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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2022 in all areas

  1. I was lucky this weekend. I camped at a campsite where there was another tent a little further on. Furthermore, only caravans and camper vans. When I had to pee around 5:30 in the morning and went out of my tent to a bush, I saw a young woman looking out of the other tent. She saw me pee, smiled and came out of her tent to go a little further into the bushes. Unfortunately I couldn't see her completely, but it was clear that she didn't want to walk to the toilets either. I mean: who needs toilets when camping and everybody else is asleep 🙂 ?
    7 points
  2. as I was waiting on a friend to leave work I was sitting parked inside a public parking garage watching all the cars drive by, after some time passed and traffic got heavy I needed to pee really badly so I figured I’d get off and look for a bathroom (if they had one) I walked up two flights of stairs and no bathroom, went down 2 to check, still no. By then my bladder felt heavy and I was already squeezing my thighs to hold my pee in. I walked back to my car hoping someone would park next to me so I could go in between cars, about 20mins pass and a older lady parks next to me,
    7 points
  3. Reading @Kupar's recent lucky experience in his garden prompted me to write about this one which happened very recently. It was a lovely evening and generally quiet. My wife and I were feeling a little frisky and decided to have some fun on the garden swing. It is one of those which is three seats long with soft cushions. She wore a dressing gown with nothing underneath and I wore some loose leisure wear. We went out to the garden and tried to be sure that nobody was looking, although it couldn't be guaranteed. We fooled around for a bit and got each other turned on. Mrs A then str
    5 points
  4. When I wet my bed I prefer to do it before I go to sleep, but on occasion after a clubbing night when I wake up in bed still fully dressed, and still a little damp from the night before, I have been tempted to pee before I get up so I can lay in a little longer. I try not to get morning pee in the bed because it is very yellow and really stains the mattress, and smells a bit!
    5 points
  5. At a recent match at my local football team Wrexham FC I usually don't pee at the game as toilets are alway busy but I had a few drinks before the kickoff and at about 20 minutes in I couldn't hold it so got up went to the women's toilet an all cubicles were in use, so I went to the gents to use the cubicle in there. I rushed in an thankfully one was empty so I went it found the lock was broke but had to go so left the door open a pulled my jeans down an sat on toilet and let it go. I looked up an saw a few men were stood watching me so I sat back an kept pissing an let them have a good view.
    4 points
  6. includes: pee vandalism, naughty peeing Mia walks through the economy isle all the way to first class as some stare while some do not care. Mia observed the plane planning on some naught actions later. Mia was a 25 year old girl with a stunning figure. Her silky black hair and her perky tits were eye catching. Her outfit was also stunning, with her cute blouse and medium length skirt she looked so sweet and innocent, but that’s what she wanted them to think. She sat in a pod as she waited for the flight to begin. She was watching the boring tape they play before the flight begins.
    4 points
  7. So, today like everyday i was waiting for the bus the company sends to catch us early morning, it was around 2:40am. Next to the meeting point there is a bar that was just closing, among the people leaving there was a woman, wasted beyond belief, she could not walk straight even if her life dependended on it. I kept watching as she stumble around the street, she walked about 3-4 meters when she leaned against the wall pulled her pants down and started to pee. Sadly some shrubs blocked my view of the stream but she stood there for about 1min peeing. After she finished she just pulled her pants
    4 points
  8. That is absolutely brilliant @Louise87. So good that you didn't worry about the broken lock and didn't try to hold the door shut with your foot or bag or whatever but just worried about peeing. I assume that it wasn't done to create a show but more out of pure need and then when you realised that you had an appreciative audience you thought you would make their day. That is where you shine out - so many other girls would be embarrassed or shout at the onlookers not to watch (even though they are the mens!) but you took it in your stride and let them enjoy the view. After all, you were in
    4 points
  9. Usually sleep naked so mostly no underwear.an usually on my back with legs straight.
    4 points
  10. Her friend trying to shield her is the best part lol. But, this ticks off several on my list. So, excuse me while I get myself off real fast 🤩
    4 points
  11. When I am in the position to have more free will about my movements around the store, I might just try to make this a regular occurrence 😝
    4 points
  12. Hi I’m Evie F/23/UK I have been a long time lurker but I’m finally interested in posting and getting to know some like minded pee people, I have a bladder condition so I always have to pee and end up reliving myself in plenty of public places or anytime I can’t reach a toilet lol x
    3 points
  13. Soo, I don't even remember how I discovered this site but I did so and became a member about 2 years ago. Since then, I've mostly used the stuff for content, which has provided me with countles hours of... entertainment over the years. I've also become a golden member about a year or so ago, mainly to get access to the video gallery which has been a dream come true lol. That whole time I've just lurked 99% of the time, only having made a comment or been in the chat a handfull of times at most. Well recently I've been feeling a bit more bold and felt like at least some introduction has be
    3 points
  14. Making GIFs again, but outdoors this time. Still getting used to the app so quality is great.
    3 points
  15. Members of PeeFans, please join me in wishing the happiest of happy birthdays to @puddyls, @mariahernandez, @TOOS and @bbbb Have a great day, filled with fizz, cake and whatever else takes your fancy! 🎂 🥂 🎉
    3 points
  16. B. I'd classify people that prefer A as having a mental disorder 😂
    3 points
  17. Hi All, I know this is mostly focused on being a pee forum, but I have seen a lot of wetting content as well. Is anyone else here madly into re-wetting? Whether seeing it, or partaking in it? I love a good re-wetting video where a girl pees her panties then just ignores the need to change before wetting herself again later on! I also LOVE doing it when I get the chance, sometimes I've pushed myself to the limit by spending a whole day just letting big spurts of pee out into the front of my boxers and then just going about my normal day all pissy! 😄 What do you guys think of it?
    2 points
  18. In the absence of a warm pee-loving partner, I figured I’d try filling some of my lifelong wet desires by sharing a few photos and videos here on the forum. Hope folks enjoy, and feel free to give suggestions of what you’d like to see. It’s a lonely fetish sometimes and I just want to share my passion with others who appreciate the journey! Here’s a fresh one from this morning to get things started:
    2 points
  19. I guess we must be part of a large community now with clothing being made available for us:- https://www.redbubble.com/shop/wetting+clothing Not sure that I would wear all of them, but some are rather fun.
    2 points
  20. This evening, K and I got some unexpected time together because our daughter (who is visiting for a couple of days) was going out for the evening. K wanted to take he opportunity to get physical, and to get in the mood we we drank stiff G&Ts while catching up with a TV programme from earlier in the week. When it finished, she looked at me and said – out of the blue – “I need a wee. Do you want me to go in the toilet or …?” I looked at her. This is quite out of character (or at least, a very rare occurrence). And to be honest it took me completely by surprise – but a lovely surprise!
    2 points
  21. That's part of the fun camping, everybody does so.
    2 points
  22. I'll keep posting more like this if it gets you off @Bacardi 😄 my favourite pee topic ever
    2 points
  23. @Louise87 conjures up a wonderful image, thanks for sharing 🙂
    2 points
  24. Pulled into yet another lay-by for a pee, decided to get my phone out and do I a little filming for everyone's pleasure. What I didn't realise until l I edited the video was the public footpath sign. Glad no-one came through otherwise I don't know how I would have explained filming myself lol https://www.erome.com/a/qr8pEM2l
    2 points
  25. I like to hold and build up a full bladder but it’s more so I can have longer fun releasing it more than the holding / desperation. However when it happens naturally, the relief to finally go is nearly orgasmic lol
    2 points
  26. I think there have been a few discussions about this and views vary. Mine is more along the lines of spying is wrong and secret videoing/photos is wrong, etc. However accidentally witnessing is ok as long as you are respectful and look away/back off. Accidental videoing on cctv isn't your fault but obviously do nothing with the video. If someone is deliberately doing it in public or consents then that's a different matter.
    2 points
  27. I allways change it to A to mess with people xD.
    2 points
  28. This is another great one - just decides to go on the floor in this hotel hallway :) https://thisvid.com/videos/chick-on-cctv-peeing-in-a-hotel-hallway/
    2 points
  29. I’m not a guy obviously but overheard and saw some guy pissing for the first time since.. way too long ago :’) Yesterday quite late at night I was waiting for a connecting train at a surprisingly busy train station, for the time of night. I had too pee myself (not very urgent, but it would have been nice), and I just sat there pondering that next time when going out I should bring open crotch tights to put on for the evening, traveling home when it was much colder than during the day. I then overheard a group of guys near me, one of them saying that he really had to piss. One of the
    2 points
  30. Dear Mother May I I think that the first issue you need to resolve is what it is that you do not approve of. There is quite a lot going on here. Do you disapprove of the nakedness? Perhaps you feel that your daughters should pee while fully dressed because there are places where it would not be appropriate for women to be naked. Do you disapprove of the noise they are making? Perhaps you feel that your daughters should make a little less noise when they pee to avoid drawing attention to themselves. Do you disapprove of the excessive wear and tear on the carpet? Do you
    2 points
  31. I rather enjoy it. When I go out and wet myself I just let it dry and wet again later. I don't give it a second thought. My leather skirt of course is never ever washed, I just pee in it and let it dry then wet it next time I wear it. A fantastic garment in so many ways. My shoes of course are the same. No way to wash them, so I just leave them to dry. Stockings I usually wear for a day, wetting them several times of course, and then I usually put them in the wash, but not always, I sometimes wear them again. My black skirts and dresses I wet several times a day, then I wil
    2 points
  32. Got lots of messages about how much you guys love large labia so…figured I’d start a thread. And to start us off, here’s three pictures of me!
    1 point
  33. When im really horny i like to go in the shower and sit down. Than i piss a hard stream right up. So i gret it in my face and hair and everywhere. Do anybody else like to golden shower themselves.😅
    1 point
  34. https://thisvid.com/videos/close-up-piss17/
    1 point
  35. Definitely "B": much easier to grasp the edge.
    1 point
  36. Got an experience from last night I was was waiting up last night to pick my partner up from a party she had attended. She messaged to say pick me up at midnight. I had been drinking a lot of sodas and caffeine to keep myself awake ready to pick her up as well as her sister and her friend too. It is about a 15-20 minutes drive and the areas where she lives and where the party also is are quite rural and are just small villlages dotted about between fields. I left and within about 5 minutes of leaving the urge to pee just came on suddenly. Being aware of the time, I thought I should just go p
    1 point
  37. I find this very sexy....
    1 point
  38. i'll add mine. curious to hear people's thoughts
    1 point
  39. For women, I really like diversity. I enjoy if I feel she's having fun or at least casually having a piss without second thoughts. I want to learn anything about how women pee - the more diverse poses and anatomies I get to see, the fuller a picture of human capacity I can construct 🙂 As @gldenwetgoose mentioned, it is more likely to be voluntary and enjoyed if she remains dry in the process, so generally I prefer clearly defined streams that stay away from her skin (not necessarily her friend's 😈). I'm pretty aroused by the idea of a woman peeing on something, precisely aiming her stream to t
    1 point
  40. Probably in the soap dispenser at my grandfather's church. It was halfway full so I filled the other half 😈
    1 point
  41. Here's raising a glass (still warm) to celebrate with: @Startnate @themoneyman102 @Tornado199
    1 point
  42. I love the feeling of just peeing wherever I happen to be when I want to pee. Not just outside of course, I love the freedom to just pee if I can get away with it.
    1 point
  43. You've hit the nail pretty much exactly on the head there @MasterDarcy. The main part of the rule 8 covers the 'not spamming, not treating the place as a dating site, and not asking for off-site contact details' aspects. So the main aim there is that we don't have a personals section of 'man 50 seeking woman 18-25 for golden fun' type adverts, because we guess that for every genuine ad there could be dozens and dozens of false adverts, either scammers or services for sale just as you suggest. Then the addendum to rule 8 which was nearly two years ago now is more specific on the sam
    1 point
  44. The video for this has him peeing then rubbing one out. For good taste, I didn't include here. Hope you gals and all approve.
    1 point
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