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  1. I'm open to having someone pee on my neck down. Not my face and not in my hair. It turns me on to think that I'll smell like someone else's pee. It's a very sweet thing, I think 😛
    7 points
  2. In my experiences of requesting and getting pissed on by women, I have in a few instances been requested to piss on them. None of them had a piss fetish, though after pissing on me, they enjoyed doing it. I had just gotten pissed on. As soon as I arrived she began laying out the plastic sheeting. She started pissing as soon as she hovered over my face in a high squat. A hard stream. I could barely keep up swallowing. Just guzzling piss. She finished and there was a small puddle with a yellow tint that had pooled on the clear plastic sheeting, the piss I couldn’t swallow and got waste
    5 points
  3. I got this flyer and my first thought was she's in the perfect position to discretely pee.
    5 points
  4. This is so familiar! My gf definately prefers to pee in a toilet, so in the situation you're describing she'd probably have walked the 5 minutes back to the toilet as well. But if there's no obvious toilet nearby, she'll have her pants on her ankles before I can suggest it😂 Same goes if there ARE toilets available, but only very dirty and smelly ones. She's raised in the country side, so learned how to pee outside from a very young age and has never done anything different if the need arises. She once told me her ex found it very unattractive and unladylike to pee outdoors, but she still would
    4 points
  5. That's happening at the moment. My friend told me earlier that she is pregnant and I haven't stopped thinking about her having sex and what she is like in bed! I am terrible...
    3 points
  6. This topic also reminds me of an indirect experience, as told to me by my wife. I mentioned it in another thread ("Hot tub pee etiquette"). One time, several years ago, she was at a hot tub party with friends. It was all ladies, about 12-15 people total. It was a large hot tub, which held 8 or so. So at any given time, there would be 8 in the tub, and several others standing, milling around (in their swimsuits). They were all drinking heavily (beers, wine coolers, etc.). They were all outdoors near the hot tub for about 3 hours, and my wife said she didn't remember anyone going indo
    3 points
  7. I love this topic - to me this is one of the hottest aspects of the pee kink - the nonchalant pee out of convenience. My ex-wife was not "into" pee the way we are, but would often pee whenever/wherever simply out of convenience. I've made several posts about this, so won't repeat myself. But she was a drinker, and often had several beers, so always needed to pee. She peed in hot tubs, pools, outdoors, etc. She occasionally even peed during sex out of comfort/convenience (which I've posted about previously). She kept a plastic tub (a dish tub) under her side of the bed, and would occ
    3 points
  8. Hey you, don't be rude about the Picanto 😆 Just kidding ofcourse, but I've got one and it's actually a very very decent car I think. It's indeed lacking power (although it's also available with 100HP engine, considering how little the car weighs I think that'd be more than enough), but apart from that I think it's the best car in its class. Mine has lots of options (cruise control, leather seats, climate control instead of just "normal" a/c, sat nav, Android Auto, rear view camera, heated seats etc) which you can't get on a lot of these small cars and the interior really looks quite good
    3 points
  9. https://de.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph622f067852f67 wipe cum on table and seat
    3 points
  10. This is part of two of the story. If you want to get to know the characters, read part one first. Contains females peeing in naughty places and Seinfeld references. My second day in college, the day after we had partied until way to late, I didn't do anything useful at all. When I woke up around noon I had missed the campus tour. But I lost little to no thought on college matters, my mind was occupied by the events of the past evening. More then once I recalled the image Aisha squatting in the alley, her gorgeous body illuminated by the gentle moonlight. In my head I could see her cr
    2 points
  11. This is definitely the case. I have many times been out in towns and cities on Friday nights and seen the girls peeing in the streets, alleys, behind bins, shop doorways etc. I know that they also pee in stairwells and I have found the puddles, but only once have I spotted the culprits and even then it was after the deed (they were coming out of the stairwell doing up their belts). These are definitely girls in the category of needing to pee and doing so out of convenience. I absolutely love seeing them and very often on a Friday night I am sitting at home thinking about all the peeing
    2 points
  12. Pissing in places out of convenience rather than naughtiness is definitely one of the aspects of pee I like the most. While whenever I pee in public, sure it's convenient, but I also know my bias is contributing to doing it lmao One thing that does make me jealous is the amount of CCTV footage we could be missing of these scenarios playing out, as well as thousands of incidents of it happening in Parking Garages, Stairwells, Storage Rooms etc, of people going in that we won't ever know of except maybe the odd anecdote we'd hear from a friend. However it is a very hot thing to think about, ju
    2 points
  13. You can try pissing under the bed or piss on the mattress then flip it over. Same goes for peeing underneath anything so you can get away with it haha
    2 points
  14. Avril Lavigne. Sat on my lap, facing towards me with her legs straddling me either side, wearing this outfit, peeing through her panties and fishnets on my lap.
    2 points
  15. @JDG, I agree with your thoughts on this and my wife seems to be similar to yours although not as willing to pee outside as yours is. She has peed outside a good few times, but each time it is because she needs to pee and there are no other options. Apart from in our own garden, I think there are only two times where she has peed outside when there was a possibility of getting to a toilet in a short timeframe. Like you, I'd love to see my wife pee in many other places, but I'm a bit reluctant to suggest them as I know she wouldn't appreciate some of them. I have sometimes tried to sw
    2 points
  16. Sir Mick Jagger. I'd love him to piss on my clit (like that's ever gonna happen! 😂).
    2 points
  17. cum on clothes in fitting room, they put them back:
    2 points
  18. I really loved this! If I had it my way I'd definitely pee on the floor anywhere out of convenience. Even better if there is carpet! I think anyone should be able to pee wherever they want 😋 Too bad society is not set up like Kaymala over there in the fiction section lol.
    2 points
  19. I think every drunk girl can relate. We have smaller bladders and longer toilet lines. My friends aren't in to pee but when we are out we will pee on buses, taxis, movie theatres, change rooms ect when we really need to. Not to be naughty but because it's the only option.
    2 points
  20. The past few days each presented me with two incredible opportunities to enjoy the aromas of two women following their use of a toilet. The second one just happened a few hours ago as I type this and involves a former teacher from high school, so I'm glad I didn't already post the first one. First Story... Friday (2/25) I visited an orthopedist a colleague recommended. It was early morning and I was the only patient in the waiting room at the time. The receptionist came out and escorted me back to the exam room, where I waited for over 30 minutes until the doctor arrived. Ironically,
    2 points
  21. @Sophie not terrible just more honest than most 😄
    1 point
  22. Had a lovely swim after work again today. I fully enjoyed the exercise, and the refreshing feeling after from having pushed myself hard for some good times. I then thoroughly enjoyed showering with an extremely full bladder. (So much fun trying not to just loose it uncontrolably and waste all my pee!) I also made sure to thoroughly wash my swim shorts of the chlorine water as well! I don't know if any of you are the same, but when I am properly desperate, my bladder clearly bulges in my lower tummy, so me being desperate may have been noticeable to anyone that saw the little round bladder
    1 point
  23. Sounds wonderful! So good to introduce someone to the fetish like that ❤️
    1 point
  24. No only possible, but most likely if I was in a field near you. Of course, I might have been there for the same reason.
    1 point
  25. Feeling naughty this afternoon so decided to have a piss in the sink with the bathroom door open, friends and family wandering around the house so it was pretty risky, could have been caught at any moment but felt so naughty and horny.
    1 point
  26. @ukpeegirl86 the carpet will definitely be getting a good soaking. @Peejoy I’m not sure how the bed will be set up, but I’ll see what I can do.
    1 point
  27. I took SCUBA lessons when I was stationed at Guam in ‘94. My instructor told us “There are two kinds of divers. Those who piss in their wet suits, and those who lie about it.”
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. This topic is definately about what excites me the most by far! I love it when girls just go somewhere outside of a toilet, just because they have to and nothing else. My girlfriend does this all the time when we're out and about. She's peed in parking lots, alleyways, swimming pools and much more (I actually have a topic here about her peeing). She knows I have a thing for it, but she still says she doesn't do it to pleasure me, but just because she needs to pee. She has been doing it before we met, so she does keeps on doing what she has always done. Although her knowing that I like it might
    1 point
  30. @Lutab so let's see if you can predict this one too, because I don't even know what's going to happen yet 🤣
    1 point
  31. @ppppppp and @Kupar, with thanks to @Sophie, I agree with ppppppp's selection of the girl on the far left (Amia Moretti, from the caption) for a peeing shot, because of her body language, standing with her legs crossed, which many women do, when they need to pee, urgently. I think it would be much more natural and erotic for her to just let it go down her legs, standing, exactly as she is.
    1 point
  32. I usually spread my piss slit in the morning before pissing, but this time I forgot - I had the dreaded stuck peehole. I had 3 streams going at once in different directions, going everywhere but in the toilet bowl. I made it worse by try to force my piss out, some of the piss landed back on my glans. It Finally turned into one stream and took a picture of it...
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. My high school girlfriend and I had gone to an auto auction to try and find her a first car. This was 1997. They had a warehouse of cars and you can go through and check out the cars prior to the auction. The warehouse was desolate and they had a lot of crappy vehicles. She mentioned to me about having to pee. I saw a bathroom, but didn’t tell her. She made a comment about she should pee in one of those messed up cars. I was immediately turned on, and had an 80’s Dodge Caravan I spotted in mind, but she didn’t do it. She held it and ended up starting her piss behind a high school nex
    1 point
  35. That was a super hot experience @zorba3189. In a roundabout way it actually makes it more naughty that the girl just pees for convenience and doesn’t care where she pees. That carefree attitude of needing relief, realising there is no standard bathroom option available, so just peeing wherever without worrying about what she is peeing on is naughty and hot. Some girls would hold bang on the bathroom door, some would find a receptacle to pee in and empty later (bin, kettle, ice bucket, mugs would typically be available in a hotel room) others would get dressed or put on a robe and seek a t
    1 point
  36. "... going everywhere but in the toilet bowl." Oh I like that!
    1 point
  37. evilcouple, cum on random car handle, full video on onylfans but you see the cum on the car https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph62234d6235a21
    1 point
  38. Occasionally when I'm home alone I'll forgo underwear when wearing pajama pants. The ones with flies are particularly fun. And of course I've worn dresses and skirts without underwear when I'm home alone, I'd never have the courage to do that out in public though!
    1 point
  39. I am also guilty of this. What I think about depends on who they are. For celebrities I don't usually think about how they are styled down there or how they look, I think about how naughty they are, especially if they look really innocent. Taylor Swift for example, she can look super cute and innocent at times but I bet she screams the house down in the bedroom. For regular people it's a little different. I like to imagine what type of underwear they have on, if they have any sex toys, when did they last masturbate? What do they sound like? I also like to wonder when did they
    1 point
  40. Adore the first stream of piss and possibly precum, the way your cock moves up for more, fantastic. Need more.
    1 point
  41. pretty hot ❤️ uncut cocks are the best imo
    1 point
  42. It's no big deal to all you petrolheads out there, but I am feeling pleased with myself, as I've just successfully installed some after-market ultrasonic reverse parking sensors to my GT86. The hardest thing was getting the bumper (fender) off lol. And I only had one pop rivet left over after everything went back on lol. The sensors work a treat, and crucially, the lights and other electrics still do too 🙂
    1 point
  43. Quick follow up to my car enthusiasm.... Some unique photos my dad took around the end of the sixties - and the DNA I like to think I've absorbed. I have a huge soft spot for these images and the era - movies of the day like Grand Prix and Le Mans.
    1 point
  44. It is possible to wear the cap without owning the hot car, right? I definitely count myself as a car enthusiast, although the sportiest car I ever owned was in my relative youth - a late '80s Vauxhall (Opel) Cavalier SRi. Since then it's been a line of boring family saloons, a couple of people carriers, a Land Rover and now an SUV. I do like to think I have a few molecules of Hydrogen and Carbon in my DNA, possibly ingested as a foetus - my parents were season ticket holding spectators at Oulton Park in Cheshire prior to and for a while after I was born. Race meetings there would s
    1 point
  45. Ok. I'd thought I'd give a short experience of what I saw. Flashback to 2012, I turned old enough to drink legally (in Canada it's 19). I was at a festival that was held at a nightclub backyard parking lot. I drank and smoked a lot at the festival (away from my family and with my friends). The bathrooms had a long line for the women, and the line was made worse because 2 of the 3 toilets we're broken. So the owner and manager said it was ok for the ladies to use the men's room. A little bit later, I had to pee so bad (4 beers, 3 mixed drinks, some water and 1 weed filled cigar went
    1 point
  46. This was something I saw in my late teens. It was one of the first times I got a good look at a woman peeing. It was an important memory for me for many years, but then I forgot about it. It resurfaced only very recently. I was a passenger on a long car journey, sitting on the other side from the driver (so staring out of the window, bored, at the pavement and beyond). It was summer, dusk, so late evening, but still light. It was a slow journey. We had to drive through the centre of many towns and cities. We stopped at traffic lights in one. I was not paying much attention to
    1 point
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