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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2021 in Posts

  1. Another old throw back pee experience of mines with my ex boyfriend. One day we must've talked about having pee sex like we usually do. Because I remember walking around the house naked. I walked to the bathroom to go pee and bf came in smiling at me with excitement in his voice and he said this. I can't want wait to pee on you! I'm gone pee on yo hair on yo forehead in yo eyes in yo nose and yo mouth! All I remember was being butt ass naked on my knees on the floor he pulled his peen out aimed it at me and when it came out. It came out really hard he went for my eyes first his piss stre
    4 points
  2. It's been a while but I have a great story for you. My girlfriend and I was planning to go eat dinner. We decided to go to the Texas Roahouse, the only thing was. We had to wear dresses and no panties. She came and picked me up and we headed out. I already had drank 2 glasses of tea before she got there. She was dressed so hot black mini skirt and top and open toed sandals. I had on a short sundress and sandals also. When we got there we had a 15 minute wait. I could feel the pressure building in my bladder already. Now Amy doesn't know of my pee fetish. We were sitting there waiting and
    3 points
  3. I'm sure this must have been posted before... Backstory to posting it now - last night, visiting son at university in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, we ended the evening in a cool underground bar. One of those tiny places, with quirky shabby decor, sensibly priced drinks and a great atmosphere. Just after we arrived the evening's band took to the stage, just three guys. Now, you know when you get a really talented band who can nail any cover song in their own style, but will only ever be playing in pubs - last night's band were exactly that band, and in Dire Straits home tow
    3 points
  4. To be honest, I'd never heard of Brass Against before this incident. And now I have. Brass Against will now forever be known to me as the band with the singer who pissed on a fans face in the middle of a live set. For that they have my respect.
    3 points
  5. The desperation is my favorite part! I love the aching pain of a full bladder, feeling like I could burst any second. Peeing while trying to undo my pants is a huge plus too
    2 points
  6. Mr E is out at the moment (I miss him) so I am frigging myself whilst I read this thread.
    2 points
  7. And there's the 3rd of the day 😄 Heaven! Really was bursting for this one!
    2 points
  8. i just walked in to the showers and pulld my pants down and pissed in the drain and a women came in and saw me and stood the drain and pissed as well
    2 points
  9. Thank you! I've neglected this honestly. I'm writing part three though, so it's not forgotten.
    2 points
  10. Trees are natural urinals. They like being watered.
    2 points
  11. The poor librarian was fidgeting around, slightly jumping from one foot to the other. She was so close to wetting herself that she now struggled to hold her composure. “Violet is the soul of this library …” the boss began to tell proudly. The mother however didn’t listen since she seemed to be the only one to notice Violet’s discomfort. She put a hand on her shoulder and worried she asked: “Are you alright, dear?” At this point it didn’t make any sense for Violet to keep her situation secret anymore, it had become way to obvious and so, with the last bit of breath she had within
    2 points
  12. Last one for today. I went to a furniture and clothing store to collect something that I had pre-ordered. Whilst walking around the store, I noticed that whilst cameras were very evident in the clothing areas and near the tills, they didn't seem to be prevalent in the furniture area. I took advantage of this and whilst I didn't make any huge messes, I did adopt the technique of having my dick out under cover of a long coat and I left a few small patches of liquid around the store. First I walked up to a stand where some fluffy rugs were displayed over a plinth and whilst inspecting
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  13. I walked back up and sat back on the front door steps watching people coming and going and waiting for it to get busier. I had been sat their a while when a taxi pulled up by the bus stop and a young blonde girl got out. She walked up and round the corner and headed to the ATM. It's quite common to see people doing this. Getting out of taxi's and going to get money to pay for their taxi. She joined the queue for the ATM and after a few moments I noticed she could not stand still whilst waiting and kept jiggling her legs back and forth as she waited. When it came her turn to use the machi
    2 points
  14. That time in the bank It’s early on a Saturday night, just before 9pm. I’ve just parked my car in my usual spot and I walk up to the main street to grab some money out of the ATM so I can buy dinner. I’m thinking maybe a pizza or a burger. Not sure yet. As I’m walking over to the bank, I notice two young ladies entering. Both are strawberry blondes, thin, attractive and young, wearing slim fit dresses. This bank has a seperate room out front that houses two ATM’s in a brightly lit area. The bank entry is to the left, closed behind a roller door. Standing on the street looking in, t
    2 points
  15. Been experiencing quite the dry spell and have been reflecting at length, so I thought I would revive this thread and share some more experiences I've had. I'll start on a note of personal, emotional growth. After several years, I broke up with Rose, as my feelings for her waned and were pulled elsewhere. She was hurt, and turned vindictive, and attempted to paint nasty pictures of me. While I wasn't completely honest with her, and was cold, I was never cruel, and certainly never physically or emotionally abusive. She also went so far as to reveal my...proclivities...to our mutual group
    2 points
  16. Michelle was most fortunate in that she was tall enough to stand up to the family bathroom sink and have her pussy clear the rim. This meant that she could easily have a standing wee into the basin rather than squat with her bare bum hanging over the plug. She had long since mastered the art of peeing without squatting and loved nothing more than to watch her golden piss flowing over the ceramic as she stood up to the rim and peed over it. Most times, she would leave the plug out and turn the tap on to help wash away her piss after she had peed into the basin. Other times, normally if her pare
    2 points
  17. I can remember one more distinct memory from my time with Rose, although the times I saw her pissing in the woods were my last ever with her. One weekend late in the spring semester, some of her friends from high school came to visit and we went out to eat with them at a local cafe in main street, mostly so they could catch up. It was a warm, Sunny Sunday afternoon. We parked in the garage behind the main Street area, which has a bridge that connects to main Street through a building. The four of us were walking towards the bridge when I couldn't believe my eyes- two young women, seniors
    2 points
  18. Note: This story contains Female Desperation / Omorashi. First post doesn't include actual wetting, peeing or other action - look further below for that. Since the demise of Shara & Ger's female desperation site, this story hasn't been only anymore (the omorashi forum hides a copy of the full set of stories that used to be published there). It has been a while that I wanted to upload it to literotica, but I feel it needs some editing first. Well, having found this forum, I thought I'd test the story with you guys - I'd really appreciate your feedback. Don't hesitate to comment on any
    1 point
  19. See the full story here. Amazing don't think the fan complained, I wouldn't. Sophia Urista apologizes for peeing on fan (nypost.com)
    1 point
  20. hey y’all sorry for the break i’ve been super busy but i’ve had a pretty decent experience i wanted to share baxk in october i worked a job that required me to be out in the forest all night. we could not take bathroom breaks. So when i was alone i would squat wherever i could and piss for over a month every night it was the best job i’ve ever had
    1 point
  21. I just got myself and my full bladder all horny and worked up until I went outside and pissed my red lacy panties. As I pissed I rubbed my clit and came hard. If anyone were to walk by they would’ve totally seen me, no one did though. tell me about you’re experiences or something you want me to try!
    1 point
  22. I was semi-naughty earlier (or fully naughty, I'll let you decide) and I'd like to share it with you. After about four hours since peeing I was starting to feel rather desperate but I didn't want to have any old ordinary pee, I wanted to make it a bit more special. I went upstairs to my bathroom and closed the door behind me, leaving it unlocked, lifted up my skirt and sat down on the toilet, still wearing my black bikini cut briefs! To make it a little more naughty I slipped my hand between my thighs and held myself tight, my hand pressing against my pussy. I relaxed the hold on m
    1 point
  23. The list of things I'd change is endless but boils down to a few simple principles: Have confidence in yourself and don't listen to the naysayers ... things might not work out but then again they might Go with your gut & follow your heart ... I missed so many things I wish I'd tried because it was inconvenient or I was uncertain or whatever waffly reason I had Dont do anything halfway ... if you're going to do, then do it with all your energy & focus Life is short ... live it fully
    1 point
  24. And there's the 2nd pee through these tight boxer briefs. I always feel so naughty and excited totally ignoring my poor little fella's need to be cleaned up. Just feels so so wrong to just force him to pee himself again! But, it's never caused me any problems and I enjoy it, so I'll continue to enjoy myself! 😄
    1 point
  25. As hot an experience as this sounds, your lack of punctuation left me as breathless as you were.
    1 point
  26. As advertising, it seems to have worked. The last quote says it all: "Came for the pee ... stayed for the music." Was that one of us? 😎
    1 point
  27. Finally had some time to give an update to this thread! We got a room at a medium priced hotel in the tourist district, paid cash. We got into the room, we were surprised as it was actually a nice room(for now) for the price. We throw our overnight bags on the bed and as I'm stocking the mini fridge with with beer unaware of what's going on behind me- I hear that lovely sound of piss hitting the carpet with her exclaiming "I've been holding that since this morning!" Not even 30 mins in the room and it starts! I'm hard as a rock now and have been holding myself so I pull the ole boy out a
    1 point
  28. She apologized for political correctness. I agree with you: no harm no foul.
    1 point
  29. I can add one naughty pee from earlier today! I was reading and studying in my room a lot today. I took a big teapot with me and drank 1.5 litres of tea while reading. I sat on my deskchair wich has fabric cushioning but I have (as always) put two folded towels on top. As I was reading, from time to time I had to stop and think about the text/paragraph. Whenever I would look up from the text I would sit up straight, lift my bottom a bit to reduce the pressure on my private parts and let out a tiny spurt of pee into my black bikini style panties and my old black leggins. After a few s
    1 point
  30. The girls have another exam, and they scheme to get Colin in to the girls' school. Part 18 After lunch we decided to walk to school to give our skirts a chance to dry. They had got such a good soaking that they had not dried out all morning, especially where we had been wetting ourselves on the sofa. As we walked I was aware of the cum oozing out between my thighs. I lifted the back of Erica's skirt which was drying nicely and saw that she had a good deal of cum on her stocking tops between her legs. I was not surprised as her cum was a lot fresher than mine. As
    1 point
  31. I think it's great that her last name is Urista lol.
    1 point
  32. Tags: Female Desperation, Humiliation, Accidental Wetting, and Female Peeing Walk Home I was just walking home from school, when the following story developed in my mind. You need to know that it was quite a long way home and quite lonesome in its second half – time enough to make up an exciting story. For the avoidance of doubt: I was old enough to be legally entitled to this kind of fantasies… Walking a street of small semidetached houses – almost deserted at this time of day – I had just pulled out some sweets from my pocket when someone shouted: “Hey you!” I
    1 point
  33. I didn't notice the fan complain, he looked very happy
    1 point
  34. I was out walking and found a tree which lends itself to an alternative use. It is hollowed out in the middle of the trunk and open all down one side. I didn't pass up the opportunity and stood facing into the tree, unzipped and peed a full bladder into the hollow receptacle. A lady walked past on a parallel path about 20 metres away and glanced in my direction. I don't know whether she realised what I was doing, but I enjoyed the fact that I was peeing whilst she was nearby.
    1 point
  35. A couple of weeks ago, I posted in the outdoor pee thread that I'd been to the dentist and peed next to an electricity substation box. The photo was simply a grab from the internet of the location, but I always felt it didn't show it very well. So when I went back to the dentist for another appointment yesterday, I utilised the same spot again and took photos myself. Here is the original post: Yesterday I went to the same location, waited whilst a couple of people walked past, then I went down the little alley again. You can see the electricity box at the end: I stood
    1 point
  36. Third part - Draft. Editing welcome. Tags: see first part Amanda's Greenhouse Pee “It had been a day at the lake with friends. We had a barbeque with some meat and plenty of beer; after all we’d just finished school and had a beautiful summer ahead of us.” Amanda started her recite as they approached the coffee house. Clarissa steered them upstairs and chose a table in the right corner at the window front donning to the high street. “She’s finally finished her business, too.” She giggled and pointed to the posh student stepping into the pedestrian shopping street.
    1 point
  37. Nice I look forward to hearing about what the sisters get up to 😛
    1 point
  38. I admit, I felt slightly upset about this, but I knew my fellow urophiles would like it. Now that live music is back, Mr E and I have been making up for lost time (where my health allows). We were at a gig over the weekend. On my second bottle of beer, we were watching the band, dancing and everything when suddenly felt that I had the urge to pee - but not too bad. I'll wait for now and go when a song I don't care for as much gets played. Well, not thirty seconds after, a huge surge of desperation came over me and I was forced to squeeze my pelvic floor: a tiny drop, no bigger than
    1 point
  39. Washroom Closet Part 2 Fiona returned to the party, seemingly uncaught for her makeshift restroom. The host was cleaning up the bathroom with the broken toilet, and word quickly got around that the couple had been kicked out. As for the line up of desperate people, a few had found one of the other two bathrooms, or just simply gone outside to the yard. The night had basically returned to some level of house party normality. As Fiona joined the crowd, she bumped into an old friend. Lily was shorter than Fiona, being only 5’4”, but she held herself with a bit more confide
    1 point
  40. Your stories are incredible. I love them so much 😄
    1 point
  41. Just watched a film called 'Crawl', a horror/thriller film starring Kaya Scodelario. She was also in a TV Series called 'Skins'...(Some images of her found on the Internet)
    1 point
  42. On the way here yesterday, I stopped at a motorway services and whilst everyone else were parking their cars and walking towards the building, I walked into the narrow strip of woodland that flanks the car park. I decided that I would rather water a tree than go into some boring toilets in an aging service station. I walked up the low grass bank and along a little path, I was only about 50 metres from the parked cars and I could see them through gaps in the trees as I selected my tree and let loose. The area is marked up as a dog exercise area, and anyone who walked their dog along that
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. I have 2 that gets me going at the moment. 1 is to be woken up with my wife pissing all over me. The mess is the only thing really preventing us from doing this. 2 is to actually cook with my wife’s pee. I’ve seen videos where people make pizza dough and pancake batter with piss. My wife has pissed on my food (cereal, ice cream, numerous drinks) but we’ve never cooked with it. my hottest fantasy used to be to be pissed on in public but 2 years ago, I was able to tick that off the list (we were walking back through a park late at night after going to our local pub and she was des
    1 point
  45. Actually from my experience most ladies regardless of their background have a inhibition threshold when it comes to peeing outdoors. Some ladies will go a lifetime never having peed outside but for majority especially the active social outdoors type they become veterans early on to shed their inhibitions and pee in full view like the one you witnessed. I used to go boating often few years back with my friend when I owned a boat. Their wives, girlfriends, daughters would come along and after initial hesitation they all became pee veterans and would hang their butts off the side of the boat or h
    1 point
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