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  1. Before I start this story, I wanted to take a moment and thank you all for the wonderful stories I've read on here about catching others desperate to pee, and getting to see them relieve themselves outside. I'm not into wettings, humiliation, diapers, pee drinking, and so on. I just love a good tale about a hot woman needing to pee badly, who either barely makes it to the bathroom or has to squat outside somewhere, and hope no one sees her. Of course, getting to see it in action is an entirely different endeavor, and I'd like to share such a story with you all. A few weeks ago, there w
    4 points
  2. Hello. This happen to me some days ago, I was going to buy some sugar gummies (I love gummies) and drinks, that was late at night and a looong walk, because I like to walk. Anyway, when I was coming back, I started to walk by some empty streets because I live in a neighborhood with a lot of pubs and, well, you know, too much beer, too much girls, etc... So, I like to try my luck and see if a manage to see or even know some girls outside. Anyway, at one point I come to a corner, and near that there's a bus full of people coming out, most of them girls, so, I'm walking back to my
    4 points
  3. My boyfriend asked me to sit on his face one time when I told him that I was desperate to pee. He just licked my clit while I releaved myself all over his face and he said that some pee went in his mouth but only small bits at a time. I know it’s not quite what you asked for as it doesn’t involve mixing it with something to drink the full piss but it might be worth a go. We both loved it. Xx
    4 points
  4. This story is so unbelievable! It reads like a classic example of what an eager male piss fetishist would wish happened at an EDM event. In fact, I'd be inclined to dismiss it as an awkward horny fantasy. However... I've been to EDM festivals! So I totally believe it. EDM events are where dreams become reality. I was once at an EDM festival when this cute girl, a complete stranger, approached me and asked "Um, excuse me. Can I pee in front you?" Because apparently I give off strong "stranger who will block you when you need to pee" vibes. I mean, of all the thousands of attendees she coul
    4 points
  5. Hi Everyone Me and my boyfriend are off on a dirty day out on Monday somewhere where people don’t know us. We’ve made a rule that neither of us is allowed to use the toilet from leaving the house to arriving back at the house later and we will be having a good few pints of lager while we’re out so we’re gonna need to pee quite often though. We’re hoping to try as much new stuff as possible and we’re fairly daring people especially when we’re doing it together. We have a few ideas already- 1. On the train 2. Tescos (only a small puddle for h
    3 points
  6. First of all, great sighting and one that will no doubt live long in your memory banks. You saw six desperate girls, you heard them talk openly about their need to pee and you saw them peeing in a place that wasn't particularly hidden. Definitely good timing and definitely a great experience. There seems to be a rule about catching people peeing, which is that afterwards you can always think of how you could have engaged in a conversation and what you should have said, but at the time, you get all tongue-tied and don't know what to say. The vast majority of times that I've seen girl
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  7. One time I got a bad flu and this triggered a bad asthma attack, so I had to spend the night in the hospital getting some IV steroids for my lungs + the nebulizer. They were giving me tons of fluids too because of the fever, so I had to go pee within about an hour of being hooked up. I was hooked up to the IV and had the nebulizer on when I realized I really had to go pee, so I called the nurse. It was a busy night in the ER so it took them about 15 mins to come tend to me, and at that point I was about to wet myself. For some reason the bathroom was out of order, so they couldn’t un
    3 points
  8. This reminds me. My best pee sighting day happened shortly after someone very close to me had died. I was feeling really down but forced myself to go to Bay to Breakers (a marathon / street party). I’ve never had more pee sightings in my life and friendly interactions around them. I must have more than a hundred that day and girls very open to talking while peeing. To this day I’ve always felt like there was some divine intervention going on that day or a spirit trying to send me some cheer and good luck.
    3 points
  9. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, I'm what you call a straight-edge: I've never drank alcohol, smoked, done drugs, gambled, etc. I've known too many family members and other people I once knew and loved who succumbed to one of these vices, and I decided early on in my life that that isn't how I wanted to live. And she had had one or two beers, but nothing to make her buzzed or intoxicated. I asked her at one point if she was feeling drunk when it started getting a little hot & heavy in that car, because if she had been I was ready to bail. I wasn't about to take advanta
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  10. I was honestly pretty hesitant about posting this story at first, because yeah, this just reads like straight up smut. But as the kids would say, no cap, on God, this happened fr fr. I was shocked at how it played out too. I've also decided to go out and experience other concert scenes, like country, rock, pop, metal, etc., (assuming they're being held outdoors), just to see what kinds of pee sightings happen there too
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  11. https://www.erome.com/a/EsUUJZl5 Stripped naked and peed while squatting, always wanted to do this. Good view of my dangling balls, pissing dick and my ass
    3 points
  12. Sorry its not a bare bum but OMG, it's so hot
    3 points
  13. It read as too fake to actually be fake which is why it was so believable. When a cute stranger walks up to you and asks you to stand in front of her while she pees, it almost feels like divine intervention. But then you're like "why would the lord send a girl who wants to pee in front of me?" I'm not even a good person. It's hard to be solo at stuff like that. Especially if you don't drink. Alcohol helps defuse the self consciousness. I don't think I've ever had peeing with stranger experiences while sober?
    2 points
  14. Good question - I didn't drink a whole lot while I was there, and I don't drink alcohol, so I didn't have to go too many times. I actually did pee on one of my car tires before I left - I guess I should have included that part too. But yes, before she took care of my flagpole at full mast, there was no way I could have peed.
    2 points
  15. Specifically walking while peeing at the same time. It’s harder than you’d think. Some people make it look effortless and it’s really hot to me so I want to be able to do it better.
    2 points
  16. I’ve taken to pissing copiously in the shed/garage building we have and just leaving it there. I can make a huge puddle and let it dry, no trace of an odor! It’s great fun. I can even practice peeing while walking around in there.
    2 points
  17. I have a Lovenese Lush! I've used it a few times in public, usually while at a restaurant with my husband in control but I haven't dared orgasm in public yet. I wait until we get back home or to the hotel before giving him permission to push me over the edge.
    2 points
  18. This guy shows his butt in lots of videos and it’s a nice one. This video I have linked is my absolute favorite of his. He is doing his laundry and then after pushing out a jet of urine into his shorts, he removes everything and stands there casually and continually peeing as he does his laundry. The nonchalant nature and the way he shows off the angles of his naked body as he releases a seemingly neverending stream all over the floor is just incredible. Can’t have a thread about butts and pee without him. https://www.redgifs.com/watch/midnightbluedaringxenoposeidon#rel=user%3Atsho77;orde
    2 points
  19. Had a very encouraging chat with a running friend Friday evening and have signed up for my first half marathon. Went out for my first 5k run in 3 and a half months this evening aiming for a 30 to 35 minute effort given I have been very poorly recently and just scraped in a sub 30 so well chuffed. Long, long way to go to regain my peak fitness but it is a start.
    2 points
  20. @Havelock I totally agree! I love these type of "nonchalant" scenes. One of the best ones I remember was a female pornstar who had just finished a sex scene on a bench press. Her face was covered in cum. The crew was congratulaying her on a great scene, and all she could say was how bad she had to pee. One of the crew members told her to just pee there on the weight bench. She unleashed a huge stream, right there where she sat, and the crew cheered her on. So hot.
    2 points
  21. I hate unrealistic acting and over sexualization in narration but I also hate unrealistically and awkwardly silent videos. It’s a real balance to get it right. The best videos are of talking between people that actually have a relationship like bf/gf or a cam girl and her crew. I also like outtakes from porn videos or cam girls lives where they legitimately have to pee and don’t care that its in public. They say things like “I have to pee” or “can I pee here” and just get to it. Nerdy Ferry seems to strike a good balance in her selfie style naration. The only strong sexual narration
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  22. I peed a big puddle on the sun deck of a cruise ship. It was early in the morning and there was no one else.
    2 points
  23. Last unconventional pee for pure convenience was around two months ago when taking my car to the car wash at my local big supermarket. There's usually no queue to speak of, but this day I was probably sixth or seventh in line. The queue of cars lines up against a low wall on the left which boxes off a grassy sloped area out to the main road. (I have subsequently realised that there is a footpath running through this grassy area to connect the traffic lights from the main road to the store, but was oblivious to this at the time). The petrol station forecourt is directly on the right. It being a
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  24. With the sun warming my shoulders, I found myself waiting in a long, snaking line for the Martian, the park's infamous floorless roller coaster. I was casually sipping on a large, icy cola, the condensation on the cup cooling my fingers. The summer dress I was wearing fluttered against my legs with each gust of wind, the blue and white pattern dancing in the sunlight. As I neared the front of the queue, an attendant, his sunburned face lined with a smile, called out. "Remember, no food or drinks on the Martian!" I looked down at my half-finished drink. "Ah, heck," I muttered
    1 point
  25. Hello all. I am wondering in an impromptu fashion what peoples preferences and thoughts are on talking/narration and vocalization in piss videos. I personally have a funny problem of only liking it when it comes across as organic and genuine. (EX: pretending to be turned on by peeing is a huge turn off for me) However if I get the sense that the pissers in question are actually into it then I am happy to hear all the have to say about it. Where do you all come down on this? (Wishing you all loud and long pees) lol
    1 point
  26. Amazing Eco-strapon Colette!!! Those italia Truffles in May must be especially expensive after gentle forest coliettus... Please post us more!!! How do you use polka dotted ones - toy for your shy freinds?..
    1 point
  27. Thanks for all the kind comments ☺️and yes DevonUK I did lick my finger....you know me too well😆
    1 point
  28. I enjoyed it adding to french variant of Rum-baba: honey rum and little mix of your nectar around the spongy bake... Try one day!!!
    1 point
  29. I was chatting with an online friend the other day and eventually asked him if he had ever tried golden showers. He said not really, but one time on spring break he watched a girl pee beside the bed in his hotel room. Of course I asked him to elaborate, why did she do that? And he said he was making out with her, and because their friends were busy fucking in the bathroom behind closed door and she really needed to go. And she was drunk and said fuck it I need to go, so just popped a squat between the bed and the wall and let it go right on the carpet. When she was done they got to th
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  30. Last week, I had to have a wisdom tooth out, was in the chair for some time. When it was all over, I was a bit shake and one of the nurses helped me back to the waiting area to give me chance to recover a bit. Well I asked where the toilet was and she showed me but came in with me and held my cock az I peed. I did get hard, she then sat with her scrubs pulled down and went to pee and suck me of, I did come soon afterwards. We made a data for more fun.
    1 point
  31. The girls prepare for their university interviews and practice discreet peeing. Part 31 We made it home without any further excitement. As soon as we got indoors mum reminded us. "You are going to Cambridge tomorrow for your university interviews." Mum added. "I will come with you to make a day of it, and Collette can come too. Make sure your suits are presentable." We went upstairs and checked our suits. They looked O.K. I pressed my nose to my suit skirt and could smell the subtle musky aroma of dried pee. I tried to remember if it was Dad's or Collette's, but I gu
    1 point
  32. I do remember hearing that a mattress absorbs some unthinkably vast amount of sweat in its lifetime, which is fine as long as it doesn’t end up permanently damp
    1 point
  33. Just back from a recent ski holiday in the alps and thought I would share the following experience 🙂 I was in a pub with friends and family and we had all had a few pints and drinks, I decided to head back to the hotel earlier than everyone else but as I started walking realised I was absolutely bursting, not sure if it was the Cold air that made it come on quickly but I HAD to go. I found a quiet spot and just let it flow, there was a nice steam coming from the stream and the snow beneath melting as the warm liquid flowed over it leaving behind a hole. It felt like the long
    1 point
  34. My Flatmate the Pornstar-1 My name is Maddie, and I recently discovered my flatmate makes piss porn. It was several months into our flatshare when I found out what Antonia did for a living. She was a fine flatmate, kept up with the rent and broadly kept herself to herself. We weren't friends but in the big city flats are expensive so living with someone that didn't kick up a fuss and paid her dues was all I could have hoped for! But one day, I found out what she did out of work, and our flatshare was never the same again. I came home from work early one day and found a payslip o
    1 point
  35. Jessica Simpson posted a photo on her instagram account of her peeing on the grass during an outdoor photoshoot. It then made the news: https://pagesix.com/2023/02/13/jessica-simpson-pees-in-grass-during-outdoor-shoot/ https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/fans-divided-jessica-simpsons-oversharing-peed-grass-instagram-post The original instagram post is below.
    1 point
  36. In bed was recent for us, we were buying a new bed and the old one of 20 years we had to get rid of ourselves, so easy, I asked her “ Do you need to do a wee before you go to sleep”, the hissing sound started, and it really gave meaning to sleeping on the wet patch. Sex in the morning was much the same story Curls tells me as we were making love “I have got to do a wee, I really need to go,, you are making me pee myself” and started hissing away in the bed. Many years ago, pantiles in Kmart, in the shoe section, one foot up on those slopy stool things, I was bending down pretending
    1 point
  37. Well maybe all Collette's belong to the same tribe, here is and experience with my girl Collette, at a winery venue from over 10 years ago, Ten years or so ago, we went to a Chicago / America concert in the vineyards in NSW, outdoor venue. We had been to a few of these in the past and it had been good. Last weekend it was raining on and off. We had Cocktails on the terrace package, so for 3 hours, drinks and nibbles were included. After the music had started, we made our way down to our reserved seats, plastic garden chairs, reserved seating, about 12 rows back. The wet weather, rain
    1 point
  38. I've seen quite a few articles over the years. One of my favorites. I love how 2 pissed on the walkway for no apparent reason, while the third also was preparing to pee there too, she decided to be polite and "fertilize" the grass instead. The story indicates this happened after the residents refused donating to whatever they were asking for, though I think the trio wasn't serving revenge and just needed to pee, because they can't treat all non-donors like that. https://www.theoldhamtimes.co.uk/news/18184551.cctv-captures-women-urinating-blackburn-house-gate South African Bank. https
    1 point
  39. Sometimes it would span all the way to the lower belly and spread across the inner thighs.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. My high school girlfriend and I had gone to an auto auction to try and find her a first car. This was 1997. They had a warehouse of cars and you can go through and check out the cars prior to the auction. The warehouse was desolate and they had a lot of crappy vehicles. She mentioned to me about having to pee. I saw a bathroom, but didn’t tell her. She made a comment about she should pee in one of those messed up cars. I was immediately turned on, and had an 80’s Dodge Caravan I spotted in mind, but she didn’t do it. She held it and ended up starting her piss behind a high school nex
    1 point
  42. I find that if a model demands a tip to pee for you on cam, it's because she isn't into watersports herself. The models who genuinely love it do it for whatever their private rate is with no added extras. If you think they did a good job, you can tip.
    1 point
  43. That’s a good question because i myself haven’t found a great solution. Due to the fact that I’m lazy and the thought of cleaning up takes all the fun out of it i usually won’t do it if the clean up our ways the thrill of peeing somewhere in the first place. Because if that reason i have been experiencing more so with ways i know i won’t have to clean up (i.e. doing it somewhere Discretely in public, Experiencing with diapers which has been pretty fun actually, or doing it in places or around people idc if they have to clean it up). ive found its more fun not to clean it up
    1 point
  44. Wow this is crazy! I thought I was the only one! Likewise, when I was little my parents always told me to pee in the pool because they were too lazy to bring me to the bathroom. So naturally, I thought everyone peed in the pool as well. It never crossed my mind that most people don't actually pee in the pool until I was in high school. I know, shocking, but it really was just one of those things that since you were raised by it, you never really questioned it. Funnily enough, there used to be a swimming pool in my high school and I signed up for their swimming class, and you guessed
    1 point
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