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Real Pee Encounters & Experiences

Genuine pee stories and sightings. 

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  2. Convenient Carpet Pee

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  3. Road stop pee

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  4. Spring fun!!!

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  5. Al Fresco

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  6. Caught short at the park!

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  7. Back Seat Pee Pt. 1

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  8. Lady in the gents

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    • I'm not entirely sure if anyone would want to hear my experiences. Nevertheless, I shall relay them regardless. I've been a lurker on this site for a while now, never really contributing anything, so this is the undoing of my "lurker" status! Hello! I'm not sure where my Urolagnia began. As a kid, I remember intentionally pissing up the wall in a relatives hallway, as my parents and relatives talked in the kitchen. It was hardly anything, and undoubtedly not enough to really even be noticeable. But there was a liberating thrill that I got out of doing such a thing. Later on in years, I recall going to a friends house to play on his SNES and remember him and two other pals, all stood at the side of the bath pissing into it, in his ensuite bathroom. I didn't partake, and recall pretending I found such a thing vulgar as I mashed the buttons on Street Fighter. But in reality I was jealous that I lacked the carefree attitude to just "whip it out and piss wherever". Around that time, I remember seeing a girl a bit older than me pissing, as she hadn't bothered to close her toilet cubicle door, and the outer door to the cloakroom opened allowing me to gawp inside. Whilst I obviously appreciated the carefree attitudes of my peers, I didn't associate such things as being sexually provocative. That was until I saw that girl, and automatically I came to the conclusion that such a sight was very favourable to me. Early teenage years came, and I recall hearing a then recent tale from my grandfather, about how he and his step-daughter (who was in her early twenties) had accidentally locked themselves out of the house, and she needed to pee. So he told her to just go, not realising she'd go there and then, instantly pulling her shorts and knickers down to piss on the doorstep. I remember being very envious that I didn't witness this. So the act of urinating had undoubtedly taken a new turn for me. The free-spirited nature of urination had definitely been replaced by the potential erotic nature of it. Or at least, my own perceptions of the potential eroticism behind such acts. For a time, I think I put thoughts like this behind me. I finished school at 16, and went straight to college. Became invested in music, grew my hair long, learned how to talk to girls and planned on how I was going to be a rockstar. I somehow managed to get through college despite not having much interest in the courses I took, and on my last day of college, I spotted a gorgeous blonde I'd never seen before. So this was the mid-2000s, fully in the middle of the popularity of the emo/scene kid fashion era, where alternative rock fashion was very prevalent. That girl fully embraced that look, skin-tight red jeans, blonde hair that was straight at the front and a teased mess of hairspray at the back, a striped hoodie, and the thickest black eyemakeup that would make the most glamorous panda envious. I was besotted at the sight of her. I was also drunk after having celebratory leaving drinks. Somehow, I ended up coming away from my interaction with her phone number. Anyway, I'll skip a lot out, but I swiftly fell madly in love with her and moved in with her when things with my parents weren't going well. I recall one occasion not long after we got together. My new love and I went camping with friends and got drunk. A lot of this story features alcohol, and whilst no-one could deny the potential destructive nature of alcohol, it can certainly unlock doors to new experiences. So we were camping and were drunk. She probably was much more so than I. In the darkness, she lay in the tent, her head on my chest, and her leg over mine, and complained how she needed to pee but how cold it was outside. I didn't say anything. She jokingly said "maybe I should just pee here". I think at that point, I wanted nothing more than for her to do just that, to be able feel her warm urine trickling over me. I'm not sure if she even would have. I don't recall if she was drunk to the point of not being able to rationally think about what she was doing. But, my overly sensible side made an appearance like it often did, and I dissuaded her from soaking us both. I did however, go out of the tent with her and watched her squatting and pissing noisily into the grass. At this point, there was no hiding my perversions from her. She knew I had enjoyed watching and we went back to the tent and fucked a lot. I think because I was drunk, such perversions felt a bit embarrassing in the sobering light of day, and as such, the subject of my appetites wasn't brooched for a while. The next time would be a few weeks later, when a group of us decided to sneak booze into the cinema to watch Hellboy II. I'd never seen the first film at that point, so wasn't massively invested in the movie, and it seemed more fun to try and discreetly touch up my girlfriend. After a while, she couldn't stand it anymore and she dragged me into the ladies toilets to bang. The activities came to a sudden end when someone suffeting with what I assume was a bad case of IBS came into the cubicle next to ours and unleashed their suffering. We silently left, but promised things would continue when we got home. When my friend dropped us off at home, the alcohol had definitely gotten to us both. She needed to pee badly and threw herself into the bathroom and onto the toilet, and I followed behind her. As she noisily peed, I asked if I could touch her whilst she did it. She said yeah, and spread her legs so I could put my hand between them. I felt her warm pee leaking over my fingers, and she leaned up, kissing me passionately. I'll wrap this up for now. Perhaps no-one will read this. If people are interested in more, I shall oblige and share more. But I don't want to drone on too much. At this point, me and her were both only eighteen. I'm unfortunately now a grizzled old man of thirty four, so there's a significant amount of time to cover, but I don't want to overstay my welcome with an overly long first post.
    • Being an amateur adventurer, I still need to do menial tasks to build my skills before taking on more advanced quests. The local tavern asked me to rid the building of oversized rats. I journeyed into the basement and fought several other creatures besides just the rodents. Winding through more rooms than expected, I found a door locked with no way to proceed. I noted the location as I would have to return through the chamber to collect my reward for completion. One of the beasts had a rusty key that I looted. Upon finding the correct area again, the rusty key worked in the lock, I entered expecting to find a hidden monster. The space was very dark aside from what appeared to be three holes casting light from above. The air seemed musty and acrid, but no miasma was present. As I tried to survey my current surroundings, I found a low wall with a counter attached and seat near that. It was positioned very close to the apertures and littered in crude drawing, both in quality and content. Each appeared to be an attempt at displaying the unmentionable areas of a woman, many depicted the act of relieving themselves of liquid waste. As my mind slowly put the pieces together, I head noise and saw one of the beams of light become obscured. Looking in that direction, I confirmed my suspicions, this was the ladies’ latrine. Perched overhead was the view of a gorgeous rear end, I marveled at the lack of hair normally covering a women's nether region, the sight was glorious and transfixing. As expected, she began to expel her lant, the flow took a surprisingly sharp and wide formation and splattered loudly at my feet on the stone floor. I watched enthralled until the end and just as her stream subsided, a second bottom appeared, more hair than the first, but nothing like what I normally see. Without hesitation, this girl did as the other, the new arc shot forward into the room a good distance before succumbing and falling to the ground with a fan spray at impact. The light through the other seats highlighted the liquid giving it a luminous glint in the shadows. I again, watched thoroughly, these visions from the literal heavens leaving an indelible memory in my mind. I exited the room, locked it, and presented the key to the owner for my reward. She asked if I used it, to which I replied, that no lock found was a match. I received my payment and went on my way, however in retrospect I earned more gold than stated the mission specifications.
    • Yeah, I've heard that term a couple of times over the last few years. I'm basically attracted to people first and bodies second (I guess that fits with the meaning of that term?). But I definitely need to be attracted to them physically as well. It's like a two-tier thing. Either that or I have to imagine whatever I'm watching is happening to a specific character/person that I'm already attracted to.  And yep, frustrating is accurate! It's one (major) reason that I ended up teaching myself to make games. I can create a character and then add the kinky stuff in afterwards as part of an overall plot. Porn is generally too short in duration and/or detached from an actual 'person' to have much effect on me. On the plus side, if I ever managed to find a partner, they would never have to worry about me cheating! 🤣
    • Hehe at least two of us over here 😉 Did I understand it correctly from your profile, that you visited a real group piss party with men and women? Would love to hear everything about it…was it in Belgium/the Netherlands? And is this a recurrent event, or was it organized just once? Would love it to participate one day…
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