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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2023 in Posts

  1. - Offering someone a drive, and taking a leak in the parking lot after they've gotten into the car. While working with uber as a driver I once had to pick this woman who at shaggy plaza it was dark outside she was the one there no one else come to find she owns the plaza so I had to pee as she got into the car I asked if I could use the restroom but she said their was no restroom since the plaza was getting remodeled and she was using a bucket to pee in. So I asked if could pee in the parking lot she ya and she got to chat meanwhile I was peeing - Knocking on someone's door,
    5 points
  2. Piss and cum on my bedroom carpet oops (it was getting steam cleaned the next day)
    5 points
  3. Hello all, For my work, I usually rent cars. Yesterday, even I was alone, the rental compagny gave me a big brend new Nissan SUV. A lot of space, what a waste if not used ! I needed to make it profitable. So I phoned my girlfriend in order to know if, perhaps, she had an idea... I take her home to go to the supermarket and here are pictures of her way to use a brend new car with too much space :
    3 points
  4. So I was just playing search with a couple of guys and one of them was drinking a shit ton of beer so he said he was going to take a piss. After a few seconds I heard him pissing with the mic on lmao. He did it in front of the whole game thru game chat and we all just sat there silent. It was a long ass time to cause he really had to go 😂 A few games later we were just sitting in the lobby and all of s sudden we hear someone peeing and I literally said “are you pissing again”? And he was like yeah lol I drank a lot so I piss a lot. I loved hearing him take a leak. Would
    3 points
  5. New one 😉 Hope you will enjoy !
    3 points
  6. Tonight I'd had a few drinks and was chatting with some folks here. I needed to pee already, but I decided to wait just a little longer. I figured maybe I'd record another video of my eventual release. I recently found a FWB who shares my pee kink--like, when I asked what he was specifically interested in, he shrugged and said, "Honesty? It's all pretty erotic to me." So when I told him I was doing a hold, he texted back how hot he found it. I described my desperation to him--was probably close to an 8 at this point. I was sitting in bed grinding against the mattress and squirming to find
    3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. Have you ever just whipped it out or popped a squat while other people are around? Lately I can't seem to get this off my mind, and I want to hear your experiences with it (either as the pee-er, or witnessing it). I'm especially enthralled by the thought of doing it in front of the opposite sex, and with friends or colleagues who you've no sexual connection with. Some examples of what I'm imagining are: - Walking in the city at night with a friend, and just peeing against the streetlight while you wait for the light to change. - Relieving yourself into a bottle while sitting bes
    2 points
  9. While walking around Lisbon, I walked passed a very urine smelling corner. And as I was looking for a nice spot to relieve myself I didn’t pass on the opportunity and emptied my full bladder into the corner. I even needed to step aside as the piss was running towards my shoes.
    2 points
  10. Good afternoon all! For as long as I can remember, I've always preferred to pee outside. Even if a toilet is available, I'll go out and find somewhere to pee if possible. I'm always fairly discreet, and try to avoid being caught by strangers that might get offended by my actions. Today, I woke up desperate for a piss. I got dressed and headed out the front door to the street. 5 minutes of walking later and I was at the park. There were a few dog walkers, some people going for a morning run before work, but it wasn't busy. At this point I was desperate to pee. I walked down a foo
    2 points
  11. when casually massaging your bean is so relaxing that you forget where you are... and then, before you know it, have ended up going all the way. 😇 🤭 haha. i really don't think anyone saw, but becoming a little preoccupied with my self indulgence, i also can't declare that with any certainty. 😳
    2 points
  12. Dear Wet Carpet. I am a 29 year old barmaid who likes a bit of a drink myself. And I have a bit of a pissy reputation when drunk, peeing in full public view, or peeing in glasses in pubs and nightclubs, sometimes peeing on the floor. But when it comes to picking up guys, or girls because I am bi, I have a golden rule. And I do mean "golden" you see. And that is, before I let anyone sleep with me, they have to let me christen their carpets. And because I am very good looking - if I should say so myself - quite a lot of people are willing to oblige. I tell them it is my own special way
    2 points
  13. I like to piss out of view
    2 points
  14. Just let it dry 😉 I had the same car attributed for my new business trip. The seats were dry, but the car wasn't only smelling the new this time, but also a nice small smell of pee 😶
    2 points
  15. I can send you some pics if you want
    2 points
  16. Loving the real world examples quoted there. In my mind, 'Popping a squat' nonchalantly with other people about is worth about a thousand instances of 'whipping it out'. Based on the ease of doing either. I've long been happy to pee away from a toilet, and have engineered the situations for it - going out full for example and avoiding bathroom opportunities. I'm gradually getting more comfortable expressing my need to pee and doing so nonchalantly - something in my brain tells me not to give away my love of the kink, and that seems to make me over cautious when it comes to me bein
    2 points
  17. Dear Wet Carpet. I am a married woman with kids, blonde, buxom and blue eyed, in my late 30s and still looking good. My best friend is a divorcee in her early 40s, brunette with hazel eyes and long brown hair. And she still has curves in all the right places and looks good herself. Her only child has grown up and left home and her ex has moved out leaving her the house. Sometimes I go around there for a few drinks, during which we look at entertaining or amusing things on the internet which is connected up to her widescreen TV. Last night was just the same. My husband was at hom
    2 points
  18. Hi Lilly, Do you have any experience of peeing while gaming (or anywhere for that matter) you would like to share? I would enjoy hearing them! 🙂
    2 points
  19. My landlord is a dick. He rents out this cheap grotty flat which is all I can afford at the moment and keeps trying it on. He has even offered me money to take erotic pics. My constant refusals appeared eventually to to be the catalyst for him giving me two months notice to quit. Naturally, I stopped paying rent immediately because I doubt whether I would ever get my deposit back, and saved up the rent money to pay for a deposit on some other cheap flat. Anyway, I moved out this morning but left him a calling card in the living room. Last night after a couple of drinks I thought to myself
    2 points
  20. I was photographing an event a couple of weeks ago and working closely with the organisers' social media specialists. Now, my artform is still photography and I do it well - capturing the atmosphere of the event as a glorious colourful moment in time. The skill of the performers, the architecture and ambience of the venue and the joy of the crowd. All frozen at exactly the right moment. I get a huge amount of kudos for my work and I know I'm delivering what they want. But at the same time, chatting to them I understand what their next generation of subscribers want - quick, snappy
    2 points
  21. I always swore I would never be one of those people who let their kids overtake them with computer and tech knowledge, but guess what? My daughter now sorts out issues on our phones and iPads in no time that have had my wife and I flummoxed. Glad you are back on line.
    2 points
  22. Hi i was wondering if snyone would like to hear about my pee stories:) im lesbian and into desperation and relief so if anyone has videos like that i will gladly share my stories!
    2 points
  23. I’ve been both the pisser and the pissee when I’ve been chatting with friends at nude beaches. Once my friend and I were on the rocky area at the end of a beach and I was looking in a rock pool below a big rock he was standing on and he just started to piss hands free off the rock. I was so tempted to jump under his stream! That was probably the most exciting haha
    2 points
  24. I LOVE THIS!!! Anne Reburn is incredibly talented, the song is amazing and she is having SO MUCH FUN in the video! It's just phenomenal. I also love what she wrote in the description "Sorry this took so long, I had to train all the clones to clap in sync. "
    2 points
  25. My husband sent this to me and I busted my gut laughing then first and the most recent time I've watched it 🤣
    2 points
  26. Iv only done it twice, close to what you discussed. The two times Iv done is In very busy packed car park with alot people about but did it discreetly unsure if I got caught one time but didn't care and was busting. And I have always stop and just pee where ever when it quiet and with a friend, and same friend I had to drive and pull into layby and peed into a bottle. :)
    2 points
  27. Rewatched a bit of Lesbian Vampire Killers recently so decided to revisit Vinna Reed's scenes for vampire peeing ideas! Urinna hunts Anita sighed. Here she was, perfect makeup, sexy lingerie, and her husband was supposed to be home an hour ago. She had been so horny all day and wanted to surprise him, but business always came fucking first. It became clear he'd be gone all night, so she began to drift off to sleep. Lips pressing together, a body against hers. Nails digging into her sides as the lips traced her neck. Breasts rubbing tog- She stirred. Was she fantasisi
    2 points
  28. your posts are fantastic!! hot action!
    2 points
  29. On the nude beach yesterday.
    2 points
  30. I peed outside the other weekend at my gf's cabin Watered a tree She filmed it too
    2 points
  31. Get a video of her peeing on the floor and dash from the passenger seat
    2 points
  32. I rent a car on wednesday, what should we do next ? 😉
    2 points
  33. They’re called Virgin because they don’t know what they’re doing and might not come at all (sorry)
    2 points
  34. A nervous girl and her boyfriend both need to relieve themselves outside after a night of drinking. (Just got started with AI-assisted story writing. This shit is crazy!) I stumbled through the streets, my steps unsteady and my mind foggy from the drinks we had consumed at the bar. My boyfriend's arm was wrapped around me, providing some stability as we made our way home. But as we walked, a growing urgency stirred within me, a desperate need to relieve my bladder. "Babe, I really can't hold it anymore," I whimpered, my voice trembling with desperation. "I don't know wh
    2 points
  35. So i was at a friend. Watching the f1 GP at Zandvoort. On my way home, i should piss. So found this little drop to piss in.
    2 points
  36. I was pissing in the bike shelter
    2 points
  37. I’m always terrified I do this accidentally on a work call by forgetting to mute 😳 I’d be mortified. Tho in summer I often work from the deck out back and have been known to pee straight on the ground on zoom calls and no one has a clue 😉
    2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. I have pissed both for dominance and ownership in certain scenarios, both on things and current or ex gf's. I regularly piss against the outside of my house as an ownership thing, as well as a few other places
    1 point
  40. You are right, my box is full. Now I empty it and you can write. Thank you for make me aware of this problem.
    1 point
  41. I can say I have been lucky... ;-)
    1 point
  42. Exactly. I feel a strong bond with these friends I mentioned in my stories and maybe it is not a case that we peed together many many times over the years.
    1 point
  43. Well, yes, sometimes it happened to me by chance to pass by a flower pot after a couple of days I peed in it and the flower was withered. Why?
    1 point
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