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  1. Here's the link to the video, right up front... but I think this one will be a lot hotter once you've read the context. 😉 This happened Saturday evening. I'd just put a homemade spanakopita in the oven. It had to bake for about 50 minutes, as I informed my husband from the kitchen. While I tidied, he suddenly came up behind me and pushed me against the counter, pulling my pants and underwear down. My eyes widened as I realized what he was doing. For weeks now, I’ve been hinting to him about this fantasy I have of him suddenly fucking me while I’m in the kitchen and then leaving me to deal
    19 points
  2. Just had my first pee experience. Was just before a shower so I decided to just piss myself all over the floor, and save a little to drink. Probably one of my best sexual experiences.
    4 points
  3. I'm curious to hear others' experiences with witnessing or hearing about discreet / nonchalant pees in real life among regular / real people (who aren't into our kink). In another thread I told a story about my wife and her friends at a hot tub party, where she peed discreetly through her swimsuit into the grass while walking to the cooler. She mentioned that a few times the women would sit on the edge of the hot tub with their butts over the edge, to "cool off". But she suspected that they were peeing. Another situation came second-hand. In my early 20s I had hosted a party at my
    3 points
  4. Glad you enjoyed that element! I don't talk about it much here, as it isn't this forum's focus, but the two of us do enjoy the Dominant/submissive dynamic. (In fact, I often call him "Sir" and I wear a collar for him daily -- it's not quite the 24/7 D/s lifestyle but it is a big part of our lives.)
    3 points
  5. I've got a string bean physique as well. Not much muscle tone either lol. Clothed and unclothed pics
    3 points
  6. Annabelle awoke to a gentle hissing sound rising above that of the room’s air conditioning. Uncertain as to her whereabouts or even wholly to her own identity, she rolled over on the bedsheets to stare outwards to where a squatting, naked Gabriella was busily reliving herself over the carpet. ‘Hello lover,’ she said, the stream of piss leaving her lower lips not abating in the slightest. ‘I will be back with you in just a moment.’ ‘No rush,’ murmured Annabelle. ‘I love watching you pee.’ It was an honest confession as she could not wrest her gaze from the squirting fountain of clea
    2 points
  7. Lovely clip, and great description of the build up - great to know the bigger picture part of the event as well as just your fun. Also, when you mention the forum's focus, yes this particular topic is about pee experiences, but I'd hazard a guess there's lots of people would enjoy hearing about the wider aspects of your other activities. No reason at all they can't be featured on the site - the Sex & Porn area is perfectly placed for that.
    2 points
  8. So with my boyfriend and I being long distance he let's me do stuff with friends (females) as long as I tell him before hand and my one friend came back home for a week and she knows about my kink and she's into as well and more and everything about pissing. I've never done stuff with this friend before since she rarely comes home and she lives 3hrs away. I finally got to pee in her mouth. It has been a HUGE dream of mine to piss in someone's mouth ever since I got into the pissing kink. It was so fun and I loved it so much. Sad that she's going back home Friday so who knows when I'll get to d
    1 point
  9. It’s always always fascinated and aroused me, although I’ve never been able to do it effectively. I can either never pee very far or end up spraying in different directions. Makes clean-up so annoying. Does anyone have an tips or experience with power pissing? I’m very keen to learn how to do this decently. It’s a pretty useless talent but it would make me happy lmao.
    1 point
  10. Another thin scrawny person here.
    1 point
  11. So today I am taking a leaf out of @puddyls book! I am treating myself to a day of convenience wetting. The rules are simple. 1) Keep hydrated. 2) Pee wherever you are through your underwear rather than trekking to the toilet. I woke up at 7 this morning! Began drinking plenty and peed like normal at about 7:15. I showered and got dressed for the day ahead. I then put on some nice boxer briefs, and a pair of work trousers (the black, tough ones that have lots of pockets). I went out to work in the garden at about 9am after lounging for a bit. I began raking
    1 point
  12. This story is hot as fuck! I love videos where people just casually pee on the floor as they go about their day and this video has that vibe to it, I love it. You and your husband are very lucky people.
    1 point
  13. Wow what a hot and naughty experience. Love how he took a dominant role. Thanks for sharing with us
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Hot as always Wish I could pee on it with you
    1 point
  16. I pulled into their school parking lot while peeing full force and managed to open the door and squat!
    1 point
  17. One of my fantasies is to use this bathroom. I love the thought of someone next door or waiting outside being able to see me sitting on the toilet, and me being able to see my neighbour relieving herself.
    1 point
  18. Ooops I did it again. this time I removed my lower bikini in the jacuzzi and let the jet go straight to my pussy, but although I had to piss I didn’t, I waited until I went in the sauna. Since this spa doesn’t have much people I wasn’t too paranoid about pissing while standing a bit in the water you put on the rocks, and then I completely let my piss flow as I was moving myself from one bench to another but however most of my piss was all over the floor. Luckily no one came while I was in, but about 20 minutes later I saw a man walk in while I was swimming in the pool.
    1 point
  19. Wow thanks for sharing. What better way to make a long meeting fun
    1 point
  20. On Tuesday, I had a lengthy work training that didn't require me to be on camera or on mic. I sensed an opportunity for some holding fun and stayed well-hydrated through the morning, drinking probably 40 oz. of hot tea and plenty of water, too, but visiting the restroom as normal. With about a half-hour to go until my training and my bladder feeling quite full, I allowed myself one last visit to the restroom and only let my bladder empty halfway. Then I drank one last glass of water and headed out for a quick walk around my neighborhood to clear my head. When I got back, I had just enoug
    1 point
  21. I love being naughty in the bathroom at work. Peeing in the sink or trash cans. Sometimes even little splashes on the floor. I even pissed in our soiled linen and trash barrels a couple times. I'm here now on a 12hr shift and I've been drinking coffee and holding for hours now. I really wanna pee somewhere new here 😈. I'm thinking of soaking a bed pad on an empty bed. Or maybe leaving a puddle on the carpet in some dark corner. Not sure yet, but I definitely need to do something naughty before I leave this morning
    1 point
  22. pissing in the potty, I love how the warm piss spills around the penis, then it splashes the eggs
    1 point
  23. Peed in my backyard twice today. It’s fun to melt the snow and ice with my piss.
    1 point
  24. sitting and pissing in the potty
    1 point
  25. Some new lingerie. I don’t think I ever want to take it off! (I will be posting a video with it on later. Currently holding now 😛 )
    1 point
  26. Omg...christmas did cum early here.. As always great pictures xx
    1 point
  27. Here is an example of it in the sims - a few people having a pee party
    1 point
  28. Yes it is. Come work with me I'm tired of going into overtime every week trying to cover people in my department and others lol. No cups. But I gave him a sip of coke at lunch! @Alfresco @gldenwetgoose @p1ssputz You guys are all hilarious. That night in the breakroom I did cryptically say something along the lines of "how do you know I'm not into that?" And he seemed to be freaked out. It's something I say a lot at work when something goes wrong. Like if someone rolls a cart over my foot and tries to make fun of me for it lol. However, I think the warm apple juice in a c
    1 point
  29. A good while after the incident where Natalie got held up on the call, she and my wife were walking again. The conversation casually included different challenges about their respective jobs. At some point my wife saw an opening and was able to ask what happened if there was a long call and she needed something like the bathroom. Here is Natalie answer: "Oh my God the worst time. I was sick. I was really sick and I was drinking tea all day. The call was going long. I NEVER end calls early for bathroom but I really felt like I couldn't hold it anymore. Just as I was about to cut it off but
    1 point
  30. A few years ago I was staying on my friends farm for a couple of weeks, it was basically a mini holiday. One night I was sat around a little campfire with my husband, my friend and her husband, just relaxing and having a good time. I had been drinking a lot of this non alcoholic lager stuff and of course what goes in, must come out! I told the group I was just going to the toilet and as I stood up my friend said "Don't be ridiculous Sophie, it's like a 10 minute walk just for a pee? There's a shed over there you can go in if you want." There was no way I was going to pass up this opportunity
    1 point
  31. Since @gldenwetgoose mentioned the trampoline I will go ahead and tell this one sooner than I was anticipating. This time Tiffany came into my wife's office and they were chatting. (If you forgot have not read the entire thread, Tiffany has not been the main protagonist here, but is average looking and keeps her dark hair tightly pulled back behind her head). One thing led to another and they started on the topic of trampolines. Not the traditional kid trampolines, but smaller ones used for exercise that we used to have and that, it turns out, Tiffany also has. At this point Tiffany was
    1 point
  32. Nice thread, first post here. I’ve always been interested in pee, ever since I was young. First time I saw a male’s parts was my mom’s friend’s son. I was probably about 9. and we showed each other our parts, then he showed me what he could do - pee standing up against the tree. I tried the same but it just got on my shoes and into a puddle lol. Then it would come up again with some of my friends as I got older (all girls). One friend, M, she would invite me into the bathroom with her when she’d have to pee; she would take off all her clothes and sat on the toilet and peed. This happened
    1 point
  33. Well, I can remember after I had been masturbating for a while I discovered it felt good to lean back first and pee on myself, so pee landed on my stomach and ran back down my cock and over my balls. Then I would wank and my cock would be wet and delightfully slippery. I still do this sometimes, lying in a bath although when I was young I did it sitting on a toilet. I'm not sure when I first thought about girls peeing and got turned on by the idea, but it's been a big fantasy for years. I had a rather straight girlfriend at one time who once fondled my cock while she was sitting on a toi
    1 point
  34. Mine started pretty young like 10-11, a neighbor girl and I exploded each other pretty throughly. Every chance we got we were playing "house" or "doctor"...she didn't have much supervision except for a crazy old grandma who sat in the living in front of the tv watching her stories all day so we pretty much had the run of the rest of the house. She was spoiled and had a huge playroom in the basement complete with tv, vcr, bunk bed, bean bag chairs, and pretty much every toy you could think of. Anyway,lol, we pretty much spent every summer day in that basement hanging out, acting like girlfrien
    1 point
  35. Being an only child, I was first witness to a girl peeing when a childhood girlfriend went to pee in my bathroom. I was in with her and it was the first time I saw the difference. I couldn't work out where it came from. I must have been about 6 and that was the only time with her. The incident that really stuck in my mind came about when I was about 9, I hung around with a girl from our street who was about 13 and a bit wayward. She and I were in the local park, she was in blue denim and announced she had to go pee. I expected her to cycle home but no, she walks over to the boundary hedge, s
    1 point
  36. The other time I saw that girl pee, which was one of the first times I realised it interested me :- This was a couple of months after the first time I'd seen her pee, it was September I seem to remember and school was back, but it was still light enough that we could play outside afterwards. On this particular evening both of us were playing outside after we'd had dinner having come home from school. We were in the back field when it started to rain and we took shelter at the edge of the woods. As both of us had been at school we only had uniform on, no coats. After a few minutes I noticed
    1 point
  37. I am not certain but I believe it was when I was in 2nd year in high school. I was in a school trip for 2 days and at the time, the males were divided from the females because of the activities. I was told to put my old pair of shoes on because it might be muddy where we were heading. So I went back to our tent where my clothes were. I had a knot with a shoe lace that I was trying to undo and during that time, the female teachers and the girls came back to the camp to change and get their towels since they were heading towards the lake. It was far from my tent but I did saw some of them squatt
    1 point
  38. I don't remember the exact age, but I used to go out with a group of friends and lark about in the fields not far from home for several hours at a time. If anyone needed to pee, they went into an abandoned barn. Generally either girls went in together or boys went in together, but one time I mentioned I needed to pee and one of the girls said "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" and I was quite interested in seeing what she had between her legs, so I agreed. We went together to the barn and I peed on the wall whilst she pulled down her trousers and squatted on the floor a couple of fee
    1 point
  39. For me it was when I was 19. I had seen girls wet themselves in school but it never interested me until i met my now wife. She was a few years yonger and we arranged to meet for the first time in a nearby seaside town. When she came up to my car and got it the first thing she said was. "I nearly wet myself earlier" her belt got stuck and she couldnt get her jeans pulled down. I though that was so sexy. The following week we met up at her parents house and were playing pool when she was standing with her legs crossed and said"hurry up cos im gona pee myself" i was hard in an instant but she fin
    1 point
  40. When I was growing up I peed in front of boys and saw them peeing, but never gave it much thought. When I was seventeen, I was "parking" with my boyfriend. We were going pretty hot and heavy in his father's car when I had to pee. I got out and squatted next to the open door. As I was peeing, I saw that my boyfriend was watching intently. He got totally aroused, even more than from the make out session we were having in the car. Seeing this got me excited. Then I realized, OMG, I'm really enjoying this. From that point on I made every effort to find a way to have guys watch me pee. L
    1 point
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