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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2022 in Posts

  1. Hi everyone! I had been planning this for a while now and I finally got to have a decent naughty pee! First of all, if I sound too excited its cause this took place just a few minutes before writing it. My heart is racing. Thanks so much to @glad1 for encouraging me and being there with me throughout this entire process! Anyway, on to the show. I was sitting in bed last night mourning the loss of a plant that was very near and dear to my heart. Under circumstances I couldn't control, i just couldn't take care of it and it died on me 😔 I decided then I'd throw it away when
    12 points
  2. it's been really pleasant in the evenings. had a really nice walk again. and did it while only wearing a bra and panty. 😳😇🤫
    6 points
  3. Yeah. I used to pee outside the toilet more often and I forgot how addicting it is. *sigh* I need to get out more often.
    6 points
  4. I just accomplished a pee I've been wanting to try for a while. It wasn't naughty per se, but it made me so, so happy! I wrote another member's username down on a piece of paper, set it down in my bathtub, and peed all over it! They pictures were very much appreciated on his end, and I am full of butterflies and smiles 🥰🥰
    5 points
  5. You know what I always say. If you want me to pee on you, just say that 🤣 Thanks for the encouragement, man! It's good to see you again! It's like the number three thing that stops me, my fear. Once I was able to eliminate the other two (husband and kids) then all I had to do was relax and let myself have fun.
    4 points
  6. If you believe in reincarnation then I want to come back specifically as @Bacardi's plant. Of course it would be a short life, but what a send-off. And maybe then come back as a canine - sleeping most of the time, and being taken on walks just so that I can piss wherever and whenever in public.
    4 points
  7. ..Is it wrong to all of a sudden be jealous of a dead plant? 🥵
    4 points
  8. At least once in their lives? More like at least once every day! 🤣 I had to use a toilet the other day and it was weird!
    4 points
  9. (Female & Male watersports and masturbation) Sarah pulled the heavy wooden door closed behind her, pausing for a moment whilst her eyes adjusted to the darkness. Outside was that glorious early evening glow making the grass glisten and casting long shadows. Inside a single light cast its own shadows. Whilst she stood by the door, Sarah took the opportunity to pull the scrunchie out of her hair, shaking her long blonde hair free. She untucked her fitted white blouse and unfastened a few buttons so she could tie its tails to show off her belly button peircing, not to mentio
    3 points
  10. Well, gosh.. what can I say? Guilty as charged! 😳 I absolutely want you to pee on me, but also on my plants and carpet too! 🤤
    3 points
  11. As far as I know the Color Climax Corporation was sold on to a German company, then maybe a US one, for me after the 1970's the magazine lost it's vim and vigour, it all became a bit too sanitised with models enhancing their bodies with adornments, silicone and botox. Photo shoots became more glamorous...often in exotic locations, outdoor and poolside, ok if you like that sort of thing, but I don't. ☺️😉😉❤️
    3 points
  12. Now I'm feeling old... nostalgia to teenage horniness takes me back to images like this. (I'm not quite that old, but as an 11yr old in the first year of high school, seeing it on the wall in the PE Teacher's office was quite an eye opener).
    3 points
  13. I did take a few actually 😛
    3 points
  14. Today was a first for me since being a toddler and I wet myself uncontrollably!! While at work I had my usual 2 large coffees and preceded on my journey to visit 2 contractors in Derbyshire, usually takes an hour and half and I have a few lay-bys and other spots I like to pee on when I get there. This time there was an accident on the A1 though and it took over an hour to move 10 miles. By this time I was bursting but had reached the junction off I needed but to my horror the A1 was closed off and all vehicles had to take the exit so once we got over the roundabout I decided I wasn't going to
    2 points
  15. Do not wait time While they die Just give them a rain! Odour mixes in pretty And hot honey day... Whisper piss of adore This unusual way, Show you love them before they start ever die, Pee to blossoms Enjoy Smile Don't cry... I love your story and passion to plants and pots...
    2 points
  16. O.M.G! That was incredible @gldenwetgoose! An amazing scene with a superb twist as you appear in the story. Just masterful, and very, very arousing 🍆💦
    2 points
  17. Here’s a story that I wrote to fulfill certain niches I like, everything is fiction. Cecel had invited over some friends to hang out at her and her boyfriends house, it was a girls night so her boyfriend went to bed early. The Story is told From the perspective of the boyfriend, being told the recounting of the events from the night before. ”good morning” said cecel, overly exited and enthusiastic for it being 7 AM “How did last night go, have fun with the girls?” I said ”yeah we had such a good time! sorry you couldn’t be their babe” said cecel. “It’s alri
    2 points
  18. I'll add more detail to my comment way back on page 1 of this thread. Seeing people peeing realistically large amounts in realistic situations is my preference. Examples of what I see "fake" and would prefer to see less of: peeing in unrealistically nude situations (Most people don't walk arount "bottomless" or wearing strange genital revealing outfits in public), peeing in unnatural poses (Do any women really lean back in public trying to project a better stream or spread their lips with their fingers?), peeing too small amounts (Why are they bothering to pee if the amou
    2 points
  19. A great way to give the deceased plant its final watering. Lucky plant!
    2 points
  20. A more acceptable way would be to let it go where you shower.
    2 points
  21. Everything in the story is 100% real. A woman and I had communicated our desires before we met. Everyone involved was 18+ and everything we did was consensual and planned. We both had a huge pee fetish and she was also heavily into ageplay. I’ve done role play in the past but not ageplay, so I thought “why not?” She came over one day and things got very wet, very fast. She changed into her cute little outfit (a tight blue skirt with overalls, high socks and tied her hair up in pigtails). She also made it very clear that she likes to call her pussy, “bunny”. I thought it was very cute!
    2 points
  22. Hello again all. I was not expecting to be here, but I will explain as always. It is, Mother May I. Apparently with my multiple replies, I am now notified of updates. I do not really check my personal email more than twice a week and usually only once each weekend. Now, on top of that, I set up a "private" account to join and post for my advice. That account is set to notify my main account when there is a new message. So the replies flagged a notification, which was sent to the first account, and then notice of receipt was sent to my regular account. I expect most of you understand
    2 points
  23. Back when I was breastfeeding my daughter, I loved the way my breast pump felt on my nipples. I would get so horny when it was time to pump. A few days in, I started peeing every time I pumped my breasts....my husband loved watching me lactate and pee; so much so, I started breastfeeding him after I weaned my daughter, and I now pee while he is sucking my titties.
    1 point
  24. It's been a few years since I published a story. This draft has been kicking around awhile... I like for my stories to land around 2000 words but this is about half that. The chapter after this is underway and should land around there, but this one will just be shorter than the others. (Although I consider this a work in progress and may revise or expand it later. Any feedback is welcome!) Contains naughty peeing and pee vandalism. fter brunch. the girls made another stop at the beach to get one final dose of sun and relaxation before heading home. While searching for
    1 point
  25. Love the new story!! It’s a hot one as usual. Keep it up 🙂
    1 point
  26. ^^^. That also exists already in the Pee Pictures section.
    1 point
  27. Nothing to be ashamed of, surveys show around 85% of guys do so and surprisingly nearly 75% of moms on a parenting web site said they "allow their boys to pee in the yard." The same site revealed that 28% of housewives would prefer for men to pee in the yard and 57% would rather gardeners and landscapers workers pee in their yard than ask to come inside.
    1 point
  28. https://www.erome.com/a/yswiCq8Z Here's another one, folks. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. 😋🍌💦💦💦💦💦👅👄😜
    1 point
  29. Absolutely loved it. Hope you put out part two with the mustang soon.
    1 point
  30. I have certainly noticed in some older porn, that the models were not quite as "scrubbed and polished" as they are in this century. I would have been quite OK with that, because I love the natural scents of women, but I know some others don't feel the same way. Perhaps just as well. If the full experience was available I might never leave the house again 😃 One may only hope that they were into it and enjoyed themselves, though I do remember one actress from an American studio commenting that "it's a job, not a date." On the other hand I have also seen a BTS of Nicole Marc
    1 point
  31. Infinite wishes! Wa.. Wait, that's cheating? Fiiiiine... In no particular order I wish I could focus on things for longer. I have several hobbies but I lose interest after a few weeks and then I don't touch them for months. I'd like to have a hobby I can always enjoy, all year round. I wish I could go invisible. It is my favourite superpower and it would be so useful. I wish I could speak every language. I could talk to anyone in their native tongue without a language barrier or using a translator I wish I could turn back time. There has been many times where I've
    1 point
  32. Thought I'd try a new style. Can't wait to see how my cute pussy looks with a little hair growing 💦💦
    1 point
  33. Breeding. Lol. Also kinda goes hand in hand with my very *consensual* rape fantasy. I'd get soooooo horny if someone held me down and told me they were going to hold me down and impregnate me against my will, but I would like to think the majority of people know that doing one thing in the bed room and then having to actually carry, give birth to, and raise a child is another! Besides, I've already had my fair share of kiddos. I'm on the fence still about having more but definitely not any time soon!
    1 point
  34. Yes sometimes hours will go by while im holding and my panties soak without me noticing! At that point i jist give up and let it flow!
    1 point
  35. UK (England, Wales, Scotland) Ireland France Germany Austria Hungary Switzerland Spain Portugal Malta Netherlands Belgium Liechtenstein Poland (very briefly) Estonia Sweden Norway Finland Czechia Slovakia Slovenia Croatia USA Canada Japan China Hong Kong
    1 point
  36. Depends on the person (either one of them) I guess? 🤷‍♀️ I personally prefer a guy pissing in my mouth while giving him a blowjob and swallowing has no ‘added value’ for me ☺️ Also I don’t think that pissing+blowjob+swallowing is a good idea if you don’t want to end up coughing your lungs out, lol. It’s quite rare in porn too btw. Some girls may touch with their lips or play with their tongue but usually no real piss blowjobs (I get that the visual component plays a part here but a girl can pause for a second once or twice.. showing that the guy is still pissing 🤤).
    1 point
  37. The view from the bottom of the Grand Canyon ... 9 hours from rim to river to rim, but well worth it.
    1 point
  38. Thanks for this. If my correspondents on here are anything to go by I would say there are many of us who have to deal with various issues around our mental health - some relatively minor (and I would count myself among those) and some more difficult to cope with. One of the great things about the PeeFans community is how many kind and understanding people there are - and that sense of community and the friendships it can create are a support to me and I think to some others. I agree with you about physical activity - and also long walks in the countryside. They always help me.
    1 point
  39. Definitely love it 😚😚 Everything about it, though I can imagine that maybe a bit less talking -don’t leave the moaning out though 🤤- would make you maybe feel more comfy, especially in broad daylight, being sober and all 😱 (Both are hot but I can only imagine myself moaning with relief in a similar situation really.. desperately trying to keep the volume down..). And nope, I surely didn’t miss that the whole experience got you rather excited 😏😚 Was there something particular that triggered you? Like springtime and being able to just whip it out again without the freezing temperatures? 🙂
    1 point
  40. In my university days I was acutely aware of some of the tribes - I wasn't exactly a metal head, but was a definite rock fan with other like minded friends. On the Friday nights in the students union there was the rock bar and then there was the 'twendy' bar full of clean cut Bros lookalikes (remember the band Bros? Google them or ask your parents). I guess in a way we both wore our 'uniforms' - be it the black tatty rock T shirt, jeans, studded belts and the likes - or their identical striped T shirts and jeans with turn ups. I'm sure one tribe were a lot more relaxed than the others
    1 point
  41. I am too young to have experienced the 80s but I think music has become less of an identity characteristic over the time. But it is still there. I feel like the music genres have become more and they are not as distinct. I will list a few stereotypes that I have come across (They are only my observation in the town I live in so please dont hate me if you feel misrepresented): Metalheads: I listen to a lot of metal so I also know a lot of metalheads. And metal has a lot of subgenres but I would say that the typical metalhead looks tough but is a really nice person. They are often ve
    1 point
  42. Me as well lol. My wife usually sucks me off after we pee together outside. It even leads to sex outside as well
    1 point
  43. Apparently she is from Spain..i wonder if shes ever had a piss at Salamanca,with all the other girls?😊
    1 point
  44. I decided to look up random sexy girls on Google and this is the first picture that came up
    1 point
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