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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2023 in Posts

  1. Not fine literature by any means but I wanted to get a story done and this is what I came up with. Like pretty much all my stories, this one contains female outdoor urination and is told from a man's point of view *** This story takes place just a couple of months ago. I was working for a large-ish American real estate company and had been sent out to a local townhouse construction project to do some appraisal work. Long story short, the goal was to figure out the approximate value of a partially constructed row of buildings so that my company could reassess insurance costs. Excrucia
    9 points
  2. I used Chat GPT 4.0 to write this. I eased it into the story starting with "Write a story about a woman who needs to pee in a university library, but finds the bathroom is closed so she finds another solution" It gave me a story where a librarian helps her find a bathroom, but I was able to then ask for her to be given instructions to find the bathroom and then ask "change it so she doesn't find the bathroom and has to use the carpet" I continued to ease the chat into asking for more details and more stories till I got this: The Chronicles of the Ivory Throne: Shades of Auda
    4 points
  3. Here's one from quite a while ago.
    4 points
  4. I may have been singing this at the top of my lungs on my bike earlier...
    4 points
  5. Other than my backyard or my friends backyard, I've peed in the park near my house many times. There is flowerbed in the corner. I don't know who takes care the flowers but I give them special watering regularly. My friends call the flowerbed "Rosie's toilet" now. It's funny people enjoy the flowers planted in my personal toilet lol
    4 points
  6. I was on a long journey from another city to visit her older sister, who lived in a metropolis. The journey had been smooth until I reached the city limits, and I was suddenly caught in the grip of a massive traffic jam. As the minutes turned into hours and the cars barely budged, my discomfortly grew unbearable. I had been holding my bladder since I left my hometown, hoping to find a restroom on the way. However, the unexpected traffic jam had dashed my hopes. I squirmed and moaning in the seat, trying to distract myself from the growing urgency. I looked toward the dark tunnel, th
    3 points
  7. Cumming before I pissed… https://www.erome.com/a/I8oQgTlH
    3 points
  8. As promised here is the outcome of me telling her about her mum Helen about her naughty side. I picked kate up from the hospital who leg was much better but is in a leg cast boot which she still doesn't like due to it bulky size. Anyway I decided to take kate to a quiet cafe so we could talk about things but also still make her feel better but also loved. We were in a quiet spot, so could speak more openly about recent events and Kate thought it was good that her mum had come clean about her naughty side and when I suggested that we should let her join in, kate blushed bright red as the
    3 points
  9. Recently caught a young lady peeing whilst she was running. I was out on my bike and had noticed her earlier thinking she had an incredible body and lovely arse in running leggings. Anyway, when I bumped into her a second time she was walking into a lay-by between some bushes. I turned around on the bike expecting her to be well hidden but to my surprise she was just going into a squat, leggings and knickers low and could see the pee coming out as I was side on. I cycled over and she muttered an apology. I said it was okay and that she had no need to be sorry. She smiled an
    3 points
  10. Bloody mechanical let me down
    3 points
  11. We had a drinking party at my friends home last night. There was only one toilet and they didn't let me use it because they knew I could pee anywhere. So I peed in her backyard four times...because there were four potted plants lol
    3 points
  12. When we were kids this used to be out ‘pee spot’ when we were playing out. The perfect height to pull your cock out and piss through the hole, into the container. The hole was also big enough so that girls could sit on the edge of the wall with their bum over into the container. I remember one time a few of us decided we needed to go so we went one at a time. 2 boys and a girl. One of us had a bad aim and I can remember Gemma complaining when she went in that ‘there’s all wee on the wall I have to sit on’ 🤣
    3 points
  13. Was having an edging session the other day and got so hard but still managed to piss. Quite surprised I managed! https://www.erome.com/a/7kXF7Aex
    2 points
  14. That's me back in lycra. Feels good and hopefully I'll enjoy riding a road bike for the 1st time since June
    2 points
  15. As I was walking back to my car through my usual parking garage, I saw a car far ahead in the distance with both the front and back doors open, but no visible driver. Still a ways off, I kept walking down the aisle and could see the front and rear doors close. I kept walking down the aisle now approaching the car as the brake lights came on and engine started. I could see a young blonde woman driving. She was looking at me nervously wanting to start backing out. She could have started backing, but I would have been in the way of her turn to leave, so she ended up waiting and immediately l
    2 points
  16. Dear Wet Carpet. I am a police woman in my late 20s based in a large British city. Usually of course we travel around in pairs in cars when on duty, but every now and again, eg if I am to attend court to give evidence or something like that when I am not expected to respond to emergency calls, I might be in a car on my own. Anyway, I am seeing this guy and know his working patterns and know when he is likely to be home. You see he has something of a kink which I enjoy indulging. And when alone on duty if I need to pee and think he is likely to be home I will often quickly detou
    2 points
  17. I’ma bit stiff at the moment. Who’s coming to lend a hand?
    2 points
  18. My mom and I went for a drive this evening....I needed some time out of the house, and my mom offered to facilitate that. She asked what I wanted to do....I said I wanted to go for a drive, so we grabbed a tshirt just in case and hopped in the car. We had been driving around aimlessly, chatting for about 20 or so minutes. My hand was between my legs massaging my clit when it became more of a need than a want. I told her that I was feeling kind of horny and needed a release. She encouraged me to pull over so I could focus on cuming without having a wreck. I propped both legs up on the dashboard
    2 points
  19. As promised, here is the story of my mom's first masturbation in front of me 🙂 A few weekends ago, I went over to my mom's house to finish up harvesting what little was left of her garden and to mow her yard. Most everything had dried up and died from the heat, but there were still a few okra left to pick, and her yard was needing some trimming. As you know, we are nudists to the core, so we do our yard work fully nude with good protective shoes. We had both peed multiple times outside that day...on the lawnmower seat, in the garden, once down my leg into my boots. My mom peed on the flo
    2 points
  20. A short story about a young man sharing some awkward moments with his mother in need. The story contains female desperation and peeing There I was, in my bed, bored as hell, depressed because of covid, lonely because of covid and jobless because of covid. What a miserable life I was living at the moment and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. I spend most of these days waist deep in thoughts wondering and worrying about stuff, my future for instance was a classic, and every single one of this thoughts eventually ended with me sighing in frustration followed by the the usual qu
    1 point
  21. @notepanel Sorry if this counts as double posting or if you've already seen it but I cannot understate the urgent need to for anyone who is able to frequently and forcefully piss everywhere in car parks. Really if they did not want them to be pissed in than why did the design the perfect pissing location. https://thisvid.com/videos/casually-pissing-in-the-stairwell/ https://thisvid.com/videos/cock-out-pissing-on-parking-garage-stairs/ As much as I love filming it really does slow me down. I pee in much more exciting places with so much less regard when I am high speed low drag.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Welcome to the future of workplace design with the Versatile Relief Area (VRA). This innovative device revolutionizes office spaces, providing workers with a dedicated and inclusive solution for attending to their needs without interrupting productivity. The VRA promotes productivity by eliminating the interruptions and restroom trips. Conveniently located within the office, it empowers workers to address their needs seamlessly, staying engaged in meetings and workflow. The VRA accommodates both standing and squatting postions, ensuring all employees feel supported and valued. Enviro
    1 point
  24. Checking in for the next flight with each other, we made sure that it was also an adult only flight and filled up on water before so the reliever would come in handy. Sounds like a great story
    1 point
  25. I'm glad that others appreciate my little tales of wet michief. I just wish that I didn't have to work so hard to make ends meet in these terrible times and could find the time to write some more...
    1 point
  26. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine, If this was a feature article, I guess there'd be a headline 'How Pee saved my relationship'. I'm writing to share exactly that, and hopefully it may help some of your readers. My boyfriend and I have been seeing each other for a few years, but had sort of grown apart a little. It's not like we were splitting up, but we both have work pressures, we'd settled into a routine and things were just, well boring. But then something happened to change all that. One Friday night we'd been out in town to a few pubs and were on the late bus home. There was ju
    1 point
  27. Dear Wet Carpet. My wife and I are in our late 20s. We are quite open minded about porn and erotica and sex in general, and have the house to ourselves since neither of us wants kids just yet. So of a weekend evening we like to sit in our living room drinking wine and beer and viewing porn, always looking for something a little bit different, a little bit kinky, to keep our sex lives interesting. Well we stumbled upon an amateur American porn video which looked a bit old and retro, with this naked guy and naked blonde girl laying in bed together. The girl says she has to pee and wand
    1 point
  28. Welcome back! Great to have someone from the best part of the UK 😉
    1 point
  29. Most day , prob easier to count the pee’s in toilet ! last one was between the cab and truck at the yard before leaving for the night
    1 point
  30. yes! its so fun. my most recent, after a short but none-the-less excruciating hold, ended up happening in the bushes behind a, i think, dentist office last night. 😇
    1 point
  31. I was chatting with an online friend the other day and eventually asked him if he had ever tried golden showers. He said not really, but one time on spring break he watched a girl pee beside the bed in his hotel room. Of course I asked him to elaborate, why did she do that? And he said he was making out with her, and because their friends were busy fucking in the bathroom behind closed door and she really needed to go. And she was drunk and said fuck it I need to go, so just popped a squat between the bed and the wall and let it go right on the carpet. When she was done they got to th
    1 point
  32. It was a great experience 🙂 Before we got home, we both had the urge to pee. She picked up the towel from the floor and held it to her pussy and released into it. She passed the towel to me, and I peed into it, as well.
    1 point
  33. The next time I masturbated in front of my mom was a couple of weeks later. I was sitting at the kitchen table working on school stuff, and my mom was cooking dinner and washing dishes. I was kinda horny, but wasn't sure how my mom would feel about me masturbating at the dinner table. We were mid-conversation while my mom was washing dishes when she took the glass she was washing, held it between her legs, peed in it, dumped it in the sink, and continued talking as if nothing happened. The nonchalance about what she had just done was enough to send me over the edge. I propped my leg up o
    1 point
  34. Absolutely love this topic - peeing somewhere where someone else has to clean it up and not caring in the slightest because they've got to go! These screenshots from CCTV in the back of a shop are great (full video too big) - girl has clearly asked to use the bathroom but its occupied, waits a while but decides to go and pee all over their floor - amazing
    1 point
  35. Peeing in inappropriate places out of convenience is something I find really attractive in girls. I love that they would disregard public conventions or concerns of soiling a place to satisfy their own personal needs and desires. Their is a certain selfishness I find attractive. I’ve had multiple girlfriends that did this. I dated a girl who was rather selfish and indulged in many things for pleasure. When we were out partying she often peed in parking lots, garages or at house parties in yards, sinks, showers etc. We were once at a house party with an amazing modern house in the Hollywoo
    1 point
  36. Age: 18-21 , Man, real story. This story happened a while ago but it might be good enough to share. Somebody askes me to pee on a public slide and I tought it would be fun to do it. At school a while ago I had been drinking lots of water so my bladder would be full when school ended. After the last lesson I had a full bladder, just the thing I wanted to have this day after school. After school I drove a while to the slide that I had found it was pretty far away, but it would worth it.Once i arrived at the slide, I first walked around to see how many people were there, where the trails were
    1 point
  37. I don't have 16 (let me know if you get it!) and 17 is literally just "Right before getting out my mum made us girls swear never, ever, to speak of this to anyone... you're the first I've spoken too.", but here is 18: 18. Parking interlude Laura was simply rooted to her chair. Her brain was foggy, still reeling from her four orgasms in the mall! Thankfully Mandy took the lead, "What do you say we go tuck our spoils in the car's trunk ?" She then stood up and began gathering her bags. Laura followed suit, then as Mandy was walking toward the exit she exclaimed: "Wait, I could
    1 point
  38. "See? I told you this was the perfect time to go to the movies," Izzy said, squeezing Clary's hand as they entered the theater. She had to admit, she was right. Outside of a few other people, the room was empty. Which really was the best time to go. No one around, they were free to laugh and react how they wanted to. Or make out if they got bored. "Fine, you're right," Clary agreed, taking her seat about half way up the rows. She put her large drink in the cupholder next to her and took a sip once Izzy sat down, getting comfortable for the movie. They didn't get to go out much, and
    1 point
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