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  1. I (27F) live in an RV, and lately, I have been going outside in an oversized t-shirt and no panties and sitting on my door steps to pee instead of using my toilet, sink, or floor. The park is poorly lit, so even if someone passes, they shouldn't be able to tell what is happening as long as my stream is not too strong and making noises. Well... tonight, my neighbor (50-something M) happened to be walking by when I was taking a pee break, and started walking to me midstream to talk. I abruptly stopped peeing, but I was still without bottoms, and there was a decent sized wet patch under me
    3 points
  2. Sorry to not play by the rules here, but I have something to say about this lol. I have a breeding kink and sort of get this, but the lactation kink is something I actively participated in virtually for someone way back when I was still breastfeeding. It was a one time thing, and it was so erotic to hear about how much he loved my milk and how good it would have tasted. But, it wasn't potent enough to stick around, especially since I had a real life baby to feed, shirts, pillows, and sheets that were stained with warm, sour milk every morning, and having to wake up every three hours to p
    3 points
  3. I absolutely agree...all better options than the toilet! I truly enjoy peeing outside. I grew up in the country, and it was not uncommon for my mom and I to pee outside instead of tracking dirt inside. I have always found peeing outside so freeing. But now that I am in school and live in the city in an RV park, I am not used to being so close to my neighbors (like literally meters away). I do enjoy the idea of being caught...there is something appealing about someone seeing me pee (especially with my bare pussy on display), but obviously there is some hesitation stemming from antici
    3 points
  4. The time with the bucket At the point of this sighting, I’d been doing pee sightings for just over 4 years and in that time, you notice similar traits that all girls do, such as using whatever they can to make their pee easier eg. sitting on the kerb, leaning on a wall, even sitting on the front bumper of a car to pee. I always think to myself what can I do to aid in their peeing experience. Anyway… One day I’m walking through Kmart, and I see that they sell 9L white plastic buckets for $1 each. I buy 2 not really knowing what to do with them yet. Later in the week, I’m driving to on
    3 points
  5. Hello again, as promised I have another story, this happened about a month ago, I went out with the pee friend I told you about, he invited me to a birthday party of one of his girlfriends and we had been drinking and we had a good time. After that he took me home but first I said I wanted to pee and he said he did too, so we went to the park we always pee in and I told him I wanted to hold his penis, he agreed and I told him to pick a tree, he chose one because he said it was straight, I liked that tree because it had kind of big roots and I thought I should have picked that tree, anyway
    2 points
  6. So I have a few pee stories and experiments I have done. Most recent is while kinda drunk I got the ovaries (ladyballs) to piss off my balcony. I put a leg up onto the railing and aimed my pussy out in-between the openings of the rail and peed off with extreme force. Holy crap. Luckily ita 334am no ne saw..I hope
    2 points
  7. I'm drinking and thinking of doing another pee off my balcony again for when I do decide to end up going... opening wine right now, have had 3 beers
    2 points
  8. It is hard to tell if he noticed or not just based on the fact that most of my pee was either on or under the stairs which further reduced visibility in the already poorly lit environment, but since the steps are drop-down, I'm sure my puddle was visible from the side! I plan on continuing this routine, so it will be easy to tell if he all of a sudden has an interest in speaking more frequently. If it becomes a habit, I may continue to release while we chat 🙂 (but i have to be careful about it....if he truly does not know and does notice while we are chatting, it would not be inconsequen
    2 points
  9. @JDG numerous times I was stuck in a “Stau” and experienced exactly what you are talking about. Shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall, my family and I were driving on the Autobahn to Berlin when traffic came completely to standstill for hours with a Stau. I remember climbing around the car, trying to amuse myself and standing on the center console looking out the sunroof. Some men and a few women farther our had ventured into the adjacent field to pee. The car in front of us was an east German family in a light blue Trabant. After about 30 minutes the mother opened the passenger door and l
    2 points
  10. @GWash17 99% of the people peeing are fully dressed or in costume. Its only a small % of the event that are naked. The event also sets a tone where people who would not usually pee in public, break the seal and do it. I've gone with mixed gender groups of friends where I had never seen the girls pee in public in other contexts or parties and they did it multiple times at Bay to Breakers because everyone was doing it and there were no other options. As a matter of fact going with a jovial mixed gender group is one of the best ways to see some amazing pee action. A couple years I went with group
    2 points
  11. First of all, I would like to apologize for not telling you this before, but for some reason I didn't, anyway, here it goes, even though it sounds like a fantasy it was not and it did happen. About two months ago I went out with a guy (friend) who knows about my fetish, occasionally we would hang out, go for dinner and afterwards he would take me to a park to pee while he covers and sometimes he will pee too. Anyway, I told him I had to pee and we walked to the park, first he chose a tree that was a bit skinny, I chose not to help him because I didn't want to make him nervous and he
    2 points
  12. I used to go camping on some weekends away for kayaking and I used to have a tent which was just a two man tent with a short porch where I used to keep things like boots/shoes and the stove for boiling the kettle. I always put them to one side and left the other side clear. Then, if I needed to pee in the night of first thing in the morning I would simply crouch in the porch on the clear side and pee onto the ground (the tent was too low to stand, so crouching was the only option. I normally camped in my own tent alone, but one time someone came with me. I used the porch to pee as normal
    2 points
  13. Another business style idea: "Hey, did you hear what happened to Matty?" "Oh, gossip! Do tell, give me all the details." "Apparently the VP was walking through our area on a tour or something. Anyway Matty was on the phone dealing with an irate customer. The VP stopped to see how she handled it." "Not good, then what?" "Well Matty final got them on hold to look into a few things. The VP came over, told her to open her blouse top." "NO WAY! You don't mean?!?" "Yep, sure enough... The VP hiked up her skirt and pissed all over Matty's naked tits." "Damn, when AM I going to get
    2 points
  14. As youngsters both I and my brother were encouraged to pee in pools by our parents. We'd be guided away from toilets if we needed to pee before getting in, for instance, then being told "Just do it into the water" once we were in. When I did I'd be praised, "Good girl!" and told "In the pool is the right place." Well at first anyway, as we soon realised it was actually naughty and didn't need any encouragement! 🙂 In turn I also encouraged my own kids to pee in pools while they were young, and I'll never forget the looks of delight on their faces when they'd also realised it was naught
    1 point
  15. It's being asked in various mothering, parenting and relationship sites how housewives feel about their husbands, boyfriends, sons and other male guests or workers peeing in the yard rather than tracking into their house and the results and discussions on the subject might surprise many young men. On a popular birthing / mothering site 75% of moms said they would allow their boys to pee outdoors when they're out in the yard. https://community.babycenter.com/post/a69857843/boys-peeing-outside Another poll asked women what they would think about their husband or boyfriend peeing in their
    1 point
  16. The other day as I was walking home I felt the urge to pee. As I got inside I walked to the toilet, but then the naughty thought hit me. therefore, I took off my pants, leaving me only in my underwear, and walked outside. Hoping that none of my neighbors were outside (if they were they certainly got a show) I just stood in the middle of the garden and wet myself on the grass. Standing in front of a big window so I could see the reflection of myself peeing. The warm pee filled my cotton panties, ran down my legs and pooled underneath me. This got me in such a mood, that after I finished empt
    1 point
  17. At a recent match at my local football team Wrexham FC I usually don't pee at the game as toilets are alway busy but I had a few drinks before the kickoff and at about 20 minutes in I couldn't hold it so got up went to the women's toilet an all cubicles were in use, so I went to the gents to use the cubicle in there. I rushed in an thankfully one was empty so I went it found the lock was broke but had to go so left the door open a pulled my jeans down an sat on toilet and let it go. I looked up an saw a few men were stood watching me so I sat back an kept pissing an let them have a good view.
    1 point
  18. Hello everybody, I want to share one of my unusual pee experiences hoping it could be of some interest. It was in 2020 in full covid emergency. In my country everything was locked and only the basic services were granted with restrictions. A morning I was forced to go to a public office for some important paperwork that I could not postpone. This office was in one of the squares of the center of my city. The matter was very complicate and long because they only let one person in at a time and so there was a very long queue outside. When I am forced to stand in line I usually feel the
    1 point
  19. Thanks Hun some cracking ideas I'm sure I'll be doing at least one of them x
    1 point
  20. Not much use for specific knowledge as I have never been to a football match, let alone one at Wembley - although I have been to Wembley arena. I would guess that there will be more men than women at the match, so probably the ladies toilets won’t be too badly queued up, but you could still pretend there was a queue and use the gents and just not bother closing the cubicle door. Alternatively, as others have said, go in the stands towards the end of a half. If you wear a skirt you can simply shuffle to the front of your seat and let it flow. Don’t discount the options after lea
    1 point
  21. I’ve never actively timed myself with a stopwatch or anything, but based on videos I have made of me pissing, it’s usually one minute of continuous stream if I really need to go.
    1 point
  22. My best one is 3 mins. I loved to know if any lady’s can pee that long too.
    1 point
  23. No harm asking, but @gldenwetgoose is right. My friends would immediately remember who took these photos. They were playing to the camera so its not like it could have been another voyeur. Sorry guys, if there was another way I would. I may try to dig out some of the other old photos I took of strangers at some point.
    1 point
  24. I haven’t timed but I remember a couple of pees just went on and on and on to the point I got bored or peeing and wondered if they would ever end. I even debated stopping and coming back later as it just seemed never ending. I pushed to go faster to try and finish sooner but still it kept flowing. I do wonder how long those pees took! It was actually a bit embarrassing 🤣
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Censor the faces out.
    1 point
  27. Dear Wet Carpet, Anna here again. As promised, I will tell you about my wild and wet evening with Shannon and Lora. I was pleased to learn that Shannon lived in a townhouse just outside of town. If you're not familiar with townhouses, they are similar to large apartments, but instead of rent the resident owns the townhouse and pays a mortgage, as well as property taxes. Shannon's home was on the far left of the building and was an adorable two-story unit with blue exterior walls and white trim in the window sills and door frame. I noticed there were only a few cars parked in front of
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  28. On the practical side, if you prefer not to have shitty finger marks on your wall, use option B.
    1 point
  29. For me, it depends greatly on the time of day and location. Places in nature and places like laybys, I don't worry too much at all and just pee wherever I want to pee whilst being reasonable in terms of not blatant exposure, but I may well not take that much cover so that there is a chance that someone could accidentally see me. In towns and cities during the day, I would only pee if I could be fairly sure that it wasn't going to be on the cameras of the local authority. I don't worry about shop CCTV as this is not likely to come back as a problem - as they are rarely monitored clos
    1 point
  30. Contains public cis men peeing and public trans and cis women peeing, as well as voyeurism I recently moved into an apartment in a suburb of a major metropolitan area. It's not the best neighborhood, but not the worst. The building are a bit rundown, but not unkempt. The biggest problems (or blessings, in some ways) are the motel, with a rather rough crowd passing through its reasonably priced rooms, and the bar and restaurant underneath it. I don't know how it was before Covid, but during the pandemic, the bar has been offering primarily outdoor service (and seemingly little in
    1 point
  31. Not sure what you mean about Dutch courage. She hadn’t been drinking alcohol. She needed to pee and knew it would be something that I would enjoy. She didn’t want to put a hold on the Sexy time whilst she went inside to pee. Initially it was just a few leaks but when I told her she didn’t need to hold it, she let it all go.
    1 point
  32. My girlfriend does that also. Too lazy to walk to the toilets and very little chance to get caught between 12 in the night and 6 in the morning.
    1 point
  33. Literally by the time I finished reading that sentence I had acquired a new fantasy 😇👿
    1 point
  34. I have done it with a towel under me
    1 point
  35. Nice, i like that combination of the necessity to go for a pee and the little(or rather huge) teasing you gave those guys just along the way without any overthinking. Great! Would definitely be a nice occurence during the break of a game and, if this happened regularly, a good reason for some guys to buy more tickets and visit the stadium more often. Sadly i never encountered something similar during any stadium visits across europe. BTW...The AFC Wrexham? Good job securing first place.
    1 point
  36. [Warning – photos of male and female pee] K and I had some time to chill yesterday at the end of the week – drinking G&Ts and nibbling snacks on the sofa, asking and answering some ‘date night’ questions (https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/list-100-questions-ask-your-partner-date-nights.html) to get that Friday night feeling started. It was my turn to choose our activities (regular readers know we take it in turns) and I’d already asked her to fill up during the afternoon as things would be getting wet. After we’d finished our gins we moved upstairs to the bathroom.
    1 point
  37. So after trying out all kinds of pee play by myself for the last few days, I confessed to my wife about the kink today. Cause at some point she probably would have caught me anyway, right? While she was super weirded out at first, we had a nice long talk about the kink and what it involves, and my fantasies. Thankfully I'm married to the most amazing woman, and she was super understanding after all the cards were on the table. She totally isn't into it herself, but is completely fine with me indulging in the end. What surprised me when at the end of our talk, she asked if I really wanted
    1 point
  38. i don't think he knows just how much i enjoying having pee shenanigans. he has kinda found clues i guess you could say. and so i do know he's not into it too😕. but that's ok because it's a personal pleasure for me. and yes, it would be exciting to be able to share in it intimately, but i'm perfectly content exploiting and exploring that stuff on my own. honestly, i'd do it anyway even if there wasn't an amazing place like peefans to commune with others over it. i don't think he realizes just how powerful a little exhibiting can feel. i can't speak for all women, but i know many who aren'
    1 point
  39. In addition to the post above, I remembered that actually there was a third time I wet myself in an unplanned situation. I had been driving for two hours and was almost home, but needed to fill up my car with fuel so it was ready for next day. I needed a pee, but it was manageable, so I went to the petrol station and when I got out of the car my need to pee multiplied by about 5 times. Whilst pumping the fuel in it doubled again. I knew I was in trouble and I couldn't leave the car/pump unattended. I tried to hold it in - I knew I only had to manage five minutes to pump the fuel and then
    1 point
  40. i'd say it depends on the situation. i've purposely wet myself in public before but i was more confident with the risk and could quickly go away after. it would be different if i was stuck somewhere like a long line in the bank and not intending to wet myself although, not entirely ruling that out lol if unplanned i'd prefer to find a place lift my skirt or lower my pants and pee there. but now that i think about it, if there was nowhere to discreetly go in public i might wet myself - it looks more like an accident that way compared to taking your pants down and going on the floor
    1 point
  41. my mood and outfit at the time dictate what i would rather do. i don’t often wet pants, so if i’m wearing them, i’ll usually find somewhere to pee. but, since i tend to wear skirts and dresses more often it isn’t usually an issue. i’ll wet under those and not think twice about it. 💕😇
    1 point
  42. Nice thread, first post here. I’ve always been interested in pee, ever since I was young. First time I saw a male’s parts was my mom’s friend’s son. I was probably about 9. and we showed each other our parts, then he showed me what he could do - pee standing up against the tree. I tried the same but it just got on my shoes and into a puddle lol. Then it would come up again with some of my friends as I got older (all girls). One friend, M, she would invite me into the bathroom with her when she’d have to pee; she would take off all her clothes and sat on the toilet and peed. This happened
    1 point
  43. :arghh::wee:Today I peed on my sister
    1 point
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