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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2024 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. I’ve been avoiding the toilet as much as I can. Some of the recent places I’ve pissed are Against a gas station wall with my father because they didn’t allow customers to use their bathrooms so we whipped out our cocks on the backside of the building and let loose together Walked off an outdoor patio at a restaurant maybe 30 feet away to some shrubbery by the sidewalk and pissed on some flowers a woman at the restaurant looked on Pissed out my bedroom window into the backyard at night Pissed on the carpet in my room Pretended to try on clothes at the mall so I coul
    3 points
  3. Sat down for a piss the other day but I don’t think I got it right… https://www.erome.com/a/JuI64i65
    3 points
  4. Not too sure if this counts but if I'm wearing a pair of gym shorts with no underwear I like nothing more than to find a nice quiet bench, pull my cock out of the bottom of my shorts and piss whilst sitting and allowing my piss to puddle underneath the bench.
    3 points
  5. Last night I was nearly asleep but I realized I had to pee a little. I knew if I didn't take care of it now the urge would only wake me up later, but I was so tired and really didn't want to get up. I could have wet myself, but my girlfriend was sleeping beside me. Instead I sat on the edge of the bed and pressed t-shirt up against my pussy to pee into. I soaked nearly the whole thing but I still had to go, so I had to grab another shirt and peed in that as well. Then I just hid them in the laundry basket, no need to get up!
    3 points
  6. At home, I politely ask men to sit when using the toilet. I assume most of them comply. If they want to demonstrate their aiming skills, they are free to do it in my large garden :-) When peeing outdoor, as far as I know most men stand, but there are a few exceptions. I have occasionally spotted guys squatting. As far as I understand, the reasons are various : peeing more discreetly behind a car or a hedge, personal comfort, religious / cultural habit ... Last summer at a large festival, I was squatting and peeing behind a toilets trailer when a man walked in on me. He apologized and
    3 points
  7. If you are straight and have no interest in anything sexual with the same sex, are you still attracted to watching people of same sex as you, pee? I'm male straight but classify myself as bi-curious, aroused by watching men irrespective of how they are enjoying themselves (same-sex or not), but the thought of actually doing something another man is a turn-off.
    2 points
  8. Ok so tonight I tried something brand new to me and had an amazing experience. My usual favorite pissing endeavors involve going on or in things rather than wetting, but tonight when I really had to pee I felt brave and willing to try something different, and I had an idea. I was just wearing comfy house clothes(a hoodie, joggers/sweatpants, panties, and socks) and walked out of my apartment into the carpeted hallway of the building. I could hear some people down the hall around the corner, but nobody could see me. I stood in the middle of the hall and relaxed my body. I had to go
    2 points
  9. Me and bros last night drinking, was reminisceing, and I remember this funny story someone will find funny. Just so yall know, my friends and I always be doing stupid shit so this ain't as weird as u may think. Christmas we all got together that night after we did the family thing during the day. We got real trashed. I don't actually remember how it started, might have lost that memory cause of the alcohol, lol, but I'm pretty sure it started as a dare. But one point I grabbed a glass and I pissed in it, filled it up actually had to finish in the sink. And I dared one of my frien
    2 points
  10. Was in the pool at my gym the other day, had swum a few lengths and was having a rest and a piss at one end. The other end is where the steps in are and I saw this guy about my age get out of the spa pool and come into the main pool down the steps and stopped at the bottom. He got to the bottom and crouched down so his shoulders were under water then stood up and did that a couple of times. Then stood there for a bit, looking around then up at the roof. Then he started fidgeting and adjusting his shorts and cock under the water - so fucking obvious he was having a piss. By this time I was swi
    2 points
  11. The B&W photo is stunning
    2 points
  12. Cum drips onto the floor https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=65e8b4ce0f7e7
    2 points
  13. I would really like to piss somewhere indoors in public. I don't want to be seen or caught, I just want to find a corner or something and have a quick naughty piss on it, preferably on something absorbent like a rug. I really would rather not make a mess that somebody has to clean it up though, so maybe on some surface that's always dirty and basically never gets cleaned anyway, like the carpet/mat at the entrance of a store. I could really use some encouragement or suggestions!
    2 points
  14. So yesterday I was pretty bored in my room. And often when I’m home with nothing to do I get very aroused when I have to piss. So normally on my off days I spend my time drinking a lot while pissing and masturbating everywhere but the toilet. So I’m scrolling and scrolling for piss videos I’ve seen them all at this point but I have my favorites. Nothing I’m really getting me more in the mood so I decided to find a small cup and piss into it. My original goal was to overflow it since it’s such a small glass but the moment I started pissing and tried to stop my flow it just wouldn’t stop until I
    2 points
  15. That's the one - although I nearly deleted this post when it popped up the 'Facebook sign in' screen (close that and the clip plays).
    2 points
  16. I hold my penis every chance I get.
    2 points
  17. Like literally in the area with lockers and benches to sit on? Where is this? How often do you actually see other guys doing this?
    2 points
  18. I’d never thought of peeing in the dishwasher before reading it here. I think just need to go down to the kitchen now… 😉
    2 points
  19. Edit: I've noticed, the sound doesn't go with the video. I'm not sure if this isn't some kind of AI trickery. So beware. Anyhow, let's enjoy some great balls together, on fire.
    2 points
  20. I have been this person before, although I don't usually have a bottle so just piss in the corner by the door usually.
    2 points
  21. All the above is pretty sad. I have been in gents rooms more than once, either passing by the urinals or even using them (happens at concerts), and I can't remember how many peeing dicks I have seen, but I would never make fun or body shame guys at the urinals. This sounds just wrong. I love talking with men while they pee, but it is always positive talking, trying not to be disturbing or making them uncomfortable. Maybe something like apologies, that there is a queue for the ladies, and hope you don't mind if we share the room, and did you enjoy the concert / show etc... Being like "self-invi
    2 points
  22. Damn, thats real friendship. God all your friends sound so hot. How you all are so comfortable with each other. Pass me the cup too man.
    1 point
  23. A trough is basically a long metal type tough usually 8 to 10 feet long with the drain either at one end or in the middle
    1 point
  24. Yes they are 🙂 Absolutely wonderful
    1 point
  25. I have some pissing to report! Yesterday after peeing on the bathroom floor I had another piss against a full length mirror in the bathroom and added to my previous puddle. I also peed all over the carpet in the office while lying down on the floor and spraying across the room I'm sitting at my desk and needing to go now; my trashcan is looking like a tempting place to relieve myself ...
    1 point
  26. Another day - so it must be time for the important matter of celebrating some more Birthdays. There's something to cheer up a Monday morning, especially if your name is: @marking my territory @Dawen @PissPrince97 @jcc @4006 @Hisserpisser @DtAwesomeGuy @w3tterisb3tter Have a great day!
    1 point
  27. This has been kicking around in my head ever since I started this story line and I know I won't progress until I at least have something more down on paper. Includes bed wetting, mutual hand jobs (M/F) and female holding male pissing. Also contains sexual openness which would include light incest as in mom watching and encouraging daughter to engage in sexual acts. I awoke pleasantly to the warm golden light of the morning sun filtering through the windows. I was delighted to find that the previous day, even though traumatic, was not a dream. My savior, Samantha, was still as naked as whe
    1 point
  28. I mean I do love a good golden shower 🤷🏽‍♀️ and a proud Pisces ♓️
    1 point
  29. "Hello! I'm hiding today, hope you don't mind!"
    1 point
  30. I'm a straight guy and somewhat interested in same-sex peeing. Not necessarily in a sexual way but I just think a guy peeing looks masculine as hell especially with the shaking afterwards and all. I can appreciate the sight. Guys and gals peeing together is very hot. I like brave women who act like "one of the guys" and pee outside next to their male friends etc.
    1 point
  31. So boys and girls here an update. So I'm two pisses in and I'm raring up to go for more. My first piss was into the pillow top mattress pad and it was great. Pretty absorbent and felt great against my ass and pussy. After I pissed my full bladder I just sat there warming my pussy and ass with the piss. It felt so good! Especially during the winter, warming up with piss is so nice. I couldn’t help but rub my nipples as I sat in my piss. I'm so full I felt like I could have done piss two right after number one but I wanted to watch some porn first. So, I turned on some pornhub and looked at some
    1 point
  32. Man that’s so hot! I’m very careful with my timings too, I would hate for a visitor to notice. I go anywhere around the house really, most corners of rooms, walls, sinks etc. Next to my bed is definitely my favourite spot and it allows me to sneakily pee over the side of the bed during the night 😉 The carpet doesn’t look stained but has a slight odour and when lifted the stains are seen on the underlay / underneath the carpet backing… whoops
    1 point
  33. I was peeing on the floor in my office the other day, when my boss came into the room. The door swung open and I jolted my neck to look up at her, she stared down to my muff and the amber jet impacting the carpet, "Is this an approved break?" Nervously and with great trepidation, I extended one of my arms to point at my screen where the calendar notification was still on screen. "Are you almost done?" I shook my head to indicate I was not. "This is a common occurrence?" This time I nodded. "Hurry up and finish, I need to go and there's not enough room for both of us." Once I was done
    1 point
  34. My boyfriend (who knows about my kink but unfortunately doesn't share it) and I are currently at a cottage we rented for a small getaway. We were just lying in bed, fooling around a bit and then decided to get up. He said he had to go to the toilet. I realised I needed a pee, too. We had just discussed whether it had rained or was going to, so I decided I could slip out onto the porch, ostensibly to inspect the weather if he heard the door. I quickly put on a nightgown and went outside. It had rained a little and the porch or deck was wet where it was not covered. I wal
    1 point
  35. So what a weekend! So in celebration of some great news I decided to give myself a good weekend of piss. I love to piss into absorbent things. Beds, pillow, couches, chairs, carpet, clothes. You name it, I have pissed into it. I only get to piss the bed when I’m in hotels. So to scratch that itch I have been in the habit lately of buying pillows with the sole purpose of ruining them with my piss. So for today I bought a long body pillow which is nice because it will take quite a few pisses to fully drench it. I also came across this beautiful two set of rugs that are are made with soft fur and
    1 point
  36. Felt absolutely amazing. I started by slowly letting some piss escape. And then after a few spurts I opened up and let it flood out.
    1 point
  37. Mostly I'm with that, it's the interaction that's the turn-on. Men just straight peeing is boring, but if they are messing around in some way, even on their own, that gets my attention.
    1 point
  38. First time posting... Hope everyone likes this. At work alone this afternoon, work in a small office and I’m the only one hear this afternoon. Started browning here, looking at pictures and reading stories... getting very turned on. Gently rubbing myself, I’ve been holding in my pee all day. The stronger the urge to go the more excited I get. I’m not too daring so my options are limited, I don’t want to make a mess I’ll have to discretely clean up. I decided I couldn’t hold it any longer... I need to pee now!! Went into the bathroom... removed my pants and panties completely... ret
    1 point
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