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  1. So the definition most commonly use is “The act of holding ones urine for an extended period of time and the forcing it out at a high speed and velocity” I don’t really need to hold my pee as much since I have strong pelvic muscles and a big bladder a shorter urethra and a small urethra opening I can shoot my pee like a race horse. My personal record is 15 ft forward and and 8 ft up. Power pissing can be used for measuring distance contest or cleaning walls and toilets.
    6 points
  2. My favorite pee kink is close tie between nonchalantly peeing and power pissing I partake in both kinks if I have to make a list here’s what it would look like. 10 being my least favorite to 1 being my favorite. 10. Diaper 9. wetting (Clothes) 8. Catheter 7. Voyeurism 6. Holding/ Desperation 5. Bed wetting 4. Golden showers 3. Public peeing 2. Nonchalant pee 1. Power pissing
    5 points
  3. We're all about peeing during sex - sometimes as its own act, sometimes incorporated into another act, for example she might start peeing while he's going down on her ,which is among his top 3 favorite things to do pretty much ever, and high on the list for her as well. We also enjoy nonchalant peeing, either as a sort of second choice when the situation isn't appropriate for sex, and also sometimes just because it feels intimate to us. For him, a great morning is one where he gets a peek at her peeing casually while standing in front of the mirror getting ready. Doesn't happen a lot but
    4 points
  4. Peeing a full bladder under the table at restaurants. Also peeing a full bladder while talking to someone close by but they can't see what you're doing... such as at the order window at a restaurant or in front of a counter when the other person is behind it.
    3 points
  5. It was a female lifeguard. She was not on the tall chair though, she had been walking around and sort of patrolling the pool area and carrying a flutterboard clipboard. She stopped and sat at the edge of the pool with her legs in the water for a minute or so and placed the flutterboard on her lap and looked at a piece of laminated paper that was clipped to it and circled things on it a couple of times. When she stood up, I saw that the crotch area of her swimsuit between her legs was darkened. It was barely noticeable though, as it was dark navy blue. And once she was walking away, the darker
    3 points
  6. Very happily married 15 years to a wonderful woman who does not share my kink. We have a decent, mostly satisfactory sex life. She's not a very sexual person, and usually could take it or leave it. She does not have any kinks. She used to kink shame me about pee, but really doesn't anymore. As far as pee stuff, she allows me to pee inside her during PIV if I want to. I do this when I feel like it, but not every time we have sex. She regularly pees in the shower, and once in a while she'll allow me to watch. I don't always ask, because this is when she sometimes kink shames, for exa
    2 points
  7. Naughty peeing on the carpet and golden showers are my top two, with naughty peeing being my number one. Also mildly into wetting and consuming it in small quantities as long as the person it's coming from/I'm wetting for is a close friend. It's not something I enjoy doing alone.
    2 points
  8. No he doesn't. I don't think he has any kinks at all. We've been together for 8 years, own a home together and have kids. We are happy and I have no plans on leaving him anytime soon (and hopefully he feels the same 🤣). It doesn't bother me that he is not into pee. I'm perfectly happy doing pee stuff on my own. It's how I explored the kink when I first found out I had it at such a young age, so it's no big deal to do it now.
    2 points
  9. There are a couple of parks near me that have bathrooms that have been closed for ages. One In particular in In a location that has bushes behind it. I like to watch from a distance as people make their way over to them and see what they do when they realise it’s closed. A lot of the time they sneak off round behind them. A lot of times the mums take their kids behind them to pee, either against the wall or in the bushes. It’s common to see used tissues on the ground in these bushes.
    2 points
  10. Hey there! Mind if we ask what are these fantasies of yours, about which you believe you'll never find a woman who'd want to play them out? I know that's a heck of a thing for a stranger like me to ask, but after all, we are here in this community full of people who love peeing, of all things, and besides, in all likelihood neither we nor anyone here on Peefans will ever know your real-life identity anyway (unless you choose to tell them), so really what have you got to lose? Besides, you might just find that it's a relief to put them out there, even if all that means is that you anonymou
    2 points
  11. In my experience, naturists do not pee openly. For example, on a nude hike, people go off the trail several feet and discreetly pee, just like they would do if clothed. In many visits to naturists festivals I've never seen anyone pee, except very rarely outdoors in the dark. It's still possible to stealth pee with others around, for example while sitting on the grass. Card-carrying naturists (it's sometimes mysterious where they carry the card!) also believe that sex does not belong on nude beaches. Many clothing optional beaches have closed because open sexual behavior outraged people a
    2 points
  12. Is "indifferent" the same thing as "nonchalant" when it comes to peeing? Seems like they might be close but not exactly the same. To me, "indifferent" means basically "I don't give a shit," whereas "nonchalant" means "It's no big deal." Anyways, she does a fair amount of nonchalant peeing. Particularly during our piss-fueled hotel romps, where our main rule is "no peeing in the toilet" (really just applies to her, since thats our particular taste). During these excapades, if circumstances are such that its not a good time to use it for intimacy, then she will usually just relieve h
    2 points
  13. I have peed while charging, while sitting on the curb wearing a skirt. My car blocked the view from any other car.
    2 points
  14. In all seriousness, this song describes me better. I have been through a lot in my life, particularly in my teens and more recently, the last 12 months, but I have always bounced back.
    2 points
  15. I have, both in house parties and in clubs. Cant really help it when the bladders are full and the lines are long lol.
    2 points
  16. I recently got a Tesla model S plaid I use for Lyft and uber pick ups after I was done working at 3 am so I when to this charging station in I arrive to it there’s no one not even a fly so go smoke my weed pen mean while I wait my 30 minutes. I sit on side walks next my car. I lower my jeans and thong down and begin pissing and smoking while my car charged
    2 points
  17. At my university, there used to be a fraternity that threw a famous erotic party. The whole university would go, with everyone provocatively and scantly clad. There was a midwestern girl who had been in my dorm the previous year who I was pretty sure had a pee fetish. She often talked about pee and people would say that she would often blatantly “pop a squat” and instigate others to join her when walking around campus to/from parties and events. She had flirted with me before and I should have dated her but I had a girlfriend when I first met her. Anyway, the next year we ran into her at
    2 points
  18. This story will include nonchalant peeing, piss destruction/pee vandalism, public pee, naughty pee, golden showers The Soccer Girl chapter 1 The Introduction To MISS TEAM USA (NEWS REPORT) "Hello, everyone. I’m Martin Ainstein; welcome to Sportscenter. I’m coming to you live with some breaking news. Ashley Sanchez, an 18-year-old soccer star and captain of Women’s Team USA, is allowed to urinate anywhere she pleases. This news comes after the Mexican-American superstar wet herself in the Women’s World Cup 2023 Finals, where she was the night's hero. After being
    1 point
  19. I've always been curious and had a fascination with peeing, being naked and doing both publicly and openly wherever and whenever. Whatever sort of desire this stems from who can say but its always made me curious and eager to try both and see its application in society. Imagine being able to go out to the mall shopping with some friends, completely nude, no shoes, no underwear and then service haha. On top of that being able to squat down on the floor and make a little puddle on the cheap carpet or cool stone? Incredible. Imagine bringing home your boyfriend to meet your parents, hes a
    1 point
  20. Mine would have to be a classic squat outside
    1 point
  21. Fantasies work great in your own mind where everybody has to play by your rules. Not so much in real life. I know what works in my mind, but I doubt I’d ever find a woman who would go for it.
    1 point
  22. Hmmm, don’t know if it’s necessarily special, but I’ve peed in my bed and around the room a few times, so that’s probably my favorite place to pee
    1 point
  23. Side comment: lesbian bars are known as Her-She Bars...
    1 point
  24. Can confirm they're real; I know of at least one that was still in use as recently as 2014. Used it quite frequently actually. I believe they are a men's room-only phenomenon (doesn't really work as a concept for ladies) afaik.
    1 point
  25. You may be even more glad to hear I didn’t use the toilet *at all* for that particular hotel stay, using various places throughout the room to piss instead! But yes, I always do particularly enjoy soiling the hotel room carpet with a nice long piss - especially one that leaves such a significant puddle it hasn’t even fully dried before checking out!
    1 point
  26. I think that’s an accurate summary there @Alfresco - thanks for that.
    1 point
  27. I love the pee smell also. I've not done the 30 day but 7 days in underwear. I did a sponge bath an left my crotch alone so I had the smell with me 24/7
    1 point
  28. No I don’t like anal never tried it either I was a teen in Highschool around like 16 and their was a McDonalds next to my school I would hang out in waiting for my to pick me up since so would be working. I had to use restroom so I went to the bathroom and it was lock. So I went up to ask the the cashier “Hey can I use the restroom please” he said “No you have to buy something” I look in my backpack to see if I have any money theirs nothing so I look back at him “please I’m in here everyday I always buy some fries but please let me use the restroom” He shook his head no “sorry policies a
    1 point
  29. I hope this is not to weird to ask. You mentioned that your friends invited you to a sex party. Is this something you regularly do or is there a story behind it ? I skipped the party stage of being a teenager and never visited parties where you do more than hanging out with your friends. So im curious about how someone starts hosting sex parties :D. Its just so foreign to me that i want to know more. (If you don't mind talking about it)
    1 point
  30. Last week one day I was out for a walk on a very busy, main city street. Funny enough, right before this happened I was looking at some bushes and wondering if I could sneak behind any to pee after dark. Up ahead on the sidewalk in front of me was a transit station entrance, with people walking back and forth. It was a busy time and there must have been at least 50 people out front of the station door. It's worth noting that this station does not have a public toilet. I saw a woman was leaning against the wall on the sidewalk, and then I realized she wasn't leaning, she was squatti
    1 point
  31. So I’ll answer both these questions together since their both very similar. So this is one of the few times I was I didn’t pee outside I really don’t drink so I’m always the designated driver Here’s one of the few times I didn’t pee outside. I was at a college party at guy’s parents house I really needed to pee since I have been drinking a lot of water since it was hot that day. A fun fact about my giant bladder when it tells me it time to go it really time go so I try to find the host to ask for a restroom but he’s outside fucking a girl outside so their goes my first option
    1 point
  32. Not so much the nudity, but I would love an alternate reality where people are free to pee wherever they feel the urge. I imagine that's how the earliest human or human like ancestors would do. I assume their primal instincts meant they wouldn't want urine on themselves, but didn't care where it went otherwise. Hunting for a deer but feeling distracted by your full bladder? Well you need both hands for the bow and arrow, but if you have a penis it does a good enough job of projecting the urine away from you, so you relax and let nature take care of the rest. Feeding your child a
    1 point
  33. Oh I LOVE this answer! It is so much better than the real answer I'm going to give. To answer your question @Wetling It started after I had a dream last year (year before?) I don't remember the specifics all that well anymore but I remember making a joke, a pun of sorts. What are the best kind of hugs? Hedgehugs! I actually came up with a joke in my dream and it all went from there. @gldenwetgoose or @Kupar might be able to elaborate further.
    1 point
  34. For me to have a mildly naughty pee like in the bath or sink at the least my husband has to be at work. I can usually distract the kids if I want a sink pee, and if they're asleep I can get away with peeing in the tub. However, this week I actually did something new 😄 I sat and peed in the corner of my bedroom! It wasn't so much; I was just having a few very sexually explicit conversations in the chat and pms and decided I wanted to do something new. So I left a little puddle in the corner where one of the kids had spilled some stuff the night before (the towels were still there cause I was ti
    1 point
  35. I love doing it anywhere in the basement. I usually pee in small spurts as I walk around. Usually I wait for everyone to go to bed when I do it as I’m always up later than everyone else whenever they’re home haha. Completely different story when I’m home by myself!
    1 point
  36. Had an experience last Friday where the public park had its bathroom closed for spring day/Good Friday. Me and a few friends had went out there for a picnic and social time. a couple hours in there was the “oh no where do we PEE?” I knew I could not convince my entire friend group to public pee, so I suggested that they all go down a couple blocks where there was a store to use the bathroom while I stayed behind and watched our stuff. I said that I didn’t need to pee. When actually: I had pee, starting to get desperate. So once my friends rounded the corner to walk to the store, I put my pee p
    1 point
  37. Julie 7: Tricked Julie’s return match came two weeks after our trip to London and was an elaborate affair which nearly gave me a heart attack. We were invited to an ‘al-fresco’ meal in the garden of her boss. These people were, she said, a bit straight but had to be tolerated for reasons of her career. It was a sunny Sunday lunchtime and a magnificent meal was laid out in an alcove on a broad terrace. To do Julie justice I was dressed up in my light cotton suit, blue shirt, silk necktie, the lot. Julie was looking unusually respectable in pale blue jeans and a pretty frilly blouse. H
    1 point
  38. Just beautiful 😍
    1 point
  39. So good to see you here again @Barbieoxo 💗
    1 point
  40. Today at about midday My wife and I went to the natural burial ground to place flowers on her Mum's grave for Mothers day tomorrow. After tending the grave we returned to the car park where our car was the last in a row of 6 cars with apparently only us there. We approached our car and as I walked from the back of our car to my drivers door I bumped nearly face to face into an attractive well dressed young woman who seemed to be bent over as if She was picking something up by my door but there was a loud hissing noise as if a hosepipe was running. "Ooh sorry, I'm peeing" She said as I
    1 point
  41. Another college story: I was visiting a friend at a prestigious East Coast school that was famous for frat parties. In my friend's fraternity they had parties in the basement that were so messy they literally had gutters near the walls and a grate on part of the floor so all the liquid would fall under the grate to the floor below and they could hose it down the next day. I had heard stories of their parties but never attended until I flew out for the weekend. It was a nice fall day. From the outside the house looked like the set of the movie Animal House. It was a weekend of great party
    1 point
  42. i'll admit that it has happened to me occasionally in my younger years. but it wasn't like out of spite. i just literally couldn't seem to find the bathroom available after a certain point. and it wasn't like i would just go on the floor. the times it happened, i ended up having actual accidents. i have at parties snuck outside somewhere and purposely relieved myself. but would say it's more common that several of us would burst into the bathroom and use whatever facility happened to be available. like i recall using bathtubs often, even with another girl because our other friend beat us
    1 point
  43. I thought I'd try writing something from a different perspective than my usual stories and Wet Carpet Magazine submissions. Not sure how it will work, so let me know what you think. ___________________________________________________________ I recently started my own business selling and installing artificial grass for houses and businesses, but as with many startups, I'm running it on a shoestring and can't afford a serious place, so I hired a yard where I could keep supplies and have a simple cabin at the front which I use as a kind of office. I employ a couple of fitters who go out to
    1 point
  44. Totally agree @Alfresco - those situations where a member shares exactly what they want to share, an experience they've had, something they've done the way they wanted to and they share with us. Possibly with some nerves and worry about how much they can reveal. Often being cautious about being found out in real life. And my biggest pet hate right now is the comment where the first words are 'You should have done....' or 'Why didn't you do....' No, just no. And then a bit more NO. We are here to celebrate, and to encourage just as you have done here @Alfresco - to uplift and praise
    1 point
  45. My girl Curls, and I would often indulge in pee play for fun, and she would wet for fun. But often it was out of convenience, being easy and being a bit naughty. Good example was at house parties. Curls never lined up for the toilet, she would usually wear a skirt a bit above the knee and sheer panties and just do a wee when she felt like it. Often outside, sometimes inside, I have seen her wet her panties as she was talking to people standing around. On picnics with dark blue shorts, she never went to the grotty and grubby toilets. If it was just us, she would often get o
    1 point
  46. If she grew up in India, this is a very common technique for ladies to pee outdoor and they develop good control to release their pee in a controlled fashion. As long as they are not exposed they are comfortable doing this in public.
    1 point
  47. Me, discreetly looking out for signs of anyone peeing: yes, I’m not noticing strangers at all 😉
    1 point
  48. Probably one of my naughtier pees was on a family vacation. The house we were staying at had a little yard, but it was right by the road and not very private, so one day when no one was around and I really had to pee I opened up a little shed they had for storage, pulled my skirt up, parted my pussy lips, and peed all over a tool box and some rubber boots. It felt so good and naughty! I took a video, so here’s a screenshot from it:
    1 point
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