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  2. Catie_Lee Videos

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  3. Thermal bath

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  4. Naughty peeing

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  5. Songs about pee pee

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    • Thank you so much! 😍
    • Dear Wet Carpet. My name is Pete and I share a rented flat with my girlfriend Danielle. We are both in our mid-20s. My girlfriend has a thing about peeing in naughty places and we have a collection of videos taken by me on my phone in our private collection. She works as a teacher in a local school so we can never make these public, sadly. Well, I have filmed her peeing on the tiled kitchen floor and upon the kitchen table. And on the bathroom floor in front of the toilet. I have a couple of her squatting and peeing on the bedroom carpet beside the bed.  And a few of her peeing on the living room carpet the first of which was interrupted halfway through, and that's the interesting bit. You see, our landlady who is probably about 40 is no respecter of privacy and thinks nothing of letting herself into our flat with her own keys, sometimes without even knocking. And this is what happened in mid flow, the door opening right into the living room. The landlady walked in on Danielle peeing right there on the carpet, with me filming. It took several seconds for her to stop though I stopped filming immediately. The landlady looked stunned for a few seconds, literally speechless, then she just laughed saying, "What the fuck do you think you are doing? You realise that's technically my carpet and not yours don't you?"  The fact that after her initial shock she seemed more amused than angry was a bit puzzling, as she said with a smile, "You do realise I ought to give you notice to quit for that don't you?". On the whole she was taking it better than I'd have expected, but what happened next was a bolt from the blue as she said that instead of kicking us out it would be rather more fun to join the party, as she reached up under her skirt and pulled down her knickers, and stepped out of them. Danielle and I could barely believe what we were seeing and hearing as she hoisted the back of her skirt whilst dropping down into a squat in the middle of the room, stating with a chuckle that she had always wanted to piss on someone's carpet. Then with a big smirk of pleasure on her face, and a very audible hiss, she was pissing there right on front of us. And clearly enjoying it. In mid flow, she said with a giggle, "That's a relief". I could not take my eyes from the golden torrent spraying down onto the carpet and the enormous puddle getting ever larger beneath and slightly in front of her. The carpet couldn't soak it up fast enough and a pool of piss was forming upon it, slowly soaking in. She must have peed for like half a minute before the yellow spray dwindled until the the last few drops pattered down.  She then grabbed her discarded knickers, and pulled them back up as she stood, glancing at the pool of piss seeping into the carpet, then looking at us with a huge grin as she gleefully confessed, "I enjoyed that!" Which fact was actually pretty obvious. My girlfriend and I were flabbergasted but at least it didn't seem like we were going to get evicted. Which fact was confirmed when she said that she couldn't throw us out after having peed on the carpet herself. She then stated that she hoped we wouldn't mind if she decided to "use the facilities" again if she felt like it and offered a rent reduction. Well we couldn't exactly say no, could we? Well that was a couple of months ago and since then, she has called round three or four times and peed on the living room carpet, and once on the bedroom carpet. I have filmed her in action now though so am pretty sure we are secure in our tenure. One time about a week ago, she came round with a friend, and both delighted in peeing on the living room carpet for fun. I have footage of that too. Yesterday she actually came round with her daughter who only looks about 18, and both mother and daughter were soon squatting together and peeing on the carpet with big grins on their faces. That's on film as well. Of course, when alone I still film my girlfriend peeing in naughty places, and with carte blanche from the landlady, she has become more outrageous. For example pissing against the bedroom wall. And on the bed, lol. Had to dry the mattress out for a couple of days after that. It is still stained with pee now, lol.  We are lucky to have such an accommodating landlady. Pissing fun all round, lol.
    • Your position also helps prevent you from leaking. Squatting seems like the safest position. While in bed, bring your feet up to your bum and open your legs then when you are ready release your pee. I use this position in bed and almost always avoid leaks regardless of my flow rate. While sitting just open your legs and release. Another thing I check before going pee in my diaper is the leak guards. These are the things I do to help prevent leaks when doing a full flow rate pee in my diaper like I would in the toilet. I find full flow rate pees in diapers to be the most pleasurable since your diaper gets really warm fast and then stays like that for a few minutes. Its a similar feeling as taking a hot bath but only for your private parts. 
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