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  1. Bit of a messy outdoor pee today, I would have been naked but it wasn’t that warm today unfortunately. https://www.erome.com/a/KiTRViMF
    6 points
  2. Both me and mom are a bit too shy to admit when we need to pee, which has lead to some unfortunate situations for us. I remember once when we were on a long car ride to my grandparents house, which was a few hours away, and she casually asked me if I needed to use the bathroom. I told her I didn’t, even though I really did, and we kept driving. I kept my legs tightly clenched and tried to casually slip my hand into my crotch to hold it. She then asked me if I was sure a few minutes later. She looked worried and looked like she was straining her muscles. She started to bite her lip and leaned e
    6 points
  3. … And had to pee - no matter where!
    5 points
  4. I did this on the beach the other day 😊
    5 points
  5. My naughtiest one… probably on the beach last summer. I was wearing a swimsuit, had gone for a dip in the water and then sat in one of the beach chairs. Was chatting with a couple of my friends who were there too and just released my bladder with little spurts until I eventually lost control near the end and accidentally let out a good long 5 second stream. I was still dripping a ton from the water (long hair was causing some serious drips) and the chair was super low to the sand so no one noticed.
    5 points
  6. Yes when theirs rats as big as Master splinter running around you don’t care where people pee.
    4 points
  7. As an nyc resident, I can confirm. We all have better things to worry about than someone pissing somewhere besides a toilet. I’d say a large portion of nyc residents have relieved themselves in a weird spot before.
    4 points
  8. Couldn't even wait to get it out behind a tree so they had to do it where they were sitting. Must have felt good 😉 Keep this topic up guys, it's super hot.
    4 points
  9. But seeing how I wrote this Jack Kerouac style all in one shot who knows where it will lead.
    4 points
  10. As a lover of Mac and Cheese, I 100 percent need this.
    4 points
  11. As I mentioned in my previous post, along with Emily, I was also pretty desperate for a pee. I'll continue my account of the night from as we pull out of the station after Emily brazenly pissed on the platform in front of a train. Obviously there was a mountain of laughter between the three of us as we rattled our way towards the next station. After a few minutes, Emily quite rightly asked "I thought you also needed to pee?" "I do" I replied, "but I was going to hold till I can find somewhere a bit more private" "Fuck it mate. I clearly don't give a fuck. Just piss out the
    3 points
  12. After a rather eventful night out in London, some friends and I headed to the train station for the last train home. I noticed one of my friends, let's call her Emily, was scanning around as we paced towards the station. I knew what she was looking for. A toilet. Just to prompt something, I exclaimed "I really need to pee!", Which wasn't a lie. I was pretty desperate myself as I hadn't peed for about 2 hours, and had been drinking a fair amount. "Glad it's not just me then!" Emily replied "we can't stop or we'll miss the last train home. Hopefully there's a toilet
    3 points
  13. Yes!! His facial expression definitely proves that he had to do this NOW or otherwise go into his jeans!!
    3 points
  14. Not sure if I want to take it there. This idea came about after a very sexually frustrating period spent living back home and some not so discreet nightly pees out in the open suburbs. Always fantasized about a sexy lady seeing and reciprocating.
    3 points
  15. Mine would have to be a classic squat outside
    2 points
  16. “Ah yes I see its aiming you need training in” -Some giant sewer rat
    2 points
  17. Exactly! The bigger concern is a rat scurrying up to you while you’re peeing.
    2 points
  18. The closest I’ve been to this is peeing on the subway
    2 points
  19. I love squatting outside too, but I’m stuck between that and peeing standing up. It feels more fun to pee standing up like a man, albeit it’s more difficult.
    2 points
  20. I’m here to celebrate piss 🤤 I understand where you are coming from with this perspective. I think it would be seen as unacceptable in either case if there was no valid reason. There is a hierarchy of issues here which, primarily, are the social contract that we use the restroom designated for our sex (or, in progressive areas, gender). Medical necessity, including sanitary conditions and prevention of UTIs, trumps that social contract almost universally. We all know that parasympathetic, really all autonomic, nervous system functions are functions we can only control to a
    2 points
  21. Decided a little bit of time peeing in my bed was a good use of my time
    2 points
  22. So, interestingly, after some research/reading on reddit, this is much more common than I thought! (at least according to reddit users) In r/sex, the topic of squirting is one of the most commonly discussed topics, and there is and endless debate about whether squirt is pee. To me that debate is played out and doesn't really interest me because I'm interested in both squirt and pee. But what's interesting to me is that there are numerous topics about "Learning to squirt," and "How to squirt," and many of them discuss peeing during sex. For example - one woman, who is good at "sq
    2 points
  23. My friends used to take me along to their university bar... They had another mate who drank with them there... after a few beers he would edge closer to the table we were all sitting around, then announce "mind ya feet boys" and flop his cock out and piss right there under the table!
    2 points
  24. Fantastic that he's willing and supportive to give it a try, even if it's not his thing. I guess the most important thing is to consider and discuss exactly what it is that you like most about pee - because there's so many different aspects. For example - do you enjoy holding, wetting? Peeing in unusual, risky or naughty places? Would you like to receive a shower or to give? Do you like to be dominated, or to play the dominant role? And talking together about where you feel your kink originates, what sort of things you fancy trying will hopefully convince him it is a rational
    2 points
  25. I recently had a hot date with a much younger woman of 22. She kept hitting on me when I saw her st the office down the hall from me. Recently we had some 85 degree days after a long snowy winter. She started wearing mini skirts and tight T shirt tops. This girl is a full B cup so she looks very nice. She is 5 5 115 at my estimate. I took her out to a Thai restaurant and then a movie followed by a walk on the promenade. We were out about 5 hours when she started complaining about her bladder being full. She had no where to fo so she had to hold it. Took he back to my house. She ran t
    1 point
  26. I have one of those shewee type devices and I direct that into a bottle usually, and empty it in the morning. I have a weak bladder at night when I’m sleeping and am often woken up 3-4 times a night by my bladder. Surprisingly each time my bladder is actually pretty full, and I’ve recently noticed that I’m filling the bottle (1L) each night, so I’ve purchased a 2L female urinal device that I’m excited to try out. I have a hard time stopping my stream once it’s started, and I’ve had a few small overflows when the bottle was half full and I had to go desperately, my bladder was a lot more full
    1 point
  27. This video also is a great starter for a curious couple https://www.xvideos.com/video5609689/pee_manual
    1 point
  28. Hopefully not too "extreme", because this is a fictional battle royale game, meaning it's already fighting to death. SPOILER Alert The Huger Games Chapter 17 >Katniss destroys The Careers' food supply.< (Use cursor to see text) I froze as the last Career disappeared into the trees, searching for who blew up their food supply; now it was time to take away their water. Stealthily I descended the rocky slope to the clear pond the tributes had been drinking from. I swept the surrounding area for traces of recent activity before inching forward. Once I reached the edge, I
    1 point
  29. I woke up eager to pee again, grabbed my coffee and phone, and headed outside. I pulled my lawn chair up against the wall of my house and faux-casually aimed away from neighbors. Since fully indulging my kink, I’ve recorded as many as possible. It’s been only a few months, but the dozens of videos I’ve collected bring me so much pleasure. I recently was looking through unpublished albums and some experiences I’d completely forgotten already. The reminder was like living them anew and fuck it turns me on just thinking about it. So, as I do, I put my camera out where I could catch th
    1 point
  30. Wow, it's great, it's very hot 🔥, I love it when women piss on clothes, especially jackets and it gets soaked in piss. After you pissed on it, this beautiful jacket became even more beautiful 💦. Did you piss standing in a high squat position and you had a strong stream? I imagine how hot it looked, especially if you were pissing in a high squat, if your stream was strong and in addition moved your hips, trying to make the piss cover and soak as much of this beautiful jacket as possible. It's so exciting. Oh, I would love to put it on, and still wet or even dried, knowing that it was pissed by
    1 point
  31. Ellie "Hey girls! Meet Jade! She's a friend from Uni. I'm going to add her to this group after what was a rather sexy drunken walk home from a girls brunch the other day! 😉 She's said I can upload these pics I have. They are screen grabs from a drunken video, hence the poor quality as we were both laughing so hard. 😂 She had to pee so bad and I decided to film it. Bit rude of me, but hey, we were really drunk!" Ellie "She was bursting, so we hurried off the road and found somewhere quiet. She instantly pulled her leggings down and it just errupted out like a fi
    1 point
  32. for me it depends on a plethora of factors: like who am i with, how public is the area i'm in, what am i wearing, and obviously how desperate i really am. often though, if i'm alone and my outfit will let me, i'm not really concerned about any evidence. as likely i won't be there long enough for anyone to know it was me. but, if i'm with people i would probably excuse myself, if not to find a toilet, at least somewhere a little out of sight. though i also have this tendency to not want to break away from my group unless others also suggest they need to potty. and also i love gett
    1 point
  33. Lauren "You're not the only girls being kinky Chloe. I made Charlotte wet herself in jeans and Converse today! She kept asking if she could go and pee, and I kept refusing. I didn't realise she was that desperate. 😂" Charlotte "You definitely did!! 😡" Lauren "Calm down, it's only pee!" Ellie "Yeah it's hardly like it's a dirty thing to do Charlotte. We all do it. 😛" Lauren "Here are the pics. She was rushing to the car as I took them so they aren't perfect." Laura "Oh wow!!! What a babe! Charlotte that's one hell of a soaking!
    1 point
  34. *me with an accent/voice kink* I am so happy this thread exists 🤤
    1 point
  35. I don’t think so since drug deals ran rampant there and they would probably get stolen or broken.
    1 point
  36. Most of the time i like to leave a visible puddle, and hopfully someone enyoy my puddle.
    1 point
  37. I think the easiest way to get started is in a way that’s familiar to him, if he doesn’t share the kink as well. Take a shower, have him pee in front of you/on you, pee in front of him, play with him while you do it so it reinforces a positive notion with it, have him pee between your legs/on you on the toilet, etc. then you can ramp it up from there, move away from the bathroom.
    1 point
  38. This is lovely! I don't know what you like to watch and what I'll say is written in complete ignorance of that, so feel free to disregard all of it that doesn't seem relevant. But as one half of a couple where the other half isn't into pee for her own sake but has proved happy to experiment and play within limits because she knows I love it and she sees no harm in it, I can suggest a few things that have worked for us, which are listed below. There is a focus on fun (we both laugh a lot), though there's definitely an obvious sexual element for me. I don't think there is for my wife. There
    1 point
  39. Includes male and female watersports, nonchalant nudity/urination/sex, as well as vandalism of public property. The protagonist is a man. The Future I Saw, Part 4 Adrana and I headed to the history museum the next day, stopping outside to wait for Nova. Deep in the lower levels of Skyune, the district was dense, shadowy, and altogether different from the upper levels - not sketchy in the same way that some neighborhoods in 21st century cities are, but still, a lot less shiny than what I'd seen of Skyune so far. Maybe some of it was because the sky far above was cloudy and grey
    1 point
  40. I'll start: I've got this weird thing for women whose IQ is higher than the number of men they've slept with. I know, I know, fantasy land... Who am I kidding? But in all seriousness with joking aside, I really enjoy wax play, ice, rope bondage and e-stim (electro-stimulation).
    1 point
  41. Nothing beats a post movie piss, except maybe a mid movie piss. I've never braved the parking lot after a busy screening (and seeing as I live in a city and don't have a car, I'm not the parking lot anyway) but I regularly go to the movies by myself and some of my most desperate pisses come after a movie, I remember being in so much pain and letting a throbbing piss out for what felt like two minutes after Top Gun last year, so I need to try a post movie public piss some day. Love that you got that you got that, that looks wonderful. I've, on occasion, when in a pretty empty theatre
    1 point
  42. hmm... theres jst so many!! i love laying on my side n peeing while i cuddle my body pillow :3 if im jst sitting in bed not planning on sleeping i like to position my legs so i can pee on my feet. when im on my tummy i keep my legs together so it pools between thm n then i let my top sheet absorb it to be fully enveloped in warmth!! i also like using my sheet or blankets to wipe after bc it feels extra naughty, but also super nonchalant like to use ur bed as a toilet is totally normal n routine ^_^
    1 point
  43. I did a wee in a sink today! Although I couldnt photograph myself going, I did manage a shot of what I produced!
    1 point
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