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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2022 in all areas

  1. Ive been holding more and more recently, and i finally decided to give in to temtation and let it all flow out onto my carpet!! This was risky since my family is in the next room over, i hope they didnt hear me. I was already peeing in my panties as i walked over to my place of choice. My pussy was throbbing and i was so releived to let my piss flow! I had a good time playing with my little clit and fingering my piss covered cunt afterward. I decided to film for the first time and i love this video! My phone camera isnt the best but i'll add the link in case anyone wants to watch 😅 https://www
    27 points
  2. Just had my morning pee... in the bath tub!! I played with myself a little before i started pissing, and massaged my peehole mid flow! I regularly use this bathtub in place of my toilet! Ive been more comfortable on camera lately and i managed to film it too... currently letting spurts of pee off the edge of my bed... https://www.erome.com/a/P6w5a4mL
    6 points
  3. How I dressed while working today (I work from home). I wonder how people would feel if they knew this was how their Tech Support was dressed? ;)
    6 points
  4. Short story that I wrote in about two hours. *** This story takes place while I was on a business trip to Los Angeles for a mid-size American bank just a few weeks back. My colleague Hailey and I were attending a human resources conference in the city and had just gone over to pick up a car from one of the rental places just outside of LAX airport. Hailey doesn’t drive and had asked me if I would be willing to ferry her out to the hotel in Riverside that we were supposed to stay at. Said something about avoiding the hassle of getting a hundred-dollar-plus cab fare comped by our compa
    3 points
  5. I fulfilled an ambition this week, when I visited SOP in London on Sunday. (And I'll definitely be going again). I got a friendly welcome at the door, paid my £12, undressed down to my underwear and went in. There were perhaps 20 to 30 guys there, mostly in fetish gear or underwear. There was plenty of cruising going on, and open sex - but with the added advantage of free flowing piss everywhere. Guys were lying in the inflatable pool waiting to be be peed on, and there was plenty going on in the side rooms. I'm more of a voyeur than an out-and-out sexual player, but one of my highlight
    3 points
  6. I'm going through that at the moment, the last few days I have been horny as hell and nothing seems to be satisfying my craving. But I bet this time next week I won't be bothered at all.
    3 points
  7. Wow! That's a beautifully described scene @gldenwetgoose. Thank you! I think I know who the winner is ... and it's not either of the celebs 🙂
    3 points
  8. I'm going to throw a scenario out there for the Brits out there - maybe more time has passed than I imagine, but anyone who knows Cat Deeley & Holly Willoughby will understand. Picture a scenario where the two presenters both find themselves rushing down the corridor between filming TV segments, to find the 'out of order' sign on the ladies toilets. Cat is practically dancing on the spot, having spent hours filming a 30 second trailer for the forthcoming show, and Holly is already nursing the very slightest of damp silky pants. If that Schofield bloke makes her double up with laught
    3 points
  9. First post since joining yesterday. I enjoy using this bathroom at my apartment as one big urinal - no need to lift the toilet seat. https://www.erome.com/a/24DxFonu
    3 points
  10. Includes female holding/desperation/wetting and masturbating Warning: long(ish) story This is my first time writing a pee story so let me know what you think and hope you enjoy! This is a story about Nina. Nina is a 25 year old German with brown eyes and long brown hair. She has a slim athletic body and thanks to her running and yoga habit, she has the most beautiful legs to ever walk this earth. Still studying to become a surgeon, Nina is a busy girl and she never really has time for serious relationships. That being said, it never stopped her from fulfilling her own needs
    2 points
  11. This story was originally set in a Christmas tree lot and I changed it around to take place in a Halloween pumpkin patch after I had a hard time getting that idea to work the way I wanted it to. Anyways, enjoy and please check out my profile for more stories. *** This story takes place a few years back during my time as a teacher at a public elementary school. The school I was working at had a longstanding tradition of taking its students out on a trip to a local pumpkin patch a couple of days before Halloween. The kids would each pick out a pumpkin and take it back to the school to
    2 points
  12. How does everyone else pee at beaches? When I was a kid it was allowed for the boys in our family to just turn away from the majority of people and pee in the sand, or if we wanted go into the sea to have a pee then we could just go there. The girls (and my mum) would usually be hidden behind some dunes or a windbreaker if we brought it with us. I am not sure if my mum took bottoms off fully or pulled to the side but I know and seen my sister(s) pull them to the side and have a pee. My mum wouls give the girls(sisters,cousins sisters,herself) a tissue to use after . Sometimes she ev
    2 points
  13. Thought i'd share some pics of my current working from home uniform 🙂 enjoy 😛 x
    2 points
  14. So, we have "which three celebrities would you like to watch pee" and "which celebrity would you like to be peed on by". That's really cool, and there are tons of very reasonable propositions. The next level in my opinion is to fantasize about their peeing skills. 😉 Feel free to post your favorite peeing contest as well as hypothetical outcomes. I think the standard competitions are "how much can they pee", "how far can they pee", and maybe "how powerful can they pee", but of course you can come up with other kinds of peeing contests. 🙂 For the first lineup of contestants I'd propose some
    2 points
  15. Hey Peefans, I'm a straight guy from Germany with a kink for naughty peeing and piss marking. There are quite some places I can check on my list but I guess there are a lot more to explore 😈 I hope to find some inspiration here or even a partner in crime 😜 I'm looking forward to the exchange!
    2 points
  16. Hiya I've been kinda silently reading on this forum for quite a while, and figured it was about damn time to actually make an appearance lmao. I'm in my early 20's, I'm a chick with a dick that lives in a really weird town, and have many many stories about sneaky/naughty peeing and sightings, so I figured I'd pop in and say hi 😅 I greatly value my privacy so I won't be posting any photos, but I have plenty of stories to tell. This community seems shockingly friendly and I hope you won't be mean to me like people have on other sites 😕 anyways, looking forward to actually interacting instead of
    2 points
  17. It was summer and I was at a baseball game with my family. It was close to 100 degrees so I drank a lot of fluids. I tried to use the bathroom in between innings but they would always start back up again before i got the chance to pee and I didn’t want to miss anything. By the time the game ended, I was already squirming in my seat and ran to the bathroom. The line was absolutely massive and I was already pee dancing. I probably waited in that line for like an hour, during which I leaked multiple times and had a huge dark blue patch on my jeans. When I finally got into a stall i hurriedly ripp
    2 points
  18. Wow - that's a lovely video. It looked like you were having a really good time 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing ❤️
    2 points
  19. Awesome video! Thank you for sharing it with us 😍
    2 points
  20. "Explain yourself young lady..." "I never expect this to happen!" "We told you having a house party while we were out was fine. IF you followed the rules." "How was I supposed to know all the people would actually use the bathrooms instead of the carpet and furniture!?"
    2 points
  21. Two stories! The first, I was not so brave, and in the second, I was more brave. First: I was at an unnamed national grocery chain, and had to pee. The toilets were way out of the way, and when I finally found them, quite gross. Let's just say that a little pee on the floor would not have been the worst thing in that bathroom. So I thought what the hell, and decided to try marking up the bathroom just a little. Well as soon as I got ready to go up against a wall in a stall, a person started trying to get into the main room, which required a key code. I could have just sprinkled a lit
    1 point
  22. My ex way back in the day did this in a way that took me a while to fully comprehend. I detailed it in another post but she filled a soft drink cup and a coffee cup three times during one particularly desperate situation.
    1 point
  23. Welcome to the site. As a former mod who stepped down mainly due to time constraints, I can say with certainty that Admin and the mods work hard to keep this place friendly so if ever anyone is mean to you, they will be the ones with a problem, not you. And you are not the only trans member here, but it would be a breach of confidentiality for me to reveal identities or anything. But don't think you are alone.
    1 point
  24. Welcome to the community
    1 point
  25. Apparently, it is possible. 😁 I recall a warm evening in the Florida Keys. I was on a date and we took a walk on the beach after dinner. We shared a bottle of wine with the meal, along with water. The waiter had been intent on filling our glasses. At some point an hour or so later, we both were desperate. I was the first to admit it, but my date said she'd been needing to pee, too. Nobody else was near us, it was a moonless night and, if either of us wanted privacy, there really was no option close by. So, she took off her bikini panties and squatted down in front of me. Almost
    1 point
  26. If only I was that age again and a pupil at your school yet somehow aware of your naightier sexual interests. Instant crush on a teacher, lol.
    1 point
  27. Great angle Super hot. Wow.
    1 point
  28. Not me but my friend. We were out hiking and both stopped to pee. She had been holding so much pee effortlessly for hours, but she’s a nurse so she probably had a lot of practice
    1 point
  29. Thanks for sharing those! Great stuff, very sexy!
    1 point
  30. Already taken care of I'm afraid, but you've inspired me to christen every trash bin in the house! There also might have been an accidental drip trail leading to each one.
    1 point
  31. That was so hot! You gave the carpet a good soaking 😀
    1 point
  32. Wow what an amazing stream that was, loved every second of it.. wish I could of let you pee on my carpet like that.. soo hot 🔥 🔥🔥
    1 point
  33. Absolutely fantastic! Everything about it was excellent... good strong stream, nice puddle, great sounds... and watching you play with yourself at the end. Thank you very much.
    1 point
  34. I was at home in the nude and became in need of a piss but because NO TOILET facilities are installed in my apartment I had to seek somewhere else to pee, so I decided to go in the corner of the room. https://www.erome.com/a/JjFPEchi
    1 point
  35. Thanks so much for this report! I've often wondered what it would be like at one of these special clubs. Glad you enjoyed it 🙂
    1 point
  36. "OK, wait... we're just going to go here?" "I figured, yeah. This looks as good as anywhere." "I agree, I'm not sure what you expected to find elsewhere?" "No, I guess you two're right." "Wow, I really had to go, this feels great." "Can you hear how loud I am splash, it sound like storm-drain releasing." "Ladies? Yes, you three... I know you want to show off your fountains, but this is the Splash Pad." "Yea, SO WHAT? The bathrooms are all closed and there are no kids out this late." "Just be glad we ended up here, our first suggestion was the grill pits in picnic a
    1 point
  37. Have you ever taken a video of one of these events? Would love to have seen you so desperate 😉
    1 point
  38. In my experiences of requesting and getting pissed on by women, I have in a few instances been requested to piss on them. None of them had a piss fetish, though after pissing on me, they enjoyed doing it. I had just gotten pissed on. As soon as I arrived she began laying out the plastic sheeting. She started pissing as soon as she hovered over my face in a high squat. A hard stream. I could barely keep up swallowing. Just guzzling piss. She finished and there was a small puddle with a yellow tint that had pooled on the clear plastic sheeting, the piss I couldn’t swallow and got waste
    1 point
  39. @ Ariana Grande vs. Avril Lavigne: Interesting theory about Mrs. Lavigne! I don't know, but I feel like Ariana Grande is one of these inhumanly talented people that excel just in everything that they do, and according to that impression I'd would guess that she can piss like very few other people (I don't exactly know how this should work and where she would put all that pee, but we all know that there are really petite girls with massive bladders). In my imagination Ariana Grande can shoot out super powerful thin focussed streams of pee and would be virtually unbeatable in peeing for distance
    1 point
  40. Sex Bizarre Ten Those of you who are tracking my thread will notice that we have jumped an issue. No.9, or ‘Inside No.9’ to quote a popular comedy TV series, contains scatology. Or that is what I presume, anyone wishing to trace the issue can also watch the accompanying film, ‘Bizarre Tastes’. But, I digress, Issue 10 seems to have been published in 1975, and there seems to be a slight redesign in the layout, with photos and text boxes following a loose narrative. Basically a wealthy businessman has gathered together a group of women, presumably prostitutes to party on down whilst
    1 point
  41. I didn’t make this but I Stumbled upon this masterpiece hopefully it’s not breaking the rules 😂 https://manganato.com/manga-vu972529
    1 point
  42. https://it.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c927e5e1add4 Follow me on Pornhub Slav93 😋💧
    1 point
  43. Wow, I can only imagine how much fun it must be to have a whole house for you to pee EVERYWHERE, that's like a little dream come true.
    1 point
  44. Taylor Swift, only because I had intense dreams about her. My ladies want to take turns too, in their words "Do bad things tae her"
    1 point
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