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  1. Yesterday I was at Ikea with my family and extended family. We were in the warehouse where I found myself fantasizing about peeing on the concrete. I've literally always wanted to just pop into one of the empty fixtures, squat, pee real fast, and then leave. I had even seen a porn video of a girl doing the same thing and I've gotten off to it so many times before it got scrubbed from the internet. I actually took the time to check around for cameras and I didn't see any (but that doesn't mean there weren't any 😅). Had I been with one of my best peefans friends that I often talk about this with
    5 points
  2. After I headed back down to the churchyard the street was pretty quiet so I sat on the bench and waited for the bars to start kicking out. Eventually the street started to get busy again as people made their way from the bars to get taxis or head to the top side of town. As time passed however it soon got quiet again and I then started to have the internal debate with myself of heading home as it was quiet or staying on the off chance something might happen. The amount of people kept fluctuating making the decision harder but the more time passed the more I was convinced there would be no
    4 points
  3. About 10am Monday morning I just glanced out of my living room window to see a male and female sitting on the bottom step of the steps up to the house opposite, I did not think anything about that. A little later I looked again just as a car parked on my side of the road and the mother and daughter who live there got out and went to go up the steps, they spoke to the pair and the mother went up and in but the daughter stayed and then female stood up and move to the edge of the pavement and laid down, after a few moments the daughter went up and in. The female laid there for a minute
    3 points
  4. I think it's hot when girls pee so openly and casually.
    3 points
  5. Exhibitionism doesn't sound that weird to me. You just want to be noticed and appreciated (while peeing). I find it very easy to appreciate the sight of a man peeing.
    3 points
  6. HIM (a passing random person) Oh, better aim carefully, I’m being watched YOU I wish I could see it coming out of his dick and landing all over the floor
    3 points
  7. I have to admit that I wouldn't be hesitant to notice, though that would not be my primary purpose in being there. It would be an added bonus though, especially if some deliberately missed the urinal.
    3 points
  8. https://imgur.com/a/JTkfAmI
    3 points
  9. I hope so too. It definitely doesn't help the major depression, but neither does the cancer. After years of having men compliment my sexual abilities, I get shot down by someone I'm deeply in love with. I'm not really seeking advice as much as an outlet to vent. Thanks for listening and being my friend. I never planned to return to this site, but as for the "best-laid plans of mice and men..." It isn't strength I have as much as faith. I'm determined to make this marriage work.
    3 points
  10. @peeingone I can help you out with this one. But sadly no pissing from Viola. If someone ever found her pissing. Please contact me immediately!
    3 points
  11. @Kupar Ah yes, Marina Visconti. 👍 Beautiful Viola Bailey. She's one of my all time favorite. Sadly she has never done pissing.
    3 points
  12. Have you ever looked back at a situation and thought, "damn, I should have peed there/then!" and regretted not doing it? I always think of good ideas after the moment has passed.
    2 points
  13. I wanted to open this discussion up to have a friendly debate in the comments. The main reason I wanted to start this was because of a event that happened last week I was at a fast food place with a couple of friends we where talking overall having a great time until I heard a employee telling a visible pregnant woman that she had to buy something before using the restroom. That seems extremely crazy to me why a pregnant woman it’s so stupid like let her in you don’t see she has a baby squishing her bladder. So I as the protector of all peeing rights walked up to cashier and bought s
    2 points
  14. I just went to a queer bar in Germany with a gender neutral bathroom!
    2 points
  15. No, I identify as asexual :) just because I'm a member of a fetish forum doesn't mean I experience sexual attraction. I'd also appreciate it if you didn't make anymore assumptions about me and my sex drive like this as it comes across as kinda intrusive. Thanks 💕
    2 points
  16. I would like to pee someplace in public, outdoors preferred, where there's a lot of people, yet nobody knows I'm doing it. I've never done this publicly before but would probably wear a dress without panties, which is already my favorite way to pee outside. Now that I can guzzle large amounts of water again, filling up should be easy. The other fantasy I have is peeing on a couch. I don't really have a couch, but a loveseat that makes into a hard, uncomfortable bed. My ex added his twin sized piss mattress to the mattress that came with it, and I wish I could take it out and throw it away
    2 points
  17. I am one of the rare women who easily experiences orgasm, whether clitoral, vaginal, or from g-spot stimulation. I might also have the condition where frequent arousal is considered a disorder. Not sure. Sex is absolutely not a 100% priority, as we courted for 14 years without having it, and I was celibate 4 years before ever dating him. So it's been 18 years since I had it. I like having sex. (I already know that he will never give me oral, and there have only been two men in my lifetime who ever made me climax from cunnilingus, one in 1980 and the other in 1997). I would like to have any typ
    2 points
  18. There is a local site for whitewater rafting at one edge of the river. It has two small outdoor cubicles; one has a toilet and one is for changing. When my husband stopped there to pee, I noticed him slightly hesitate. He later admitted (when I asked) that he almost went to pee in the changing room. That left me with some nice fantasies.
    2 points
  19. I'm okay with anyone wanting to see/hear me pee, if that's the case. When my husband helps me to get my chair into a public restroom, I tell him he's more than welcome to stay while I use the toilet, but he always declines. There isn't much for anyone to see; just me transferring from my chair, pulling down panties (and leggings if I'm wearing them), and sitting myself on the toilet. It's not as though I'm putting on a show. They probably wouldn't even notice my lady parts, if they were in the bathroom for the same purpose. And given that he usually has to pee immediately after I do (power of
    2 points
  20. Yesterday afternoon one of those lovely spontaneous moments happened. K came into the dining room wearing a little strappy vest, spotty white knickers and a pair of Birkenstock sandals and said "Come outside. I need a wee and I just thought I would go outside for you. No talking when we open the door though in case the neighbours hear." This doesn't happen very often! We walked round the corner to the part of the garden that isn't overlooked, and she pulled down her knickers, kicked them behind her, and stood with her legs a little more than shoulder-width apart, then pulled on her pussy
    2 points
  21. You are right but you really don't have to be a rocket scientist to differ between an addicted hobo and a regular pregnant woman. I'm not too big in social skills but I think I could manage this.
    2 points
  22. The person above me is actually a car that Top Gear drove through Africa.
    2 points
  23. I'm curious what the original context of the pose is. It definitely looks like she's about to pee.
    2 points
  24. @ppppppp I agree, I think she was squatting and pulled her bikini to the side. But I'm not sure where she placed her feet. The sand seem to be much softer here, so i took a wild guess. I'm not sure which way she pulled her bikini either. I think she did a pretty good job to not interfere with her vulva while peeing. So she properly pulled it all the way to the side. I guess this was a two hand job, maybe even to the point of exposing her butthole too. No pulling of the labia while urinating. First thing I've noticed, is that she apparently peed in a well frequented "passage way" if you wa
    2 points
  25. There really is nothing more sexy than a girl next door look. In my humble opinion anyway.
    2 points
  26. The needs of all individuals on this planet should considered and facilitated, not just the ones of pregnant women.
    2 points
  27. haha. it was a pleasant night, so i was out relaxing on my porch with a vodka tonic. and i maybe might have only been wearing half my clothes too. 🤭 teehee
    2 points
  28. You can work up to it. Start easy and just piss all over the urinal, wall and dividers. From there try just pissing into the middle of the floor. After that try parking garages / stairwells. Its addictive once you realize you can whip it out and spray piss almost anywhere if you are decisive. I found a old multi-story mixed use office building and I have been pissing all over their stairs every chance I get. Seeing a landing completely covered in your piss is rewarding as fuck. It makes you never want to piss in a toilet again.
    2 points
  29. I use a bush or tree, but like you I love the sound of piss on the wall, and watching it run down the wall.
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. I was at my local doctors practices yesterday attend appointment. While speak to the doctor, she excused her self and went next door which is a toilet which is females one end of building with the men's the other end. While waiting for her to come back(mid 30 slim, black hair, blue eyes, mum) I could heard her peeing which was was strong and powerful with a hiss. The walls are thin and it not surprising what you can hear from the other rooms. It was not long before I heard the flush and the wash of hands, she came back with a smile and soothing her skirt, smiling. I wonder was it for relief or
    1 point
  32. I managed to get on my indoor trainer on Sunday, just a steady 25 minutes to see how my knee would cope. It ached a bit as expected but it wasn't too bad. Hopefully I will be able to try outdoors again soon
    1 point
  33. Most days are tolerable as I await the next phase. They give you three weeks between dosages for the body to rest. Now my husband needs to get his family medical leave in place again so I can get the 7 weeks of radiations. Thanks so much for your weIl wishes.
    1 point
  34. I was doing some press ups and thought it would be fun to try peeing while I did them, how hard could it be? The answer, for me anyway, was impossible 😁 So I did a kneeling towel pee instead https://www.erome.com/a/rLW4V1VR
    1 point
  35. I've done this before and it was amazing. There was a while where I would go to the mall just to fill up my bladder and piss in fitting rooms, or have some fun in the single-user restroom. My biggest fantasy is to go on vacation with a group of friends who are also into the fetish, then make a vow not to use the toilet to piss at all during the entirety of the trip. Anywhere goes in the hotel room otherwise, and outside of that, trying to find ways to piss discretely in public without using the bathroom. There would also be a rule about ensuring bladders are full as often as possible, so
    1 point
  36. I’ve run into this situation many times with my kids. Their favorite park, and the one closest to us, has no bathroom. How lucky am I? I usually just hold it, but the few times I couldn’t I would either go behind the bushes or in my pants.
    1 point
  37. If I do need to go then I go to the toilet, but if I were thinking about a container then I would want one that meant I didn’t have to get out of bed - the point would be minimal sleep disruption. I would go with a wide necked bottle, so that it was easy to use whilst still in bed - lie on my side with the bottle just off the edge of the bed then put the lid on to avoid spillage. An ideal bottle would be a fabric softener bottle or a 1 litre Innocent juice bottle. In an ideal world I would just pee off the side of the bed onto the carpet but I don’t think my wife would appreciate it.
    1 point
  38. The toilets that I first mentioned in this thread have recently been closed permanently due to the council cutting costs. Both the ladies and gents are now closed and in the last week I've been there three times to check it out. Each time there have been puddles or wet patches by both toilet doors although I can't say whether it is ladies, gents or a mix that are leaving the puddles. Well I can confirm that at least one gent has; that would be me. I did pretty much what @Horse_water described. I peed on the door without making any great effort to hide. My timing wasn't good enough t
    1 point
  39. I’ve been piss marking around the house secretly lately I started this new thing, I’ve been peeing a little into my girlfriends face wash every other day when the level in the bottle drops, I wonder how much of it is piss by now? It used to be a translucent peach/pink but now is a bit more yellow she even said today that her skin is really good lately haha
    1 point
  40. I have peed in parks plenty of times. I don't have a big bladder so I have to go more than most which means I'm always finding places to pee if I'm out for a walk or bike ride. My local park has plenty of tress, brushes and undergrowth so there's always somewhere for me to hide
    1 point
  41. Personally in a 'public' scenario like that my thought (which is by no means gospel) is that there are two aspects: There's the 'what we fantasise about doing' and there's the 'what's a reasonable course of action'. In the 'reasonable' course of action, we have to consider how others who don't share our willingness would react - whether they would freak out at our 'rational' course of action. So, walking into the ladies - if for example your wife checked the coast was clear could be perfectly viable. but on your own could lead to lots of screaming and outburst if you did it solo.
    1 point
  42. When I was in primary school we had pissing competitions. I used to start my flow standing in front of the urinal and then back away, see how far I could get before I had to walk forwards again as I emptied out. We got really good at that! Much later, in my last year of school, I went for a naughty piss over a costume basket behind the stage. I don't really go in for that but it felt kinda satisfying and taboo at the time. Anyone could have walked into the hall.
    1 point
  43. I'm quite fond of my slit if I do say so myself 🙂
    1 point
  44. I mean if you climb her Mons veneris and make your way down by the valley, you might by spending some time on the smaller peak of clitoria bring about an eruption 😉🍑🌋
    1 point
  45. I’ve definitely done some reckless peeing. I shared a hotel roomwith a friend who I worked with for a short period who was staying the night as part of a snow day practicality thing. She volunteered to work the next day so they put her up in the hotel across the street. I was off that day but she invited me to stay with her that night and have fun, and we most certainly did. The room had two beds and we watched tv in the first one for a while, under the covers, before we started fooling around and she started playing around with my cock. I told her I gotta pee first and she gave me a look and
    1 point
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