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    • Everything  is taking ages to load again, and is so bad that the site is almost unusable at this moment in terms of getting any pleasure. Someone has just sent me a PM probably relating to some videos and I cannot get the damned message to load. Feeling rather frustratred
    • Part 2     It had been almost a year since that fateful, peculiar night when Tracey and Sharon had shared a silent, intimate moment. Unbeknownst to them, their lives would change forever, and a secret bond would form between them, connecting them in a way they had never expected. As the anniversary of their first encounter approached, Sharon found herself feeling an uncanny pull towards the familiar bar district. She had not returned to this area since that night, but now she felt an irresistible urge to do so. As Sharon stepped out on that warm Saturday evening in June, a slight breeze ruffled her short dominatrix bob, and she felt a tingle of anticipation. She deliberately chose to wear her favourite denim mini skirt, knowing that she would forego any underwear. The memory of the dampness spreading across her skirt from that night a year ago sent a shiver down her spine, and she relished the private thrill it brought. Sharon was typically an introvert, but there was something about this evening that made her feel bold and adventurous. Meanwhile, Tracey, always the more confident of the two, had been looking forward to this night as well. She had a penchant for such unique experiences and had often relived that memorable evening in her mind. Tonight, she chose a figure-hugging, short black dress and a pair of strappy heels, her long hair cascading down her back. Like Sharon, she too had forgone underwear, a deliberate choice that added to the thrill of the night. Sharon arrived at the bustling bar district, her heart fluttering with anticipation. She slowly wandered through the familiar streets, her eyes scanning the crowds for any sign of Tracey. The evening air was warm, and as she walked, she could feel the denim of her skirt brushing against her thighs, a sensation that heightened her awareness and quickened her pulse. Meanwhile, Tracey had positioned herself at a street corner, leaning casually against a lamp post, a glass of cocktail in her hand. Her confident demeanour drew glances from passers by, but she remained focused on her purpose for being here. As she observed the crowd, her eyes sparkled with anticipation, eager to reconnect with the woman she had shared an unspoken bond with a year ago. Sharon's heart skipped a beat as she turned a corner and spotted Tracey. She felt a surge of relief and excitement wash over her. Tracey looked even more stunning than she remembered, and Sharon felt a momentary nervousness. Without realizing it, she slowed her pace, discreetly moistening her palms with her tongue as she took in the sight of Tracey confidently owning the street corner. As Sharon approached, her steps measured and deliberate, their eyes locked, and a silent understanding passed between them once more. Tracey straightened, raising her cocktail in a subtle toast, her eyes never leaving Sharon's. Sharon felt her breath quicken, and she nodded almost imperceptibly in response, a small, knowing smile playing on her lips. They both approached each other slowly, their movements deliberate, as if in a dance. The crowd seemed to part for them, the buzz of conversation and music creating a backdrop to their silent encounter. As they came closer, each took in the other's appearance, noting the absence of underwear, their eyes flicking towards the dampness that was beginning to form on the fabric of their skirts and dresses. The game had begun once more, and they both knew the rules. Without a word, they stepped even closer, their bodies almost touching. Sharon could feel the heat radiating from Tracey, and she inhaled her subtle, alluring fragrance. Their eyes remained locked, communicating a host of unspoken words and intentions. The bar district buzzed with energy, music, and laughter, but for Tracey and Sharon, the world had narrowed to just the two of them. They stepped into a quieter alley, seeking privacy for what was to come. Neither wanted to break the silence, for words would have ruined the moment. Their bodies now pressed together, and they could feel the dampness on each other's clothes, a tangible reminder of their shared secret. Tracey's breath was warm on Sharon's neck, and she let out a soft, involuntary moan, her eyes fluttering closed. Sharon's heart raced as she felt Tracey's hand gently caress her skirt, the fabric clinging to her skin in the places where she had wet herself. Tracey leaned in, her lips brushing Sharon's ear, and whispered, "I've been waiting for this night. For you." Sharon shivered at the sensation of Tracey's warm breath against her skin, and she felt a warmth spread throughout her body. It was as if a year's worth of anticipation was culminating in this very moment. Their kiss was passionate and deep, a release of the tension that had built between them over the past year. It was a confirmation of the silent bond they had formed, and a promise of the secrets yet to be revealed. As their mouths explored, their hands roamed, feeling the dampness on each other's clothes, their skins tingling with Goosebumps as the cool evening air caressed their bare legs. Tracey's hand gently squeezed Sharon's thigh, and she pulled back slightly, their foreheads resting against each other as they caught their breath. Sharon's eyes were closed, her expression one of pure satisfaction. Tracey gently brushed a stray lock of hair from Sharon's face, her thumb lingering on the soft skin of her cheek. "I felt drawn here tonight," Sharon whispered, her eyes fluttering open to meet Tracey's gaze. "I had to see you again." Tracey smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Me too. It was like our secret called me back here, to you." Their hands entwined as they stepped out of the alley, back into the bustling streets. The night was young, and their silent encounter had only just begun. Together, they would explore the depths of their shared experience and the secrets that would bind them even closer. And so, their story continued, a tale of silent desires, clandestine encounters, and a unique bond that would forever connect them.
    • Nice! My wife K has a top exactly like this, and has worn it without a bra on occasion 🙂
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