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Saturday Morning At The Lot

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Paid a visit to the lot early Saturday morning about 1am. I arrive at the lot to find orange cones and lots of film crew trailers. I enter the lot and get flagged down by a security guard on post. The guard sent me back out the way I entered. I asked if they were filming something. The guard replied yes. That threw a wrench in my plans. Instead of being posted up at one spot I had to float around and burn gas. I did witness 1 piss sighting, 2 just finished pissing, and 1 I think she just pissed.

The I think she just finished was 3 blocks from, “The Lot”. It is a small, unmanned lot with a Kiosk where you pay to park. I pull to the back of the tight lot, one way in one way out. On the end of the middle row as I made a U turn I saw a black SUV with a guy and girl in it, the girls door on the passenger side was open and she looked like she just finished, ground was wet with some splatter marks. I parked the row behind them, backed in. The girl was dancing and taking selfies. Early to mid 20’s, brown skin girl, nice, nice body, curvy, tight pants on. I noticed whatever was on the ground on her side ran under their vehicle toward the driver side and was still pooled on the surface of the blacktop. The SUV left almost 10 minutes later. I pulled into their spot, put the back of my finger in the puddle and smelled it. It smelled like alcohol like the puddles in, “The Lot”. 

I left that lot and did a pass by, “The Lot” to find another black SUV parked on the street, across from The Lot with the passenger side doors open. As I passed I looked back out of my drivers window to see an early 20’s brown skinned young lady with fitted blue jeans and black leather jacket kind of bent forward. Either she was sick or had to pee. I turned around and parked four vehicles back. I was trying to decide if I wanted to walk down the sidewalk to see what they were doing or wait until they left. A few minutes later they left. I pull up to where they were parked to find a fresh piss puddle and two used tissues on the street next to the curb. It wasn’t a large puddle and looked to be from a slow stream with short splatter. Of course i grabbed the tissue and dabbed the puddle with the tissue which I usually do. 

I cruised the next block to see a female in white jeans fixing her jeans like she just got up from taking a piss. She had a guilty look too. There was a fresh puddle next to thr curb behind the parked car. No tissue.

Another trip around the block, back to the same street I see the white Cadillac from the last story. I saw the lady earlier and I knew she’d eventually have to piss but her spot at The Lot was unavailable. It appeared she just opened the driver door and urinated in the street. She did have on another long gown type dress when I saw her earlier. Puddle was fresh! Hadn’t even absorbed yet. There were two tissues that hadn’t even blown away yet. It was windy. Atlanta police may have caught her because they were stopped by her car in the street. Lady had the window down smoking a cigarette. Police car left and the two cars behind them they were holding up. I was parked behind her. She left after her smoke and u pulled up, took some puddle pictures and grabbed one of the two tissues. See pictures, you can see where her feet were. 



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Those photos show that she was peeing actually out in the street where cars were driving.  That's pretty bold!  Also, looking at the wetness around and splatter pattern, she must have got very wet shoes.

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Yeah she went right in the street. At least the other lady who peed on the same street peed curb side. I had only come around the corner a little sooner. That street doesn’t get much traffic being a one way with nothing on it until you get to the far end of the block. On the right is a cement wall that runs the length of the block and closes off a power plant. She definitely splashed her boots.

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