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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2022 in Posts

  1. because i like math problems like this: per google, an average amount of pee per piss is 250-400mls. we will say 400. an average amount of times to pee a day is 6-7. with this: 2.5 million L / 400 l = 6,250,000 pees 6250000 pees/6 pees a day=1041666.6 days = 2853.8 years for one person peeing to fill a olympic pool if there was help: no idea how many active members there are on the site, but I'd say maybe 150 give or take? so: 2853.8/150=19 years if everyone pees in the pool to fill it up. still a long time! HOWEVER, if we are talking residential/hotel sized pool which is a
    4 points
  2. We have all seen the transparent public toilet in Japan, now lets take a look at this beauty: Who else would want it? It's my dream toilet!
    3 points
  3. While on holidays in Africa my mum, my brother and I waited for an intercity bus to take us to the next city. As we were waiting, my mum had to pee bad and we were not sure if there was a toilet on the bus. There were quite a lot of people, but we were the only people of white colour there, so we already attracted a lot of attention. As the run-down toilet building at the gas station was closed she was thinking feverishly about what to do. She then said that she'll be back quicky and obviously walked towards one of the very few trees behind a building close by. However, she came back only a fe
    3 points
  4. I’m not talking about just peeing in a public restroom, but rather peeing in public spaces where you generally wouldn’t. I know it’s wrong and frowned upon, but that doesn’t help the thrill I get from doing or thinking about it. The fear of getting caught, the borderline exhibitionism, and the underlying vulgarity of it can be exhilarating. I was wondering how common this specific feeling is. What’s everyone’s opinion? Do you guys who enjoy this only fantasize about it or do you actually participate in the act?
    3 points
  5. i'm getting that more and more i also like naughty peeing. I agree with what Shypeeman says, I also think vandalism is bad but maybe people will be a bit inconvenienced by it that is unavoidable. A few weeks ago my wife and I were having a drink with friends who live 4 high in an apartment building. It was 4 o'clock in the morning when we left and our bikes were in the basement where the storage rooms are and we were tipsy (I was drunk haha). We were standing in the basement of the building to get our bikes and I had to pee and I didn't feel like walking back up so I wanted to pee ag
    3 points
  6. My family were the same, very open about pissing and when out and one of us needed to pee then we would just go not bothering to hide up or anything. It all seemed perfectly natural to us growing up. If we were at the beach and there was a lot of people around we would go into the sea or as we often did just sit and pee through our costumes, we thought nothing of seeing our parents peeing and this attitude towards seeing each other peeing still exists between us siblings today.
    3 points
  7. One of my favorite pee-related situations is when two people are engaged in a sex act, one partner announces "I have to pee" (or similar), and the other says "Just go." I have been in this situation a few times, and they were always fun, naughty, and hot. The first that I remember was with my ex. We were on vacation, at a hotel, and there was a jacuzzi in the room. We'd been relaxing in the jacuzzi drinking beers, and it eventually led to sex in the jacuzzi. Before long I could tell she was getting uncomfortable. I assumed it was due to sex in the water (which can wash away the body's nat
    2 points
  8. So, I thought I'd create a thread dedicated to coming up with fun ways to enjoy pee discretely so people don't know but you can still have fun. I'll start with a couple of ideas and update as and add more if I think of any more. Please add if you think of anything fun. 😄 1) Peeing and not wiping / shaking. It feels naughty as you're purposely making yourself a pissy mess, but no one has any idea. You can go for a whole day and it's not even detectable! 2) Wetting in a swimsuit / bikini / swim shorts when in the showers after a swim. (I've done this after finishing the shower,
    2 points
  9. My ex (same person as in my original post) drank a lot of alcohol. As I mentioned above, unfortunately her alcoholism eventually led to our divorce. Although she drank some liquor, she generally preferred beer (cheap stuff, like Coors and Miller High Life). She never had fewer than 5 or 6 beers at a time. And because of that, she was ALWAYS peeing. I didn't like her drinking, but the silver lining is that she always had a full bladder, and was very open about peeing anywhere and everywhere, including occasionally during sex, as I mentioned above. Sometimes it was by accident, and sometim
    2 points
  10. @Nia I certainly relate to the thrill of "getting away with it" when I pee in a public place. I've tried all sorts and the hunt for just the right spot ... exposed but not too obvious, people around but not too close, let's hope nobody looks over at the wrong moment, etc. The hunt becomes part of the rush ... and then the adrenaline and heart pumping as you achieve your goal. Going for a truly public pee leaves me horny, exhausted, happy, buzzing ... and it can last for hours. For a pee and risk junkie, it's the ultimate fix. I also agree with @ShyPeeMan - It's not about damaging stuf
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  11. Irrespective of the result, at least you got out there and did something - that's the main thing. So, full on kudos at you.
    2 points
  12. I wonder if the thing to do is maybe engage in conversation - but with a hypothetical discussion... Given your background and the fact you know your mum at least used to be quite open: Perhaps if you go to visit there'd be chance to open the conversation along the lines of "I've been running about grabbing shopping all morning, on the way here realised I was absolutely bursting and had to pull over to have a wee in the dirt. Reminded me of all the times we've done that when I was young" Now your mum may say something along the lines of "I still do..." in which case you could ask ab
    2 points
  13. Always interesting to see the sheer variety of ways Pee is enjoyed very differently across the site. Reading the title 'Pee Fun' and the opening statement "...fun ways to enjoy pee discretely so people don't know..." a completely different set of ideas sprang to mind, based on what I personally enjoy. And for me, it's quite different from wetting. - Usually for me the discrete part means just that I'm enjoying whilst there's a near zero chance of being detected - so browsing here or other sites whilst home alone, peeing outside when I know I'm alone. However the 'discretely' s
    2 points
  14. Sarah was thrilled she’d been invited to come speak at the career day panel. She was going to get to share her thoughts and experiences with fresh faced university grads, meet the other powerful people on the panel, and hopefully get noticed by the executives who would be giving keynote speeches. She wanted to give off her best impression, so she wore a modest knee length grey pencil skirt, black pantyhose, high heels, and a white blouse with a blazer. She also wore a white thong to avoid having any panty lines. The day of the event, Sarah had her usual large coffee on the drive to work,
    2 points
  15. Perfect pairing of panties ,bra . And your magnificent body !!!
    2 points
  16. I used to pee together with my friend. Her and myself used to go to the bathroom and try to figure out where her pee comes from, natural kid curiosity. At the backyard of her house there was a gap between a shed and the terrain limit wall, and we used that gap to pee together as well
    2 points
  17. When I was like 5 or 6, I was heading home from a Thomas the Train Convention with my family. We were in a parking garage when I really needed to go pee. So when I told my parents, they told me to follow them. We walked around for a minute until we found a deserted area when my dad instructed me to pee on the wall in front of me. While at the time I was extremely shy since literally 8 other people were looking at me, I still went ahead and did it.
    2 points
  18. Sex Bizarre Five For the second time in the history of this magazine, defecation by two females is featured, so I have censored the front cover in the interests of this forum. Essentially the story, (with no text) centres around the notion of voyeurism. We could be looking at two young students in a house or Halls of Residence provided by Universities to accommodate them. We see them in their dressing gowns, towels around their necks, about to enter the private room of the shared building. The ‘Peeper’ bides his time, he’s wondering why two girls are showering together and is in fo
    2 points
  19. i realized i had to get something out of my car, and had time for one more coffee. didn't let the fact that i still hadn't put on a skirt or blouse stop me. ☺️😇 though, it was kinda chilly, so did slip into a cardigan- not that it covered a lot.
    2 points
  20. @Nia, What type of places in public are you meaning? Where you have peed in public? I totally understand the reactions and feelings that you mention. I pee outside in public a lot. Mostly it is where I don't expect to get caught and it has become so normal for me that some of the feelings of excitement have been dulled - but that doesn't stop me peeing outside regularly. I really enjoy the freedom and often will avoid a toilet just so that I can pee outside where I prefer. For example, yesterday I went to a shop. I could have peed before I left home, but I didn't. Instead, I
    2 points
  21. "oh. 😳 i didn't see you standing there. so sorry you had to witness that." 😇 i honestly, didn't think there'd be a line. lol. it felt naughty sneaking an uppie while waiting in it. ☺️
    2 points
  22. When I was younger me and my cousin would pee while playing in the barns. We would often pee infront of each other in a non-sexual way. I guess it was more of curiosity thing because she would watch me pee on things and of course she would always try and out pee me lol. As kids our favorite place to pee was probably off the old tractor or in the hay. We was close growing up so peeing together wasn't a big deal.
    2 points
  23. There was a time with my ex-wife, we were camping by a beach with another couple, and after dinner we went to the beach and took a few bottles of wine. Al four of us were fooling around (but that's another story), eventually my wife and I decided we should go back to our tent. We were walking back, and she was so horny, she pulled me to one side, and leant back against a tree, and said "fuck me right here", and pulled her bikini bottoms to one side. I didn't need a second invitation, also being incredibly horny. We had been fucking for a minute or two, and she said "wait a sec, I have to p
    2 points
  24. New to the site, but not the fetish. Average height, brown-skinned, curvy girl who happens to be a pee enthusiast. If I recall correctly, the fascination began as an accident. From what I can gather this seems like a nice little community, bound together by a rather taboo interest. Hoping to have an interesting time here, share my experiences, and hear those of others! ❤️
    1 point
  25. Part One I'm going to break this story up into multiple comments for ease of reading! Links to videos will be in larger font. After spending the morning of my day off running errands, I resolved to have a lazy afternoon... Naturally, this eventually resulted in soaked gray sweatpants. Let me tell you what happened in between. This happened to be the rare occasion where I have the day off and my husband doesn't. He's cool with this kink and even indulges in it with me pretty regularly, but my appetite for wetting exceeds his by enough that I won't pass up the chance for some sol
    1 point
  26. It’s always always fascinated and aroused me, although I’ve never been able to do it effectively. I can either never pee very far or end up spraying in different directions. Makes clean-up so annoying. Does anyone have an tips or experience with power pissing? I’m very keen to learn how to do this decently. It’s a pretty useless talent but it would make me happy lmao.
    1 point
  27. I was driving home late one night through the country when the unmistakable urge to pee hit me. Knowing I was a long way from home, I found a desolate spot of road to pull over and peed right in the center of the road. It was one of the best releases I ever had and lasted for about a minute. I forgot to record it but definitely will next time. It felt so nice to expose myself to the open country air. In fact it turned me on so much I got naked and had a nude photo shoot in the headlights of my car!
    1 point
  28. only one thing to do: keep practising! (please ! 😇) Thanks for sharing!
    1 point
  29. Another of those days when it wasn't really right, but I did get out for a run, and I'm glad I did, as it's now blowing a gale and I wouldn't want to be out. Supposed to be an 'easy 10 miles', but it turned into a mediocre 10k, then a few walk-run-walk-run intervals until the ten miles were up. On the plus side, though, I heard the first skylarks this year, and also on the way back I found the glove I had dropped on the way out, swooping to pick it up mid-stride like a barn owl taking an unsuspecting vole. Talking of gloves - what on earth was I doing anyway, wearing gloves and a hat
    1 point
  30. Happy Birthday @sweetpee4u - Have an awesome day
    1 point
  31. Yeah, for me it’s generally just the desire to be in high-risk situations in which I could get caught doing something naughty, which is why when I do engage, it’s always in places that aren’t to obvious or destructive. The rush is amazing either way!
    1 point
  32. One of my pet hates in any video is the wrong aspect ratio, if a video was shot 4:3 then post it as such rather than stretching it to fit a modern screen distorting everyone, really bugs me
    1 point
  33. https://www.personalityforge.com/ you might like this site. basically people build their own chat bots from the ground up and you can do your own if you wish. you have to tell the bot what phrases trigger what types of conversation when people chat to your bot. so as an example. if you have a bot and someone sends it a message saying im horny. You can program the bot to respond with as many ways to whatever words they say as you like. so the word horny could be made to trigger any sentence you create for it. such as the bot replying with oh thats too bad. you can set it as a random r
    1 point
  34. This right there sums it up very well. The first thoughts that struck you when you feel the need to pee...to finding a nice place, to those contemplating moments where you think to yourself "should i?" My answer is mostly "yes" 😄 So i actually enjoy both fantasizing about it, in private or when walking around being aware of my surroundings... "That set of stairs would be nice to pee on". Aswell as participating in the act as mentioned. Sometimes more, sometimes less but still quite often i think. And in those lesser times it is sometimes more of a necessity that turns into/is fun but
    1 point
  35. I apologize for taking so long to reply. To give context, my mom and I are very open. Growing up, we both regularly peed outside in front of each other instead of going in the house. Also, we lived in the country a bit off the highway, so we often were naked outdoors, as well as inside. Clothing was definitely optional at our house. I also witnessed her pee in the kitchen and bathroom sinks multiple times while washing dishes, brushing teeth, etc. instead of going to the toilet. Lastly, when we would get home from long trips, we would both regularly pee just outside the car instead of trying t
    1 point
  36. I have had very limited experiences in peeing in public where I shouldn't, and yeah it is a rush. I remember my heart racing and the adrenaline pumping through my body as I watched my puddle disappear into the drain, but nothing was better than the sense of pride I had when I walked away. The horniness was a bonus 🤣
    1 point
  37. I love her second point: "It feels good. I don’t have to hold in my pee anymore! I’m able to be more fully present and focused on the activities I’m outside to enjoy..." Of course, peeing also feels good because ... well, because it feels good 🙂 A really good find thanks Eli!
    1 point
  38. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph6207fc694c0b4 cum on fitting room floor
    1 point
  39. I no longer identify as female, but would like to give what advice I can since I still have the anatomy lol. For me, positioning plays a big part. I’ve found that I can try to go in the same position or spot twice and it can go very differently just based on how specifically things were placed, so there’s still always chance for those messier streams. But what has helped me have less of that happening is just really making sure that my pee hole is as exposed and unobstructed (for lack of a better word) when I go. So basically making sure labia is outta the way. Second thing I’ve come to not
    1 point
  40. I think this post shows how everyone likes and dislikes different things, can’t please everyone and all that! For me my Issues are: 1) anything where someone feels forced or in pain 2) anything fake, I prefer amateur to professional. Just a natural amateur video is my most liked ones. 3) dirty talk. So cringe and I either have to change video or mute it 4) getting entirely naked to quickly pee in a public place, you just wouldn’t do that. And also popping your tits out the top of your top or Corset?! What have tits got to do with peeing, just keep them away! 5) any
    1 point
  41. My favourite for this is peeing down my legs while chatting with someone who does not know that I am doing it. Chatting with tourists in the pub can be so much fun. Fishnet stockings are key to me getting away with it because nothing shows even when pee is flowing very freely as they act like a wick, and my open heels let it all flow invisibly into the carpet.
    1 point
  42. a gift today, a nice video of her pissing that she sent me on snapchat and allowed me to record and share hopefully the link works i’ve never used erome before lol enjoy 😉 https://www.erome.com/a/v7T6i9dn
    1 point
  43. I stayed at a holiday park a few years ago that has couples steam rooms, go in, get muddy, steam in a small sauna then the showers come on. Me and my then boyfriend tried it out. It was fun getting caked in mud then sitting like a statue as the steam was turned on. After 15 minutes the operator came back, they dont go in the steam room, they just work valves from outside and shout. As soon as the steam was off and i heard the door close my boyfriend was in front of me naked, covered in mud and asking for sex. I told him to just watch and pulled my bikini bottoms aside and peed the mud of
    1 point
  44. Years ago I was able to use a school swimming pool in the summer holidays. The pool was in its own building, and the changing rooms were separate sheds outside. The toilets were in the main school building, a little way away. They didn't get much use. I remember one occasion when I'd got out and was changing. There was a window in the shed, so I could see out, but if I stood back from the window, it was too dark for anyone to see in. I looked out and saw the door to the pool open. A young woman in a one-piece swimsuit came out. She walked down the steps, then turned right, a few pa
    1 point
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