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  1. from this morning.
    7 points
  2. I've been a member for quite some time now but have been too shy to really get into discussions. Today I thought it might be fun to finally start my own thread for experiences. I have a number of stories, most of them involving outdoor peeing or peeing in cups/buckets out of desperation. Some stories have pictures or videos that I might post if I can figure out how, and if anyone is interested. I'll start with my most recent experience from a few weeks ago. I was out at a bar down the street a bit from where my apartment is (maybe a 10-15 minute walk). I stayed pretty late chatting with
    4 points
  3. When I was younger I was at the movie theater with my mom. I wore shorts that were above the knee and I purposely didn’t wear any panties. I drank a bunch of water before going to I could force my self to let it go somewhere. During the movie my mom fell asleep so I knew this was the right time to do it. It was a reclining chair so I was kinda laying on my side away from my mom. When it got to a loud part a leaned to the side and peed the bottom of my shorts luckily it went down the crack of the leather chair because it would have puddled under me. There were a lot of people at the movie theat
    4 points
  4. K excelled herself this afternoon. It was her turn to decide on our Friday afternoon 'us time session', and when she arrived home from work, pretty much her first words to me on the subject were “I haven’t had a wee since mid-afternoon tea, and by the time I’ve had another mug of tea I shall really be ready to go. What would you like me to do with it?” My heart skipped a beat - or three! We discussed various options and settled on something we’ve not done before. So 20 minutes later, and with K’s iron bladder holding out pretty well, she was down to her knickers and footless tights, stand
    4 points
  5. Whew! Finally found some time to bang out a new story lol. Contains female desperation and naughty peeing/vandalism. Two women walk casually into their local mall side by side. Dressed in casual, flowy summer dresses, Lilly and Ella both strut confidently through the automatic doors and welcome the cool air that blows their light brown hair back. Anyone who looks at them would assume they were twins simply going about some late August shopping, but that was not true. Lilly had been born just ten months after her older sister Ella, but the two looked almost exactly a like. Th
    4 points
  6. After walking back up to the town square it wasn't long before the next sighting came along with two very sexy girls. I was watching the queue, enjoying the sight of a few people looking squirmy and wondering if they would leave the queue before getting inside. As I was I heard wolf whistling and some cat calling and when I looked round I found why. There were two girls walking up the main road, both looking very sexy and clearly turning a few heads as they walked by. One of them was dressed as an angel in some tight white leggings and a white crop top, complete with big fluffy wings on
    4 points
  7. Hi everyone! Thought I’d share another couple of experiences. This first one is from a few years back, maybe 2017 or so. I was cat sitting for a friend who was out of town. I went over to her place fed the cat, played for her with a while, but by the time I was getting ready to leave, I definitely needed to pee. I wasn’t ABSOLUTELY bursting yet, but was getting a bit desperate, and I knew the walk home in the cold wouldn’t be good. I likely wasn’t going to make it in that scenario. The only issue is that the bathroom was connected to her bedroom, and that door was locked shut (
    3 points
  8. I don't think I have much to add to this thread by way of general philosophical or psychological insight, and it's really quite hard for me to imagine how my life might have turned out if I had made key decisions differently. I do remember a few big decisions that needed to be made in the past that if I'd made them differently would have set my life down a different path: after I graduated I had two job offers from very different organisations. If I'd chosen the other, I'd be a very different person today, living a very different life. But are there things I perhaps regret that I would wa
    2 points
  9. Absolutely brilliant experience, very nice of Her to allow the sharing of the photos. You will have to be quite subtle and just dip your finger for a taste. I have talked my Wife into peeing in a vase in the lounge to save her the walk upstairs to the loo when the kids are out, She has treated me everyday this week so I feel spoilt.
    2 points
  10. I would not want to literally live my life over. I wouldn't want to lose my wife or kids. But it is interesting to hear about other people's experiences and what they have learned.
    2 points
  11. If I could live my life over again I would be more outgoing. When I was young I never did the school events where you would go on an adventure holiday for two weeks, or a skiing trip or a visit to New York or whatever. I never went on the big rides at theme parks because I told myself I wouldn't like them. I didn't even try! I never had any confidence. I was always the shy girl hiding behind my mum, never wanting to talk to a cashier or something on my own. I very rarely went to parties and things as a teenager, and when I did I'd quietly sit in the corner wondering when I could go home.
    2 points
  12. I don't know exactly what to attribute it to, maybe the pandemic and the closure of many public and business restrooms, maybe the anarchy going on in the cities or maybe the fact that many things are being decriminalized of late, but I see considerably more urinating in public these days. Recently, our city joined New York and other large cities around the U.S. and decriminalized urinating in public. The most you can receive would be a fine for property damage if you were caught and something you peed on was actually damaged. Simply pissing into the street is now perfectly legal here. I expect
    2 points
  13. After the sailor girl had left I walked along to the next road and circled back down along the high street and through the town square back to my original spot. I resumed checking out the queue and the crowds outside Mcdonald's for a while until the second sighting came along. A couple had come up the main road, used one of the ATM's in the square and had then crossed over and joined the queue. A minute or so after joining the queue they left it and walked over towards Mcdonalds. They reached the door and the girl pointed inside and I figured she was pointing at the security guard blocki
    2 points
  14. I heard about a girl who accepted a challenge into a height-pissing contest. All other competitors were male. She stepped out of her jeans, and dropped her knickers - which earned her applause and wolf whistles - then performed an elegant handstand, parted her legs and sprayed a bold stream on the wall above her. She was the clear, immediate and undisputed winner.
    2 points
  15. I have been doing a lot of pondering lately and am kinda interested in what others may have to add. There seem to be more an more girls on sites like PH adding pee content. How many do you suppose really enjoy it vs. are doing it for views? Not judging because as "performers and content creators" they have to do what gets the views. I feel like its exceedingly rare that women are into pee stuff. There are some here that seem to genuinely be into it, but this forum covers the globe and we have maybe a few dozen or so women who are active? How many women (and men for that matter)
    1 point
  16. I'm not sure if this is allowed but I'll try it. I really want some piss friends, male or female, preferably in the USA and 18-25. We can talk on here or other platforms. Bonus points if your from new york or Pennsylvania!
    1 point
  17. The last two weeks has completely cemented my perv status. Why, you ask? The olympics. I just can't watch female athletes without seeing amazingly fit, beautiful women in skimpy costumes. The tightly strapped breasts, the tiny knickers and prominent pudenda, the bodies ... oh the bodies!! And fear not ladies, there's enough beef on display for everyone and there's no hiding those sausages in that skimpy lycra. Feast your eyes ... lol. Perving to the olympics. Long live sport in all its forms. 😎
    1 point
  18. I have actually recorded some amateur pee videos, which I really haven't shared around. I can't think of a better place to post something like this, so here's a link to me giving a tree lots of pee to soak up! The audio isn't great, with the wind gusts and it being recorded on mobile, but I still hope everyone is able to enjoy this! If this gets positive feedback, I'll post more in future. I basically slipped out to the backyard one summer afternoon, got my cock out, and just let loose on the bark... a lovely experience! Felt quite good to let it all flow in nature. https://drive.goo
    1 point
  19. I would quite liked to have been neon tube glass blower. Had a childhood facination with discharge tubes, and while they are largely out of fashion now and replaced with LEDs, there remains a niche there. Still, it isn't going to happen.
    1 point
  20. Wasn't just me then with the knicker pages in my mum's catalogue, for me it was the Trafford catalogue and shower adverts had some sneaky sexy legs as well.
    1 point
  21. I'll be honest, I find the topic funny. I was raised in the country side, and there no-one ever batted an eyelid at peeing outside or seeing others do so. When playing with friends, it was perfectly normal to step to a tree line, hedge, etc... and pee there. When with family, it was common for both children and men to just give their back. Girls became more self-conscious at some point, and women were of course, so they would walk around the hedge instead of just walking to it, but they were not trying to hide what they were doing, they just hid themselves. Well, most girls did. One
    1 point
  22. Happy Birthday @visco @pisslover94 @wetguy321
    1 point
  23. Yes i would actually pee with my sister outside when we went camping or our grandparents ranch, we were still in elementary but im older than my sister, i remember mom asked me to take my sister to the ranch toilet which is a simple hole in a room made of wood walls, it was not that far, i agreed and we walked there, i fel like peeing and decided to relieve myself before getting there, so i peed in a tree near us and continued as usual, a while later i was asked to take my sister again, so we set off and midway she said she had to go now and proceeded to pull her shorts down and pee standing i
    1 point
  24. There isn't a "like" emoji or whatever they are called to say that was so excellent and so horny and so well described. Plus pics, stunning thank you. Admin get on it to have a top job, first class, super 🙂
    1 point
  25. Peeing at a movie theater is one of my most favorite pee things to do ever. So naughty feeling and a relief when you’re bursting and don’t want to leave the movie lol. The fun part is when you release your bladder and the seat soaks it up, then have to go again shortly after and pee some more. but I’ve done it plenty of times and never been caught!
    1 point
  26. I love taste pee anyone else?
    1 point
  27. Will post a few pics in just one or two categories in a moment.....If I devote less time to doing it instead of trying to post 200 at once which can take hours, the task will seem far less onerous.
    1 point
  28. There are more of us than you might think 🥰
    1 point
  29. This story contains extreme unintended desperation and involuntary urination. Stuck in traffic in a concrete jungle, Lucy looks worriedly at the 2.5l of hydration on her passenger seat.. nowhere to go or even get out .. her distended bladder contracts .. it feels like hands are around her overfull bladder squeezing it hard, her fresh sweat prickling her brow she clenches, willing herself to hold it back.... the pressure and urge to piss is so powerful by now that it feels like even the slightest lapse in concentration would allow the pee that feels so low down in her abdomen to boil down
    1 point
  30. Yes society does seem to judge women much more so than men for doing the same thing, so I imagine women will be much more reluctant to suddenly start doing so, however I have now on two occasions followed my boys example and done so in parking lots. I wasn't seen, so no judgement, but at least I know there's nothing to fear if I were to get caught. My boys have done so openly around me for years, it felt kind of good to give the boys a bit of a show for a change.
    1 point
  31. The tissue debate is one on which I have mixed views. Generally I hate littering or any dumping of rubbish. I can make an exception for tissues on the grounds that they degrade very quickly, but they are still unsightly - especially if an area gets inundated with them, so I would say that as with any rubbish, the best answer is find a bin. However, I cannot deny that when I spot a tissue in a place where it is probably that the tissue was left as a result of a lady peeing, then my mind starts to work overtime thinking about the fact that a girl peed there. It is a useful indicator, be
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. I've just had a close call! I've had a long day and after finishing teaching at 3:30 pm I had an hour of helping with an after school project. I hadn't had a wee since 1:25 and I had drank two coffees and some water from my bottle. Shortly after 4:30 I got in my car and headed home with my daughter sat next to me. I don't know why but after a few minutes I suddenly needed to pee and badly, it hit me like a train. If I had even felt a small twinge before leaving I would have used the toilets at work but I had no warning. The drive home isn't too far so I thought I could make it but I quic
    1 point
  34. A little while later I was stood by the ATM mid way along the street admiring people as they came along the street, checking out their costumes and keeping an eye out for the next potential sighting. This came in the form of a group who came onto the street and headed over towards the ATM. They joined the queue and after a few minutes of waiting they all used the machine and then headed over to the bar across the street. They joined the queue and I went back to watching the people coming by. That was until I glanced over towards the queue as some more people joined and noticed that one o
    1 point
  35. We're all in favour of friendships - let's face it, we're in enough of a minority in the big wide world, and it's absolutely awesome the way PF brings us together and lets us share in our common bond. In that sense friendship is all to be encouraged. However there are a few aspects to the site rules to work within - and those are rules which have been written and evolved slightly to protect every member of the site. We'd always encourage you to remember that there could be those amongst us who are not everything they say they are. When you see staff posts repeatedly saying 'We're n
    1 point
  36. I love to holding until i, m very desperate. I hold until the very last minute then try to run for the toilet. It’s even better for me if someone is watching.
    1 point
  37. The other night I pissed for around a minute straight in a measuring jug after drinking four bottles of water. I squirmed and danced for about an hour and then ran to the bathroom and peed 1300ML or so. It was a lot of fun, and the relief was amazing, but I felt like I should've been able to hold it longer. So tonight I'm doing the same thing -- I'm drinking a ton of water and I'm going to try to not let any of it out for another three or four hours. Hopefully I'll be able to get a bigger measurement this time...
    1 point
  38. I'd love to join you. I'd also enjoy you putting your horny cock in my mouth and pissing. I'm straight otherwise but I do love piss and sucking dicks as well as pussy.
    1 point
  39. As a photographer, it annoys me to no end to hear a camera shutter firing away in the background while video footage is being made. The ones that really get me are the photographers who have their camera set on burst mode or continuous mode & never let off the trigger the whole time. Another thing that annoys me is when a girl strips naked just to pee in a parking lot or whatever. The more realistic the video the better!
    1 point
  40. I get annoyed when the guy just does short bursts of pee instead of a stream and plays with himself for a good minute or so between bursts. I like seeing guys playing with themselves, but when the stream is interrupted by masturbation I get annoyed. I like post piss masturbation, but stopping the stream to masturbate kind of annoys me, especially when it is dragged out. Other than that my annoyances are just sub-genres of pee that I’m not into or getting disappointed by a video or picture because it wasn’t what I expected.
    1 point
  41. For me, it's fancy or extreme poses (like in the post just above this one), or really anything that makes it way too obvious that the woman is putting on a show. Seriously, I don't need a dead-on view of her vagina and anus with her legs straight up. I'd much prefer a good view of a strong, solid stream as it hits whatever unorthodox thing she's peeing into or onto. It's always hotter when there's at least some decent pretense that she's breaking decorum for some other reason(s) and the eroticism of it is inadvertent.
    1 point
  42. When I was fifteen, my parents and I went to visit some friends out of town. My mom's friend, her daughter and I all packed our swimming gear to head for the beach while my mom and stepdad did some shopping. The drive from their house to the beach was about forty-five minutes. I gladly rode in the back seat of the car with the daughter, since I had admired her for several years and always looked forward to visiting. Halfway to the beach, I noticed that she seemed to be really uncomfortable. I leaned over, concerned. "Are you okay?" She smiled as she answered. "Yeah, I'm fine." But she star
    1 point
  43. One of my favorite past times in high school was to go over my me friend Mike's house and play some back yard baseball. Oh yeah, and to hit on his hot older sister, Shannon. Mike made me promise not to ever try anything with her as part of the best friend code. I kept my word, but it wasn't always easy. One summer afternoon, we were all sitting outside, too hot to play ball. I was sitting on the porch swing, enjoying an ice cold glass of tea when Shannon stepped out of the house in a tight, dark-blue one-piece bathing suit. Bikinis are great, but the way that one-piece hugged her curvy figur
    1 point
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