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  1. Past hour
  2. Just enjoyed a very relieving, naked wee in the sea here at the nude beach in gran canaria - an absolute delight! šŸ–šŸ’§
  3. Lots of straight guys appreciate male pissing/desperation and I'm gay but also like female.. almost like a sub sect of sexuality šŸ˜‚
  4. Today
  5. Hey everyone, posting this as I am quite puzzled and can't really find a solution. Hopefully I can get some advice. I am into controlling bladder and have been looking for women who like having their bladder controlled for a long time. However, I can't seem to find any. Does anyone have any suggestions on where I might look? Thanks in advance
  6. I have on several occasions. When I was about 4 yo, I used to often pee from our 5th floor balcony onto the street below. Might've hit a few people, totally on accident šŸ‘¼ Also pissed from a hotel room window, and heard people below wonder "wtf is that". Nowadays, I live on the 6th floor, and so often piss from my apartment window. Sadly, it only overlooks the courtyard of my building. My proudest was probably front the 5th floor onto a busy boulevard, right in front of the elevated train.
  7. Everything is taking ages to load again, and is so bad that the site is almost unusable at this moment in terms of getting any pleasure. Someone has just sent me a PM probably relating to some videos and I cannot get the damned message to load. Feeling rather frustratred
  8. Part 2 It had been almost a year since that fateful, peculiar night when Tracey and Sharon had shared a silent, intimate moment. Unbeknownst to them, their lives would change forever, and a secret bond would form between them, connecting them in a way they had never expected. As the anniversary of their first encounter approached, Sharon found herself feeling an uncanny pull towards the familiar bar district. She had not returned to this area since that night, but now she felt an irresistible urge to do so. As Sharon stepped out on that warm Saturday evening in Ju
  9. Nice! My wife K has a top exactly like this, and has worn it without a bra on occasion šŸ™‚
  10. 1st run of the month done. Just a little one but it's better than nothing.
  11. Site seems to be running slowly this morning @Admin - pages taking 3+ seconds to load, and a fair chance of an 'error 500' post too.
  12. It's the 1st of June, so a few more clips than usual - but Happy Birthday month to: @tremayl @nopjans @Fun Guy @nasty pee lover @TP! @Centuri @Halfwidth
  13. Iā€™m trying to drink 4 liters a day lately, so Iā€™m peeing a good bit. Has to be 6 - 8 times a day. For whatever reason the ones before bed and in the morning always get me super horny. Or if I wake up a little early having to go.
  14. In the mornings it feels like I piss more than I drink, especially if I've had too much coffee. Ive never taken notice of how much I actually drink but at a guess it'll be about 2ltrs a day and as I've only got a small bladder, I do seem to go a lot. Never counted but usually every few hrs
  15. I just pull my shorts down enough to get my cock out over the top. If I've got loose boxers on I'll go through the leg
  16. I love watching him pee. I just never think to catch it in action. But I plan on doing it way more often!
  17. Very hot story. šŸ„µ I'm honored that my series inspired you, and I look forward to more chapters.
  18. We make a tea with lots of berry flavor , lots , then when Ruth pees it's that tasty . Try it , it really works
  19. Ruth here ,,, yes he drives me crazy when he eats me ,I can't hold it . And he loves it so much ,so why not ?? After all what better gift can I give him , but me
  20. Ruth and me have been in wonderful relationship, we both only want to please each other , peeing is a large part of it , it's magic every time I go down on her she squirts like a fountain, I get to drink every drop, and she does the same for me , life is great
  21. Stumbled upon this TikTok account. Iā€™m kind of assuming these are men because of stream trajectory, admittedly. https://www.tiktok.com/@epicpisses?_t=8mpBPi8aA1e&_r=1
  22. I love the detailed description of the aftermath of the pee. What a lucky student having witness such an amazing show from his teacher.
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