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About litltimmy

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  1. I would love to be able to just casually piss on the floor like that, but I'm still living at home most of the time and while my mom is way more open minded about guys pissing almost anywhere, I'm not so sure she'd go for that!
  2. You've got a really nice wall to piss on, wouldn't even matter pissing there. I've done it in my room, but it's really obvious for a few hours on drywall.
  3. I wish I saw more people doing so, I really like the idea of just pissing anywhere and lately the people I thought would be the most against me doing so (my mom, my aunt and even my grandmother) have been actively encouraging me to do so, making me wonder, who's really against it and why don't more people do so?
  4. Unfortunately I'm not all that big myself, rather young and quite hesitant to do something like this cause I'm afraid of someone sayin something about it. I always thought that women would be more the ones to freak out, you know like the Karen types and while I wouldn't be afraid of them physically, I would be freaked if one laid into me about it. Lately I've been kinda surprised that as I've become more bold about where I take a piss and who's around I'm seeing that women don't seem to freak out as I thought, but rather tend to smile or even say something positive, whereas guys tend to judge
  5. That still surprises me to hear women say that, my mom just kinda casually mentioned that my dad used to do so all the time, (not sure if she was just telling about him or trying to encourage me) and then confessed that she loved how guys do that!
  6. So for years I've been lurking here, listening to stories and wondering, Is this just a small group of people with a kink, or do normal everyday people often pee in alternative places? I'm looking for some real polls, interviews, studies about where normal people think it's okay to pee.
  7. Yeah, I did that recently for the first time too, total head rush.
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