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  1. Hi, I'm a girl from Sweden who is a pee fanatic. I love all forms of pee games, by myself or with others. I like older men/couples... if you plan to hook up with me....
    8 points
  2. I walked to the far side of the parking lot at a gas station and squatted for a pee when we stopped for snacks and to stretch our legs. Lord knows I won’t even attempt a gas station bathroom!
    7 points
  3. Took a piss in the backseat of my car for the first time tonight. Have pissed in a handful of rental cars with limited worry due to buying the damage waiver but this was the first time peeing in my own car. Really had to pee and was such a great feeling of relief while hosing down the seat. I had meant to just let out a little for fear of causing long term damage to my car but ended up getting carried away since it was such a turn on I couldnt stop until my bladder was empty. Thought damage would be pretty minimal due to leather but to my brief horror most of the pee drained into the gap where
    6 points
  4. Contains male and female pee vandalism. I am still not sure about the title, but I can change that later I suppose. It refers to events yet to come. Last year, I was sent to a conference in Dallas by my work. The conference was held in a pretty nice hotel downtown, and my work was covering all the expenses. I'd been to dozens of conferences just like this one over the years, and was kind of dreading going to another one. They were all pretty much the same, and even if I occasionally learned some new piece of information at one of the sessions, or made contacts with others in the indust
    6 points
  5. One experience comes to mind of seeing someone else pee non-chalantly. I was at the beach with a friend and the part of the beach that we like best is a more secluded area. There’s usually only a few other people there and never any children, as there’s no bathroom or parking lot near. My friends and I are discreet but not shy about peeing in the water when the need arises. So it’s not strange for someone to say, “I’m just going to pee” and then they wander off into the water for a short bit and come back. A couple of us are even more discreet and won’t mention it but do pee privately while we
    5 points
  6. Dear Wet Carpet, A friend of mine directed me to your magazine after I shared something with them, which I will also share with you. A few evenings ago, I had worked a late shift at work and was on the train heading home when something went wrong with the train and we were delayed. This has happened before, so I didn't panic. Since it was late and an odd commute hour, the car I was in held only myself and another woman who looked to be about fifty. She looked elegant and distinguished sitting upright in the row of seats across from me, wearing a belted dress with a flowery plunge nec
    5 points
  7. i was kinda feeling comfortable without them. and with a tampon in didn't think much about it when i got dressed to go grocery shopping. but oops, maybe i should have worn some panties. hope it wasn't this obvious while at the store. 🫢
    4 points
  8. Dear Wet Carpet. My friend and I were out drinking in this pub when we both needed a piss. We went into the ladies. No one else was there but we decided to go into a cubicle together anyway, a habit acquired at busier times. Giggling, we laughed about who was going to use the toilet first and make the other wait, when my friend laughed and said we need not have to make a decision. Let's just both piss on the floor. I think because we were drinking, the naughtiness of the idea appealed to me. And so moments later, there we both were, our short skirts hoisted, our panties pulled aside
    4 points
  9. I had a similar experience when I was younger and in uni. I was waiting for the bus after a night class (so it was dim outside) and I was about bursting. There were several people at other stops around the campus loop but no one else at my stop so I scooted to the edge of the bench and did my business. Suddenly I saw a guy coming out of a building and heading right at me, I couldn’t stop so just tried to hurry it up. Luckily I finished up just as he approached but there wasn’t much I could do about the immense puddle splattered on the ground. He didn’t say anything about it, I’m not sure if he
    4 points
  10. Not fine literature by any means but I wanted to get a story done and this is what I came up with. Like pretty much all my stories, this one contains female outdoor urination and is told from a man's point of view *** This story takes place just a couple of months ago. I was working for a large-ish American real estate company and had been sent out to a local townhouse construction project to do some appraisal work. Long story short, the goal was to figure out the approximate value of a partially constructed row of buildings so that my company could reassess insurance costs. Excrucia
    3 points
  11. Morning friends! My very first long distance road trip just wrapped up. I am exhausted but I don't know when I am gonna have the time to write all this up next so enjoy the story now before i get back to unpacking and resting lol. I wasn't originally planning any fun pees as it was family time, but I kept my options open just incase the opportunity presented itself. In the end I did get two naughty pees in! And they were two brand new experiences! For a general list, I peed in the following states on my way down: MD (our starting point), VA, TN, and GA (our ending point). On th
    3 points
  12. I’m so happy to see a new story from you. I love how nonchalant & matter-of-fact Jordyn is with her need to pee. She is really sexy for doing that & your protagonist is a very lucky man having witnessed such an amazing display. I can’t wait to read more stories from you.
    3 points
  13. I was not wearing any, as I’d just gotten out of bed
    3 points
  14. I think all I'm missing is peeing on someone lol.
    3 points
  15. 3 points
  16. This is the second story with Ashley, this first one is Introducing Ashley to Peeing behind the House (college). Promise there will be more hot moments with Ashley, Enjoy! Ashley's Naked Run To The Bathroom Ashley and I woke up at my place as the sun poured into the room after a night of, shall we say …a bit of fun 💋. So lying in bed naked we both got a little playful with each other. Pressed body to body my weight must have pushed against Ashley's bladder, she interjected in between smooches by whispering to me in a playful voice "Wait, wait, I need to peeeeee." It was the mo
    3 points
  17. I used Chat GPT 4.0 to write this. I eased it into the story starting with "Write a story about a woman who needs to pee in a university library, but finds the bathroom is closed so she finds another solution" It gave me a story where a librarian helps her find a bathroom, but I was able to then ask for her to be given instructions to find the bathroom and then ask "change it so she doesn't find the bathroom and has to use the carpet" I continued to ease the chat into asking for more details and more stories till I got this: The Chronicles of the Ivory Throne: Shades of Auda
    2 points
  18. I was about an hour into a three hour journey when I stopped by the side of the road to fix the hands free kit in my car This was on a busy A Road in the UK, but I'd managed to find one of the larger lay-bys which was slightly further off to the side behind a small row of trees. No facilities, but the kind of place a lorry driver might stop in for an couple of hours rest if there was nowhere else. I parked at the back of the verge. Then i set about trying to fix my CarPlay system that had been playing up since I set off. I was just fiddling with it when a small Mazda pulled in.
    2 points
  19. I think @steve25805, @Carb0nBased & @Alfresco have hit it on the nail there for me too. Me engaging in discussion with someone on the topic of their pee content would be first of all throttled back by two factors. First of all how much I'm prepared to discuss that I've got that interest / kink / fetish so in most settings where I want to keep my private interests and my work / social / family life separate then I'm probably just going to get a quiet warm feeling from knowing I'm interacting with 'that' person. Secondly comes down to whether it's an appropriate conversation to
    2 points
  20. I like videos were you can see someone is really in to what they are doing. So do what you find most arousing yourself, I like to see you having fun. And be yourself, there is already enough acting out there. I get really turned on seeing pee accidents, were girls really hold it untill they seriously wet themselves. And not standing in the bathtub, but while walking back to their car, or just doing something in the garden. Specially when it is, or looks genuine. Those are rare.
    2 points
  21. I do hope that Kelly will have more to contribute, especially if she meets the commuting woman again.
    2 points
  22. Appreciate the positive feedback as always. I often find coming up with the scenarios for these stories quite challenging which is I guess why I post them so infrequently. The writing is usually pretty easy.
    2 points
  23. These are my favorite types of pees. Girls are comfortable going outdoors and think nothing of leaving a puddle when needed.
    2 points
  24. Yes indeed @Alfresco, the designers of those pool facilities certainly do seem to have been encouraging use of the pool as a toilet, and of course I see nothing wrong with that! 😉 Must admit I'm both amazed and disappointed to hear of the trouble the guy you described took to return to the single toilet in the male changing room. Luckily my hubby knows what I like and would never do that. Good to hear that both you and your wife increased the amount of urine within the water of the main pool and the bubble pool.
    2 points
  25. Love it @Bacardi - full on kudos to you on all the parts of your trip experiences. Not much more to say than that - but you’re a true Peefan, outdoor peeing, hotel carpet pisser. No looking back - only to your next opportunity.
    2 points
  26. so i kinda always feared being left out. like if i went to the bathroom when no one else did, i'd miss something important or fun. it made me hesitant to excuse myself from class or from playing with friends unless there was a pause or break in the activity- either just through it being done, or because someone(s) else needed the bathroom too. as a young girl, with little to no bladder control, this caused more than a few embarrassing moments. like to the point that it seemed my family had kept a change of clothes in the school office through like 5th grade. but it wasn't until i w
    2 points
  27. I feel you on that one. The feeling when you miss out on a sighting but the circumstsnces or the people you are with simply make it too difficult. I do hope she found a place though before it was too late.
    2 points
  28. It seems like your discovery of your gf's mum's interests is making things better for all of you! I wish my mother in law would be open like that - she always closes and locks the door. But I have known her once to pee outside; her and her husband had a car breakdown and I went to collect them whilst a recovery firm took their car. Father in law was talking to the recovery man. I had Mother in law sat in my car. She looked really uncomfortable so I asked what was wrong and she had no hesitation in telling me that she was bursting to pee because they had been there so long. I told he
    2 points
  29. Last time would be literally 10 mins ago. I am on an errands run today and currently shopping for groceries. But before that I had to pee so much that while walking through the car park, I beelined towards this one car infront of me, pulled my shorts to the side and peed a whole flood near the driver's side. After I was almost done I saw this man approaching from afar and I thought that maybe he's the owner (which he was) so I tried to pee as fast as I can and dipped haha.
    2 points
  30. I grew up learning german, english and italian at school. So I'd say I'm more or less fluent in all of these. Including some of their dialects. My native language however is a rare romance language spoken in a few areas of central europe. And for a while I even tried to learn norwegian. I know some words and frases that duolingo taught me but that's pretty much it.
    2 points
  31. We had a drinking party at my friends home last night. There was only one toilet and they didn't let me use it because they knew I could pee anywhere. So I peed in her backyard four times...because there were four potted plants lol
    2 points
  32. The fact that they felt the need to post a sign must have meant that they were having issues with too many people peeing in there and affecting the chemistry! I guess people who are relaxed enough to be without clothes are probably also relaxed enough not to mind peeing in a pool.
    1 point
  33. I didn’t pee in the pool of the nudist resort out of respect and also because I didn’t want a boner. Their hot tub had a sign that said not to pee in the water 🤣
    1 point
  34. Which you have done very well, I might add. ❤️❤️❤️
    1 point
  35. I am a middle aged guy and have been seeing this 42 year old woman I met down the pub. Well one night back at her place we were fooling around on her bed and she said she needed a pee soon. I think because we were a bit drunk I suggested it would be fun if she just did it here in the bedroom. She laughingly called me a pervert and said she couldnt do that but we carried on fooling around for a while. But eventually she said that it was no good, she had to go and couldnt wait any longer. Anyway she got up off the bed and started walking towards the door en route to the bathroom. But then
    1 point
  36. The one I can remember was just someone getting out of the pool and saying "just going to the toilet, be back in a minute" and my friend went "actually, to keep the carpet inside dry can you just go in the bushes?" And that was it!
    1 point
  37. In a corn maze last Halloween 👻
    1 point
  38. I overestimated my ability to hold it for one of my many ultrasounds, I was extremely desperate in the waiting room and I leaked like crazy while the doctor pushed on my bladder. I drank almost 2 liters of water.
    1 point
  39. Hey, Just thought I would share a story with you all. Ive been reading this forum for a while, and figured I might as well join in on the fun... Me and my boyfriend were walking his dog in the field when I realized I needed to pee. I know that my boyfriend enjoys the thought of me needing to pee desperately, so I didn't let him know until I was almost wetting myself, however by the time this happened we were no longer in the fields but walking down the side of a road, but I had no choice.... I told him that I had to pee and that I couldn't hold it, we both looked around and there was ab
    1 point
  40. This happened a while ago, thought I'd post it here. Found this on the lappie, may have been posted on PS, enjoy anyway. A Wet Day Maigh is getting more intense with her pee play lately, it's getting a little scary at times. Most days it is simple little things, pee then sexy fun, we all get so turned on this way. This was the latest she came up with ..... Mary had been out of action for 3 days, when she has her monthly, she near on hibernates, sleeps in the spare bed, wears dreadful neck to knee underwear, we never see her. When it's all over, she attaches herself to Maigh for a day,
    1 point
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