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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2023 in Posts

  1. Hi ! I am Giselle from The Netherlands. Since 1.5 started exploring all kind of (kinky) things, also watersport. As I already drank my own, it was great to drink others. Also giving is fun and exiting to do. With men/female/couples. I an setteld nearby Tilburg in The Netherlands.
    12 points
  2. its still surprising to me, but so very amazing what a naughty girl can often get away with.
    9 points
  3. I had a chance for my absolute favorite type of piss today; I love a low-squat, high pressure outdoor piss. It’s so satisfying especially when I can see my piss pooling https://www.erome.com/a/wNDqKLSV
    5 points
  4. Wow, when I first saw this I thought I had been seen for a moment there by someone on this forum! I then double checked and realised the days don't match up and I wasn't wearing a full suit, and finally I went back into my car rather than going in. Here is my story though! One I wasn't going to write up but since wanted to share. Tuesday started off with the usual frenetic pace of a day with a client, with me driving out of town early in the morning to meet a client further afield. As it was quite a distance, I had to leave ahead of what my satnav suggested to account for any potenti
    4 points
  5. Hmmm, decisions decisions. Do I quite riding to keep the peace at home or do I keep riding cos it helps my sanity?
    3 points
  6. Well lets see I hope I wont get a bill.. that was a few days ago 😉
    3 points
  7. I am on a business trip today, having a short pee break by the roadside. I relief myself on a hiking trail next to a river. Just as I was unpacking my cock and starting to pee, a couple with a dog passed by. I stopped peeing and hid my hose again, letting some drips into my pants. As I was alone again, I continued peeing in the middle of the path, turning myself 180° so that my puddle showes a half circle. That's fun 😎. On the otjer side of the river, there were some bicycles passing by, but I didn't mind as they are too far avay and can't catch me because of the water, haha. Video to fol
    3 points
  8. I have an overactive bladder at night, so I often need to pee 2-3x while I’m sleeping. At home I can just stumble to the bathroom 10 feet away, however when camping it’s often a 2-3 min walk each way to the nearest washroom. There’s lots of different small critters around (racoons and such) and they can be a little vicious if you surprise them, so the walk is always a bit worrisome. instead, a few years ago I started peeing against a tree whenever I had to go at night. Depending on what I’m wearing (and the weather) I sometimes stand, spread my legs and use my fingers to spread my li
    2 points
  9. I think he means that if you have experienced lots of sightings there, then you probably won't want to recount them all as that would take you a lot of time and you probably don't remember all the details, but if you have certain sightings that are particularly memorable then please feel free to share them with us, providing as much detail as you can to help us visualise what you saw. I'm guessing that you probably have some sightings that you thing of as just "I caught a woman peeing", but you probably have others that are burned into your brain with details of how desperate she was or t
    2 points
  10. Well I'm not an ideal example as there's no one at home here if it happened to me, and I haven't ridden a bike for 30 years.... but I would go for what keeps you sane
    2 points
  11. peed bed again almost have covered the whole bed
    2 points
  12. I may have misunderstood spectacularly 😊
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Weeing through my black pants on a hot June day.
    2 points
  15. These are to me the absolute best type of sightings. First of all she made no attempt to hide other than going down a quiet street, secondly, presumably she saw you coming when she was yet to be undressed but she still proceeded with unzipping and peeing. Thirdly she apologised making it clear that she felt she was the one in the wrong, and was not worried about the fact that you were walking up towards her. Finally, the fact that the conversation and the situation put everything at ease, allowing you to enjoy the view fully and even have a cheerful end to the sighting as she shouted goo
    2 points
  16. It was definitely quiet in town and after the girl in the churchyard there was nothing going on. I was caught in the debate of whether to hang out because something might happen or just give up and head home. Once the street became completely dead I decided to head up to the top side and see what it was like there before getting myself an uber. I walked up the main road and stood outside McDonald’s. There was quite a crowd of people so I stood against the railings checking people out, still debating whether I should head home. There seemed to be an influx of people coming up the main road
    2 points
  17. haha. outside of just normal talking for the things i did, just one guy cat calling me, and another one who whistled. at least that's all i heard anyone say. to get gas, the bank (atm), a coffee shop, and grocery shopping. i did have shorts with me. but only wore those for the last two stops. 🤭
    2 points
  18. So after this morning’s pee, I worked online from my car in the lot for a while until things became…pressing again. But by that time it was around lunch and the weather is perfect so people started arriving to walk over their lunch break. I knew the lot would not clear out again for a while, so I grabbed my brand new Pstyle and headed down the trail. It was a beautiful walk and I used that to my advantage to try to look casual while thinking about my options. I paused to watch a blue heron, saw a baby snake, turtles, and about a hundred frogs. So I slowly strolled gauging about how o
    2 points
  19. omg! i felt kinda spunky, so totally went out to do stuff in just my underwear. teehee 🤭 and the incredibly thrill i got allowing myself to be so vulnerable made me feel really sexy. 😇
    2 points
  20. Since my last black and white video got a little bit of love I decided to make another one (with a little bonus pee at the end). Also, making this video I learned how difficult it is to pee while sitting down, especially when your bladder is pressing hard and your penis decides to get errect in the most inopportune moment. But see it for yourself! Btw if you guys have an idea for what I could do in the future let me know 🙂 https://www.erome.com/a/7m6vEh5H
    2 points
  21. I was at work about to close up for the day when I felt the urge to pee, so as I was locking up the other building- where the toilets are- I sensibly went to use them. However, I did not piss in the urinals and turned my back to them to openly urinate on the floor/wall instead. https://www.erome.com/a/z6qCrEyZ
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. I would be all over that and you wouldn't even have to kill anybody. I'd even piss inside you if you wanted me to.
    1 point
  24. Always pee in the locker rooms at the pool, grew up doing what the people around me did and I've seen them come in and hose the whole place every afternoon anyway so it all washes away.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I take it with me to the nearest trash
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Miss! Can I please go to the bathroom! You do know what school we are at right? I know, but I'm not used to this whole thing. Well I'm afraid I can't let you go.
    1 point
  29. Oh my god I would do that for every piss I have from now until death if I had the right yard and partner for it
    1 point
  30. Thank you! I worried pissing on a tree was too dull for members here and almost didn’t write it up.
    1 point
  31. "Honey, when I said people just sometimes went in their swimsuits here at the swimming centre, I didn't mean the swimsuits on display in the shop."
    1 point
  32. Carol and I were going to one of the valley wineries a couple of years ag, it was called A Day on the Green for lunch and entertainment with live bands was on for about 5 hours. She was dressed nicely, pleated skirt just a bit above the knee. She asked “Do you think this looks good, because I’m not wearing anything underneath it, I am not queuing for the toilet either. I am going to have a bit to drink today, I think it is your turn to drive home Sitting there having lunch, individual tables well-spaced in the expensive area, just two of us at ours Carol had a soda or two, it wa
    1 point
  33. Sorry to hear about your incident @Big Bear, but glad you are recovered. Look forward to hearing more sightings when you get them.
    1 point
  34. Yep, nothing serious. Plenty of lumps, bumps cuts and 1 broken bone
    1 point
  35. 13:27 > Hi all. Amy's Blog here again. Exciting news flash. 13:27 > Day started like normal. Boring. Work. Yawn. 13:28 > Call from my cousin Tilly. She's only taking me to VampRock in the park. Hottest band doing an open air gig. Tonight. 14:43 > WTF is this afternoon going so slow. Want to be out of here to get my goth on. Outfit to choose, makeup to do. 15:20 > Oh FFS - team meeting at 4pm. Don't they know I've got places to be. 17:10 > Hello car. hello fun. Hello traffic. So tiny change of plan. Picking Tilly up. Wil
    1 point
  36. Hey there, It's Emma again. https://peefans.com/topic/2779-wet-carpet-magazine/?do=findComment&comment=350010 Remember when I said this? This is that story. A crucial part of being an account executive is the ability to navigate unforeseen circumstances. In my case, this skill extends beyond professional situations. Here's that very memorable story that unfolded during a long drive one morning to a client meeting. Navigating the meandering roads, I felt my bladder's plea for release grow more urgent. Having had a coffee as I left and sipped on water whilst driv
    1 point
  37. I know a few parks in and around my area which dont have bathrooms and even if they do, the bathrooms arent within easy walkable distances. So whenever I'm in those parks and theres a crowd, I either find a bush / hedge to pee into, like so many others. But the park's is almost empty then peeing right where I'm sitting - grass or the bench, is also an option.
    1 point
  38. When I had a soccer tournament we where in nice 10 soccer pitches all natural grass they absolutely beautiful the only issue is that they didn’t have restrooms so midway through the tournament my team got a rest period as I went to the middle where there was a maintenance storage I went behind it and squatted and peed other girl join at the end of the night there was a lot dried puddles and tissue their including mine
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. I'm not sure how unusual this is, but one of my fantasies is what I'll call "just go" moments. Imagine you're having sex, and during the act, one partner says "I have to pee." Swept up in the sex, and not wanting to stop, the other partner says "Just go" (and they do). I had a few moments like this with my ex, mostly in the pool. But it was a long time ago, so I don't remember much about the details. I think part of what makes the idea sexy to me is the idea of being comfortable enough with each other to be uninhibited, and just let it out during sex (or oral, or fingering, or whatev
    1 point
  41. The park closest my house does have bathrooms but they’re only open for particular hours and the hours change based on the time of year. I tried to get in but was met with a locked door. I popped a squat right in front of the door instead. Mind you, no one was around as it was quite early in the morning. I didn’t feel at all bad about peeing there either because I tried to use the facilities and couldn’t so I don’t know what other option could be expected.
    1 point
  42. Had an experience last Friday where the public park had its bathroom closed for spring day/Good Friday. Me and a few friends had went out there for a picnic and social time. a couple hours in there was the “oh no where do we PEE?” I knew I could not convince my entire friend group to public pee, so I suggested that they all go down a couple blocks where there was a store to use the bathroom while I stayed behind and watched our stuff. I said that I didn’t need to pee. When actually: I had pee, starting to get desperate. So once my friends rounded the corner to walk to the store, I put my pee p
    1 point
  43. At the risk of spamming these forums, this will be the last short story from me for at least a little while. Thanks and enjoy. *** Sophie pedals her road bike hard through the midday Seattle traffic, changing gears lighting-fast and swerving by cabs and delivery trucks and busses as she rushes to deliver yet another parcel on the clock. She has a love-hate relationship with her gig job as a bicycle courier; on the one hand, delivering all manner of packages across the city helps pay her exorbitant college tuition and keeps her in perfect shape; on the other, her clients’ demands for
    1 point
  44. Yes it's quite useful ihihihihi
    1 point
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