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About glad1

  • Rank
    PeeFans Royalty
  • Birthday October 10

Personal Information

  • Gender
    straight male (okay, maybe a few kinks)
  • Occupation
    science writer/editor
  • Location
    southeast US
  • About Me
    I'm a lover of both women and the outdoors, especially women who enjoy being in the outdoors with me.
    A nice guy but have a naughty side (actually, it's in the front), much more playful than filthy and appreciate a well-developed sense of humor and quick wit.
    I'm particularly fond of working double meanings into conversations and love to play with my words. (maybe my second favorite form of play)
    In fact, an ex girlfriend described me as very clever with them. Actually, the exact ones she used were "cunning linguist." (sorry, that was a slip of the tongue)

    I welcome my friends to drop by anytime to ask questions, chat, swap stories, maybe even share a cup or two.

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    the three w's - warm, wet and a womans
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    On the third date, a woman spilled her beer in front of me. After she drank it! I guess she was just making more room.

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  1. I can't say I never do. It seems some of my friends here can talk me into most anything. 😏
  2. It might be tame for some, but I've had some of my best experiences on hiking trails. I certainly hope you found it fun and enjoyed it enough you're encouraged to do it again and again.
  3. Some years back (more than ten but less than 20) I found a coffee shop in a small town in western North Carolina. I'd just come off a trail with my hiking partner, so we stopped for a cup of dark roast and catch up on our mail. That cup turned into two (or was it three?), so by the time we were ready to leave, it was a good idea we took advantage of a bathroom before we set off again. It was only a single unisex one and there were no other customers in the store. Seeing as the two of us weren't shy around one another, she walked towards the bathroom with me just a step or two behind. I wa
  4. Judging by your name, I'm not surprised you're down to it. 😁 I find hiking to be the perfect excuse for outdoor peeing. It's one of the few places our society seems to at least tolerate it. For those of us who hike regularly, it's pretty much expected out in nature. Of course, there are still those who find such behavior offensive. To them I say, look the other way. To those who don't, I might mention it's a great opportunity for sightings. 😛
  5. As much as I love the outdoors, I've seen to it I have several options at home. Probably my first choice is the shower, since it's where I head first thing most mornings. But, I also have a bucket in my office that sees plenty of use when I'm online, a utility sink in the garage and a large cup beside my bed so I don't have to get up in the night.
  6. I've led many hiking groups, usually a good mix of both men and women. One of the first things I taught them was the importance of good hydration. And probably the first question I got asked was what to do when they needed to pee as a result. And not just from women, apparently some men had never spent much time outside. Like any good leader, I'd try my best to make them feel comfortable, by regularly scheduling stops in places that offered privacy. Most took advantage of the situation, though some still insisted on holding all day, despite my trying to set a good example. I conside
  7. I'm pretty sure that ant colony from now on will describe the event as "The Great Flood." And if those were carpenter ants, I'm sure they would have all gotten together to construct for themselves a large boat.
  8. I trust you told her, "I'm loud and proud!" 😝
  9. I recall one time in particular. I was spending a day on the water in a small boat, with a couple that I knew and three people that I didn't. As the day went on, one by one we all took our turns to pee, the men at the stern, the women over the side. I don't remember if it was my first or second time, but I was standing on the stern platform pissing out a pretty good stream, when one of the women I didn't know came to the back of the boat,. She grabbed a drink from the cooler, then leaned over getting a look at me. I'm pretty sure the whole boat heard her yell out "nice cock!"
  10. So true! It's much better to have peeing in a public a choice, not an imposition.
  11. I seldom use a toilet when I'm out. And if I do, it's usually not to pee. When I do stop to answer a "nature call', I typically seek out enough privacy that I don't offend anyone. But, should they be closely passing by, they don't have to look if they don't want to see me.
  12. I, too, have found a bottle to be very useful on those long drives, especially in urban areas where its not such a good idea to get out of the truck/car. But, I find those outdoor pees far more satisfying, especially when you can fully empty your more than uncomfortable bladder, not to mention getting to enjoy the breeze blowing on your parts.
  13. I don't think I was either the first couple thousand times, so all I can say is practice... practice... practice. 😁 Even these days, if the target is a toilet I usually have more of my stream land outside than within.
  14. Nice to see you active on here again. It's even better when you return with a great story and picture. It looks like nature was practically begging you to pee there. I'd have likely headed for the same place myself. In fact, it would have been most interesting if I had come across you on the trail, you walking back to your car while I was on my way there and then to find your puddle. Make that two very satisfying pees!
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