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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2021 in Posts

  1. I work for a small environmental consulting agency in Oregon as basically a forester. We go out into the Oregon, Idaho and Washington and measure trees. This past summer I had an intern, to maintain privacy I will call her Lizz. Lizz was around 4ft 3 in, was pretty flat chested and had a large bulbous ass, which I would often stare at hiking behind her. She was a blonde, with blue eyes and had fairly high cheek bones, leading a somewhat chubby cheeked look. The first day, she did not realize what she had gotten herself into as I pulled up to pick her up from the meeting place and she was
    4 points
  2. It was my first day back at work today and like every first day of the school year, it was busy. It wasn't busy in a bad way but I had a lot going on. I had to hold an assembly for all the new pupils, go to the individual classes and personally introduce myself and solve any issues that may have cropped up, and there's always issues. Luckily these were minor and after two hours I spent my morning break preparing for my first lesson. My first lesson went well and I spent my lunch break in the staff room catching up with my colleagues who I hadn't seen for six weeks. The five minute warning
    4 points
  3. I rarely ever have any sightings of women peeing in public, but last week during a trip to the mountains I was lucky enough to have 4 sightings! I thought you all would love to hear about them. The first sighting happened early in the morning. I had started a short hiking trail around sunrise and returned to the trailhead a while later. After the trail I sat in my car drinking some water with the windows down and resting my legs. Being a weekday morning I was the only car in the parking lot until a minivan pulled in a few spots away. A woman who looked in her mid 30s with an athle
    3 points
  4. Very nice. Would have enjoyed seeing the happy ending 😉
    3 points
  5. Obviously contains public pissing, exhibitionism, destruction of property, and more themes revolving around those three. Revised and edited version (kind of). Now featuring a beautiful thing called ✨plot✨ although admittedly a puny one. There will be more parts, whenever they should come along. __________ It would've been a Thursday in June. My friend group had saved enough for a trip to a water park to cool down in the unforgiving summer heat, and we were on our way to paradise. If not for my previous discovery of a new fetish, I would've been just as
    2 points
  6. Hi everyone. I’ve been trying to pop in ever couple days to catch up on things. Sorry I haven’t been post much lately. I thought I would just let you know what’s been going on with me. And see how everyone else is doing there is a lot of new people like to say hey and welcome. I was pretty active on here before covid hit. It’s been crazy this past year and half. There is always something new and fucked up with work. Here lately I’ve being short handed like every other place in the US. Not only have I been managing shifts but delivering too. Yesterday I opened as the manager ended up
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  7. 2 points
  8. So after working up a lot of confidence I’ve finally peed in quite a public place! (Well public for me at least) It was just behind some houses and at night but to me it’s a big step since I was caught there before and it put me off public peeing for a long time. Glad I did though and I’m hoping I could work up the confidence for nicer places at day, especially a stairway which I’ve wanted to do forever!
    2 points
  9. One of the most erotic moments I have ever had with pissing all started in my late 30's. I was working in a department store, the staff toilets were usually miles away or out of use. We were under strict instructions not to use the customers toilets but we all did, no one really pulled you up on this. Every now and then whilst having a piss you would carefully observe a lovely gushing cock, followed by the roll back of their foreskin revealing that beautiful head and a shake. No touching though. This in turn would make you shake with excitement, cock rock hard while squirting
    2 points
  10. I recently this past summer peed on an empty beach at night with my sister and her friends. It made me happy because the boys went to one side and the girls went to another and I got to go with the girls. Gender affirming happinessssss.
    2 points
  11. Another little video from my pee-horny day earlier in the week. I just felt like doing some naughty (ish) things at home while I had the opportunity. If you don't like a close-up, low angle view of a peeing cock, don't read on. I like the way the pee runs away through the gaps between the wooden slats of the garden table (though it's a pity the sound isn't better - you can't really hear it splashing on to the patio below), and how I make it jump up and down a bit. (I'm not sure why the video jumps to a more close close-up part way through.) https://www.erome.com/a/nLukK1eV
    2 points
  12. It's been a while, but I will update! The question from my last post is still very much open for answers and idead, as only 1 extra "special occasion" has occured since. I will describe 2 pees in this post, as they happened on the same day and technically aren't really seperate events. Therefore there's 3 occasions left after this post (with again 2 of them happening on the same day, so again not different events). Hope you guys will enjoy as always! So corona. It's an endless story. After the summer of 2020 cases quickly went up in our country and at the end of december, our government c
    2 points
  13. Your welcome and thank you for enjoying it! That's because I'm the only one here haha I had the same thought after I finished the story and for this exact reason I made another bonus drawing for you all. This is how I imagined Julia shortly after she arrived home, enjoying the freedom.
    2 points
  14. Watching BBC Breakfast show this morning, rather taken with the Sports Presenter, Sally Nugent. Although she has been promoted on to the red sofa today. Love to see her sat on the toilet, dress hiked up, panties and tights rolled up around her knees: Here's a few 'teasers'. Facial expression looks like she is so relieved after a long hot pee!
    2 points
  15. Sister Irene (A young man secretly observes the sounds and sights of one memorable woman.) I grew up in a small town in Kentucky and went to a private school with Catholic origins. It didn't adhere to religion anymore but a few of the female teachers preferred to be addressed as sisters if they were religious. In 2014 when I was thirteen, I was introduced to Sister Irene, who also taught remedial English class on Saturdays. The first time we shook hands, I could smell cigarette smoke on her as she said in her assertive voice, “Hello there Seth, how are you this morning?” She was earl
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  16. Today I got the urge to have a naughty pee and my favorite thing to do is to drink a ton of water and hold until I am bursting, then make the 10 min drive over to the mall and continue to hold while I act like I am picking out something to try on. Once I can't hold it any longer, I head in to the fitting room and figure out the best way to relieve myself without getting caught. I used to just go if the fitting rooms were carpeted but one time I could literally not hold it for one more minute and had to fill up a tiled fitting room. I can tell that story later if you want but that is not wha
    1 point
  17. Layla supposed she might as well actually buy a drink, so she got a coke from the bar at one end of the room, charging it to the electronic wrist-strap reception had given her. She wandered on her own through the complex for a while, eventually finding an empty hot tub to sit in while she sipped her coke. The cold drink on her lips and the hot water up to her chest were a very pleasant combination. Her mind was going back to the morning that she first arrived in Kaymala. She had arrived at the hostel and checked into the dorm room, where she met Freya. The girl had been naked, and in the
    1 point
  18. An incident where this has happened There was a time where myself my mom and my sister were out somewhere many years ago. We were out for a while and soon after the need to pee it us. The first toilet we found was a public single use toilet with an automatic door which then locked once you were inside where you would push a button to lock it. We were all desperate and the toilet was in a fairly secluded-ish are so she said, 'me and your sister will use the loo inside, you have a pee round the back and aim against the stall. I had no issues with this and left it to them. My mom and sister
    1 point
  19. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist, though I'm not sure if that's a fetish or not. If I could walk around naked I absolutely would, and I've gotten naked in public places multiple times. On rare occasions, I've even done it with people nearby ... been a few close calls and I've been seen a couple of times, though nobody said anything as I wasn't out in the open. I guess they decided I was trying to be discreet and just let me be. One time I know I was seen was when I soloed the Second Flatiron (Colorado) naked. At least two other climbers were within 30 feet so I would've been impossible t
    1 point
  20. Hey @Sweets - great to hear from you, and ace idea creating the topic. Like @Kupar says, hope things get a little normal soon. The tingly peppermint bath sounds lovely though. Life for me has been pretty stable I guess. At the start of UK lockdown I found myself 'working' from home (even though that was impossible with my job, so my garage has never been so tidy!). Over the summer though my normal pattern of day job is that I go into the office two or maybe three days a week. The other two or three days I work from home in my little study, work laptop just in front of me and PF usual
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  21. I'm home alone for the first time in ages and the weather is warm, so I've spent most of the day so far naked, doing some jobs around the house. One of the nice things I've done is bottle a second batch of strawberry wine. There a lot of washing and sterilising and rinsing of equipment and bottles to do, so it's not surprising that all that sound of splashing puts me in the mood for a pee. I've set up a camera to record a 'nonchalant' style pee in the kitchen before, and this one is quite similar although here I'm not wearing anything - oh, and I peed on my foot and paddled a little too,
    1 point
  22. Me too. All this working makes it hard to be naughty.
    1 point
  23. Love your 'nonchalant' style @Kupar. Nothing better than hanging out naked,pardon the pun lol around the house. You pissing right there in the kitchen, wow well done sir
    1 point
  24. @WendyMarty Wendy, I have peed in the tile fitting rooms I mentioned above a few times. It was a similar situation to the story above where the back few rooms were blocked off for whatever reason, but still left unlocked. I like grabbing a few clothes that others have left in the fitting rooms and using them to pee on or while wearing :) One time, I grabbed a bathing suit and sat on the upholstered stool in the back room and just let it all out with my knees to my chest, hoping to have it all soak in to the stool. Surprisingly, the bathing suit held all of my pee as if it was waterproof s
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  25. What are everyone’s thoughts on mine?
    1 point
  26. How well do you expect to do in sports if you’ve deflated most of the balls?
    1 point
  27. There's other threads about it too, so other answers out there. My favourite though in these things is to pose the question in a way that's slightly fun, but you can get out of innocently if needed. And obviously you can't just blurt it out straight. So for example you may be having a fun chat with someone and have a little game of 'ask each other a question' starting with lots of innocent questions - last band you saw live? favourite movie? Coke or Pepsi? Strangest first date you've ever had? Last time you had a wee other than in a toilet? Now clearly if they say 'Ewww gross'
    1 point
  28. sorry i’ve been MIA the last few weeks, i went through a breakup so i wasn’t exactly in the sharing mood sadly, but i’m starting to feel a little bit better so i decided to share this photo that i was sent by my best friend yesterday of her sitting on the edge of the bath peeing into the water we also got a bit adventurous when we were drunk last week, she slept over at my place and sat on my lap and peed on me and i swear i’ve never been harder in my entire life it may have been the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me i’m thinking about asking her to pee on me again but i don
    1 point
  29. Apparently Johnny Herbert was well known for pissing in his car, it amused him that the mechanics had to mop it up. Not sure if that is actually true but sounds very likely. Drivers have to be well hydrated and you often see them rush for a piss just before the start. What about Indy 500 which goes on for 4 hours. What about the lady drivers, I have often thought whether they also piss in the car. I would love the thought of Danica Patrick pissing her race suit.
    1 point
  30. I think this question comes down to the family. I don't have any sisters, just brothers. Our family was into backpacking & rock climbing so we spent days, sometimes a week, away from "facilities" so making do was a basic requirement. My mum didn't make a big fuss but obviously did her own thing when she needed to. On occasion, my aunt's family joined us on these adventures. That family had just two girls, no boys, so the opposite situation. They were a ranching family and owned horses throughout my childhood. On some trips, we took the horses into the wilderness so we didn't
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  31. As some people will know, I've recently been photographing a large international music festival which takes place in a UK city. I work closely with the organisers to document the event which sees bands from all over the world (usually) playing at different venues across the city. One such venue is a big old hotel which sort of acts as the epicentre for the event. I'd been working from about 10am through to midnight, then had put camera batteries on charge, had a 'roadie shower' (squirt of deodorant and clean T-shirt) and headed to the bar where there was another three hours of music. Th
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  32. My fav thing. He doesn’t have a choic lol
    1 point
  33. I regularly have to get up in the night and it often follows a dream where I've been bursting for a wee and not managing to find a toilet very successfully. Luckily I've only wet once during adult life but there have been plenty of near misses.
    1 point
  34. Lara Croft. (I think she is about to pee in this photo.)
    1 point
  35. I’m not sure these three ladies count as famous celebrities - but they are household names in certain circles. Having seen each of them in action over the last few weeks, I’d definitely like to see them ‘in action’ in the other sense too. First up is Jade Edwards, currently the only lady competing in the BTCC motor racing series and showing the guys she’s not just a pretty face. The other two, Abbie & Jessica both compete in the W series, touring the world in support of the F1 calendar.
    1 point
  36. Handsfree naked pees have me instantly aroused.
    1 point
  37. As a male, I lack true expertise. But I believe that urethra and labia (position) play a crucial role in the generation of the sound. As peeguy and littlebladder confirm, men can hiss too. Especially, if the urethra is compressed or the foreskin clings together to leave only a slit. So I guess the deformation of the stream into sort of a sheet of urine is a great source of noise. Also, I noticed that certain toilet bowls seem to magnify the sound when women pee into them. Of course not if their stream hits the stagnant water, when splatter becomes the more apparent noise. BTW: Don't
    1 point
  38. A closed mouth doesn’t get fed. Don’t be ashamed of what you like. In my experiences meeting women online, I told one about my pee fetish when she told me to tell her something about me that she doesn’t know. I told her about the pee fetish and she thought it was funny because she likes to pee on people. She also has pissed in public on numerous occasions and shared the stories with me. If you can work up a conversation about peeing, work it in there. Ask her if she’s ever had to pee outside or on the ground. Take her out for drinks then take her someplace with no bathroom which will leav
    1 point
  39. As a man I don’t really have the answer but I would be interested to see what people say as I have had conversations with female friends regarding women peeing in the past
    1 point
  40. I will either take more pics or find some more lol
    1 point
  41. Okay I'll play, not that I qualify but they say the camera adds a couple of inches 😀
    1 point
  42. 1470/5000 I have a story that I didn't tell anyone because it could have unpleasant consequences for me. However, I read stories in this forum that inspired me so that I dared and set up an account, mainly to describe this story. I see there are people in this forum who will understand me and will not judge me. The story took place last year. I have a male neighbor about 60l quite fat. If he's sober, he doesn't notice me, and when he's drunk he likes to accost me and tell dirty jokes. It is very unpleasant for me. Late in the evening I returned from a party where I had a few beers. I
    1 point
  43. I can only guess how that affected you. After all, you were only 13. Some years ago, I had a similar experience. I was out with a women I'd been dating about a couple weeks. We'd gone out for dinner and we'd each had at least a couple drinks. We we walking along this secluded beach when I said I needed to pee. She told me to wait as long as I could, because she'd soon need to pee, too. Not more than fifteen minutes later she was desperate, too. We stopped and she quickly pulled down her panties (she was wearing a skirt), then squatted in front of me and immediately began to pee. I ha
    1 point
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