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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2023 in all areas

  1. Morning friends! My very first long distance road trip just wrapped up. I am exhausted but I don't know when I am gonna have the time to write all this up next so enjoy the story now before i get back to unpacking and resting lol. I wasn't originally planning any fun pees as it was family time, but I kept my options open just incase the opportunity presented itself. In the end I did get two naughty pees in! And they were two brand new experiences! For a general list, I peed in the following states on my way down: MD (our starting point), VA, TN, and GA (our ending point). On th
    10 points
  2. Hi, I'm a girl from Sweden who is a pee fanatic. I love all forms of pee games, by myself or with others. I like older men/couples... if you plan to hook up with me....
    8 points
  3. teehee. 😇 good morning.
    6 points
  4. 5 points
  5. so i kinda always feared being left out. like if i went to the bathroom when no one else did, i'd miss something important or fun. it made me hesitant to excuse myself from class or from playing with friends unless there was a pause or break in the activity- either just through it being done, or because someone(s) else needed the bathroom too. as a young girl, with little to no bladder control, this caused more than a few embarrassing moments. like to the point that it seemed my family had kept a change of clothes in the school office through like 5th grade. but it wasn't until i w
    5 points
  6. Hey everyone ! I’ve just started to want to film myself peeing in naughty places. I’m just wondering what people would want to see from me. Where have you filmed and what should i do?
    4 points
  7. I had been to London to watch a band with my wife, her cousin & his wife and we’re on the way back to Milton Keynes (her brother lived there and was minding our kids) on the train. As it was the last one it was packed as usual meaning sitting together wasn’t on the cards, I ended up sitting with my back to the wife and the cousins wife and facing him. As it was the last one it stopped almost everywhere increasing the journey time which since most people were at the least the worst for wear. As the journey dragged on the cousin started to doze off, never a big drinker, so my eyes drifted ro
    4 points
  8. I think there's a couple things going on here. First is site rules / features, and second is just being thoughtful. So of course you might love to see someone's story develop along specific lines, but the author has written what they've written and is probably happy with it. So it's really just about bearing that in mind. For instance, if you'd really like to see another character being introduced, or another activity described in a follow-up story, maybe you might compliment the author on a great story, and then ask if they'd mind if you developed a follow-on. Or perhaps ask whether ther
    4 points
  9. As promised here is the outcome of me telling her about her mum Helen about her naughty side. I picked kate up from the hospital who leg was much better but is in a leg cast boot which she still doesn't like due to it bulky size. Anyway I decided to take kate to a quiet cafe so we could talk about things but also still make her feel better but also loved. We were in a quiet spot, so could speak more openly about recent events and Kate thought it was good that her mum had come clean about her naughty side and when I suggested that we should let her join in, kate blushed bright red as the
    4 points
  10. I noticed that my total view count on erome.com is approaching 100k.. 😳😊🥳⛲ Then I checked out of curiosity the numbers of other prolific video creators of peefans.com.. 🙂 I noticed that Kupar and I had exactly the same number of views, just a bit shy of the 100k (to be fair, on my site there are three videos of girls peeing that have 11k views in total, so in reality Kupar is definitively ahead of me..). 100k views sounds like a lot! I feel like this is reason to celebrate this milestone in some way. Are there any ideas for nice pee-related celebration activities? 🙂🥳🎉 Kupar ( @Kupar
    3 points
  11. I was about an hour into a three hour journey when I stopped by the side of the road to fix the hands free kit in my car This was on a busy A Road in the UK, but I'd managed to find one of the larger lay-bys which was slightly further off to the side behind a small row of trees. No facilities, but the kind of place a lorry driver might stop in for an couple of hours rest if there was nowhere else. I parked at the back of the verge. Then i set about trying to fix my CarPlay system that had been playing up since I set off. I was just fiddling with it when a small Mazda pulled in.
    3 points
  12. Last time would be literally 10 mins ago. I am on an errands run today and currently shopping for groceries. But before that I had to pee so much that while walking through the car park, I beelined towards this one car infront of me, pulled my shorts to the side and peed a whole flood near the driver's side. After I was almost done I saw this man approaching from afar and I thought that maybe he's the owner (which he was) so I tried to pee as fast as I can and dipped haha.
    3 points
  13. Hello, naughty_emma, if possible, to a pissed everything that is great for it to be soaked and saturated with pee, carpets, sofas, chairs, cloth car seats, etc. And you can also just squat down or stand high squat somewhere, and release the stream to the ground and leave a puddle. I would love to see a puddle left on the ground. In general, do it anywhere you want, wherever your heart and your bladder want 😉
    3 points
  14. Would love to see you pee on a park bench either with panties off or wetting?
    3 points
  15. Decided to do some naked yoga the other day. Got turned on. Had a pee. Misjudged where to put the towel. Also forgot about how pee doesn't show up against a pale background. Ah well. https://www.erome.com/a/NnZwpRER Sorry for the poor photo and video.
    3 points
  16. 3 points
  17. Here's one from quite a while ago.
    3 points
  18. Last year I was on a morning group walk with a bunch of retirees in the month of August. We had about 12 in our group. I noticed a rather attractive single 65 yo woman who had short grey/black hair, very firm full "C" cup under her tight purple singlet and white skirt with medium build of 5.7.150 lbs. She was a more of a prim and proper lady but I was very attracted to her body. She also drank 32 Oz of watch in the 5.5 mile walk which took an hour and a half as going at a real good pace. After an hour she was getting antsy, picking up her pace, gyrating her hips and bladder and just plain unco
    2 points
  19. Contains male and female pee vandalism. I am still not sure about the title, but I can change that later I suppose. It refers to events yet to come. Last year, I was sent to a conference in Dallas by my work. The conference was held in a pretty nice hotel downtown, and my work was covering all the expenses. I'd been to dozens of conferences just like this one over the years, and was kind of dreading going to another one. They were all pretty much the same, and even if I occasionally learned some new piece of information at one of the sessions, or made contacts with others in the indust
    2 points
  20. We did - does that count ? And what a magnificent sight. Huge thanks for sharing.
    2 points
  21. Sounds amazing, you got a lovely attitude for this kind of thing. I do imagine it being quite the nice experience to pee outside somewhat together with your loved one. That seems awesome and maybe it helped you to not waste any seconds on second guessing as it made the situation more comfortable for you. Overall a very nice situation you found yourself in. The hotel pee is such a kinky and hot thing aswell. Really cool how you took that opportunity. You came, you saw, you conquered...ehmm i mean pissed which is basically conquering as you marked your territory. 😂 Doing it against th
    2 points
  22. Oh wow! Those are such fun accounts of your vacation peeing experiences @Bacardi! Sounds like you had a lot of fun with them 🙂 I'm so pleased you got the chance to do things that you haven't done before. I have a big smile on my face reading this ... and other physical responses too 😉
    2 points
  23. Ooh! Thank you for noticing that Not something I would have seen at all! And yes - if anyone has any ideas for celebrations, let us know!
    2 points
  24. It will be nice to see you peeing in public places, especially if you are wetting yourself discreetly with people around..
    2 points
  25. That last one is your most daring and open muffin pic yet...
    2 points
  26. @pee2poop - Please understand, every author of fiction has created their own work, the way they wanted it. In some cases they may be asking for input and suggestions. But just repeatedly demanding authors to write next sections, the way YOU want them comes across as a little rude. And also it can be considered against site rules.
    2 points
  27. "ARE YOU... [calmly] are you peeing in the garbage can?" "Hell yes! Maybe don't have a single unisex bathroom in your tiny little terrible cafe." "Look lady, I'm going to ask that you never return to eat here or even enter the shop." "Fine by me. You're just damn lucky the trash was convenient; otherwise I'd be pissing in the soda machine."
    2 points
  28. Recently caught a young lady peeing whilst she was running. I was out on my bike and had noticed her earlier thinking she had an incredible body and lovely arse in running leggings. Anyway, when I bumped into her a second time she was walking into a lay-by between some bushes. I turned around on the bike expecting her to be well hidden but to my surprise she was just going into a squat, leggings and knickers low and could see the pee coming out as I was side on. I cycled over and she muttered an apology. I said it was okay and that she had no need to be sorry. She smiled an
    2 points
  29. Hey all! I know it has been quite some time since I have been on here to see you guys. I took some time away for awhile. Just been dealing with some things. I'm back now though and do I have an experience for you!!! So this happened last weekend with hubby. He actually had a really good week was in a wonderful spicy mood. There was teasing and all that all week long. Finally on Saturday, being it was his day off, we decided to have a day just to ourselves. We had to make up for all the teasing all week long. Well we hadn't played with our pee fetish in quite a long time and I rea
    2 points
  30. Question from a granddaughter ...
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. One time when my now ex-wfe and I were having intercourse, she groaned that she had to pee. I encouraged her to continue to fuck and to just release her bladder. She expressed a concern for the bed but before she fully end her sentence I told to forget the bed and that it did not matter. Once again I encouraged her to pee and apparently she had to go bad enough that she did not argue any further. I felt her hot pee gush over my dick inserted up to my pubis into her cunt and flow over my balls and thoroughly wet my pubic hair. All too soon the erotic sensation of her peeing as we fucked
    2 points
  33. I’d have no issue emptying my bladder around somebody’s house, I have always wanted to pee on someone’s carpet
    2 points
  34. i do plan on peeing all over the car that i’m given. just the thought of spraying all over the seats would be so hot to me
    2 points
  35. This is the aftermath of my girlfriend not being able to hold it while her daughter was in the bathroom.
    2 points
  36. So I have to say I go back and forth on the smell! More so the stale, dried smell. In part it turns me on very much because I remember when I pissed in the tub the night before after edging…having not washed it out and let it dry like that. So sometimes I purposefully would piss in my tub as opposed to my toilet all day, for a day or two just letting it dry and stain. And it would get so smelly. And initially it turns me on! But after a couple days I can’t handle it anymore lol it’s like ALL I smell! And maybe that’s because I live in a small apartment. Who knows. But quick story - I
    2 points
  37. Has anyone ever provided a urine sample but done so in a way that is fun? This is my second story around this type of thing. I had been to the doctor for routine tests, no infections or anything like that and they asked me to provide a urine sample. I left the doctors surgery noting the location of the sample drop-off point and started to walk around the back of the building, looking for a discreet spot to urinate. This surgery had a side street that led onto the small car park where I was parked and was surrounded by bushes. I looked around and noticed the car park was empty apart
    1 point
  38. I had a dream last night that I can’t get out of my head. I only remember the short scene, but I hope you guys might enjoy hearing about it and picturing it yourselves. So not sure how it started, but I know that I was angry either about something or at someone, and I stormed off into what I can only describe as like an empty science classroom in a school. I went to what I guess would be the teachers desk and leaned against it a bit while looking over the rest of the classroom. I realized how badly I had to pee and I got a smirk on my face, knowing just what to do. I then pulled my pants do
    1 point
  39. let my skirt fall off getting out of the car. then left it on the seat so that i'd be caught in my panties while at the gas station. 🤭
    1 point
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