wife who has no personal interest in pee but is willing to do some things to indulge me.   


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4 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Looking at the context, there was plenty of opportunity to say no and/or for her to not go along with the plan.   There was time taken to get towels and lay them out and she would then have laid on those towels.   I am sure that @Kirby23 and his wife know each other well enough that she would say if she didn't want something (she declined the shower) and that he would know if she was against something by her actions or resistance.   It sounds to me like Mrs Kirby is finding it a little strange, but is up for experimenting.    This is much like my wife who has no personal interest in pee but is willing to do some things to indulge me.   


Exactly, yes, thank you. I'll add that in the weeks since these few initial encounters, it has become a somewhat regulat occurrence. I might try to incorporate something pee-related one out of maybe every four-or-so times we have sex. 

And we're becoming comfortable talking about it too - why I enjoy it, why it feels good, etc.

To Alfresco's point I don't know if I'd classify my wife as being "up for experimenting" per se; things have been very vanilla for years. But I would say she has become more tolerant of me wanting to try new things. So maybe that's the same?

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  • 2 months later...

Some months have passed since my initial post, and things are still going well. Me peeing during sex occurs approximately half of the time now. I don't "force" it, but my wife knows that peeing during sex is an enjoyable feeling for me, so she doesn't mind. She hasn't asked for it yet, but some time may come in the future when she might. 

To this end, there was one time recently when I think it helped her reach orgasm. We were doing PIV, and she was rubbing herself. She was close (75% - 80% there), but couldn't quite get "over the edge." I asked her if she wanted me to try peeing inside and see if that helped her. She said "Sure, I guess." So I peed a little, and she came almost immediately. I don't know if it was the jet of pee inside that helped her come, or the extra wetness lubing her fingers, or what, but it worked, so I was happy. 

So far every time I've peed in her has only been a few squirts. Part of it is that I'm afraid to pee too much on the bed (she doesn't like having sex in other places), and part of it is that it's difficult for me to pee inside her without coming. The act is still so exciting to me that it makes me come almost immediately when I do it.

But I definitely want to try peeing a whole bladder into her. I've asked and she said it's ok, so it's just a matter of the logistics now. I think I need to start sex with a full bladder (and get through ~30 minutes of foreplay with it), or drink fluid before sex so it fills during foreplay. 

And then i need to get over the other hang-ups - my own performance, and the "mess" part of it. 

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When my wife gets close to orgasm, once in a while (not every time), she likes when I play with her butthole. I'm not allowed to put my finger in, just gently rub the outside. But the problem is that it dries rather quickly, and I don't really want to lick my finger (or her butt) to re-moisten it. So one of these times I'm going to see if she'll let me pee on her butthole for lube. That way, if it dries, I can just pee again. 

She has let me use my pee for lube on her vaginal opening, when a little extra is needed. 

I've also used my pee to clean period blood out of her vagina one time. It worked like a charm. It was like power washing her from the inside. 

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16 hours ago, Kirby23 said:

When my wife gets close to orgasm, once in a while (not every time), she likes when I play with her butthole. I'm not allowed to put my finger in, just gently rub the outside. But the problem is that it dries rather quickly, and I don't really want to lick my finger (or her butt) to re-moisten it. So one of these times I'm going to see if she'll let me pee on her butthole for lube. That way, if it dries, I can just pee again.  

Peeing on her bum would certainly work.  Alternatively if she isn’t up for that then you can always spit on your fingers rather than putting them in your mouth and you could even have a tube of actual lube handy as another option. 

My wife is a bit similar in that she like me playing with her bum hole, but I do often put a finger at least a little way inside.  I have used spit as lubrication and I have licked her in that area or I kiss her on her bum cheeks and dribble saliva down onto the hole.  

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Two more recent experiences to add to the thread. This past Thursday night I was in the mood, but my wife wasn't. Occasionally when this happens, she's willing to give me a handjob. I asked if she would, and she said ok. 

I mentioned that I kind of needed to pee, and asked her if it would be alright if I peed while she was giving me a handjob. She said I guess so, just don't get it on me or the bed.

So I laid on my back, stripped down, and got our "sex towel." I was immediately hard with anticipation. She started rubbing me, and I began to relax and concentrate. It wasn't too hard to start the flow - I let out a small spurt. I had to be careful not to shoot it into my face or anything! It ran down my shaft, and onto her hand. The wetness acted as lube. It felt amazing. I asked "Is that ok?" She said yes. So I concentrated, and let out a little more as she kept stroking. 

It didn't take long, and I came. It was really intense and pleasurable, and I thanked her.


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The next experience occurred Saturday evening. We were having "normal" sex, per the usual routine. Through foreplay, I'd managed to get her to come really hard. So I think she was in a more uninhibited mood.

I mentioned to her that I still wanted to try emptying my full bladder into her (rather than just a few spurts). I had drank a whole bottle of water prior to going to bed, so was beginning to feel it. I asked if we could try doing it in the shower stall. She said "We've tried in the shower stall before, and we can never get the angle right." But I managed to convince her that we should try again. 

So she agreed, and we went to the shower stall. I asked her to bend over, and attempted to insert from behind. But unfortunately she was right, and it really wasn't working. I could get my tip to her entrance, but couldn't get it in. I tried a few more things, but it really wasn't working. I asked her "Can you try peeing?" I stood there holding my tip to her entrance, but nothing happened. I don't think she wanted to, and I didn't really want to push it. 

So I said "I guess you're right. This isn't going to work, let's go back to the bed." She laid down, we did it the normal way, and within a short period of time I came (no pee involved).

Last night we were talking before bed, and I thanked her for trying, and for being a good sport. 


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  • 3 months later...

A few updates to post. Twice now, I've been able to empty my full bladder into my wife's vagina.

The first time was about two months ago. It was a similar situation to my previous post, only she let us try doing it in the shower stall again. It was during the day on a weekday when both my wife and I were home, and the kids were at school. I had been wanting to try a full bladder pee during PIV ever since the failed attempt described previously. She had not showered yet, so I figured this would be a good time to try it. We did our normal foreplay to get her warmed up, and when it came time for PIV, we went to the shower stall.

As before, it was difficult to get the angle right. She bent over, and I entered her from behind. I did a few thrusts to make sure it was going to work. My bladder was very full, so I was ready to pee. Through practice, I've figured out how to stay hard enough to allow me to stay in, but not so hard as to prevent peeing. I still have to concentrate a little to get the flow started. 

I began peeing and it felt REALLY good. It's hard to describe the feeling of peeing while inside a vagina and do it justice. It's sort of like a 30-second orgasm. In a weird way, to me the peeing may feel even better than an orgasm. 

I managed to pee a lot before it started coming back out. Her insides must have filled up like a water balloon. As it started coming out, it flowed down her legs. She laughed a little and remarked that it was like she was peeing her pants, or the feeling when your water breaks. I rubbed her pussy with my left hand, and enjoyed the warm, wet feeling. 

After I was done peeing, I hadn't come yet, but we both decided it was too uncomfortable to continue sex in the shower stall. So we went back to the bed, laid down a towel to catch any residual drips, and resumed sex. It was easy to slide in because it was still really wet from my urine. I came quickly, as I always do after peeing inside her. She got up and headed to the shower. 

Afterward, in these situations, I take "after care" very seriously. I want to make sure she's ok with things, that she doesn't feel degraded in any way, used, etc. So we talked a little, I asked her how she felt, etc. All in all she's neutral on the whole "peeing during sex" thing. She hasn't had any adverse effects, physical or emotional. But it also doesn't really do anything for her either. She insists she can't feel me peeing inside her until it comes out. Then she said it just feels weird, but not particularly good or bad. But she doesn't care if I want to keep doing it, because she knows how good it feels for me, and how much I like it.


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The second update is from this past Friday. It was another situation where it was just she and I home during the day, and the kids were at school. It had been about two months since the previous pee-related sexual encounter (described in my previous post), and I was itching to do it again. It's a delicate matter of timing because if I'm going to pee during sex, it works best if it's a time when she hasn't showered yet. She usually showers in the morning, so it's unusual to find an ideal time. She also doesn't generally like daytime sex. So I don't often ask for it. 

But this past Friday, around lunchtime she hadn't showered yet, I had drank a lot of water, was peeing clear, and said to her "now's as good of a time as any."

She said ok, so we went upstairs. I definitely had a full bladder, but wanted to do some foreplay first to get her warmed up. I knew this would take 15-20 minutes, so I actually went to the toilet and peed a little first, just so I wouldn't be quite as bursting for those 15 minutes of foreplay. 

We did some oral, some fingering, etc., and got her close, maybe 60-70% toward orgasm. But she felt like it wasn't going to happen, so she said "we might as well just do it." I had to pee bad, so I didn't really argue. 

She was adamant though, that the shower stall was too uncomfortable, so she wanted to just do it on the bed. I asked "are you sure? I feel like I'm going to pee a lot." And she said it's fine, just put towels under us."

So I grabbed 3 towels, folded them neatly, and put them under her hips/butt (missionary style). I put my tip in her entrance and peed a squirt to help ease the slide in. I was both hard, and ready to pee immediately. I went fully in, and began peeing. As it always does, it felt AWESOME. It's both the feeling of it coming out, like ejaculating, but also the warm, wet sloshy feeling all around. I peed a LOT. I peed like 20 seconds, thrusted some, then peed about 20 more seconds. She laughed out loud multiple times. An unexpected reaction, but she said it just feels so weird when it comes out and drips down her buttcrack. 

I asked if she wanted to continue playing to try and come, but she said "no, you just go ahead and finish." I didn't really need much more convincing, I came almost immediately. 

As she got up, there was a decent size wet patch on the topmost towel, but not really anything on the middle or lowest towel. I helped her wrap the towel around herself like a diaper, and she "waddled" to the shower.

Another amazing experience.

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11 minutes ago, Kirby23 said:

The second update is from this past Friday. It was another situation where it was just she and I home during the day, and the kids were at school. It had been about two months since the previous pee-related sexual encounter (described in my previous post), and I was itching to do it again. It's a delicate matter of timing because if I'm going to pee during sex, it works best if it's a time when she hasn't showered yet. She usually showers in the morning, so it's unusual to find an ideal time. She also doesn't generally like daytime sex. So I don't often ask for it. 

But this past Friday, around lunchtime she hadn't showered yet, I had drank a lot of water, was peeing clear, and said to her "now's as good of a time as any."

She said ok, so we went upstairs. I definitely had a full bladder, but wanted to do some foreplay first to get her warmed up. I knew this would take 15-20 minutes, so I actually went to the toilet and peed a little first, just so I wouldn't be quite as bursting for those 15 minutes of foreplay. 

We did some oral, some fingering, etc., and got her close, maybe 60-70% toward orgasm. But she felt like it wasn't going to happen, so she said "we might as well just do it." I had to pee bad, so I didn't really argue. 

She was adamant though, that the shower stall was too uncomfortable, so she wanted to just do it on the bed. I asked "are you sure? I feel like I'm going to pee a lot." And she said it's fine, just put towels under us."

So I grabbed 3 towels, folded them neatly, and put them under her hips/butt (missionary style). I put my tip in her entrance and peed a squirt to help ease the slide in. I was both hard, and ready to pee immediately. I went fully in, and began peeing. As it always does, it felt AWESOME. It's both the feeling of it coming out, like ejaculating, but also the warm, wet sloshy feeling all around. I peed a LOT. I peed like 20 seconds, thrusted some, then peed about 20 more seconds. She laughed out loud multiple times. An unexpected reaction, but she said it just feels so weird when it comes out and drips down her buttcrack. 

I asked if she wanted to continue playing to try and come, but she said "no, you just go ahead and finish." I didn't really need much more convincing, I came almost immediately. 

As she got up, there was a decent size wet patch on the topmost towel, but not really anything on the middle or lowest towel. I helped her wrap the towel around herself like a diaper, and she "waddled" to the shower.

Another amazing experience.

I love how you two have such fun while doing this amazing stuff! Thanks so much to both of you for sharing with us xx

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1 hour ago, Kupar said:

I love how you two have such fun while doing this amazing stuff! Thanks so much to both of you for sharing with us xx

Aww, thanks, but to clarify, I'm not sure if my wife would consider it "fun." She's more or less neutral on it. It does nothing for her, but she puts up with it because she loves me and knows I enjoy it. 

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