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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2024 in Posts

  1. when your soothing petting kinda overwhelms the senses.
    8 points
  2. This is the next chapter in my Tales of a Furniture Wetter series. It contains female desperation, wetting, furniture wetting, and masturbation. The next morning, I woke up to the very noticeable feeling of cold wetness beneath me. It didn't take long before my sleepiness gave way to the memory of what I had done last night. I had wet my bed on purpose. I waited for a feeling of shame or embarrassment, but instead I smiled because I was also remembering how great it had felt. What wasn't great, though, was the cold feeling of the wet sheet under me. I removed the covers and looked do
    4 points
  3. I have done it in a couple of pubs where the upholstery would have shown a wet patch, it was easy to be discreet and just sit over the gap between the cushions and pee there. Once I was at my friends. She was a silly girl and went upstairs to use the toilet, so I decided to pee too - but between the cushions on her white sofa. She should have saved going upstairs and peed like me!
    4 points
  4. Looks like its going to be raining tomorrow whilst I go for a bike ride..... Yay, cos that will hide my pee wet patches 😂😂😍😍
    3 points
  5. I love it. It turns me on so much but no one knows, especially when they piss on a property/object. I was with a guy friend and we were walking to the bar, I was walking and talking and he didn’t even say anything he just stopped and started pissing on a restaurant sign, you know the ones where they write offers etc. I think he wanted to aim for the corner but was desperate and drunk so pissed on it, eyes closed so I don’t think he even bothered to aim properly and his piss was sliding on the sidewalk too plus it was a busy street 😭 I watched from where I was because I didn’t want pe
    3 points
  6. I haven't, but I was at a party with a house full of people and one bathroom. My buddy's date got up to go piss but returned and said, "There are way too many people in line for the bathroom." She was obviously drunk, and when she sat back down on the couch and started to hike up her skirt (we all knew she hardly ever wore panties), my buddy asked her what she was doing. "Improvising," she said. She scooted over to the crack between the couch cushions and then sighed and peed right into the crack. She peed for about 45 seconds and then scooted back and pulled her skirt back down.
    3 points
  7. There have been so many times and places... Maybe on Music Day, a few years ago, on the ground next to the outdoor urinals, in a fenced toilet area with urinals and portapotties. Not really naughty, but I am particularly proud of it, because I was probably the very first one to give up the queue for the toilets and squat next to the fence. A few women saw me and did the same very timidly, blocking view for each other. When I had to pee again 1-2 hours later, the ground around the urinals was littered with tissues, the grass was soaked with pee and women were openly squatting and peei
    3 points
  8. The four of us were at a park. Mom needed to pee and my girlfriend said she had to piss too. There were bathrooms but they were far away. The park wasn’t too busy. They looked around and decided to sit off a bench and pee onto the ground. Both of them pulled their jeans down and sat on the edge of the bench and pissed in the grass. I stood in front of them, mostly watching my girlfriends pissing kitty. It was hot.
    3 points
  9. I think I have a good influence as well. More than once I was the one who started the trend of public peeing, floor peeing in the restrooms, even urinal peeing for friends or stranger ladies. Several of my friends, male and female, became much more liberated regarding peeing after a few nights out with me. Just last week, I was at a concert with three friends. At the end of the concert, when we stopped for a toilet break, the lines were so long that women were queuing for the stalls in the gents room, as regularly happens at this venue. I lead them to overtake the queue and go directly to
    3 points
  10. Contains female peeing in glass, and female peeing pants. Also contains male drinking pee. Five friends sat around in a circle. Natalie was a redheaded vixen wearing a short orange skirt barely to her knees, a plain black shirt with a denim jacket and thigh high boots. Gwen was a brunette wearing a tight white dress reaching to her ankles, with a pair of short heels on. Taylor and Samantha were twins. Both had platinum blonde hair, but Taylor had added a red streak in her’s. Taylor had a beige dress on, a slit down the side to show off her thigh tattoo of a pair of doves, and high heel
    2 points
  11. I was just looking through some old stories from the Peesearch days--mostly ones that I had saved that others have posted (real and fictional), but also one that I wrote. It was inspired by a video that was on Youtube for quite a while, though it's almost certainly long since taken down. It showed two friends or possibly brother and sister (the latter possibility I clearly did NOT use as inspiration for the story) play fighting on the floor, starting from a pillow fight and ending with the girl pinned to the floor by the guy, a little yellow fountain clearly emerging from her jean shorts. I to
    2 points
  12. If I had a maid to clean up after me absolutely lol. My house is all hardwood and tile and unfortunately I like peeing on carpets the most. But if no one would judge me and my house would take minimal damage I'd totally pee anywhere no questions asked.
    2 points
  13. Back outside again tonight…
    2 points
  14. I always thought that this was a boys will be boys thing that guys did and maybe some moms just ignored. Never heard my mom speak of much less pee anywhere other than in a restroom and never would have expected she'd allow me to. But just the other day after overhearing my friend talking about my being shy in the locker room mom told me that if the other guys are peeing in the locker room it would be best for me to do the same rather than being the only guy running to the restrooms. A few days latter she asked me if I was now relieving myself there. So I guess I'm doing what mom says too.
    2 points
  15. Yesterday me and kate went to one of our local pubs to watch the Wales vs France match which despite not being a brilliant match, it was still a great time out. The pub was full of fans and not much room to move about but the toilets were very busy. Kate told me after one trip to the toilets, she thought of slip into the men's due to the line but never got the chance to. During the 2nd half of the match I went to the toilet which were down end of corridor and making sure no one was about or looking, slipped into the ladies toilet, into the nearest stall. Whilst peeing, it was not long be
    2 points
  16. As a woman, I think it'd be hot if a guy I was talking to casually whipped it out and started peeing.
    2 points
  17. Im a straight male but love watching men piss and would lick the tip afterwards 😛
    2 points
  18. So I just made a huge mess too. I used my work break to go buy something from the pharmacy at the mall, and I already needed to piss really bad as I was leaving work. So I buy what I need and I’m like fuck it I’ll use the mall public toilet. When I walked in it was obvious that it was already cleaned, but however I hovered above the toilet seat. Soon I realized (well I felt) that my pee is actually not going in the toilet at all, and the stream hits the floor directly. So I try to adjust myself a bit, peed into the toilet for few seconds but then I decided why not, might as well let
    2 points
  19. Do you think whether or not you were allowed to pee outside has influenced your love of naughty pee? I grew up with two brothers, a sister and my mom and dad. There were 6 of us. We had one bathroom upstairs, it was hard when dad would come home from work and then my sister would get home from dance and both would need to shower so the bathroom was always busy. I mean regardless of that my parents let us all pee outside but because of that situation, in winter if the bathroom was occupied and you were desperate you could go piss over the drain in their basement. I feel like the fact
    1 point
  20. Do you want to hear about K wetting herself while wearing a pair of crimson silk French knickers? She’s been getting rid of underwear that has reached the end of its life. Generally our approach is that she wears them one last time and I rip them off her as a prelude to slightly rougher sex than normal, but with the French knickers – which she has had for a long time, and which don’t get worn very much – I asked her to wet herself while wearing them She had been saving up her wee for a couple of hours while at work, and when she got home I poured a gin and tonic each as usual for a F
    1 point
  21. It's a great fantasy and I would pee freely in someone else's house if they offered. But my sense of smell is too sensitive to do it at home. I don't care if you've been water-fasting for a month--I can still smell it! LOL. I do tiny pees on the carpet or couch sometimes, but then I clean it up immediately.
    1 point
  22. My pee is very rarely yellow - it looks and tastes just like warm water so would only have made a minimal stain. It was only that she went upstairs to pee that I realised that I needed to pee as well, otherwise I probably would have waited. I did not pee to cause damage - I peed because I wanted to pee. I like to be discreet so that I can do it again.
    1 point
  23. Peed in the hallway of the apartment complex I live in earlier. Haven’t done it in a few weeks, because I almost got caught last time
    1 point
  24. I'm female and a giver. I love it when a man wants everything I can give them. Never done it with a woman, but would be open for that too.
    1 point
  25. Thanks. It’s nice to have people to share them with 😊
    1 point
  26. The best time for seeing girls at the bar is closing time. One instance that comes to mind9and probably the best for me) was I had been talking up this one girl most of the evening. Next thing I know she invites me to go to the strip club next county over as the bars stayed open 2 hours later. We leave as they're turning on the overhead lights. As we're walking to her car she tells her friend who was the designated driver, "I gotta piss before we leave". With no care in the world she's dropping trou right in front of me pissing from a high squat. I saw everything and was close enough that I wa
    1 point
  27. Big department stores are your best bet! During the week they're usually not crowded and it's pretty easy to get away with it, at least the two times I've done it LOL.
    1 point
  28. Pretty much the way it is around here as well. We all did it back in school and as I still live in the same little town. I still see a lot of those same classmates around the town pool and we all still piss in the showers or near drains, it's not something to care about, every guy has done so, not like anyone's going to care.
    1 point
  29. The most incredible experience I was able to give to my exciting g/f was after a few beers in the pub we went to a quiet corner in the park nearby and I peed in her knickers, facing her, while she was still wearing them. The warmth ran all down her legs of course but she loved it so much and she wanted me to repeat it a few times after that. Of course I obliged! It was a great pleasure for me too, of course!
    1 point
  30. Part 4 “That Was kinda fun lowkey”, said Naz “and it was kinda hot.” ”Wait, do you hear that?”, said Lakeisha. ”What?”, said Naz “I hear liquid hitting something. Are you peeing again?”, Lakeisha asked Naz. ”No”, he said. ”Hmm, let’s check it out. Come on “, said Lakeisha as she dragged Naz around to different rooms in the house. Eventually they found the source and they couldn’t believe it. They had quietly snuck up to find the realtor herself peeing on the carpet in the corner of the master bedroom. Lakeisha, being as bold as she was made their presenc
    1 point
  31. Sybille https://www.imagefap.com/photo/1538902205/#0 My girlfriend’s name is Janet but she’s called Sybille in Sex Bizarre magazine. I met her at work, in a very ordinary office. She was a PA at the time, but I don’t need to tell you any more about her job. It was a large office on multiple floors so I didn’t bump into her that often. But when I did see her, she’d always smile and sometimes she’d give me a sexy flirt of her hips as she was leaving. I got a great view of her behind. I concluded that she was a ‘goer’ pretty quickly, so of course I asked her out. In a bar a fe
    1 point
  32. I was one of the only people in our decently sized office building during the week between Christmas and New Years so I thought I'd take advantage. I kept drinking coffee and water and was holding half of my shift, after about two hours I was feeling like I couldn't take it but wanted to go longer so I stood up and only partially emptied my bladder into a glass at my desk. Honestly, if anyone walked in and saw that glass they wouldn't say a thing because it was crystal clear. After a two more hours I decided I needed to go so I went down to the boiler room in the basement and soaked the whole
    1 point
  33. I realize I’m being a bit presumptuous by adding myself to the “best pics of titties” thread, but I hope it’s enjoyable nonetheless.
    1 point
  34. Oh yes, I've also seen people doing this - getting in and standing still for a while before progressing, or even getting straight back out again! Must admit I love to see this if it's a nice-looking guy though. 😊 As some people here know I find a thrill from the act of peeing in a swimming pool and do it as often as I can. It's firstly the anticipation when a pool visit is planned, holding-on and staying away from toilets to make sure I'll be able to 'go' when I get in - then secondly the actual moment when I'm adding as much urine as I can to the pool water and hoping nobody else real
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. On the train home from london this evening and really needed to piss.. whilst I occupied the toilet cubicle itself, I opted to fully relieve myself into the sink within 🤫
    1 point
  37. I'm getting better at this nonchalant peeing, was out for a walk earlier and managed to piss without breaking stride 😁 https://www.erome.com/a/Exrvz38L
    1 point
  38. The best part of a hotel stay is peeing on the furniture!
    1 point
  39. But that’s not where my night ended. When I got home, I found that my housemate had locked the door incorrectly and I was locked out. Initially unable to get in touch with him, and the weather still being amazing, I was content to sleep in my car. But after about an hour I needed to pee so badly it was going to be an issue quickly. There is really no cover between the houses in our neighborhood and everyone has doorbell cameras aimed at the whole street. I couldn’t just pop up onto my front porch and duck behind the bushes (really the only cover) since the sensor light would go on. After a ton
    1 point
  40. Too lazy to go to the bathroom, letting it go in the kitchen sink
    1 point
  41. Walking home and needing to piss.. why release it upon getting home when I can just get my cock out in public and piss mark the lamppost instead? 😏
    1 point
  42. I love pissing on a wall, especially a brick wall, and seeing a puddle form at the ground.
    1 point
  43. An hour passed while I read. My panties, tights and ballet flats were much drier, but still clearly damp. My bladder was filling quickly due to the huge amount of fluid I was being made to drink. I ignored it, and just continued enjoying my book. Fast forward another 30 minutes and I was getting quite desperate. It was then that another command from the player came in. The command was to make lunch. I hadn't noticed that it was 12:30 already! Time had flown while I was reading. As I stood up, I paused for a second to inspect my clothes. I couldn't see any wetness on my tights at all. I pu
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Here's another one, I remember from a long time ago from a chat room I was in. This girl said that when she was back in college, she had a roommate that was all into super healthy eating and even grew her own herbs in the kitchen window to use with her food. For no real reason other than she didn't care for eating healthy, she took to peeing on her herb plants every morning for like two weeks after her roommate took off to morning class. The plants started to yellow and die, and her roommate would throw them out eventually and get new ones. And she would do it again, until her roomy got so
    1 point
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