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Real Pee Encounters & Experiences

Genuine pee stories and sightings. 

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  1. Airport dribble

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  2. Pissing in cars

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  3. Casual sighting

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  4. Self peeing 1 2

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  5. Shower pee

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  6. Peeing by the Pool

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  7. Peeing on the job 1 2

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  8. Truth

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  9. Sand Dune Pee

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    • i hope to meet hot girl love pee in Egypt 
    • Luca decides to stop giving Zack more frequent bathroom breaks when they’re in public, and whatever happens happens. Chapter 5: The bus -- Luca's perspective -- Luca had cum so hard after Zack wet himself in the movie theater, and despite his boyfriend being so humiliated he almost cried in the car on the way home, he was pretty sure Zack loved it just as much. Still, he loved the big oaf, and seeing him that overwhelmed and ashamed from something Luca had done to him worried him enough that he decided to bring it up after.  But it turned out that he had nothing to worry about. Zack reassured him that he got off on the shame and the humiliation like nothing else, and that the meaner Luca was about it the more it turned him on.  “To be honest, walking out and knowing people were looking at me… that they knew what happened… I kinda wanted to strangle you, but I’d also never been so turned on,” Zack admitted to him. Then he smiled at Luca, a big goofy smile that warmed his heart. “Besides, I trust you enough to do this with you. I’ll safeword if it’s ever too much.”  With his anxieties eased, Luca started thinking about how he could take it further from here. He loved seeing Zack humiliated in public, and now he knew how much Zack loved it too, so the door was wide open. He decided that he would just cut back on Zack’s bathroom use in public. If he could push him to the edge everywhere they went, sooner or later something fun was bound to happen.  The day finally came a couple weeks later. Luca’s car was broken down and Luca didn’t care for riding on Zack’s motorcycle, so they were using the bus while the car was in the shop. They were on a date at a nice restaurant, and Luca hadn’t let Zack piss since they’d left the house a couple hours before. By the time they paid, Zack was squirming.  “Luca, can I go now?” he asked quietly as they got up out of their seats.  “Hmm… No, you can go when we get home,” he promised him, then grabbed his hand. He thought he was being perfectly reasonable. Between the walk to the bus stop, the bus ride, and then the walk home it probably wouldn’t be more than half an hour before they were home. Zack seemed to find this agreeable too, as he nodded and followed Luca out without much argument.  The bus was crowded, and Zack and Luca weren’t able to find a seat. Instead they both held onto a metal pole, fairly packed in among a dense crowd. Luca didn’t think Zack would have any trouble making it home, and he felt a small twinge of disappointment at that. But halfway home, the bus stopped for a suspicious length of time. Luca tried to look outside, but packed in as they were he couldn’t tell what was going on. The minutes stretched on with the bus barely moving, before finally the driver made an announcement. “Sorry folks, looks to be a pretty bad backup, sounds like there was an accident a couple miles up. Not sure how long the delay is going to be.”  The panic on Zack’s face was palpable, and Luca grinned up at him. “Heh… Sorry, even I wasn’t trying to be this mean,” he told him, but he didn’t feel all that guilty. Instead he was starting to feel thrilled at the thought of what might happen. -- Zack’s perspective -- For once, Zack couldn’t completely blame Luca for his predicament, though he still could tell Luca’s “sorry” was bullshit. He was taller than most of the passengers on the bus, so he had a clear view out the window. The traffic on the interstate was backed up as far as he could see. The bus rolled forward inches at a time, sometimes coming to a complete stop. Fucking hell, not here! Here, he didn’t have the cover of a dark theater, a private car, or a quiet night. Even the restaurant would have been better, with the table offering some degree of cover. But here he was in broad daylight, packed into a crowded bus, trapped here for the foreseeable future. And he was wearing his light gray sweatpants, one of the least discrete articles of clothing he could be wearing. He’d pissed in them once before and the contrast of the dark stain had been striking… He had to pee, but he’d held it longer before. It still wasn’t so bad that he was desperate. He still had a chance… He held onto that hope as the bus rolled along, but the traffic showed no signs of easing up. As the minutes dragged on his need grew and grew until the sinking realization set in - even if the traffic dispersed immediately, he wasn’t sure if he could make it home.  And then came the panic. He looked around as if he could somehow find a way out of his problem, something to prevent the inevitable. I could try to see if anyone has a bottle… I could demand to be let off the bus and go pee in the field… I could try to just let out a little to ease up the pressure… But he knew he wouldn’t do any of those things. He knew that if he “let out a little” he wouldn’t be able to stop. And besides, as his shame grew, so did his arousal.  Finally he angled his body towards Luca, hoping that would at least shield him from view a little bit. And finally he couldn’t hold it anymore. He squeezed his eyes shut to try to forget where he was as piss exploded from his cock. A moment later he opened his eyes though and stared down at himself. First the dark wet spot spread across his crotch, then down his legs. He felt the warm liquid running into his shoes, and saw it start to puddle around him.  To his horror, he still wasn’t stopping as the puddle grew. It spread out around Luca’s feet first, then to strangers, who hadn’t yet realized they were standing in Zack’s piss. Luca was grinning like a little psychopath of course, and didn’t seem to be at all bothered by standing in the puddle.  Finally his stream slowed to a stop, and Zack was mortified. He was almost grateful that the bus was so densely packed, since it made it harder for people to see his soaked pants. He startled when he felt Luca ran a hand gently down his chest.  “Feel better?” he asked him in a teasing voice. Zack’s only response was a pathetic little sound. A few feet away, a guy looked down and frowned as he stepped away from the puddle.  “Did someone spill something?” He asked. Despite Zack’s best efforts to use Luca’s body to shield his humiliation from view, the eyes of the passenger who’d first noticed the puddle landed on Zack. Then he looked away and muttered something under his breath.  As other passengers started to realize what had happened, most of them just uncomfortably looked away and tried to not get involved, and to give the puddle a wide berth. One woman pulled a bunch of napkins out of her purse and threw them down, though she didn’t say anything to Zack. This was going to be a long ride home.
    • I agree, looked like a very long pee. 12-14 hours of holding can't be healthy, but you have to do what you have to do. If you ever measure or records longer pees, please post about it.
    • It's one of my favorite hotel room passtimes when I'm on the road.  Usually there's two beds in the room.  I save one for peeing, and one for sleeping.  When It's time to pee, I get under the covers of my "pee bed" nude, and pee all over myself.  Then I start edging while rubbing my cock and rolling around in my piss soaked bed.  After about 5 really good piss sessions, I bring myself to orgasm and come all over the sheets that I've soaked.
    • This is one of my favorite genre of piss videos. Here are ones I've collected from thisvid. I particularly love the ones on the train, where movement makes it impossible to aim anyway, though these guys clearly weren't trying hard to begin with!   https://thisvid.com/videos/piss-spy-200-piss-splash-cam/ https://thisvid.com/videos/piss-spy-194-the-sprinkler/ https://thisvid.com/playlist/348779/video/messy-piss-in-train-toilet/ https://thisvid.com/playlist/348779/video/using-a-traintoilet-again/ https://thisvid.com/playlist/348779/video/messy-piss8/ https://thisvid.com/playlist/348779/video/messy-toilet6/ https://thisvid.com/playlist/348779/video/quick-power-piss-in-mobile-toilet/
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