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  1. The next sighting came a little while later. I had been wandering around and checking out different areas where there was nightlife and larger crowds of people. As I wandered around along the main roads I noticed plenty more people arriving on buses which run all through the night with it being the city. It was one of these buses arriving that would bring my next encounter. I was walking along one of the main roads when a bus pulled up at the stop up ahead. A bunch of people got off and headed off in different directions. Amongst them was a group of three girls who got off and headed in t
    5 points
  2. Damn lol the most public place I peed was a target parking lot. I drove to the back and legit peed from the car to the parking lot
    5 points
  3. Yes there was some who flirted with me afterwards
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Most of the questions on here lately seem to be asking whether you would do this or that in terms of peeing, @Sophie. And whilst I cannot deny slipping in the occasional such question in myself in the past, nor can I deny having an interest in your answers to such questions for my own pervy reasons (I'm a peefan, what can I say, lol), it does probably get a bit too much after a while. And so I will try and ask something intelligent which has nothing to do with anything remotely sexual. Because, much as you do come across as a very sexy lady around here, it is actually your mind that
    2 points
  6. When my ex used to pee inside me, it wasn't the sensation that excited me. It was more like, "He's peeing inside me! He couldn't wait. He had to go so bad and didn't want to pull out." It was the knowledge of what he was doing that turned me on. And knowing that I could also start peeing then.
    2 points
  7. Every once in a while at my job or at a friend's house, I'll need to pee badly and I'll try to pee compeletly secretly (no noise, no mess, no obvious puddle and not being discovered) and get away with it completely. Today, I was at a remote job location in a large warehouse. I knew where all of the cameras were, but not where the restrooms were located. I hadn't peed in 5 hours so my need was pressing. I saw a row of air compressors in an alcove with oil soaking mats* under them that weren't under the view of a camera and had a 5 gallon (20 L) bucket collecting dirty, rusty water comin
    1 point
  8. Completed cancer treatment. The chemo was bad, but necessary. But the radiation truly wrecked some things in my body. I'm temporarily an inpatient due to extremely severe dehydration. I can't eat or drink anything and keep it down. I can barely even speak. I'm looking at possibly getting a feeding tube, but still undecided. I lost a lot of weight. At least my husband finally understands I'm not doing this to try to die.
    1 point
  9. Some of you might recognize my user name from my Pornhub videos. I was chatting with a fan and new friend about our similar piss fantasies and she told me about this site, so here I am! I'm a Tumblr refugee like I'm sure some of you are. It's a shame they banned porn - there was an amazing piss community there and the ban scattered everyone across the internet. Hopefully I'll find something similar here! Just doing some poking around it looks like I will. I love just about everything piss-related and not much is off-limits. I have had an amazing piss experience with another model from Por
    1 point
  10. Excellent sighting there- and I can confirm that buses arriving into the city often provide good opportunities. I have seen some great sightings of girls running from buses desperate to pee and heading for the nearest alley or bush. I have seen this in several cities and multiple times. Often I think people drink at home before they head into town and then by the time they have ridden the bus for half an hour or more, they are desperate on arrival. Of course, once they have done this once or twice then it becomes a behaviour that they may follow regularly on arrival into town as they k
    1 point
  11. Having a penis makes peeing way too easy, haha
    1 point
  12. One time, when I was first starting to explore my piss kink and become more comfortable with public pissing, I was at a grocery store, just getting a few things, as I was walking through the store I felt the need to pee. As I came up to a few vacant aisles, I decided I would piss on the floor since no one was around. I lowered my zipper, pulled out my dick and sprayed the floor while walking around hitting some of the shelves as well. When I was finished I put my dick away and continued on like nothing happened got what I needed and went home.
    1 point
  13. Aiming for F13 could end up being really painful...😄
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. When the other 2 joined in. Were they both guys also? How long till the lift was fixed and everyone was able to get off?
    1 point
  16. Yes you have to behave as others would regard as normal in situations that secretly turn you on. Clearest example in my life I can think of is an incident I have described before, when I was in the back of a taxi travelling along a street which back then was the main late night drinking area. And all of a sudden, I spotted a young lady squatting and pissing in full view quite openly on the pavement with people walking right past. Taxi driver spotted it as well and insisted on emoting to me about how disgusting this was. So as not to break my cover and clearly because he was expecting some
    1 point
  17. I’m so happy to hear from you. I know you can do it your very strong.
    1 point
  18. One day at a time precious @Simpfan4 - we know you've still got a long uphill road ahead. But fantastic news that part of the treatment is complete, and thanks for letting us know. All best wishes and fingers crossed for getting your strength back soon - onwards and upwards with all your Peefans friends there for you.
    1 point
  19. Yep. That's me. Squatted in the corner, pulling my panties to the side, curling in on myself, and peeing as fast as I could on the floor of the Radford Center building at my university. You're probably wondering how I got here, right? Well. I would be happy to tell you! My University is in the heart of my State's busiest city. Everyone hates city driving I know, but luckily for me it would be my last week driving through the gridlock because at the time of this incident I was due to take my final exam for my final class. I couldn't wait to get my degree handed to me. Leyla Archer. Bachel
    1 point
  20. Would love to be on a camping trip with you, I could keep watch while you peed and obviously give you a hand if you needed it
    1 point
  21. Wish I could get my wife to do this, not even been in the same room while she pees, but I will keep trying
    1 point
  22. I rather pee outride to
    1 point
  23. I may have ‘accidentally-on-purpose’ pissed anywhere but in the toilet in the public toilets today.. I’ve done similarly in these ones before, so it felt extra pleasing to go back and add to it 🌚
    1 point
  24. I mostly don't want to get caught by the popo or accidentally have kids around. On a Saturday night by the bars I am not going to try to hide to much in fact I do the opposite. I stand farther away from walls and let my cock hang loose spraying while I play around on my phone. I guess the risk getting caught is part of the fun too.
    1 point
  25. Many of times My mom and I where on a mother and daughter trip only so where going to spa resort fancy resort the only issue was 8 hours away I was bottomless as I am always when driving long distances my mom was sleeping I had drank 2 large Starbucks Teas and 2 water bottles so my bladder was pretty full so I start peeing while driving like nothing is happening my wide thick stream hit the street wheel a couple times my mom woke since she heard hissing as I finish peeing she wipes me
    1 point
  26. Evening all! Today I got back from work around 2:30pm (I work 6-2). I had drank plenty at work, purposely building up a full bladder for the drive home. As soon as I got back, and with an already very full bladder I hurried to the shower to clean myself up. (Work can be quite messy). The lovely cool shower felt incredible after a long hot day, and the cool water teased my already aching bladder. I squirmed and washed for around 10 minutes, giving myself plenty of time to cool down in the chilly water. Finally I hopped out of the shower and dried off. My bladder bulge w
    1 point
  27. I love this. Some time ago, I went on a day-long hike in the forest. Must have drunk 3 liters of water over the day, and peed it out by dribbling it into my pants over the 10 or 12 hours
    1 point
  28. For me it would have to be either peeing in a car/vehicle or discreetly peeing on the floor or items in a store. For those who have done either, what do you think about these two on which would be more fun? Peeing in my car, I get to make a bigger mess without getting caught but just the naughty sensation from peeing on the floor or carpet of a convenience store alone is amazing so it’s hard for me to decide. Whenever I’m peeing on something that I shouldn’t, I’ll say to myself, “my toilet is whatever I want it to be. I pee wherever I choose.” And it definitely adds to the
    1 point
  29. My naughtiest one… probably on the beach last summer. I was wearing a swimsuit, had gone for a dip in the water and then sat in one of the beach chairs. Was chatting with a couple of my friends who were there too and just released my bladder with little spurts until I eventually lost control near the end and accidentally let out a good long 5 second stream. I was still dripping a ton from the water (long hair was causing some serious drips) and the chair was super low to the sand so no one noticed.
    1 point
  30. On the mainstream thing I guess it depends on your point of view. With first-hand experience from working at a pool / gym @beachmom is accustomed to women rarely making trips to the locker room (I certainly don't!) and men pissing all over the locker room. (I like the thought of this but I'd be hoping they would do it in the pool instead!) This seems to be pretty much normal behaviour then, but I'm wondering if there are exceptions. At least twice in the past I've read posts from new guys to the forum who've said they love to pee in pools, with other men here immediately saying angrily
    1 point
  31. Shes insanely hot! I wanna fuck her while someone pisses all over her
    1 point
  32. I have peed while charging, while sitting on the curb wearing a skirt. My car blocked the view from any other car.
    1 point
  33. I like bellybuttons, too. But female only, please.
    1 point
  34. I don't mean to cause problems, but as someone who is transgender myself, I have to voice my discomfort: these are not pictures/videos of men. These are women. Just because they have penises, they're getting lumped in with men peeing? I have a vagina, but I don't want to be categorized as a woman if I'm posting pictures of myself. If this is out of line for me to post, then a mod can feel free to delete it. The categorization of this thread just doesn't sit right with me. (And rest assured, I don't have a problem with the images or videos themselves, and I'm not even gonna go into the lan
    1 point
  35. So first post kinda nervous but I peed my panties in a stall. It was fun didn’t take any pics unfortunately. Might do it again.
    1 point
  36. Wall stories: I love peeing on the wall. In fact, since my mom has allowed me to pee in her house, I have frequently gotten up from the couch to pee on the wall in her living room as well as my closet. This is when we are all in the living room (my husband included), so everyone watches me deliberately pee on the wall. Floor stories: I love nonchalantly peeing on the floor while I do mundane tasks. I enjoy peeing all down the cabinets and oven while I wash dishes or cook in the kitchen. I also love peeing from the couch when we are relaxing and watching TV. I will casually sc
    1 point
  37. today i have peed in the garden 3 times i'm thinking should i pee in the garden again or should i do a wee wee into the pool from the edge i could also do a wee wee in to some bushes becaus ei just walk out lift up my skirt pee and walk back inside
    1 point
  38. my mum was the mum that told us to pee in the pool all the time when she would be sun bathing she would make it clear she was peeing in the pool she would sit on the side and pull her bikin bottoms apart her stream was strong so it went far and people could see. another time we had a boat for a while and on the back of the boat although we had a toilet no one used it. we would stand on the back and pee off or we would go to a cornor of the back of the boat and that was the wee wee corner i loved it it was so fun
    1 point
  39. the first time my family and i went to a water park we were in the change rooms and i had to pee i did not have my bikini bottoms on yet and my mum told me to just go on the floor not knowing my bikini bottoms were not on so i stood in the middle of the change room and peed right were i was standing other people were there and looked but we didnt care, while i was waiting for the rest of my family i had to pee again so i i peed throiuogh my bikini bottoms onto the floor
    1 point
  40. when i was young my family was very open, also i was not dry through the day or night so i was still in dipers and pull ups, one morning my mum had taken off pull up and had realsed there were none left so my dad went to the store to get some in the mean time i was running around naked my older siblings were on the trampoline so i went and joined them my mum came down to watch us all then i had to pee bad (i was 6 at the time) my mum knew i would not make it back to the house as we had a big backyard so she told me to go pee in the pool as that was close. i ran to the pool and stood on the fir
    1 point
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