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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2022 in all areas

  1. At a recent match at my local football team Wrexham FC I usually don't pee at the game as toilets are alway busy but I had a few drinks before the kickoff and at about 20 minutes in I couldn't hold it so got up went to the women's toilet an all cubicles were in use, so I went to the gents to use the cubicle in there. I rushed in an thankfully one was empty so I went it found the lock was broke but had to go so left the door open a pulled my jeans down an sat on toilet and let it go. I looked up an saw a few men were stood watching me so I sat back an kept pissing an let them have a good view.
    12 points
  2. The Bay to Breakers event in San Francisco used to be magic for public peeing 15+ years ago before authorities started to crack down and add toilets. The event was great because it started as a marathon across the city but the people of San Francisco unofficially turned it into an all day, mobile party of costumed (or naked) runners and walkers drinking heavily and pushing alcohol floats and wagons. It's hard to describe but it had a certain combination of cultures and circumstances that make it perfect; athletic functional necessity, hippy freedom, drunken debauchery and lack of toilets that
    4 points
  3. I guess we must be part of a large community now with clothing being made available for us:- https://www.redbubble.com/shop/wetting+clothing Not sure that I would wear all of them, but some are rather fun.
    3 points
  4. A thong so I don't have to feel the wet fabric against my ass and cunt all day lol.
    3 points
  5. This evening, K and I got some unexpected time together because our daughter (who is visiting for a couple of days) was going out for the evening. K wanted to take he opportunity to get physical, and to get in the mood we we drank stiff G&Ts while catching up with a TV programme from earlier in the week. When it finished, she looked at me and said – out of the blue – “I need a wee. Do you want me to go in the toilet or …?” I looked at her. This is quite out of character (or at least, a very rare occurrence). And to be honest it took me completely by surprise – but a lovely surprise!
    2 points
  6. If you can't beat em, join em
    2 points
  7. Happy birthday 🎂 @tunga @Zeratha
    2 points
  8. I find this very sexy....
    2 points
  9. Super hot and well done you, I admire your gumption to continue and let them watch.
    2 points
  10. a few of my faves
    2 points
  11. Dear Wet Carpet, I am usually an anxious and shy person, especially when it comes to something private like peeing or sex. However, a curiosity inspired by something I witnessed at work, which I'll mention in a moment, led me to this site and these letters. After reading through a few, I knew I needed to share some things that have happened recently. First, a bit about myself (without revealing too much). I am a 37 year old brunette, definitely pudgy, but I still turn a few heads, mostly because of my DD breasts and round bottom. I work for an answering service on the sixth floor an
    2 points
  12. Hello, Wet Carpet. I need advice. So it seems that my two daughters have started down the path to openly peeing. I am unsure where they picked it up, but both are clearly enthralled by it. I will give the information I have so you can tell me the best course of action. My oldest daughter was the one I saw first. It was about two weeks ago and I was doing laundry. I had just finished folding some of her underwear and was delivering it. I slid open the door, not knowing she was in there at the time. I was shocked to see her standing naked in the middle of the room with a thick streaming
    2 points
  13. Absolutely love this topic - peeing somewhere where someone else has to clean it up and not caring in the slightest because they've got to go! These screenshots from CCTV in the back of a shop are great (full video too big) - girl has clearly asked to use the bathroom but its occupied, waits a while but decides to go and pee all over their floor - amazing
    2 points
  14. Part 2 - I left everyone on suspense for far too long. Fast forward to the fall of that year when A and I were hanging out pretty frequently, going out to bars. Note that she had been single for a little bit now so she was always ready to get loose and enjoy a night out. On this particular Saturday night we had decided that we would go downtown and have a few drinks. The night started at my apartment with a couple drinks to pregame. Her and I have a couple drinks over maybe 45 minutes with myself drinking vodka-sprite and her drinking vodka redbull. These were both tall drinks keep in min
    2 points
  15. I know it's a day early, but ill be busy working tomorrow (🙄) so I wanted to get it out now. Happy mother's day to all the mommies on the forum! Whether it be mothers of infants, toddlers, teenagers, or adults, angel babies or children that are no longer with us, from the bottom of my heart I hope you have a great day!
    1 point
  16. Might consider making it a regular visit when I go to the matches lol. Yeah it is that Wrexham thanks it was a really good match today xx
    1 point
  17. Following gldenwetgoose, I would like to focus on some positives. The most serious negative I see is blurry, poor photography, in shots and poses which could be very erotic, if photographed or lighted better. Also, elaborate preliminaries, culminating in the actress peeing a few dribbles, are disappointing, to say the least. And lastly, although I enjoy seeing a woman's beautiful breasts, I think it is totally ridiculous for her to display them prominently in scenes of furtive, supposedly secret, public pissing, where the last thing she would do is reveal any more of her anatomy than is absolu
    1 point
  18. Fantastic pictures, incredibly sexy. Thank you for sharing
    1 point
  19. I wrote about this in my story…Wet Times at Freedom Nightclub… One guy was pissing on the mirror and the taps on the sink, as he combed his hair. Another girl was applying make up with her pee running down her stockinged legs under her short silver skirt, and into her tall pink boots. Two girls and a guy were drinking the giant cocktails and making out in one cubicle, while in the next cubicle a guy was happily pissing on the closed lid of a toilet, and the wall, making quite a puddle on the floor. One girl came in, sat up on the countertop, spread her legs open, and started playin
    1 point
  20. I've always wanted to do that, too, but have been too scared so far. Any way I could hire you? 😂
    1 point
  21. Are there any other galician clips where girls go indoors like that? Almost all i've seen are outdoor
    1 point
  22. This involves male desperation, and male and female desperation. At the Salon Friday Afternoon, November 12, 1999 I checked my watch, 4:30; time to call it a week. I was leaving a bit early today; I had an appointment for my monthly haircut in fifteen minutes. Angie, the hairdresser I had been seeing for about eighteen months had just moved to a new location; she had opened her own salon with a colleague, and I wanted to allow sufficient time to find the new place. I shut down my computer, shoved the pile of papers and files that were sitting on my desk into a dr
    1 point
  23. Not a stranger’s car, but a neighbour’s car! I have a neighbour who is a real pain. Lots of noise, litter, anti social behaviour etc. Anyway I ordered a she wee online. When it arrived I practiced using it in the shower as suggested but last night, feeling confident, I went outside and got my revenge on my awful neighbour by pissing all over the side of their car not once but three times using the she wee. It was very satisfying on a number of levels.
    1 point
  24. Was at a local town park area, they have a building with bathrooms open during the summer and they keep it closed during the winter, they open in about 3 weeks coming up and close in September. People pee in the woods or behind a dumpster during the winter/spring There was a mom with a daughter , teenager maybe 13ish, and the mom had on black leggings and a pink hoodie. I was sitting in my car in a parking spot and I can see if people go in the woods and behind the building but there’s no parking spot where you get a chance to see anything besides there head because everyone seems to hi
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Woah. I am not really one to enjoy peeing in elevators but the fact that they are so casual about it drives me wild. Its as if they thought they had a lot to do and peeing real fast in the elevator would save some time or something naughty like that. Thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  27. Finally for now, one from this morning. I went into a car park stairwell for a pee and I found that someone had also gone there for a pee before me. It was fairly fresh as part of the puddle bottom right of the patch on the picture was still liquid, so had either been made last night or this morning and most likely would have been this morning. Now I can't be sure whether that was female pee, but to me it looks like possibly a male had peed in the corner previously which had dried and maybe a girl had peed at the bottom of the step which is the fresh patch that is still glistening at the
    1 point
  28. @rochauthrowawayIf you have a link to this video, I would love to see it. Yes, the selfishness is a big turn on for me. I love it when women choose to make a mess for their own needs, convenience or privacy vs. peeing somewhere more open outside which would make little mess and require no cleanup for anyone.
    1 point
  29. Like @MasterDarcy said, most American men get cut as babies; which is unfortunate for me because I really love uncut guys. I can feel the difference and I believe it looks, feels, and tastes 😜 a lot better lol. I have not gotten to have a lot of sex with uncut guys tho. It's a pity. Part of the reason why I am planning on running away and starting a new life in Europe somewhere!
    1 point
  30. Might as well go with the flow, here is mine (It is a few weeks old, my hair is a bit more trimmed now 😁)
    1 point
  31. This topic also reminds me of an indirect experience, as told to me by my wife. I mentioned it in another thread ("Hot tub pee etiquette"). One time, several years ago, she was at a hot tub party with friends. It was all ladies, about 12-15 people total. It was a large hot tub, which held 8 or so. So at any given time, there would be 8 in the tub, and several others standing, milling around (in their swimsuits). They were all drinking heavily (beers, wine coolers, etc.). They were all outdoors near the hot tub for about 3 hours, and my wife said she didn't remember anyone going indo
    1 point
  32. I love this topic - to me this is one of the hottest aspects of the pee kink - the nonchalant pee out of convenience. My ex-wife was not "into" pee the way we are, but would often pee whenever/wherever simply out of convenience. I've made several posts about this, so won't repeat myself. But she was a drinker, and often had several beers, so always needed to pee. She peed in hot tubs, pools, outdoors, etc. She occasionally even peed during sex out of comfort/convenience (which I've posted about previously). She kept a plastic tub (a dish tub) under her side of the bed, and would occ
    1 point
  33. As I was sitting on the chair which Sarah peed on earlier, I thought about what I would do after this night. There was no chance to clean this mess up without our parents noticing. But at least Anna is going to help me out tomorrow and maybe I could keep my parebts out of the room until I find a solution for everything. My mind wandered back to the latest pee that occured in my room. I couldn't even repair all the chaos that happened back then. I picked up all the tissues which my sister drenched in pee before throwing over my bin. But the dark patch which was concentrated on one spot aft
    1 point
  34. I’d love to! I want my whole room soaked in piss and you to fuck me after I finish cleaning it up!
    1 point
  35. anyone down to sext right now? or dirty talk? I love talking about the filthy places I've pissed, exchanging stories and role-play
    1 point
  36. What are everyone’s thoughts on mine?
    1 point
  37. Well not too sure how I rank, but here is the first time I’ve ever posted something like this..
    1 point
  38. Not sure if I match up either!! But here ya go
    1 point
  39. Many Years ago their use to be a site called SeeMePeeDOTcom. As far as I know it was one of the first sites that featured LIVE pee webcams. The girls usually peed in a toilet about 1 pee every 30 minutes between the different girls. They were connected with a site called SeeMeShower and sometimes the girls would pee in the shower if you asked them. The video quality was poor..but it was an early cam site. But the one thing was the action was Live. Another site called Voyeur Dorm featured Bathroom cams but the videos were fake and PreRecorded. Later Skymouse WHP featured Live Pee Webcam sh
    1 point
  40. Let me try.........
    1 point
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