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  1. Eva Green, dark, sultry and sexy...ooh pee for me Eva, pee....😉😜❤️
    5 points
  2. As it was bank holiday weekend Sunday night had become a “night out” night and as expected it had been quite busy. The last session of bingo finishes at 10 o’clock and this is usually when you get a mass of people leaving. Then the rest of the people gradually leave over the next hour. Just after half 10 a young couple came out and walked over to the desk. They had come in about 5 o’clock and I had signed them both up as new members. The girl was what I would describe as fake and chavvy. She was all fake tan and makeup and had drawn on eyebrows and false nails and all that other fake stuf
    4 points
  3. I wrote a fair portion of this on a phone - by no means the optimal method - so there might be some typos and such. I'll probably fix and update when I get a chance. ... This story takes place a few months after the US Army posted me to Paris. I was working at something called the Office of Defence Cooperation, which is basically the US military’s portion of the American embassy in France, and I had just started dating this American girl named Emily. A civilian at the embassy whom I’m friends with had set me up with her – said she was like her third cousin or step-cousi
    3 points
  4. You could basically do any drinking game. But everytime you would normally drink, you now have to pee your pants a little bit. There are enough out there you can do on your own, too.
    3 points
  5. Creating reasons to wet is an intriguing idea. Generally I don't try to rationalize wetting, I simply do it. The times when I have rationalized it are pretty much always when I'm outdoors and dirty (planting or weeding in the garden, cutting the grass, cutting or splitting firewood, etc) and the reason is always the same: not wanting to track dirt into the house.
    3 points
  6. Hi everyone I experienced the greatest thing for me this weekend. True story My wife and I got married last week and for a minimoon, we went to mid Wales to a little shack. It was quite remote. Now if I havent said it before,my wife is very shy and when I have asked her to pee in public, she always declines. Essentially the fear of getting caught is a major wall for her to get over. Weve been away before in remote(ish) locations and despite complaints of needing a wee, she would never do it. The stipulation being she would have to be about to wet herself and be secure in the th
    2 points
  7. She had never been shy about peeing in front of me. I remember, one time before we'd even married, that we were camping with the kids (from prior marriages) and she squatted down right there between the tents and firepit one morning, and let it fly. I dared not show my hardness: there were kids in the tents. She was the best sex partner I ever had. Years went by, and she was so satisfying that I forgot all about my pee fetish. Then one day we were on a hike without the kids. She said she had to pee. So did I. We peed in our different directions, I finished before she did (she
    2 points
  8. Just a quick update on the tomato irrigation system. Following advice from @gldenwetgoose I have replaced the Arduino Uno with a Nano Every (very much neater and more compact - I could fit it on the perf board) and dispensed with the separate controller 9V battery (using the 12V regulated supply that also powers the solenoid valve). I finally got round to testing those improvements, and it all still works. Calibration still to do (the tomatoes are growing nicely, but I am still watering manually at the moment). But that trial and error stage of the project will be fun and I have several weeks
    2 points
  9. That sounds great wetting yourself for ail that time in the same outfit. Not wearing knickers makes it so convenient.
    2 points
  10. There is actually a pretty easy way to pee with an erection. Overstimulate the Glans. Basically, if you get you palm wet, and stretch it flat, then put it flat against the urethra and glans, then move it in a circular motion. Don't close your palm, keep it flat. The stimulation to the urethra and glans will induce urination.
    2 points
  11. Whether it is just someone moaning that they need to pee or somebody full on pee dancing I always love these encounters because, as I said before, I love that they let the imagination run wild. The conclusions to these sightings are open to imagination, as is the build up. I love to wonder how someone got to that state of being desperate. However sometimes you get the answers to those questions and it just makes the encounter all that more fun knowing the facts. This happened last Sunday and as it was bank holiday weekend and we had special promotions on we expected it to be busy. Usuall
    2 points
  12. Sorry about the super long gap between posts, life got really hectic for a bit there. I've got quite a few videos to share from the last little while tho 😉 Short descriptions below https://www.erome.com/i/53O1NJNe A nice tame sink pee https://www.erome.com/i/dTarLE0c Pre wetting my laundry https://www.erome.com/i/XWdVNBkQ Lid and handle of a garbage bin https://www.erome.com/i/ehbbSp61 Seat of a park bench https://www.erome.com/i/QnynWjFc Distance pissing on public stairs https://www.erome.com
    2 points
  13. Fictional story about a girl called Charlotte (19) who has had the fantasy about smashing up a house for the past few years and now has the chance with her own house After years of living with her parents Charlotte finally managed to find a house she could rent and do whatever she wanted to. She'd had fantasies about destroying furniture and using a house as a toilet for years and she'd finally been able to have that opportunity. Every night she'd masturbated on her bed wanting to piss all over it, but knowing she just want able to do that whilst living at home... but she no longer lived
    1 point
  14. Hi, I have been into desperation for more than I care to remember 🙂 I think I was about 13 or 14, when I was trying to delay my neighbour,a girl about my own age when she announced that she needs to pee. At the same time I was also looking for closed toilets and spying the women who tried to get in for their reactions. My first real girlfriend was a from a partner school in lithuania . I didn't much discuss desperation and holding pee with her, but she didn't have any problems squatting in my sight when it was suitably dark and she needed to go. At 18 I went to university and met my cur
    1 point
  15. Welcome aboard!
    1 point
  16. I did the carpet!! Then I held myself back and let the rest of my pee fill a glass on my floor, I was basking in relief through the entire flows. I ran out of room in the one glass and luckily had another water glass sitting around and swapped and didn’t end the stream between as I finished in the other. I usually prefer chairs and sinks and fun outdoor positions. You seem like you’d be really fun to mark territory with in the woods (or wherever 😉
    1 point
  17. Sounds like a great experience! No apprenticeship is complete without listening to girls pee.
    1 point
  18. Wow, since you pee so powerfully when standing, I assume your stream must also be quite powerful when sitting? Which is interesting because I thought most women who have stray streams running down bums or thighs have a weak stream, since it goes to the side when not shooting forward with enough force. Do you get stray streams when sitting only toward the end, or do they run stray the whole time you’re peeing?
    1 point
  19. Interesting, would you mind sharing some more details? Like what position on the toilet makes you wet yourself the most? And where do you usually get stray streams, bums, thighs, or else?
    1 point
  20. So ofcourse I like watching girls take a pee. Ofcourse I enjoy peeing in places outside of a toilet, isn't that why we are all here? My girlfriend isn't into pee, but she knows I like to watch her. She also doesn't have any inhibitions about peeing (not because of me, but because of her general attitude and how she was raised) and has peed in parking lots, parking garages, alleys and what not purely out of convenience. This is all fun and games ofcourse. She asks me almost everytime she goes for a pee if I want to watch. That does sound very nice, but do you guys consider EVERY pee sexua
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. I love boobs! And as I am very much attracted to chubby girls rather than slim, athletic I also prefer bigger boobs. Having said that, my ex had an E-cup so they were quite massive. I loved them and admired them every single time she undressed, even at the times we weren't going to have sex but just undressing to sleep or something. My current girlfriend has smaller boobs (still a little more than a handfull though), so you'd expect I'd prefer my ex's boobs. However, I love my current girlfriends boobs way better. She loves getting sucked on and bit in her nipples (when I do it very
    1 point
  23. A prototype is being trialled at the Bristol Comedy Garden at the weekend. Is there anyone here near Bristol who could make a site visit and report back?
    1 point
  24. It’s impossible for every single piss to be an erotic experience. Mostly I just piss because I have to. And with family around, it’s not easy. Sometimes I’m able to plan out being able to do something. Other times it just happens. We just came back off vacation. Where we were staying had a huge shower. The other day, my wife and I decided to share a shower. I realized I had to take a leak, and knew I couldn’t start a shower without it being over powering. I went before the shower. Last night, I took a shower alone and really had to piss. I held it until the shower started and let it go. That f
    1 point
  25. I like this story keep going
    1 point
  26. The following Saturday night I was at the front desk and we had just had a bit of a rush of people and I was just having a quiet moment dealing with a customer when 5 young girls came in, all dressed up for a night out and from the sounds of it already a little tipsy. They came up to the desk and one of them told me that she had been before but none of the others had and a couple of them had just turned 18 during lockdown and wanted to know what they needed to do. I asked if they all had ID and they said yes so I told them I could get them signed up here and now and put 4 forms on the de
    1 point
  27. People wanted the fun little desperation encounters I have gotten at work so here we go. I will post these in and amongst the pee sightings, which I'm hoping given the success of last weekend are going to be plentiful. Since I started working at my job I discovered that working in that kind of venue can be great for witnessing those little moments of desperation, especially whilst manning the front desk. I have gotten a bunch over my time there and will gradually get to sharing them. I decided to see if people wanted to hear them as in the past few weeks of being reopened I have had a fe
    1 point
  28. I carefully copied the bell shaped curve from the screen. The Professor was talking to a couple of students in the front. What exciting thing would he be discussing today? Statistics wasn't exactly my most exciting class... A slim Asian girl, wearing glasses, walked up to me with folded arms. I forced a smile, "Hi Sharon! How are you today?" "Billy, you know my name.." "And you know my name too!" "So you heard about Ann, and you decided to take advantage of her?" "Something like that.." "Do you have an Asian fetish?" "Do you have a White fetish? Bec
    1 point
  29. If I was the opposite sex for the weekend I would keep drinking so I could explore and discover as much as possible. I'd want to make the most of it. I want to see all the differences, and new experiences. I'd like to see if it feels different. Can I feel it travelling through my penis before it comes out? What is it like peeing with foreskin? What about with an erection? Does filling up feel different? Is it different being desperate as a man than a woman? Maybe you feel it somewhere else. What is sitting on the toilet like with yourself pointing into the bowl? I'd like to pee
    1 point
  30. I'd pee anywhere but the toilet if given the chance. The toilet can be reserved for other matters.
    1 point
  31. I vaguely remember there was a old law probably in UK that made it fully legal for a pregnant woman to pee in public and it seems your mom executed that well.
    1 point
  32. Former England cricketer and now TV and radio commentator Isa Guha. She's sexy and she knows it. I'd love to watch her wearing a skirt and high heel wedge sandals, doing a TV interview on the pitch after a game, and just peeing on to the grass mid question.
    1 point
  33. No panties, always bare under my skirt. It would have been nice taking my stockings off in the shower though.
    1 point
  34. After going back down along the street I noticed a pattern. I think as people realised they would have to wait a while to get into the bars they just decided to stay there rather than move between as they usually would. Also people were not staying out as long as usual as the nightclubs are not yet open. This meant for a while there was a cycle of there being no queues for the bars at all and then every so often you would get a few people waiting. Instead my attention was now focused on the taxi queue as that was quite long and similar to the bar queues had quite a long wait. I witnessed
    1 point
  35. When I got back down to the street I walked back over to the shop and leant on the wall, scoping out the queue for the bar and checking out the new people who had joined. I was happy to see when I looked down the queue that the three girls who had got the cans of lager were still there, now 3rd in line. I was even happier to see the blonde girl in the green jumpsuit dancing on the spot. At first it just looked like her and one of her friends were just dancing but then she showed the tell tale signs of needing to pee. She kept doing little bobs on the spot and couldn’t keep her legs still. I sm
    1 point
  36. That was great that you were able to be honest with her about the effect that her peeing had on you and that it led to the start of lots of fun.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. @puddyls a loose summer dress that is see through in the sunlight is just lovely, the thought that there is probably a pair of damp panties underneath is even better 😍😃
    1 point
  39. Hi Theo,well you obviously DO love to pee with an erection 🙂I have viewed your video,very nice too! Earlier today i tried to pee with an erection as you can see in these photos i nearly made it, this is the closest i have come to managing it. I shall have to try again soon,practice makes perfect! So when you do pee with an erection you get pre cum too 😃that sounds great! Well sexismygod, looks like there are a number of us that like to pee with an erection....or at least try ha ha!
    1 point
  40. Literally one of my regular naughty pee spots is the bathroom floor. If it’s on the bathroom floor (toilets are wack!, can’t get a nice view using one of those!) I have these big old towels I just toss over it and let it soak up. I have to keep lots of those on deck bc when I pee, I PEE! Sometimes I be leaving a literal golden lake behind so I need lots of old towels not only to have enough to soak up my big puddle I left, but so I don’t run out because I love peeing on the bathroom floor and taking a video of it with my phone so it happens often. I need to have extra towels so that I still ha
    1 point
  41. All these lovely ladies here have wonderful, delightfully sized breasts; enough to caress and erotically succulent. Like many of you, I agree - tiny tits are sexy as all can be.
    1 point
  42. Sometimes can mean once a day, or every couple of days. Bum cheeks, thighs, loo seat lol
    1 point
  43. i had wet these, but that stain wasn’t what was obvious when i took them off. lol. 😳
    1 point
  44. I usually go to nude beaches. When it’s not so crowded I don’t really think too much about it. I just let it go.
    1 point
  45. Hovering is a problem for most of us. I e peed on many seats trying to hover. And I have to admit that I have just left the pee on the seat if I come across a very dirty bathroom that you can tell hasn’t been touched with cleaner in ages. I feel if they don’t care why should I.
    1 point
  46. New to the site, but I have to chime in. Tiny titties for me! A cups are nice but if I can find them, gimme AA cups. i have never been with a woman whose tits were to small, but I have had some tits that were too big! The flatter the chest, the sexier the tits. braless A cups beats padded B cups or saggy C cups anyway
    1 point
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