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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2023 in all areas

  1. Warning, slow build here. So about 20 years ago I had a contract job with the local museum, helping them put their warehouse collection index online. Basically do a short index card type writeup for each item, then repeat all day every day. We didn't even have internet access; everything went onto floppies which went up to the main building to be uploaded. There were two of us assigned to this. The actual museum employee worked 8-4, while my shift ran 9-5. The deal with that was I would lock the doors at 4 and stay late while the janitor did the cleaning, then let us out whene
    11 points
  2. Hello all, For my work, I usually rent cars. Yesterday, even I was alone, the rental compagny gave me a big brend new Nissan SUV. A lot of space, what a waste if not used ! I needed to make it profitable. So I phoned my girlfriend in order to know if, perhaps, she had an idea... I take her home to go to the supermarket and here are pictures of her way to use a brend new car with too much space :
    7 points
  3. Hi i was wondering if snyone would like to hear about my pee stories:) im lesbian and into desperation and relief so if anyone has videos like that i will gladly share my stories!
    4 points
  4. No. Never lol. If I wanna get clean I shower. If I bathe I don't even really scrub my body with soap or get my hair wet, let alone wash it. Just some bubbles, Epsom salt, relaxing music, my thoughts, and a pee or two lol. For instance when I hosted my first Thanksgiving at my house i was on my feet cooking all day. 7-5 ish I was in my kitchen over my stove cooking food for my whole family. By the end of the night I was exhausted and decided to have a bath to loosen up my muscles. I decided I needed even more fun that day so I spread my legs as wide and peed as high into the air as i coul
    3 points
  5. I dont take baths often but when I do I always pee. I don't really take baths to get clean. I take one to relax. But even so I'm not worried about a little bit of pee making me dirty. With a bath full of water it's diluted enough. Not worth standing up and also rinsing off in the shower for me.
    3 points
  6. A great video @Cyan493 and of course this turns me on! 😉 Lovely to see you walking to the edge of the pool and getting your cock out. Your intention was obvious, and when you succeeded I actually said "Good Boy!" as I watched your pee going into the water and creating bubbles on the surface. You have left a gift for your relative by slightly increasing the amount of urine within his pool, so I'm going to say "Good Boy!" again. 😊
    3 points
  7. The day @gldenwetgoose and his friend Grey Goose got arrested for being too sexy.
    3 points
  8. Travelled down yesterday by train, arrived early morning however sadly had to leave and get the train home just as things were beginning to get interesting. In summary it was a disappointing day sightings wise. Despite my best effort (nearly 40,000 steps walked) it was difficult to find one particular spot that would serve best for sightings. There was tons of desperation on show, most of the makeshift portaloo blocks were 4-5 people deep and there were hundreds of girls holding themselves, moving foot to foot and begging for the queue to hurry up. I was unlucky on 3 occasions to be preci
    3 points
  9. it's fun just about anywhere i think i can get away with it. but if i had to pick a favorite, i feel like that would be inside elevators.
    3 points
  10. I am not into watching but my favourite position to pee in is either to stand or do a semi hight squat with my knees very close to each other and bend forward ever so slightly so that my pee flows away from me. Idk if this makes sense.
    2 points
  11. Hi my name is Emma im new here not sure what to say really but im into desperation/relief
    2 points
  12. For me it's the bus stop. If I'm alone in a bus stop specially at night, I'm for sure going to sit with legs spread and pee in there evenif I absolutely do not need to haha
    2 points
  13. There were no woods to run into, just a row of hedges with no gaps. So they must have been pretty desperate to pull in where I was waiting. The first was 2 ladies who both took it in turns and used the tried and tested method of their car doors to hide them, it was an SUV though so the low squatting position they took left their bottoms exposed. The third one used the same trick but faced outwards from her car (a saloon car) and squatted in the whilst the guy she was with waited in the drivers seat so didn't see as much there, just the top of her head.
    2 points
  14. I mostly go for public restroom floors/ drssing rooms. Though the most thrilling place I've pissed was in a grocery store walking through the aaisles. I love when there's high risk of getting caught, it's a thrilling and liberating feeling.
    2 points
  15. Coming from a 20 something year old woman, that list of importance depends on what you feel you search for the most in a person and which you absolutely cant live without. -> Can you ignore someone's looks if you vibe with them? As in do you care if they are conventionally pretty if you feel like they trully understand you? Does it matter to you if others dont find your gf to be that pretty? Can you love someone if you feel that they are everything you've been searching for .. but... your brain didn't go "DAMNNNN SHE HOT/CUTE/PRETTY" the first time you met her? Dont feel bad if y
    2 points
  16. Hello everyone, this weekend I have decided that I will only use my sofa to pee, it is only two weeks old and I am a little sorry to ruin it but my fun comes first and it is about time that it has some stains and a smell of pee. I would like some ideas to piss in it!!🤭
    2 points
  17. Love pissing in laybys at the side of a buisy road with my friends in the car or joining me. Or in a car park next to the car or on the back wheel. In my garden or inside my garage on the floor. In a multi storey car park
    2 points
  18. I'll be honest it is a hard choice to jerk off or piss in stairwells and parking garages. I want to do the fattest strongest pisses I can but I also get so turned on I am on the verge of cumming right then and there. I end up in the cursed middle position of pissing a cute little stream with a suppressed boner. I guess some people might like this outcome and I'm happy for them but I wish I could have it all and have the power pissing boner 9000 +P+ .
    2 points
  19. I love that you piss in elevators! Do you still piss on the floor in stores?
    2 points
  20. Personally I really love walking into a public restroom and pissing in the middle of the room, especially if it's a single person bathroom and I can lock the door. If it is a single person restroom I'll walk in lock the door and spray as much as I can, floor, wall, sink, trash can, the door. If it's not a single person restroom I'll either risk it and do the same thing or play it safe and only reck the stall.
    2 points
  21. Anywhere that I can get away with peeing on the seat. The cinema is probably favourite because it is always possible, the pub is nice too because drinking makes for a lot of peeing, and the club is nice because I can be so carefree and just pee anywhere. Whoops, that was more than one...
    2 points
  22. I realy like to piss in parking garages. The staircase ore elevator is favourites.
    2 points
  23. I love to pee anywhere I can see the puddle! I do prefer privacy but if it’s late at night and no one’s around, I’ll definitely squat on the sidewalk or in a parking lot.
    2 points
  24. I would love for someone to sit next to me and pee, not because they had to go but because they wanted to. The words "What, I wanted to pee" would hit waaay different than "I really needed to pee". Also it's office carpets after dark for me. I pissed in an open office at dusk since I was working late. Twas a lot of fun.
    2 points
  25. Any guys have to piss and wanna chat??
    1 point
  26. That actually sounds like a great experience just causal peeing for each other to see and enjoyed getting off watching each other. sounds like you got a great show glad you took advantage off actually following her to the janitor closet and watching! I bet it was hot to get off to her going from the view you got. thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  27. Them are the perfect size
    1 point
  28. I can confirm that, at least in Europe, there are still quite some elevators without camera's 😁
    1 point
  29. That's a great idea you just have to name it something inconspicuous or misleading. Google ain't got time to care.
    1 point
  30. I do it whenever I feel like it, it's very normal for me. I think that if you go to shower later, why not pee and wet your legs and feet a little
    1 point
  31. I would like to pee during sex. I would love to pee on someone and be pissed on while i cum. I would also like to pee outside more while being watched.
    1 point
  32. I think it is far less taboo these days than it used to be. Certainly in the UK I have seen ladies peeing by their cars in lay-bys a good few times. Yes, men do it more, but I don’t think it is because anyone would think less of a lady peeing in a lay-by, it is more that the ladies themselves are often reserved and don’t wish to be seen - even by strangers passing at 60mph. The other factor is that ladies are more discreet, so it probably happens more than people realise. Men tend to stand facing the verge and it is pretty obvious. Ladies tend to either walk into the bushes a little o
    1 point
  33. Dude you're great. I've encouraged friends to piss in their family's place multiple times. Love seeing it especially when its not their own stuff.
    1 point
  34. I don't pee in on/in my own stuff because that feels like a self own to me not so much a claim to the thing. However peeing in public places is great, both the act of pissing its self and knowing other people will witness the evidence. If I did not have the risk of punishment hanging over my head I would pee in even more public locations. Showing off my cock is both stimulating and exhilarating and I wish more people were into the same.
    1 point
  35. Years ago, on Webshots -- an old photo sharing website -- it was easy to find amateur photos of this sort of thing. I remember photos of girls, squatting, and peeing on the carpet in a bedroom, at a party. And there was a picture of a young girl squatting between a couch and a coffee table at another party. And there was a picture of the 'aftermath'. It was light colored carpet, and it appeared that a number of girls had peed there Photobuckets was another website you could find pictures. It is still around but I don't know easy it is to search the pictures and find anything anymore
    1 point
  36. A bunch of times waiting for it and a couple times on the floor
    1 point
  37. ...and where do you piss when all the urinals in Walmart are in use. Improvise.
    1 point
  38. And another pee in the countryside ... maybe the law of diminishing returns is applying to these type of videos now! But lots of shaking at the end if that's your thing. https://www.erome.com/a/M4nME4IV
    1 point
  39. I'm a busy guy with a wife and kids, so I don't get much alone time. But on the occasions when I do, I enjoy a good session like anyone else. If I can time it right, I enjoy the feeling of doing it with a full or partially full bladder. And if I'm feeling cheeky, I like to experiment with letting out some pee while I'm enjoying myself. It's not something I do on the bed or floor, but maybe over the sink, or in the shower. Just like peeing during sex (as I've written about recently), I enjoy the warm wet feeling, and of mixing the enjoyable sensations of peeing while edging. I'
    1 point
  40. I do quite a bit. I have a urinal in my garage and my wife never comes out there unless I ask her to. I enjoy waiting until I'm almost desprate then I'll start masterbating while looking at some good pee porn. I do alot of edging to get some precum. Once I get enough precum to use for lube I'll get right to the edge and release my bladder slowly stroking while i drain. Then I start masterbating pretty hard until I cum. It's always a really strong orgasm when I do it that way. Sometimes I like to lick the pee and cum off my hand afterward.
    1 point
  41. Between @Rosita with the bus stop, and @MonsterKane46 in an empty parking lot at night, I've done both quite a few times. There's a bus shelter with a trash barrel right next to it, which has seen my dick peeing between them quite a few times, the result being very wet dirt surrounding them. And the parking lot of a deserted building, after dusk, usually has a number of puddles on the lot itself, or at the base of the walls, since it is frequently visited by me and other men needing to take a piss. These are 2 of my favorite spots.
    1 point
  42. I try really hard to keep porn viewing to my computer. I don't use my phone for anything porn related. I have my firefox settings set to delete the cache and browser history when I close the windows I have containers for everything. Containers work like the popular container software "Docker" if anyone here is familiar. It contains all your history and caches it in that one container, keeping it separate from your regular browser. This keeps my browser looking tame and christian. This site, my erome, and my naughty twitter account won't open up on any other tabs except the one I'm us
    1 point
  43. My name is Ashlyn, and one of the more defining traits is the ability to pee wherever I want to, whether people approve or not. Naughty peeing is my thing, it started real young when I used to pee in the hallways of my school when no one was looking, to peeing under a computer desk in the library in college, and finally to me today. Toilets are over rated, I just feel it's much more fun and thrilling to simply stand or squat in the middle of my living room and relieve myself. Sure, not everyone will agree with me, but really? Why should I care lol. Most of it happens on my own carpet, after be
    1 point
  44. In the wild was the night I had filled up and then got stuck at work where I couldn't pee. I was probably at an 8 or 9 and no one would relieve me of my position so I ended up having to hold it. A little bit of a more erotic time was when I was having some fun with an online friend. He filled me up and wouldn't let me pee, made me dance and send him some naughty pictures. Well anyway he made me drink and drink and beg and beg, all the while I was at an 11 out of 10 on a scale for peeing. When he finally did let me pee I peed for like 54 seconds or something like that, and I was so desper
    1 point
  45. Thank you for appreciating my story. Well, of course I peed on plants and flowers many times in my life, so I could tell many stories about that, but I guess they are boring for most of the people. After all it is just I had to pee and I peed in the most convenient and comfortable place for me. You like to see what happened to the plants? Well, I don't know what happened, but surely they were not happy to be peed on... :-)))
    1 point
  46. I suggest just using the regular dating sites. I'm on them now and haven't met anyone I want to be in a relationship with, but have gone on first dates with guys that I thought had a similar interest. Basically early on, after numbers are exchanged and we're texting, I'll bring up something involving pee. I've said things like "I've drank so much water today and now I can't stop peeing lol" or "I was out walking my dog tonight. OMG I had to run back to the house fast. I thought I was going to pee my pants!". Just innocent little comments like that. And then I can tell from their reaction
    1 point
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