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  1. My whole kink started by watching my male friends pee outside carelessly when we were young. Usually they would tell me not to look, or would turn their backs. But I could hear and see their marks afterward, imagining what it looked like between their legs. I would feel a tingly, pressure-like feeling down there. I used to think it was also because I needed to pee. I would get wet thinking about it, not knowing what it was, I would think I was leaking pee. That was years before puberty. I was about 10 when I decided to be "naughty" and look back while my friend peed, seeing a penis for the fir
    17 points
  2. 8 points
  3. Hey nice to meet you all, new too here and relatively new to this wonderful kink too, still learning and exploring this new found passion with great joy too. The community here appears to be awesome and I'm always down to chat and get to know new people and share stories and more as well. Look forward to the fun times ahead.
    4 points
  4. When I had a soccer tournament we where in nice 10 soccer pitches all natural grass they absolutely beautiful the only issue is that they didn’t have restrooms so midway through the tournament my team got a rest period as I went to the middle where there was a maintenance storage I went behind it and squatted and peed other girl join at the end of the night there was a lot dried puddles and tissue their including mine
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. First time posting....ever like this anywhere but on a cold dark night when the bathroom is to far to go, in the garden against the wall is the next best thing.
    4 points
  7. Oh here's a good find. YouTube video of a guy getting out of the car with some friends and running desperately over to a drain and letting loose a nice stream. It's clear he really needed that piss!
    4 points
  8. It came in my mind this memory from times ago that could be of some interest for somebody, but it could make upset the ones who are passionate for hunting. Years ago, I decided to rent a house in the countryside in order to have some times of relax out the big city during the summer and autumn period. It was a place with beautiful meadows, woods and paths to take long and relaxing walks around the area. When I started to do the first walks around in order to know better the place, once I noticed that at the edge of the big meadow there was a little hut (entirely made of wood with the base ab
    3 points
  9. I know a few parks in and around my area which dont have bathrooms and even if they do, the bathrooms arent within easy walkable distances. So whenever I'm in those parks and theres a crowd, I either find a bush / hedge to pee into, like so many others. But the park's is almost empty then peeing right where I'm sitting - grass or the bench, is also an option.
    3 points
  10. Any pee that doesn't go into a toilet is a good pee, in my opinion!
    3 points
  11. Years ago, when I was in college, my friend "S" would pee pretty much anytime / anywhere the mood struck her, especially when alcohol was involved. A few times in particular that I recall: 1. Walking in the woods home after a party, mid-conversation, she would just pop a squat when she needed to. This happened many times. She often wore skirts to parties to make it easier. 2. One of these times, for whatever reason, we started making out right there in the woods (right after she'd peed), and she even let me finger her under her skirt. Looking back on it, it's kind of weird, beca
    3 points
  12. Hey there! Mind if we ask what are these fantasies of yours, about which you believe you'll never find a woman who'd want to play them out? I know that's a heck of a thing for a stranger like me to ask, but after all, we are here in this community full of people who love peeing, of all things, and besides, in all likelihood neither we nor anyone here on Peefans will ever know your real-life identity anyway (unless you choose to tell them), so really what have you got to lose? Besides, you might just find that it's a relief to put them out there, even if all that means is that you anonymou
    3 points
  13. I have, both in house parties and in clubs. Cant really help it when the bladders are full and the lines are long lol.
    3 points
  14. I peed on the floor at a house party when I was around 19 or 20. In my defense, I was very desperate and it was the middle of winter so outside was not an option. There was a line for the bathroom so I slipped into an empty room instead (it looked to be a home office, so no one had claimed it to hook up). I closed the door behind me and squatted down on the carpet. It felt fantastic and much needed.
    3 points
  15. Had the opportunity to pee in a fitting room and thought I’d share some pics.
    2 points
  16. Didn't have an account set up but this is the video which the images came from. First time recording myself and doubt very much it'll be the last either! https://www.erome.com/a/fkPKfNzg
    2 points
  17. Holy shit that would be so hot. Wandering in a crowd randomly peeing with a platonic friend who knows and shares your piss kink. I want to cum thinking about it
    2 points
  18. I forgot to mention a GREAT opportunity if you are staying in a large or fancy hotel. Go to the function rooms! Larger hotels host conventions, seminars, trade shows, meetings, etc. which use rooms, usually on the ground floor or second floor, from small rooms to ballroom size. There are no cameras in the meeting rooms since discussions are confidential. If you find a room vacant and unlocked, just go in and pee wherever! Usually they have absorbent carpets that hide any evidence. Some have water dispensers -- you can carry a cup of water out so if there is a camera in the hallway you won't
    2 points
  19. Day 15 of peeing my yoga pants. Halfway to my goal and the smell is awesome wish me luck
    2 points
  20. Only the back yard. Nowhere to daring just yet
    2 points
  21. The parks with no bathroom thread inspired me to make this new topic. On that thread I mentioned that at some parks and playgrounds the community seems to have mutually agreed upon pee spots and even given them names. For example one park near us has the “pee tree” that many parents take the kids. The older ones may be instructed to go to the "pee tree" or have just learned to take themselves to pee on / squat behind it. Another park has a space between a line of bamboo and the exterior wall of the neighboring property. Squatting behind he bamboo or peeing on the the wall is common. Has
    2 points
  22. I was around the same age, and due to my parents working different hours, I stayed at my grandmas on weekdays( shed have been about 60 then )........She didnt mind me watching her on the toilet outside (thats all there was back in the 1950's)...She never wiped herself, and just pulled her long legged cotton bloomer type knickers up, and I noticed the damp patch.. Secretly, I started to find her knickers , and smell the gusset, so I got hooked from then, although there wasnt anything sexual about it, I just liked the smell, even if she'd worn them for a day or two......She caught me once,
    2 points
  23. Sometimes I love to piss how I want in public places. Sadly it's too heavy for the forum, here's a link : https://thisvid.com/videos/pee-mess-at-work-again/ Also check my profile, I got a lot of naughty videos with piss and cum vandalism, I love that https://thisvid.com/members/216513/
    2 points
  24. The park closest my house does have bathrooms but they’re only open for particular hours and the hours change based on the time of year. I tried to get in but was met with a locked door. I popped a squat right in front of the door instead. Mind you, no one was around as it was quite early in the morning. I didn’t feel at all bad about peeing there either because I tried to use the facilities and couldn’t so I don’t know what other option could be expected.
    2 points
  25. My first wife and I after our wedding reception headed out on our honeymoon. We were both in need of a pee and we had not driven very far before we stopped at a gas station to relieve our bladders. I went in and retrieved a key to the ladies restroom which was on the side of the building. My new bride invited me to go in with her, and when we entered the small restroom, we discovered that it was not only dirty it was filthy. There was pee all over the seat on single stool and a discarded tampon floating in the amber water in the unflushed bowl. My wife looked at me with a disgusted look on her
    2 points
  26. Last week one day I was out for a walk on a very busy, main city street. Funny enough, right before this happened I was looking at some bushes and wondering if I could sneak behind any to pee after dark. Up ahead on the sidewalk in front of me was a transit station entrance, with people walking back and forth. It was a busy time and there must have been at least 50 people out front of the station door. It's worth noting that this station does not have a public toilet. I saw a woman was leaning against the wall on the sidewalk, and then I realized she wasn't leaning, she was squatti
    2 points
  27. This encounter includes desperation, partial wetting, and naughty peeing. Enjoy, xoxo. (2 parts!) True Desperation (Pt. 1) Last evening my best friend and I were having a few drinks at her house…maybe more than a few. We usually only have a couple but tonight we got a little carried away. We were sitting at the bar in her basement, chatting away, showing each other things on our phones, listening to music, and occasionally laughing hysterically while sipping our drinks throughout the night. Around 12:30 I decided it was time to order an Uber. At this time, it was 20 minutes away
    2 points
  28. 2 choices. The first is a see through bikini. Once it becomes wet it hides nothing. The second is as suggested already is have the buttons "accidentally" move to the side and as you lay on the beach you can have your pussy completely visible without it seeming on purpose. I attached a photo of me at a hotel swimming pool, i spent the whole day swimming and sunbathing with the bikini bottoms to the side. Was extremely thrilling and after a while i forgot i even had it like that until i noticed someone stare 😅
    2 points
  29. Had an experience last Friday where the public park had its bathroom closed for spring day/Good Friday. Me and a few friends had went out there for a picnic and social time. a couple hours in there was the “oh no where do we PEE?” I knew I could not convince my entire friend group to public pee, so I suggested that they all go down a couple blocks where there was a store to use the bathroom while I stayed behind and watched our stuff. I said that I didn’t need to pee. When actually: I had pee, starting to get desperate. So once my friends rounded the corner to walk to the store, I put my pee p
    2 points
  30. Im not really into the whole partyscene. I’m more a stay at home girl. But I have peed the carpet at work 😅. Not a lot, only a small pee. I would like to keep my job 🙈 The unofficial rule at my office is that the first person at work cleans out the dishwasher. So I saw that as the perfect opportunity to pee just a little bit. It gave me the excuse that I spilled some water while picking up an upside down glass. If anyone would Have noticed the wet spot on the carpet I would have an alibi. I was wearing a skirt so I just had to move my undies a bit and went just where I was standin
    2 points
  31. I have read on another forum about girls peeing on carpet and flooring at partys when the toilets are full, do girls actually do this?
    1 point
  32. What's the best part of checking in a hotel?? Finally getting up to the room and getting to pick out the first place to do this! This is my favorite spot... where is yours?
    1 point
  33. So for as long as I can remember I have been obsessed with the smell of my pee, I find it arousing, intoxicating, and just plain bliss for me. I was a child/teen bedwetter. Never had a dry night until age of 14. From about 10–roughly 16 years old . I slept in a bed without using diapers or protection. My sheets were washed weekly. I got so used to being wet and having the smell of pee in my bed or room. At that time I did not really know that I liked the smell. As I got older In my 20s when I would smell it whether it be a public bathroom or at a persons house it would actually get me somewhat
    1 point
  34. Hi all. I just pissed on my fluffy jacket. It was fun. It soaked right in, then I stepped on it and the pee splashed up onto my feet! Fun! 💚 here are before and after photos.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. not personally, but I love the idea of "designated pee spots" where all genders relieve themselves... any other stories?
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. No he doesn't. I don't think he has any kinks at all. We've been together for 8 years, own a home together and have kids. We are happy and I have no plans on leaving him anytime soon (and hopefully he feels the same 🤣). It doesn't bother me that he is not into pee. I'm perfectly happy doing pee stuff on my own. It's how I explored the kink when I first found out I had it at such a young age, so it's no big deal to do it now.
    1 point
  39. I like making it look accidental so i don't go full nude or anything. Maximum i go will be laying down on my stomach tanning with my pussy facing the ocean and have my legs spread so my lips open and anyone coming out of the water can see straight inside me.
    1 point
  40. My Wife and myself have recently toured Scotland in an EV and been surprised how many charging stations are available in remote and beautiful places. One such stop was at a completely empty carpark at Staffin on the Isle of Skye. As we charged She decided She couldn't wait to pee until we were fully charged so we looked at walking down a nearby path but it offered no cover and was open to the view of a row of houses. This was not good enough so we walked back to the car and She tried waiting but her desperation got the better of her and She decided the only place out of sight was to go at the
    1 point
  41. I can really understand you @SexyAndSoaked I was introduced to pissing in a sexual way as a kid by my two older female friends. We used to hang out since our parents worked in a hospital during nights, weekends and days. We spend a lot of time alone at home and we explored each other since we were so different (boy and girl) 😂 We undressed and watched each other pee. Rubbed together and We peed in our beds, outdoor in an abandoned house, on dirty clothes we found in the forrest. After a while we started to pee on each other. I mostly peed on their hands, legs and pussies and they peed on
    1 point
  42. I admire your spirit sir! However, I must confess that based off your username, I am forced to imagine you as either a bi-pedal horse or a centaur. Not that either of those forms are undesirable.
    1 point
  43. I’ve been piss marking around the house secretly lately I started this new thing, I’ve been peeing a little into my girlfriends face wash every other day when the level in the bottle drops, I wonder how much of it is piss by now? It used to be a translucent peach/pink but now is a bit more yellow she even said today that her skin is really good lately haha
    1 point
  44. Welcome to peefans, you will find that we are friendly, supportive and non-judgmental. I look forward to hearing about your fantasies.
    1 point
  45. This past weekend, my mom bought us tickets to a show, so we took a little road trip and stayed in a nice hotel to treat ourselves. As usual, we were both naked for the drive and made no attempt to cover our titties for passing cars. In fact, the weather was so nice, I kept the windows down for a large part of the drive...the cool wind kept our nipples pointy the whole trip! About an hour into the drive, we both started to get the familiar pang in our bladders. We were on a busier highway, so we decided to see how long we could hold it. 15 min passed...then 30, then an hour, then an hour
    1 point
  46. At my university, there used to be a fraternity that threw a famous erotic party. The whole university would go, with everyone provocatively and scantly clad. There was a midwestern girl who had been in my dorm the previous year who I was pretty sure had a pee fetish. She often talked about pee and people would say that she would often blatantly “pop a squat” and instigate others to join her when walking around campus to/from parties and events. She had flirted with me before and I should have dated her but I had a girlfriend when I first met her. Anyway, the next year we ran into her at
    1 point
  47. i'll admit that it has happened to me occasionally in my younger years. but it wasn't like out of spite. i just literally couldn't seem to find the bathroom available after a certain point. and it wasn't like i would just go on the floor. the times it happened, i ended up having actual accidents. i have at parties snuck outside somewhere and purposely relieved myself. but would say it's more common that several of us would burst into the bathroom and use whatever facility happened to be available. like i recall using bathtubs often, even with another girl because our other friend beat us
    1 point
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