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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2022 in Posts

  1. Okay, so it's been a minute, but i can finally tell you guys about the weekend we had: It was AMAZING. I cant describe every place we've peed, but i can list a few of the rooms and tell you what we've done in there. Also, sorry if the formatting is kinda bad, but i am typing this on my phone while at work 😅 - Parents bedroom: Sadly, we couldnt really do something too naughty in here, but it was still a highlight. We both stood on the corner of the bed and just pissed across the room. Sorry Mom, sorry dad. - Kitchen: Another highlight. We had my girlfriend practice her stand
    6 points
  2. cum on clothes in fitting room, they put them back:
    4 points
  3. Since January 1, 2019, when the business closed that sent ladies to, “The Lot” I used to post about weekly, I have been trying to find another sweet spot like that. I found a 7 story parking garage where there is a club/lounge on each side, and parking there is cheaper than one of the club/lounge parking, and the only parking for the other club/lounge. I have posted up there 3 times prior. The garage smells of strong urine and marijuana. During my visits I have only observed men urinating there. Like every vehicle with a male, at least one male gets out and relieves himself before wa
    4 points
  4. So, I have pissed before around hotel rooms alone (in beds, floors, mirrors, bathroom floor...etc) but this is the first time I have actually documented this... its such a turn on watching myself piss..... and others...!
    3 points
  5. This is part of two of the story. If you want to get to know the characters, read part one first. Contains females peeing in naughty places and Seinfeld references. My second day in college, the day after we had partied until way to late, I didn't do anything useful at all. When I woke up around noon I had missed the campus tour. But I lost little to no thought on college matters, my mind was occupied by the events of the past evening. More then once I recalled the image Aisha squatting in the alley, her gorgeous body illuminated by the gentle moonlight. In my head I could see her cr
    3 points
  6. Hello 👋 Found the site just googling sites for pee kinks. I began dabbling in pee related play as an adult content creator and my husband hasn't minded a bit. 😆 I now do things like golden showers (give & recieve but I prefer to give them), panty wetting and just general peeing videos. Enjoy finding new poses, positions and ways to go.
    3 points
  7. I mentioned in another thread, that years ago my wife (then fiancé) and I took scuba lessons to get certified for diving on our honeymoon. The first part of the lessons were taught in 4-6 hour classes in a large local pool. The instructor was a funny gay guy. When he was giving the introduction to the class we all had our gear on and we were standing in the pool. The instructor told us to drink plenty of water (we had bottles as the side of the pool) as we were doing lots of exercise and we needed to stay hydrated. He then told us if we had to pee we should just do it in the pool rather than t
    3 points
  8. My kind too! Exactly how I like it.
    3 points
  9. @JDG, I agree with your thoughts on this and my wife seems to be similar to yours although not as willing to pee outside as yours is. She has peed outside a good few times, but each time it is because she needs to pee and there are no other options. Apart from in our own garden, I think there are only two times where she has peed outside when there was a possibility of getting to a toilet in a short timeframe. Like you, I'd love to see my wife pee in many other places, but I'm a bit reluctant to suggest them as I know she wouldn't appreciate some of them. I have sometimes tried to sw
    3 points
  10. Some background - for the last few months, I've been getting up at 5:00 am (most... well, some) mornings, going to the gym and do about 30 minutes of fast walking on a treadmill. The gym is only a 5 minute drive from home, and I am back before 6:00 to shower, have breakfast and get to work. Well, this morning, in my half-awake state, I didn't stop to pee before putting my gym clothes on and heading out the door. I hadn't gone all that far before I realized my need, but I thought I could make it to the gym, and use the toilets there... But as I was close to the car park, I knew I wouldn't
    3 points
  11. Last September I saw a woman urinate in front of her family (they probably didn't know though) instead of using the toilet 100ft away. Of course I don't know if she was just lazy or avoiding bathrooms, but I hope it was the latter because that's a trend I support. Think of all the water saved instead of wasted for flushing yellow water.
    3 points
  12. What like? Like this? I 100% agree. Something super sexy about it!
    3 points
  13. I've noticed much more openness to outdoor peeing in Covid times. This is interesting in a US context where people were previously much more reserved and puritan than EU or Asia unless they are partying and drunk. My wife and many of our friends have openly talked about avoiding toilets where the stagnant air could have lingering covid from previous people. Case in point, last year we were on a group hike with families from my kid's school. Before we started we were having a pick-nick at some tables by the park bathrooms. As we were getting ready to start the hike, one of the moms said "b
    2 points
  14. I met a girl at a pub once, we got talking, and as we progressed in level drunkenness, the conversation progressed in dirtyness; talk of fetishes and previous experiences, eventually she looked at me, embarassed, and asked whether I would judge her for having a pee kink, which of course made me very excited. I said that I did too and that I would love to hear more. On that spot, on the bench in the pub garden, she grabbed ahold of my hand, pushed it between her legs and let out a trickle of piss through her panties. I was in heaven and I wanted more, so we decided to leave and head to her hous
    2 points
  15. Not a movie but I've been enjoying Resident Alien, very funny and they do have frequent mentions of peeing, but in the latest episode the girls decide to raid the Mayors office while they're out on the town, one of them pees in a plant pot 😃 Clip here
    2 points
  16. Sir Mick Jagger. I'd love him to piss on my clit (like that's ever gonna happen! 😂).
    2 points
  17. You are already doing better than me because I'm too afraid to pee on the floor of a hotel room haha. I have only peed in the trashcan! Keep up the good work!
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. This topic is definately about what excites me the most by far! I love it when girls just go somewhere outside of a toilet, just because they have to and nothing else. My girlfriend does this all the time when we're out and about. She's peed in parking lots, alleyways, swimming pools and much more (I actually have a topic here about her peeing). She knows I have a thing for it, but she still says she doesn't do it to pleasure me, but just because she needs to pee. She has been doing it before we met, so she does keeps on doing what she has always done. Although her knowing that I like it might
    2 points
  20. @sexyandre88 on a nude date be like “my eyes are up HERE!” 😉
    2 points
  21. Hope these isolated incidents are the beginning of a trend!
    2 points
  22. @ppppppp and @Kupar, with thanks to @Sophie, I agree with ppppppp's selection of the girl on the far left (Amia Moretti, from the caption) for a peeing shot, because of her body language, standing with her legs crossed, which many women do, when they need to pee, urgently. I think it would be much more natural and erotic for her to just let it go down her legs, standing, exactly as she is.
    2 points
  23. Well you need to be open to adventures and a great deal of getting naked. Why not try a nude date as a first date and let’s see what happens 😉
    2 points
  24. … and I guess the other thing I didn’t say (which @ukpeegirl86 has reminded me of) is the role of ‘fantasy’ in our thinking. That difference between loving the idea of doing something, but for whatever reason not actually going though with it.
    2 points
  25. I wouldn’t be amused at all if this was my airbnb but on the flip side I’d love to get an airbnb and piss all over it. There’s a bit of double standards going on there but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t enjoy renting an airbnb and just pissing all over the place. It’s one of those moral dilemmas I guess.
    2 points
  26. Positions The next most important aspect of a discrete wetting is the body position! This can make all the difference as to whether you are spotted, or whether you get away without being even glanced at! There are 4 main discrete wetting positions. Standing, Sitting, Squatting, and in some rare cases laying down (Think sunbathing on a beach or sun lounger). Standing The most discrete from a physical position point of view, is standing. With the right clothing and a bit of consideration, a standing wetting can be achieved very secretly. Standing wettings can be done when p
    2 points
  27. Peeing in inappropriate places out of convenience is something I find really attractive in girls. I love that they would disregard public conventions or concerns of soiling a place to satisfy their own personal needs and desires. Their is a certain selfishness I find attractive. I’ve had multiple girlfriends that did this. I dated a girl who was rather selfish and indulged in many things for pleasure. When we were out partying she often peed in parking lots, garages or at house parties in yards, sinks, showers etc. We were once at a house party with an amazing modern house in the Hollywoo
    2 points
  28. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm a 20 year old student called Melissa who has never written in before, mostly because I can't be doing with long letters. But here's a short one about a pissing adventure I had last night. I was drinking down the pub with a male student my age and we were kind of hitting it off and I ended up going back to his digs with him. By the time we got to his place we were both desperate for a piss - should have done it in the back lane on the way back. His door opened into a kitchen and the place was quite spacious for student digs so I guess his parents had money. But I
    2 points
  29. I think one of the hottest things ever in porn is viewing a woman's labia from behind, peaking between her thighs, when she is bent over. This is a time where large lips are better than thin ones. This also may explain the popularity of the peeing from behind video thread. Thoughts?
    1 point
  30. K did something new for me yesterday. She ‘nonchalantly’ wet the kitchen floor while washing up. I should say that it was planned, but it was perfect 😊 It was my turn to decide what sexy fun and games we should have during the evening and since I was knackered having done a long run in the morning, I’d already told her that she was going to please me with a visual treat or two – things I could watch and enjoy without expending any energy. Today wasn’t the day for trying out those exotic and strenuous Kama Sutra poses we’re working our way through 😊 So the evening was divided into two
    1 point
  31. When I add somebody to my ignore list, it is almost always because I would like the fact that this person exists to be removed from my screen as much as possible. However, I have noticed the following things that I would like to no longer see: - Topics created by those persons still show up in the respective forum region, as well as in "Recently Active Topics". - They can still follow you and you still get a notification that they follow you (only an issue with one). - Their posts might not be visible, but there's the placeholder text of "You've chosen to ignore content by ..."
    1 point
  32. Some people purposely skip their morning pee because they like holding it.
    1 point
  33. @Bacardithank you I’m glad you like it!😋 Also believe me I understand where you are coming from, there are a lot of things I would love to try that I have seen but I haven’t tried them yet, but I have great news for yah! If your ever in my neck of the earth, you are always welcome to try new things with me!
    1 point
  34. Can confirm, my partner and I are both nerdy as fuck and also a couple of kinky piss lovers.
    1 point
  35. @jmathews1995, Just for fun, you might want to check out Puddyls' wide variety of excellent wetting photos in the forums "oops, my wet patch!" and "oops, puddyls' wet patches & peeing pix," among others, on this PeeFans site. She demonstrates many types of clothing, positions, and locations for wetting, and the effects of her choices, all sexy, as well as positive, negative, and humorous. Dr.P.
    1 point
  36. That was the kind of article I was aiming to produce. Thank you!
    1 point
  37. I love the illustrations you've chosen for this series of posts 🙂 You have put a lot of time and care into it, and I'm appreciating the results. Thank you!
    1 point
  38. I've heard from someone once that "Nerds were the kinkiest people ever."
    1 point
  39. Agree 1000% there @Eliminature It’s one thing wanting to avoid people for reasons of personal preference, but if it’s because of any hint of intolerance, hate speech or just general intolerance (etc) then please report it.
    1 point
  40. Contains: Desperation and Peeing Outside A few months ago, I was in the middle of moving from California to Missouri. We ended up going by car so we spent an entire week on the road driving from state to state to get to Missouri. I was with my mom and my 2 dogs, and we would frequently take stops to use the bathroom, eat, and walk around. However when we were leaving New Mexico and entering Texas, my mom had her someone call her and we missed the last stop. Thanks to a large Iced Tea I had at McDonalds, I needed to pee, but I didn't want to interrupt her and my need wasn't hu
    1 point
  41. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph6225dc1fea853
    1 point
  42. I'm just going to echo what's already been said: your videos are some of the best out there, with great quality, creativity, and enthusiasm. I've been a fan for years - it's great to have you here.
    1 point
  43. Welcome, you're becoming legends among the pee world ! It's great to have you here !
    1 point
  44. 1 point
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