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  1. There was a street party at the top of my back lane to the right in a cul-de-sac. As the afternoon went on more and move men and kids came and peed at the top on the lane. A few females came down the lane a little and peed but as the walls are higher at the top of the lane they went out of my view as they squatted down. Around 4pm a female with a kid came down the lane to a surface water drain about three doors up from me were the walls are replaced with driveway gates. She stopped with her back to me and then held the kids bum over the drain, (I think the kid did more the pee) when the k
    6 points
  2. Since it seems there are a few nice readers interested in a little report of some pissing situations which happened during "normal" posing sessions, I've dug into my brilliant memory and found this one: - I had been booked for a Publicity service, which consisted of a series of group-photographs and a short video of the same content. Together with me, other two models of the same Agency had been chosen, one fairly similar to me, just slightly taller and more "breasted", while the other, a black girl of aboriginal origins, definitely didn't match my looks. The Set, in a co
    4 points
  3. Probably in the corner of my bedroom. It was the first pee I ever had on the floor of the first home that I own 😁
    3 points
  4. I’ve given this some thought after two marriages. With my first wife, I confessed my fetish, and she ended up using it against me in some cruel ways. I did not tell my current wife about it until one day, less than two year ago, she made some comment about men who like watching women pee. I shut the bedroom door so our children couldn’t hear and gave her a full discourse on my fetish. I described a time when we were dating when I’d had several cups of coffee and realized I was going to have to piss soon, when she came up and grabbed me and I had the biggest erection of my life. We boned while
    3 points
  5. Best butty in Pee-Town !!! Such a lovely day!!! Difficult not to notice... :)
    3 points
  6. Many of us have passion to pee because it return us to happy childhood, right and pleasure of wetting with Love Care and Warmth... And smell of Mothers pee , warm and Calming... Welcome to you roots. Deep roots of Golden River Land full of pleasant warm rains and adventures Enjoy the Warmth freedom of Relieve... and Pleasure to be at your roots... Cheers!!!
    3 points
  7. The topic of peeing in Chinese culture started in another thread but deserves its own. China has a unique and interesting culture around peeing and bathrooms that is often very different to the west. This thread is to discuss those dynamics including: * The origins of this culture * Chinese openness to public urination seeming from cultural traditions and societal conditions * Urination in popular culture, myths and media * Toilet and bathroom designs * Forward streams in the population and their interpretation * Cross cultural comparisons with the west and other Asian countri
    2 points
  8. Every time I walk on the treadmill (as I'm doing right now) I always have this intrusive thought that tells me to pee on it cause I wanna see if it comes out on the other end lol. Won't ever do it cause I don't wanna short it out. But it's an urge defiantly 🤣
    2 points
  9. Due to other medical issues I am not going to go into, in February I had to come off some of my meds and go on different ones. I have been struggling ever since but I became seriously depressed to the point that I was contemplating the pointlessness of life and the worthlessness of myself. I was hiding this from people and trying to pretend to be happy but felt like crying all the time inside. When I began to feel utterly worthless and that life was pointless I realised that I was spiralling down into a very bad place and sought medical help with time off work. But my meds were increased and I
    2 points
  10. Decided to let loose on a chair, the carpet again, and a very small bit on the basement bedspread
    2 points
  11. I do not know why you want hitech knickers... I would dream of life Sans... where sombodies Love and Passion becomes best protection against cold and moscitous... I would dream of Ticklish Butterfly that would bring pleasure of touch and wings of which would love pee streams...That would be able to nett the ultrastrong tights from spiderlike superstrong invisible thread that would revive freindly good loved partners and repell and bite a wrong person or moscitous away or dissolve them to nourish the Batterfly... We are very close to that Colette...And spiders venomes keeping
    2 points
  12. Following @CON2H4's lead, I thought I'd have a go: A lady who got off a train, Walked home down a dimly lit lane, She needed to pee, Where no one could see, So she hovered right over a drain! A lady who went to a store, Could hold onto her pee no more, The toilets were locked, Which made her feel shocked, So she let loose all over the floor. There was a young lady called Flo Who needed a place she could go She peed on the floor By a seldom used door But she got it all over her toe. There was a young lady called Clare Who
    2 points
  13. teehee. sometimes i'm out here and it just happens. but other times, i totally know there's someone there. do you think he noticed? 😇
    2 points
  14. I have done this...kind of. My then gf tolerated and indulged my fetish to an extent. But also kink shamed me from time to time. After she cheated on, then dumped me, I was devastated. Until she finally took me back four long months later. We'd been reconciled for a few months when I volunteered to help my friend's band load equipment at a small music festival, where I ran into an old friend who I'd long had a flirty relationship with. Now just to be clear, that was just the energy between us. We had never been anything more than friends. Still, I had to basically stop talking to her when my g
    2 points
  15. For me to have a mildly naughty pee like in the bath or sink at the least my husband has to be at work. I can usually distract the kids if I want a sink pee, and if they're asleep I can get away with peeing in the tub. However, this week I actually did something new 😄 I sat and peed in the corner of my bedroom! It wasn't so much; I was just having a few very sexually explicit conversations in the chat and pms and decided I wanted to do something new. So I left a little puddle in the corner where one of the kids had spilled some stuff the night before (the towels were still there cause I was ti
    2 points
  16. I was in a similar situation many years ago (where only the womens toilets were open). Not in a park though, but an indoors area. I was in a cubicle so I wasn’t aware of the situation right away but I think the guy might have asked a lady going in for her help, she checked if the coast was clear, (as far as that is even a thing in the ladies room.. it’s not like we have urinals or anything), he walked in and loudly announced ‘Warning; guy coming in! Mens toilets are closed, I’m sorry!’. I thought it was quite endearing actually :”)
    2 points
  17. Another day, I was in the vicinity of a block of flats that I've used before when I need to find a secluded place to pee. I went into the entrance at the bottom of the stairs, sat on the bottom step and peed onto the ribbed carpet. The pee started to spread before soaking in. You can see that it is not the most well maintained building. The door that you can see to the left is the entrance door from outside (I'm stood in the entrance holding the door open to take the photo) The stairs go up to an open air walkway from which the entrances to each flat are accessed. I would have heard a
    2 points
  18. We have a topic about women in leather trousers so I thought I'd start an equally sexy topic of leather skirts cos well, why not lol
    1 point
  19. After months of writer's block, half finished stories, and general frustration, I've finally got a new short story to share. It's pretty similar to stuff I've already posted here but I hope you enjoy regardless. This story contains female outdoor urination and is told from a man's point of view. ... This story takes place at the beginning of January this past year when I was teaching senior year math at a Seattle high school. After a long period of characteristically rainy and mild Pacific Northwest winter weather, King County had finally been hit by substantial snowfall and the
    1 point
  20. @colette888, Thank you for that last post. Those natural situations are the best for me - where you and the other ladies needed to pee and did so without making a great fuss or worrying too much about being seen by the others in the group. This makes it much more natural and also I am sure would have afforded the males in the group some pleasure - even if they weren't particularly into pee. Was there a lack of reasonable cover or did you just decide to nonchalantly pee within view? If the latter then it is good to see that the others followed your example rather than going off to find co
    1 point
  21. Her combination of small titties and large labia is really sexy.
    1 point
  22. last week,my younger sister told me that she feel inconvenient to pee in western toilet while wearing long skirt, because she need to pull up her long skirt and hold it while peeing. I told her to tie her skirt a knot in front of her, so she would not have to hold it.my younger sister began her transition at the mid of last year. she is not used to go to bathroom like other female do. it is not convenient for a transgender female to go to bathroom in public. she did not know if she should go to men's room or women's room, therefore, she had not use public bathroom for almost half year. she see
    1 point
  23. I agree to a large extent - especially if it is an outdoor situation such as a park. I've been caught countless times and most times nobody is bothered, but there are a few people who think it is disgusting and say so. I don't want to upset anyone and don't want to cause a row, but I usually point out that there are no facilities and therefore not much in the way of options. OK, so I don't let on that I could probably have easily held it until I got home or even that I deliberately left home with a full bladder, but that's my business. I do get why people might be upset if someone pe
    1 point
  24. Ha! Love this comment. I'm both frugal and an Engineer, so I am an avid DIY-er, and I love solving problems myself rather than spending money unnecessarily. I'm a guy, but am an avid outdoorsman (camping, hiking, etc.), so am fairly familiar with this problem for women. My wife HATES peeing outside; she has to pretty much get naked from the waist down, so she will more often suffer rather than exposing herself or risking a mess. Maybe she needs something like this (or Bacardi's DIY version)!
    1 point
  25. That's pretty impressive. I only dropped out once! I still find it interesting tho - the section of Derek Lowe's chemistry blog titled "Things I Won't Work With" is gut-bustingly hilarious. Especially when he makes jokes about flourine chemistry and the corresponding "limb to chemist ratio". https://www.science.org/topic/blog-category/things-i-wont-work-with Dumb stuff in my head? Knowing the 87 counties in Minnesota, and which position some of them are in alphabetical order.
    1 point
  26. So much useless information floating around my head. In a similar vein to the others… every phone number of friends from school pre-cellphones, my home numbers (all of them) through childhood, parents and my car registrations, door codes etc. However, can I remember the CURRENT padlock codes I use regularly - not a hope in hell. The mind is a weird thing.
    1 point
  27. Is this the sort of thing you are after?
    1 point
  28. I would definitely choose a. I'm surprised I'm minority 🙂 d is unhealthy, b and c are technically against the law. using the ladies is not.
    1 point
  29. I would always make it a point to go to the bushes and many a times I have been rewarded with ladies squatting there as well and usually none get flustered and in fact they relax and this has always given me chance to engage them in small talk or just steal a discreet look It also gets better when ladies in your own group accompany you to the bushes to relieve their bladders. In that case its absolutely more fun.
    1 point
  30. I'm an outdoorsy sort of person, so my choice would be c). Others might readily guess why I briefly disappeared into the bushes, but to me it seems the most acceptable option and the one causing the least offense. There's another option you left out that many would prefer. You could always wet yourself.
    1 point
  31. After a family outing with my ex wife who I am good friends with who has a bladder larger than I thought she had, we get back to the house and she mentions that she had to pee. I make a comment to the affect of you're not gonna waste that liquid gold are you? She responds, "tell me where". I lead her up to a back bedroom which I have a number 237 on th door like the 1980 movie The Shining. I have random stuff in the room, it's a storage room for the time being. She doing a slight pee dance, unfastens her shorts, drops them down and relieves herself in the middle of the floor on the
    1 point
  32. Last night, my wife and I went out for a meal, which involved a little alcohol. I had two pints of beer and a glass of water. My wife had a large glass of wine, a glass of water and a glass of lemonade. When we got home, a friend came round for a while and we all had mugs of tea sat in chairs by the open french doors that lead to the patio. I needed to pee, so went to the toilet. My wife still hadn't been to the toilet. About 11:30, the friend went home and as my wife was seeing him out of the front door, she was bouncing about a bit. The friend asked if she was OK and she said "Yes,
    1 point
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