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About Pristila_GezelQ

  • Rank
    Active Member
  • Birthday 10/28/2000

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  • Gender
  • Age
    over 20
  • Location
    Philippines / Indonesia

Pee Profile

  • Hottest Pee Experience
    On street

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  1. I peed in a high squat on the road. I pulled down my pants and peed
  2. Today I was driving on a remote road and I thought that it was a good place for take a piss on the mud
  3. Once, I peed in the platform of a railway station this year. It occur in February, I was early at morning in the subway and I came from a sleepover, it was the first trip of the day even the train was empty in that hour. In that time I was almost alone in the carriage. I was wearing a sweatshirt over a blouse and denim minishorts with open sandals below, a fresh morning. Waiting my train I really wants to pee, I crossed my legs and tried to entertain me with my phone. In a moment I couldn't hold it and I looking for a spot to urine in that station, finally I peed on the floor squ
  4. The puddles are big in comparison with my feet
  5. I was walking on a secluded urban road near to a railway, today was a warm day. After minutes, the air began to smell as fresh piss at first soft but then the smell was quite strong penetrating. I found an urinal alley. These puddles are from a male or a women? I think that it made by a horse because the puddles are enormous. A big bladder. I want to pee there but I don't know how do that....
  6. TOP 17 BEST PEE SCENES IN MOVIES! https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ranker.com%2Flist%2Fpeeing-scenes-in-movies%2Fjacob-shelton&psig=AOvVaw2fSHONAibAss8ORjQ-QZy8&ust=1711071929157000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjhxqFwoTCND7v9udhIUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
  7. Maybe, because the piss made a river with no splashes on the walls. I think about a woman peeing there
  8. I was walking and I found fresh pee pools on the street. I could to take a photo of these. I dont know it from a man or a woman? What is your opinion
  9. Good explication. Around that part of the station was smelling like fresh piss
  10. In the image what is the difference between the male puddle and female puddle?
  11. I was in the subway and I found a piss puddle in the floor. The question is from a male or a female? It could be from two or three days ago
  12. I was on a long journey from another city to visit her older sister, who lived in a metropolis. The journey had been smooth until I reached the city limits, and I was suddenly caught in the grip of a massive traffic jam. As the minutes turned into hours and the cars barely budged, my discomfortly grew unbearable. I had been holding my bladder since I left my hometown, hoping to find a restroom on the way. However, the unexpected traffic jam had dashed my hopes. I squirmed and moaning in the seat, trying to distract myself from the growing urgency. I looked toward the dark tunnel, th
  13. Since a few days ago I discovered that some chatboxs can write pee stories with some tricks. Here I show you the best story created by my opinion. I don't have such redact level. HERE'S THE STORY In the heart of the bustling city of Port the Cruces, where life never seemed to slow down, lived a girl named Ayleen. She was a spirited young woman who always embraced the vibrant energy of the city. On a scorching summer day, Ayleen found herself in the depths of the city's subway system, clad in an armless crop top that exposed her shoulders to the warm air, light jeans, and
  14. AUGUST 4 It was at night, I was in the same pool with huges wants to pee. I used a long sleeve jacket with a bikini. I was sitting in a deck chair enjoying the sensation of a full blader. I was with my cell phone and with my legs crossed, I really have to go to the bathroom but the sensation is fine. Then at 10 pm the pool started to close and I take my bag and put my sandals for go away. When I stood up I felt a rock inside my belly. I don't held it for a long time, but it was like If I endured it for hours. I tried to walk I my legs pressed, my thighs are contained my crotch. My pu
  15. JULY 22. I't was in a pool. I was in a chair next to the pool wearing a bikini. The day was cloudy for that there no many people in the park. In a corner sitting on the chair I began to feel a bit of wants to pee, I decided to endure. Moments later I realized no many people is nearly to me, so I started to drink more. I continue enduring for a long time, in a moment I had to crossing the legs, I leaned back in the chair watching the fair skin of my legs and feet trying to concentrate myself to hold. In a moment I couldn't hold it more and I tried to pee. I put my buttocks in the edge of t
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