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  1. This is how i feel about the topic. Im not judging anyone who sees things differently. Im just trying to explain my viewpoint and adding something to the conversation. I think the answer is simple: Do they want me to watch them ? If the answer is yes, then it is ok. (Im talking about watching. Recording is always a different story.) If the answer is no, then it is not ok. Some similar examples were you CAN do stuff that other people clearly don't want you to do: Staring at other peoples dicks while going to the pissoir. Looking under peoples skirts. Reading other pe
    6 points
  2. Had a few encounters on my venture out last Saturday to update. All through Saturday the weather was terrible and I had resigned myself to just getting a taxi home when I finished work. However when my shift finished the rain had eased off so I decided to head up to town to get the bus home. Given the weather I hadn't even considered going to scope out sightings, I didn't want to hang around and get soaked when I didn't have to. That changed however when a couple of my workmates who had also finished asked if I was coming for a drink. We came out of the pub about 1am and went our separat
    5 points
  3. Ok lets stop fantasising about girls and be honest: (Or keep fantasising but lets not undersell guys :D.) ' Guy + Skirt (Kilt) + no underwer = looks glorious. (I can't /don't want to wear a Kilt is not an excuse because there are more than enough girls who don't (want to) wear skirts either) A Penis can also snipe where a vagina can only spray and pray. You also don't really need to zip up when someone is suddenly coming your way. Just wear a long T-Shirt / jacket and hide your penis with it. As long as the person is not suspecting you AND scanning you they won't be able to
    4 points
  4. Claire Age 19 Natural blonde hair, slim body, small breasts and round face Allie Age 19 Sandy blonde wavy hair, perfectly fit, medium breasts and round face Claire and Allie arrive to the pool Allie "Claire let's put our bags on these two chairs" Claire and Allie put their pool bags down and head into the pool. Claire swims up to a pool wall and stands in the water which goes up to her chest. Claire "I really need to pee". Claire concentrates and presses on her bladder. Claire sighs in relief while her pussy unleashes her pee in the public swimming pool warming the w
    3 points
  5. This is part two of Jonathan's story. You can find part one here: https://peefans.com/topic/22368-jonathans-fortunate-occasions-1/ The last occasion I had told you about - the one were Anna and I had peed in a storage room in the school basement - was not the last pee-incident I shared with her. Afrerwards we talked from time to time, but didn't became particular close friends, maybe even because it reminded her of the embarrassing situation each time she saw me. One day during break she came up to me while I was reading in the school's library and asked me if I could help her out, the
    3 points
  6. Hello 👋 Found the site just googling sites for pee kinks. I began dabbling in pee related play as an adult content creator and my husband hasn't minded a bit. 😆 I now do things like golden showers (give & recieve but I prefer to give them), panty wetting and just general peeing videos. Enjoy finding new poses, positions and ways to go.
    3 points
  7. A brief(ish) story about a guy's exciting ride home with the desperate mother of his best friend. The story will feature female desperation, wetting and peeing .... My best friend Maggie called me the other day with a suspiciously distressed tone in her voice that got me worried. After I asked what was wrong she said: “Samy, could you please, please, PLEASE, do me and my mom a big favor tomorrow?” Relieved that nobody had died I sighed and then, of course, I wanted to know what this favour was about. “My mother is coming back from her business trip tomorrow evenin
    3 points
  8. I'm a legal secretary working for a local solicitor.
    3 points
  9. The lack of consent is the issue and even "cues" that may be indicating that they want to be viewed/recorded are subjective until you actually ask or receive consent from whomever is peeing in public. Just because someone is doing something, anything, in public is not an open invitation to be gawked at or recorded without consent. Whether it's legal or not or if you can physically do it does not make it right. If it's a group of people out bar hopping that are drunk, that's also not an invitation, they are intoxicated and not able to make rational decisions and something in that moment mi
    3 points
  10. Can we keep a little balance here folks - I know the subject is obviously just about 'is it ok to watch and record' but please bear in mind there are two sides to either story. Please can we stop turning this into a 'it's my right to do it...' type argument. Also the 'men treated worse than women' arguments aren't helpful. I'm not singling out any one person there in saying that - but the original question is an opener for intelligent discussion. Let's have some real and intelligent discussion. Let's celebrate what Peefans does best of bringing people together. Some of the comme
    3 points
  11. Fascinating to consider how individual countries' attitudes and laws can vary - so of course anyone would have to take note of the law in their individual countries, and any changes introduced. For example in the UK, the Voyeurism Act of April 2019 makes it illegal to photograph 'upskirts' with a potential prison sentence, and whilst I don't know of precedence, I guess it'd be a pretty easy prosecution argument that photographing a lady with bits on show whilst peeing is also similar. The wording on the UK Government website includes: "The Voyeurism Act outlaws ‘upskirting’ where th
    3 points
  12. Personally, if I saw a woman peeing in the street, my initial reaction would not be to get my phone out and start recording. For a start, there's a high chance that by the time i'd got my phone out my pocket, opened up the camera app and fired up the record button, she'd be done peeing anyway. I would be very turned on at the sight of a woman peeing in public and wouldn't want to miss the spectacle by faffing around with my phone. Secondly, the whole concept of getting a phone out to record a female stranger in such a compromised state with her trousers round her ankles just strikes
    3 points
  13. My name is Jonathan and I like to see girls pee. Of course this isn't the most defining aspect of my personality, but it's the most important one for you to know, before I start telling you my stories. While I wouldn't consider myself a shy man, and I'm quite extroverted in my usual all day life, those extrovertedness ends when it comes to any kind of romantic or outright sexual interactions. I have no problem talking to girls, not even talking to those I like, but I always end up becoming friends with said girls. But fate has been kind to me and I got in quite a number of pee related incident
    2 points
  14. Time for another story of my ex! I was at work, and my wife at the time was doing a 3 hour drive home from another city. As in the first story, she had just discovered coffee which was making her pee constantly. With that in mind I suggested she come and pick me up from work on her way home, but that I had a meeting and she would need to wait til that was finished. She messaged me about 90min before my meeting was to be finished and told me "I think I'm going to have to go straight home, I need to pee SO bad", but after some negotiations she agreed to wait for me, saying "ok I'll wai
    2 points
  15. The moral and legal aspects of peeing in public are areas which could well lead to significantly differing views between people and have been mentioned on some other threads as an aside. There are several people (including me) on this forum who enjoy seeing girls pee outside and also enjoy reading about accounts from people who have seen girls peeing or even watching videos published online. There are some great videos out there taken at carnivals and events which feature lots of ladies having a pee in public areas with varying levels of seclusion including between cars, in the woods, behi
    2 points
  16. Does anyone else find the sight and smell of freshly used tissue wipe hot? Say after peeing, a woman wipes and the wipe is thrown somewhere where cross-contamination isn't a huge factor, like somewhere off a hiking trail or into a freshly lined waste basket, is there anything wrong with smelling that wipe?
    2 points
  17. The second sighting came a while later, again up by McDonald's, or more specifically in the town square. At first I was gutted as I had just walked back up that way and thought I had just missed a sighting, however it worked out as it became another sighting. I was slowly wandering back up the main road and across the road was a guy and a girl. As I walked up another guy came across and went over to them. He said something and the girl responded saying "we are just waiting for those two, I'm not sure where they are". I reached the side of McDonald's and stood against the railings checkin
    2 points
  18. Thank you all for the wonderful comments! Next time I have a fun piss I'll be sure to post it
    2 points
  19. Sex Bizarre Six In the previous issue the theme centred around the notion of a guy ‘spying’ on two young women taking a shower together and going to the toilet. Peering through the keyhole in what could have been apartments or indeed, student accommodation where there are shared facilities. Issue Six concerns itself with a similar theme, although this is set in the workplace and the male voyeur peeks through a hole in the cubicle of a public toilet. The hole has been drilled behind the loo roll holder and is somewhat prescient given todays fetish for seeking sexual pleasure through
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's perfectly legal to photograph someone in a public space, even if they are doing something embarrassing. And I highly doubt that a woman could get a man in trouble if he films her peeing in public without getting in trouble herself, since peeing in public is illegal in most areas.
    2 points
  22. My gf will let me drink her pee straight from the tap occasionally but when she's not in the mood for that she will let me clean her up with my tongue. Great way to get a taste without the mess.
    2 points
  23. Chapter 3: Duty Calls As the two watch the sun slowly crawl down the dimming sky Patty notices a distinctive carriage cross the cobblestone streets. “Ugh, aristocrats. Think they’re hot shit with the money they use to gussy themselves up instead of helping the needy.” Celeste hadn’t seen Patty filled with such principled disgust before. “They deny needs from others for their own gain?” Celeste asks, genuinely puzzled. “Pretty much, but their timing’s pretty good right now. Watch this!” Patty clamors onto the windowsill, this time adopting a squat facing towards the str
    2 points
  24. The time the door wouldn’t close A brief but nice sighting today. This happened last week so it’s still fresh in my mind. It was last Thursday afternoon and I had just parked my car in the relatively empty council parking lot behind the supermarket, ready to go and do my shopping. I notice a pale, early-20s, dark haired girl in jeans and a crop top making her way over to the “Exeloo” automated public toilet on the edge of the carpark. She’s walking at a fairly brisk pace - a sign of desperation perhaps. As she arrives at the toilets, the electric sliding door is already
    2 points
  25. sometimes the only time you get to is on your lunch break. 😇🤫
    2 points
  26. While I do agree with you that out in public there is no general expectation of privacy, I will say that this is the exact reason why I don't/won't pee outside or anywhere not in the privacy of my own home lol. I don't wanna be filmed peeing and then find my face on the internet because I don't even put myself out there sexually like that. I would feel so awful if I peed outside and someone ran up to me throwing a camera in my face, or filmed me from a far. I've peed in a public space once, a pool fitting room and fortunately I was all alone so I doubt I'm on the internet somewhere. I'm very s
    2 points
  27. This one's a bit shorter than my usual stories, but I'm pretty happy with it. I'm probably going to work on the next Amazon Mom chapter soon. I hope you enjoy my story! As a musician once said, what you’ve been looking for has been here the whole time. It wasn’t until I returned for college that I realized I had feelings for my best friend Elizabeth. However, realizing I had feelings for her was just the beginning. We’d known each other since we were children. She lived a few houses down from me. We used to walk over and visit each other all the time. Our houses were on the ed
    2 points
  28. I personally love to lick a womans privates after she has peed. I even like to service a woman after she has been in a wet nappy for a while. Its the most amazing experience for her and me.
    1 point
  29. *Pst* you can also go on your knees or pee in a squatting position :P.
    1 point
  30. Yes. I do, definitely. Especially if I've witnessed the peeing and therefore know that it is a fresh tissue from a good looking lady. Wipes - not so keen. They are usually fragrenced, which detracts from the ladies own smell.
    1 point
  31. Color Climax was a legitimate publisher putting out high quality material. In one of the Color Climax mags, I think a lesbian brand, I once saw the camera guy doing an endorsement for a camera company, saying it was used in shooting the magazine. It may have been Canon. Can you imagine that here in the US? ☺️
    1 point
  32. Total credit to 'Claire' and 'Allie' in this story. At the age of 19 I'd have been very tempted to behave exactly as they did. As 'Claire' I'd have loved the thought of the curious swimmer being able to feel the warmth of my pee on his face! By the way, welcome to PeeFans @Pturp.
    1 point
  33. You haven't given an update yet so it seems like you are still open for input. I would simply arrange a nice evening, maybe with something nice to drink to ease the tension. I wouldn't go for Board games or a movie. I would opt for something that gives you many opportunities to talk about stuff. Maybe a BBQ or maybe you could cook a nice meal together. Steer the conversation towards remembering old stories and adventures you both had. Then when the mood is right, i would open with something like: "Remember when you peed in the sink (or whatever your best story ist). I found out that i reall
    1 point
  34. I played in a college sport where the small men's and women's teams travelled together by bus along with coaches and 2 trainers (both female). One tournament with many schools participating, we travelled early in the morning for about 3 hours by coach bus, but in this case the toilet on the bus was broken. The bus made no stops at rest areas and shortly before we arrived a couple people joked about peeing in their water bottles if we didn't stop soon. When we got to the University sports center, we were guided down a basement cooridoor to a training room and told not to leave, while our
    1 point
  35. I should clarify, only when you get the opportunity. I certainly wouldn't expect you to make a special trip just for this. I'll next be there in October, I believe, for a gig.
    1 point
  36. Swimming and Pissing On one occasion we decided that we were going to go for a swim while we were visiting family in another city. We had been having a lot of peeing fun since that first night behind the bus shelter and today it was going to continue at the swimming pool, it wasn’t something we had planned to do, well it wasn’t something I had planned to do anyway. To keep it brief we were in the pool, which was a kind of fun pool with a few flumes, wave machine etc etc. We were Down at the deep end, leaning up against the side having a chat when my ex decided she was going to stradd
    1 point
  37. I suggest you seek out girls who are 'outdoorsy' and strike up a conversation with them. If you come across one that seems to offer promise, maybe you can suggest two of you spend the better part of a day together. I'm pretty sure that nature will tag along. Given all its wide open spaces, this should be pretty easy in Wyoming. The ones I've met there don't seem to be shy.
    1 point
  38. Was a data analyst in health, now retired 🥳
    1 point
  39. because i like math problems like this: per google, an average amount of pee per piss is 250-400mls. we will say 400. an average amount of times to pee a day is 6-7. with this: 2.5 million L / 400 l = 6,250,000 pees 6250000 pees/6 pees a day=1041666.6 days = 2853.8 years for one person peeing to fill a olympic pool if there was help: no idea how many active members there are on the site, but I'd say maybe 150 give or take? so: 2853.8/150=19 years if everyone pees in the pool to fill it up. still a long time! HOWEVER, if we are talking residential/hotel sized pool which is a
    1 point
  40. I recently bought some diapers to try for the first time after reading some stories on here. I did quite like the fun of peeing anywhere I liked and whenever I needed without having to have the messy clean up (I only wore it at home alone). And I have to say the first time I did it I fell asleep in it as the warmth was really settling. I will use the rest of the pack when the mood takes me but they weren’t that comfortable overall and made me feel a little self conscious so not sure I’d buy another pack.
    1 point
  41. I always was kind of fascinated by peeing, since I was a little child. Then one day, looong time ago some of my friends were showing me some porn in the internet (back then the internet was very different, only images and loading a single image took a couple of seconds). They wanted to show me some crazy things, and they also showed me some pictures of peeing girls. I was pretty much overwhelmed and thought that this was the hottest thing that I had ever seen. Of course I had to play it cool and I could not show my friends that I found this super hot, so I said something like "wow this is real
    1 point
  42. I think my limit is around 36 hours. One weekend I started wetting myself Saturday morning, and kept going until Sunday evening. I changed outfits a couple of times. Wearing the same outfit though it will only be around 22 hours. I put my work suit on in the morning, and peed on the train before work, and just kept wetting myself all day, went to the cinema and wet myself there, and then went clubbing! I would not normally go that long without changing but it was a busy day and I did not have time to put on a clubbing outfit. I might have even slept in my work suit after that, but I can't
    1 point
  43. So I never thought about drinking my own piss, I decided to try it today and I mixed it with some mineral water, about 50/50. I didn't realize just how much I piss during the day so I decided to piss today into a 3 quart/2.5 liter jug and I almost filled it up in 2 pissing sessions. After I let it cool down, I filled a glass 50/50 and drank it. Holy shit, was it good. Had a little hint of the pee smell which I liked and before I finished it I masturbated & came into the cup and finished my drink. Never thought I would do that either!!!
    1 point
  44. Those both sound good, I'll be sure to try them! Thanks so much!
    1 point
  45. A female friend of mine was house sitting for her boss this summer while her boss was away on vacation. Her boss has a gorgeous house with a big pool and a cabana in the back yard. The cabana has a bathroom built in so there's no need to go into the house which I thought was very smart. My friend invited me over for a swim one day when she was looking after this place. She has young 2 daughter's who had a couple friends over swimming too. We basicly just laid by the pool and drank while the kids swam. At one point she mentioned that she needed to pee so I told her I could watch
    1 point
  46. I had myself posted some milder scat image threads on this site but these appear to have already been deleted. This is Admin's call and I respect it and ask that all other members do the same. If I or any other mod should stumble across any of my such images still remaining, please delete on sight. As a mod, I along with all the other mods will enforce this rule. As Admin says, there are other sites where such imagery can be posted. If I wish to post such material, for example, I will use Eroprofile, but it is not a biggie for me so such stuff won't appear there often. Like everyone
    1 point
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