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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2022 in Posts

  1. I (27F) live in an RV, and lately, I have been going outside in an oversized t-shirt and no panties and sitting on my door steps to pee instead of using my toilet, sink, or floor. The park is poorly lit, so even if someone passes, they shouldn't be able to tell what is happening as long as my stream is not too strong and making noises. Well... tonight, my neighbor (50-something M) happened to be walking by when I was taking a pee break, and started walking to me midstream to talk. I abruptly stopped peeing, but I was still without bottoms, and there was a decent sized wet patch under me
    13 points
  2. So for some unknown reason I've just had and old childhood memory resurface completely out of the blue. When I was a small kid (probably around 2003-ish?), we used to have this Win 98 family computer in your living room that I played games on, given to us by whatever family acquaintance giving out cheap pirated games. Out of probably hundreds of games, I remember playing a really stupid one back than, which looking back might have been one of the things that brought me here. I was able to track it down today and apparently it's called Tarzan: Guardian of Earth. As the name suggets, you pl
    4 points
  3. The time with the bucket At the point of this sighting, I’d been doing pee sightings for just over 4 years and in that time, you notice similar traits that all girls do, such as using whatever they can to make their pee easier eg. sitting on the kerb, leaning on a wall, even sitting on the front bumper of a car to pee. I always think to myself what can I do to aid in their peeing experience. Anyway… One day I’m walking through Kmart, and I see that they sell 9L white plastic buckets for $1 each. I buy 2 not really knowing what to do with them yet. Later in the week, I’m driving to on
    4 points
  4. At a recent match at my local football team Wrexham FC I usually don't pee at the game as toilets are alway busy but I had a few drinks before the kickoff and at about 20 minutes in I couldn't hold it so got up went to the women's toilet an all cubicles were in use, so I went to the gents to use the cubicle in there. I rushed in an thankfully one was empty so I went it found the lock was broke but had to go so left the door open a pulled my jeans down an sat on toilet and let it go. I looked up an saw a few men were stood watching me so I sat back an kept pissing an let them have a good view.
    3 points
  5. No harm asking, but @gldenwetgoose is right. My friends would immediately remember who took these photos. They were playing to the camera so its not like it could have been another voyeur. Sorry guys, if there was another way I would. I may try to dig out some of the other old photos I took of strangers at some point.
    3 points
  6. @JDG numerous times I was stuck in a “Stau” and experienced exactly what you are talking about. Shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall, my family and I were driving on the Autobahn to Berlin when traffic came completely to standstill for hours with a Stau. I remember climbing around the car, trying to amuse myself and standing on the center console looking out the sunroof. Some men and a few women farther our had ventured into the adjacent field to pee. The car in front of us was an east German family in a light blue Trabant. After about 30 minutes the mother opened the passenger door and l
    3 points
  7. I haven’t timed but I remember a couple of pees just went on and on and on to the point I got bored or peeing and wondered if they would ever end. I even debated stopping and coming back later as it just seemed never ending. I pushed to go faster to try and finish sooner but still it kept flowing. I do wonder how long those pees took! It was actually a bit embarrassing 🤣
    3 points
  8. A lady friend of mine who has pissed for and on me quite a few times, is now spoiled. She loves to piss down my throat and is impressed by how quickly I can swallow it down. I had mentioned to her that I want her to straight piss in my face next time though I do enjoy it in my mouth and it is A LOT to swallow. Not a slow stream either. She would rather piss in the back of my throat and watch me drink it down. So be it. She had these black tights on, I remove them and her horizontal stripped panties, exposing her pretty vagina with a small triangular hair patch at the top. She has some ni
    3 points
  9. Now guys, let's get back to our normal respectful principles here - @Havelock has recounted a wonderful experience and now he's gettign harrassed with comments to post the pictures, blur out the faces... These are his friends and people who are respected. Even if faces were blurred, once a picture is on the net it's probably there forever. From this site they could easily be shared onwards, could even become one of those images we see everywhere. And then all it takes is a friend of a friend to see it, and word to get around. Instantly a complete betrayal of trust is exposed. Face blu
    3 points
  10. Dear Wet Carpet, Anna here again. As promised, I will tell you about my wild and wet evening with Shannon and Lora. I was pleased to learn that Shannon lived in a townhouse just outside of town. If you're not familiar with townhouses, they are similar to large apartments, but instead of rent the resident owns the townhouse and pays a mortgage, as well as property taxes. Shannon's home was on the far left of the building and was an adorable two-story unit with blue exterior walls and white trim in the window sills and door frame. I noticed there were only a few cars parked in front of
    3 points
  11. Do all men like hearing about a woman going to the toilet or just pee kink people do you think? I have no issue declaring my need for the toilet but if men like it I might do it more 😂
    3 points
  12. The Bay to Breakers event in San Francisco used to be magic for public peeing 15+ years ago before authorities started to crack down and add toilets. The event was great because it started as a marathon across the city but the people of San Francisco unofficially turned it into an all day, mobile party of costumed (or naked) runners and walkers drinking heavily and pushing alcohol floats and wagons. It's hard to describe but it had a certain combination of cultures and circumstances that make it perfect; athletic functional necessity, hippy freedom, drunken debauchery and lack of toilets that
    2 points
  13. Wembley is probably less likely to have broken locks on the toilet doors, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go in the gents and simply pretend otherwise, does it? 😉 If you’re thinking of a more ‘naughty’ (non-toilet) piss, then all I can suggest is maybe on the concourse itself is potentially liable for beer etc being spilt on the floor, so potential scope for doing it where you’re stood and having your puddle simply blend in with the already wet floor! (Ps. I’m a Woking fan myself - apologies for the 2-1 a few weeks back; hopefully you at least found somewhere exciting to piss if you made
    2 points
  14. Well that’s one elephant in the room as it were that’s definitely not being ignored. And if nothing was said when you peed in the sink that’s perhaps almost more telling than your mum peeing on the floor (which could be considered as purely a desperate measure). If you pee at home just as a routine thing it in front of her could be awkward (?) if she sees it as ‘because I was bursting now she’s doing it to mock me / embarrass me / make me feel it’s ok’. But the idea of mopping up when she arrives maybe is a good one. And a conversation starter “like mother, like daughter I gues
    2 points
  15. Thanks for the suggestions from you both @Kupar @gldenwetgoose I'll think about that one and see if any others come up with anything xxx
    2 points
  16. I’d definitely do it at yours seeing as then she can’t come plain too much and she has done it at hers. If you do it before hand you could always just say mind the puddle I’m about to clean it up, or say sorry I just got in and desperate like you were the other day. Depending on your relationship you could always joke and ask if she needed to add to it before you cleaned it up. It’s really hard to comment as I can’t imagine ever having these discussion with my mum but you guys have a very different relationship. I think the door has been opened a bit and you should take the next step.
    2 points
  17. Similarly I can’t help with specific Wembley advice - but given it’s a final, if it’s an edge of the seat match is there an argument (excuse) that you were absolutely bursting because you couldn’t bear to miss a moment of the action (and I’m guessing given the size of the stadium it may be further than expected to reach the ladies’ ) ???
    2 points
  18. Wow finally. First time in my life!
    2 points
  19. I don't think it would be a bad thing to do. Maybe better to say that in person so that it isn't taken the wrong way? I don't want her to think that I have been thinking about it and for her to be embarrassed. Maybe next time I am over there, I will strike up the conversation. She is supposed to come to my place this weekend...maybe I could just do it while she is here since it is my things that I am soaking?
    2 points
  20. Absolutely nothing wrong with saying 'I'd love the see the pictures' as you did @GWash17 - that's fine on it's own, it's a statement of your own enjoyment of the subject. And personal opinion. It's just after @Havelock has explained why it's not going to happen that should have been the end of the matter.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Difficult to know for sure, but I wouldn't think there'll be any men who'd think less of you, and I am convinced you'll brighten the day for many 🙂
    2 points
  23. Brilliant. Loved this. So great that Cece picked up on his interest and used it to develop and satisfy her own sexual tension.
    2 points
  24. Contains public cis men peeing and public trans and cis women peeing, as well as voyeurism I recently moved into an apartment in a suburb of a major metropolitan area. It's not the best neighborhood, but not the worst. The building are a bit rundown, but not unkempt. The biggest problems (or blessings, in some ways) are the motel, with a rather rough crowd passing through its reasonably priced rooms, and the bar and restaurant underneath it. I don't know how it was before Covid, but during the pandemic, the bar has been offering primarily outdoor service (and seemingly little in
    2 points
  25. Ive been holding more and more recently, and i finally decided to give in to temtation and let it all flow out onto my carpet!! This was risky since my family is in the next room over, i hope they didnt hear me. I was already peeing in my panties as i walked over to my place of choice. My pussy was throbbing and i was so releived to let my piss flow! I had a good time playing with my little clit and fingering my piss covered cunt afterward. I decided to film for the first time and i love this video! My phone camera isnt the best but i'll add the link in case anyone wants to watch 😅 https://www
    1 point
  26. My first realisation was when I was 12, and first discovered being able to put the (unrestricted) internet access on the family computer to good use by browsing images on porn websites. This was at a time (1998) when a friend at school had a computer, but didn’t have the internet - so he’d give me some floppy discs to save pictures on, so he could take them home and enjoy. It was the day after the first time of doing this, whilst on the school bus together, that he remarked his observation to me that ‘there was lots of pictures of women pissing on there!’ - I hadn’t even really thought about t
    1 point
  27. woah this video is hottt.. 😳🔥
    1 point
  28. Since I was a kid. Must’ve been saved from a past life because I can’t remember a time when I didn’t.
    1 point
  29. Stay in your seat, do it in a cup, let someone have a drink
    1 point
  30. That sounds likea very exciting encounter 😊
    1 point
  31. For me, it depends greatly on the time of day and location. Places in nature and places like laybys, I don't worry too much at all and just pee wherever I want to pee whilst being reasonable in terms of not blatant exposure, but I may well not take that much cover so that there is a chance that someone could accidentally see me. In towns and cities during the day, I would only pee if I could be fairly sure that it wasn't going to be on the cameras of the local authority. I don't worry about shop CCTV as this is not likely to come back as a problem - as they are rarely monitored clos
    1 point
  32. I have all of my best thoughts on the toilet too! Mostly just, "I should get my homework done before it's too late," and "perhaps I need to hit up Kupar for another good chat again. I'm getting bored" lol. Ty for sharing! Isn't it interesting when pee comes up in daily conversation?
    1 point
  33. Something a little different to my usual music choice
    1 point
  34. Lmao. I fart at work every night and I always blame it on the customers when my coworkers react. I have masturbated at work a few times as well. The most recent time was when I wasn't allowed to use the bathroom. I'm lucky in that I don't use my fingers to masturbate; i squeeze my thighs together and have done it this way since I was little. So if I'm alone in the break room (or in the most recent case: the bathroom) I can activate my imagination and get off if I want to. However, work is work. I don't really walk into work and get turned on so it is a rare occasion.
    1 point
  35. I currently have to pee and I wanna naughty pee but not on or somewhere that'll make a mess. My options: towel, bowl, chair and im up for suggestions!
    1 point
  36. Very true, would probably wear them at home or meeting friends with the same interest.
    1 point
  37. Super hot and well done you, I admire your gumption to continue and let them watch.
    1 point
  38. Dear Mother May I I think that the first issue you need to resolve is what it is that you do not approve of. There is quite a lot going on here. Do you disapprove of the nakedness? Perhaps you feel that your daughters should pee while fully dressed because there are places where it would not be appropriate for women to be naked. Do you disapprove of the noise they are making? Perhaps you feel that your daughters should make a little less noise when they pee to avoid drawing attention to themselves. Do you disapprove of the excessive wear and tear on the carpet? Do you
    1 point
  39. Dear Wet Carpet, I am usually an anxious and shy person, especially when it comes to something private like peeing or sex. However, a curiosity inspired by something I witnessed at work, which I'll mention in a moment, led me to this site and these letters. After reading through a few, I knew I needed to share some things that have happened recently. First, a bit about myself (without revealing too much). I am a 37 year old brunette, definitely pudgy, but I still turn a few heads, mostly because of my DD breasts and round bottom. I work for an answering service on the sixth floor an
    1 point
  40. Dear Wet Carpet, First of all, big thank you to those of you who have followed my story since the beginning. I have received a few private messages from long-term readers who have asked, "But what about your mother?" So I thought I would use this post to give you an update. But of course I didn't learn this stuff until after some of the things that happened with me, Shannon, and Lora (which I will return to, I promise). When I finally spoke to Mom on the phone again, she sounded out of breath. She was hesitant to give me details but finally said, "Let's just say it's been a really go
    1 point
  41. I can say I have been lucky... ;-)
    1 point
  42. I feel like you and I would get along - feel free to message me if you would like. my parents are proper and Christian and would never have such a thing. On the other hand, I’ve peed Infront if my friends mom - she actually held the cup for me so I didn’t pee all over her car - so it really depends on what end of the spectrum your mother lies on
    1 point
  43. One of my pet hates in any video is the wrong aspect ratio, if a video was shot 4:3 then post it as such rather than stretching it to fit a modern screen distorting everyone, really bugs me
    1 point
  44. Three Naughty Pee Hotties Rachel invited her friends Natalie, Dianne and Christina over for their weekly book club meeting. As the ladies gather in the family room, her nineteen year-old son, Jason, a community college student, was out mowing their lawn as well as old Mrs. Jenkins' yard next door. Settling in and sipping coffee, the ladies began a discussion about their current favorite book over coffee. Upon finishing the lawns an hour and a half later, Jason came in and headed upstairs to take a shower, only then becoming aware of his mothers' friends being there. At this point,
    1 point
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