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  1. Hello all, For my work, I usually rent cars. Yesterday, even I was alone, the rental compagny gave me a big brend new Nissan SUV. A lot of space, what a waste if not used ! I needed to make it profitable. So I phoned my girlfriend in order to know if, perhaps, she had an idea... I take her home to go to the supermarket and here are pictures of her way to use a brend new car with too much space :
    4 points
  2. Last Friday evening I sat on the toilet in my running vest and shorts, K stripped down to her black knickers and sat on my lap facing me. I put my arms around her beautiful body, stroking her back and bottom while I nuzzled her boobs, and then she relaxed her bladder and wet herself and me. Half way through her wetting, I started to add my flow to hers. By the time we’d finished, 30 seconds or so later, her knickers and my shorts were utterly saturated and while much of the pee had gone into the toilet bowl, there was a sizeable puddle on the bathroom floor. I asked her to lift herself up
    4 points
  3. Just got back from hosing down the stairs. I wanted to hit them one more time but I was worried my luck might run out. Can't wait to flood them even more. https://www.redgifs.com/watch/scaredbleakvirginiaopossum https://www.redgifs.com/watch/aquamarinedarkgoldenrodcoyote
    4 points
  4. I peed on the floor at a house party when I was around 19 or 20. In my defense, I was very desperate and it was the middle of winter so outside was not an option. There was a line for the bathroom so I slipped into an empty room instead (it looked to be a home office, so no one had claimed it to hook up). I closed the door behind me and squatted down on the carpet. It felt fantastic and much needed.
    4 points
  5. PeteK123, sounds like you only attended the event on Monday? I had been there both days but I found out, for potential future reference (as it depends how it's handled next time), Sunday was a significantly better day for good locations. Now I don't mind either gender, so I was much easier to please. And for sure there was a LOT more men doing it out in the open (I could likely talk about that and the interesting spots I saw them go in endlessly), than I saw women. But there was still significant sightings. Monday however they seem to crackdown on prominent locations (you'll see what I mea
    3 points
  6. I’m vacationing in London, and my cousins and I went to Carnival for Monday (Note: if you were there and somehow remember seeing a guy in a pink shirt and salmon pants, congrats on passing me in the wild lol) Anyway, we were walking the street from about noon to just before 5 (leaving just at the cusp of when it actually gets rowdy, apparently), and the police presence wasn’t enough deterrent for men who couldn’t be bother to pay £3 to use someone’s toilet or a porta-potty. Pardon me for being Stereotypically American and not knowing any street names, but the first sighting was whil
    3 points
  7. As guys should, not splattering back, no need to step away from a growing puddle.
    2 points
  8. That’s a good point. I would always start by trying to piss in a corner and nothing would come out lol
    2 points
  9. To work up to it start pissing in the toilet or urinal normally and then shift the the wall or floor etc. As for people coming in unless you are obviously pissing on the middle of floor you can just switch back to the toilet. Most people are not paying attention to anything anyway. Hope this helps pissing everywhere is its own reward.
    2 points
  10. A woman was visited by her Priest and in their discussion, he told her she must give up smoking, drinking, and unmarried sex if she wants to get into heaven. The woman said she would try her best. The Priest visited the woman a week later to see how she was getting on. "Not bad," said the woman, "I've given up smoking and drinking. However yesterday I bent over to get some stuff out of the freezer and my boyfriend caught sight of my long slender legs. He pulled up my skirt and made love to me right then and there." "They don't like that in heaven," said the Priest. T
    2 points
  11. Once my friend invited me to a pool party. There were seven of us and everyone knew my peeing behavior lol Then the host said "Don't pee in the pool" so I peed on the grass just outside the pool. They laughed and laughed at me but during the party, all seven girls peed on the grass in the end. It wasn't raining much that summer, the grass were lucky to have a nice drink, were'nt they? lol
    2 points
  12. Warning, slow build here. So about 20 years ago I had a contract job with the local museum, helping them put their warehouse collection index online. Basically do a short index card type writeup for each item, then repeat all day every day. We didn't even have internet access; everything went onto floppies which went up to the main building to be uploaded. There were two of us assigned to this. The actual museum employee worked 8-4, while my shift ran 9-5. The deal with that was I would lock the doors at 4 and stay late while the janitor did the cleaning, then let us out whene
    2 points
  13. Personally I love car parks - multistorey or outdoor ones - I'll just stand next to or behind my car and let my piss flow into the floor.
    2 points
  14. There were no woods to run into, just a row of hedges with no gaps. So they must have been pretty desperate to pull in where I was waiting. The first was 2 ladies who both took it in turns and used the tried and tested method of their car doors to hide them, it was an SUV though so the low squatting position they took left their bottoms exposed. The third one used the same trick but faced outwards from her car (a saloon car) and squatted in the whilst the guy she was with waited in the drivers seat so didn't see as much there, just the top of her head.
    2 points
  15. This is my next to do list lol. Most of my trains/bus has been updated to leather seats now and ofc cctvs did pee a little on the floor tho.
    2 points
  16. After over a decade I finally had a sighting this weekend at a massive outdoor gig. 655pm. First sighting. The only part of the venue that had occasional internet signal arriving and departing depending on the direction of the wind was luckily 40 foot from a group of urinals which were labelled as toilets so 2 women had walked in thinking they were portaloos but then hastily withdrew upon realising. My attention was caught by a woman about my age in denim shorts walking purposefully towards the toilets, there being lengthy queues for the nearby portaloos. I scurried after her and to my
    2 points
  17. Travelled down yesterday by train, arrived early morning however sadly had to leave and get the train home just as things were beginning to get interesting. In summary it was a disappointing day sightings wise. Despite my best effort (nearly 40,000 steps walked) it was difficult to find one particular spot that would serve best for sightings. There was tons of desperation on show, most of the makeshift portaloo blocks were 4-5 people deep and there were hundreds of girls holding themselves, moving foot to foot and begging for the queue to hurry up. I was unlucky on 3 occasions to be preci
    2 points
  18. Just letting you all know that my router is fucked and am awaiting a new one. My laptop will not connect with the internet at all, but an ancient kindle tablet still seems to work _ sort of. But it is hard work. So no pics or much. posting until I am fully back in action. The bad news is I am waiting on Virgin whose service is often poor and unreliable. I am regretting being one of those Neanderthals without a smart phone right now.
    1 point
  19. That actually sounds like a great experience just causal peeing for each other to see and enjoyed getting off watching each other. sounds like you got a great show glad you took advantage off actually following her to the janitor closet and watching! I bet it was hot to get off to her going from the view you got. thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  20. Iv done some more marking while having a walk. One was behind my car before I set off. And the other was on a public bench. And lastly was in a shower. (not my place)
    1 point
  21. Dressing rooms are basically just urinals already!
    1 point
  22. I genuinely considered that option when I was stuck on the tram that one time when a train ahead of us broke down and we were stuck there for nearly an hour before they finally told us to get off and shut down the entire line.
    1 point
  23. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeanneke_Pis
    1 point
  24. Try to pee in the Amsterdam canals. It's a tradition here 🙂
    1 point
  25. I heard that at first started as a prank but then became common practice by a friend who studied their
    1 point
  26. Undoing them? Definitely. Or even take them off. I know that when I'm driving and getting desperate I definitely find it easier if I undo my shorts/trousers to take the pressure off.
    1 point
  27. This is how men ought to relieve themselves!
    1 point
  28. 6:25PM: 2 hours of my shift gone, and the urge definetly set in, to the point i have to cross my legs now and then to help holding, but it is manageable so far. Only 8 more hours of holding 😖
    1 point
  29. Anybody out there...im bursting and desperatley holding
    1 point
  30. I almost never act on my desire to piss in places I shouldn’t. It’s not in my character typically, but this past week I just can’t stop. My basement, for one, will never be the same. I’m currently bursting to piss; the pressure makes everything tingle just below my clit and radiating in the nerves along my labia. I’m going to try to hold it for a while and drink more water. Despite feeling quite full and desperate, I suspect my bladder and urethra are just being a bit sensitive after how I’ve treated them this week. The wearable vibrator isn’t (or is?) helping.
    1 point
  31. There are jobs that have few brakes and holding it for hours long. I would like hear about stories on here and how long hold it for ? how do you hold it ? What do you do when you are desperation ? I talk to a nurse who I think holds it the most and when she can go she has to wait in a line with 30 women two toilets. The women are who are also bursting to go in line too. Lots of nurses get uti from holding it and hurting bad holding it. Name some other jobs that hold it for hours here.
    1 point
  32. I woke up around 6am went for my morning pee, did my morning routine. ..now I stayed with mum who lives 8 hours away so I always make a halfway stop coming down and back home. So as I set off for my 2h and 30 mins halfway stop (left around 11am) I do need to go but I think I can hold it and make it there, and hour in getting the need more and more as time go by, and everytime I go past the pit stop on the motorway thinking should I pull in or risk holding. So I risk holding as went past one and the next one isn't untill 30-50 miles. (can't remember) But I have gotten off the motorway and I am
    1 point
  33. For me peeing is simultaneously sexual and non sexual. Like I get off to peeing outside, but I also love it because it's liberating, not having to worry about finding a "proper" place to pee, just because society demanded it of me.
    1 point
  34. Went out for a quick walk before it rains. Needed to go there was two people about but they were walking away and I hid behind a bush. https://www.erome.com/i/xxpUK5aa
    1 point
  35. Impressive! You clearly belong to the "Liter Plus" Club! And if you already needed to pee when you set off on a long car trip, I like your attitude! (I'll betcha you REALLY needed that pee!)
    1 point
  36. I have been trying to hold as long as I can. But I do have an other video which is longer then this so keep your eyes out.
    1 point
  37. I was at a festival once, I was about 16-17 and had a really good spot to watch then bands and ended staying there all day I needed to pee for 13 hours when music was on I was fine when bands were switching over I struggled at the end of the day when the arena was emptying I just went and pissed on the grass at the side of the path.. never needed it so bad felt so good
    1 point
  38. Good point bustin2 pee. Lots of jobs hold it for a long time. I work food store cashier, clerks get desperate too. Deli women get desperate a lot short staff get busy and no time to go. One time deli lady say if I don't go now I am going wet my pants. Nurse still have it the worst if you ask me.
    1 point
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