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  1. As I've said before I wee outside quite often, normally 2-3 times a week. Recently, I have been caught twice though! Here's the first of those experiences... The charm of the stalls, the bustling crowd, and my sun-kissed auburn hair dancing in the soft summer breeze made me feel alive. Wearing my favourite navy-blue sundress, cinched at the waist, sipping my chai latte, a creeping urgency began to make itself known. The glass of wine with brunch earlier and what I was now following it up with was putting quite a bit of strain on my bladder. 20 minutes after that chai, I needed to relieve
    8 points
  2. JULY 22. I't was in a pool. I was in a chair next to the pool wearing a bikini. The day was cloudy for that there no many people in the park. In a corner sitting on the chair I began to feel a bit of wants to pee, I decided to endure. Moments later I realized no many people is nearly to me, so I started to drink more. I continue enduring for a long time, in a moment I had to crossing the legs, I leaned back in the chair watching the fair skin of my legs and feet trying to concentrate myself to hold. In a moment I couldn't hold it more and I tried to pee. I put my buttocks in the edge of t
    7 points
  3. Its interesting how the function of urinating can even tie into humans complex emotion system. We use it to indicate great disgust, or to provoke a reaction in someone (usually negative) we use urine to express ourselves. Has anyone ever had the urge to or urinated on something of someone or even on someone to get revenge? What did you target? Did you do it in front of them? Maybe on an ex wife's things? Was it a good feeling or just a convenient opportunity?
    5 points
  4. Personally I have never done this, but my girlfriend has. Unfortunately some years before we met, but she told me the story. She, her sister and her sister's daughter were shopping. The sister's daughter was 3-4 years old at the time and being potty trained. She announced she had to pee, and obviously at that age you need to go immediately. They asked in the shop to use their toilet, but the staff replied in a really rude way "most certainly not!!". They immediately threw away the clothes they had chosen to buy, left the shop and went to another shop next door who were friendly and
    5 points
  5. Apologies - I think this is a repost!
    4 points
  6. The following sketch is the general layout of the vicinity of the sightings. The rectangle marked as Portaloos represents a row of 30 portaloos. Each blue circle in the area marked urinals is one of those freestanding urinals which has four positions around it. There were another 20 portaloos to the left of the entrance to the urinals and another 5 urinal stations to the left of the entrance. The truck behind the portaloos was a service truck which was facing to the left (you will see why that is relevant in a short while. The numbers in square represents the position of each of the lad
    4 points
  7. Hi all, I will be on vacation the next 10 days and I want to never use a toilet to pee. This will be hard as I am traveling with a friend, who does not share the fetish and also staying at friends houses along the way. The easy part will on the road as we are travelling by bike. The first day I was on my own. So far I have only peed once, on a bench on a quiet forrest service road(Picture). I will keep ypu all updated in this thread on how it goes. I can't garantee pictures but I will always try.😉 Wish me luck!😌
    3 points
  8. The second sighting was by far the best of the evening. There were a group of three adults and a young girl who went across the track to an area behind the market stalls and on the verge of the woods. After a while, one of the ladies, early 40s, dark curly hair, medium build walked along a narrow path into the woods. I thought I was going to have a missed opportunity as there was no chance of walking past the others and I assumed they would stay there as guards, but they walked off, and went between market stalls back into the festivities. I crossed the track and could see that the lady h
    3 points
  9. Alone yes. Once was peeing in my thong in my bathtub and the second time was in the bathtub on a pice of paper with my friend's name on it. It makes me nervous and I'm not sure why lol. I prefer to make audio recordings.
    3 points
  10. Yes, several times. Revenge pissing is a complicated act for me because it's simultaneously cathartic but also a turn on. And though the urge first manifested when I was quite young, I didn't actually go through with it until I was in my late teens. Here are the first two incidents that come to mind. At the ripe old age of eighteen I was taken home by a very aggressive mid-twenty something, who requested rougher sex than I could provide. I was barely out of high school and kinks like choking really freaked me out back then. Though, we did have vanilla sex numerous times throughout t
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. Does anyone else get really turned on pissing out the window?
    2 points
  13. Yesterday we had our usual drive through the countryside to a Pub for lunchtime. We normally pick up a takeaway coffee in the morning and She always treats me to a lovely outdoor pee on the way there and back instead of waiting to use the pub loo. We had pulled into a gateway in a stone wall on a quiet lane which had pretty good cover from one side and a long view down the hill so you could see approaching traffic well away. We thought we were safe but suddenly a cyclist came flying down the hill shocking her into stopping her flow and standing up, losing the cover She had behind the car and c
    2 points
  14. I was just recently at a water park and planned on peeing in the changing room, but there was no drain in the stall 😭 it was packed too so if I left a puddle people would know it was me, or it would have ran into the other stall. Instead whenever I had to pee I peed wherever I was. In the pool, lazy river, on the structure. As long as I was in the water I didn't mind peeing. Don't think I peed down the slide tho.
    2 points
  15. I’ve been a lurker here for quite awhile and have been nervous to post anything here, but I just HAVE to share this with someone. Last week, I took my girlfriend to the movie theater for a special date. We’ve been talking about naughty peeing for a while and she really wanted to do it herself. And I can’t say no to her. I have also been wanting to but it makes me incredibly nervous. What if we get caught?? So I took some time to plan it out and take a lot of precautions (but that’s the boring part). I told her about what I was thinking and she was veryy excited. We went to a movie t
    2 points
  16. Yeah, but it varies from day to day. Today I’ve peed 4 times
    2 points
  17. yeah, it’s the same for me. Whenever someone tells me they have to pee or that they just went to pee, I always am dying to be like “tell me everything about it and next time can you invite me?” Lol
    2 points
  18. inspired by something @greedyneedygirl said about foamy pee, which reminded me of how if you pee in the river sometimes there's a little trail of foam, and, well, here's mine: https://www.erome.com/a/ZgnPhdMs
    2 points
  19. I do! I can hold a liter in my bladder easily. I’ve worked up to holding for many years, mostly due to not wanting to use the bathrooms when I was in high school
    2 points
  20. Soundgasm.net is dedicated to audio and works well 🙂
    2 points
  21. Not only did she forget a bra, she also forgot her panties. A double treat. Thanks, @Tony89.
    2 points
  22. Well it has been a very dry spell with respect to sightings for me - not having the chance to get out on my own to the right places at the right times, but on Saturday I was on my own at a smallish event - it was a family fun day with elements of a small music festival. Arena with motorcycle stunt shows, parachute display team, and such like in the afternoon and then a bit of music in the evening on a stage, with fairground running in the afternoon and evening. As I was driving there I thought there might be a chance to catch some peeing. I did have some luck, but not as many sightings a
    2 points
  23. The should’ve known. Never piss off someone with a piss kink.
    2 points
  24. A few weeks ago I had to stay in a hotel in Manchester for a work thing, pretty cheap chain place, not my fave, anyway, my boyfriend couldn't go too so I took a guy who I have had the odd dalliance with previously. Yes, my boyfriend is happy with that, we are not exclusive, before anyone asks. Anyway, we went out for a few drinks, had some fun peeing in alleys on the walk back etc etc. Got back and got into bed, I thought he was a bit too drunk for sex so settled down to sleep but then felt him start wanking so I joined in and helped get him hard. It took a little while due to the all th
    2 points
  25. Tonight I was walking home and had to pee. I live in the middle of the city, so it's pretty hard to find somewhere without people, lights, or cameras. I walked down some side streets and laneways looking for a spot. I found a place eventually, a few steps leading from a building fire exit. It was hidden behind a tree in partial darkness, had no cameras and it was just off the main street. I could see cars and people, but had a view to see if anyone was coming. I sat down on the top step, ensuring my skirt wasn't underneath me and pulling my panties aside. I adjusted my skirt and slid for
    1 point
  26. Today a made a year long dream come reality. I was completely by myself in carriage on a long train ride so I drank a lot of water and then walked to a seat in a hidden corner and emptied my full bladder onto the seat. It felt amazing!
    1 point
  27. Maybe I need to look into uploading them there lol. Someone told me about that website but I haven't checked it out yet. I dont think so 😔 I don't like the thought of videos, even just blacked out ones, being on my phone and then having to upload them. The sound recordings never save to my phone, just to the chatting app I use. That's why I prefer to use them.
    1 point
  28. I have pissed both for dominance and ownership in certain scenarios, both on things and current or ex gf's. I regularly piss against the outside of my house as an ownership thing, as well as a few other places
    1 point
  29. I do have one of me peeing.
    1 point
  30. I have enjoyed both the revenge as well as marking territory aspects. The psychology behind it is very intriguing to me also and I agree we certainly use it to express ourselves. It's interesting to me that pissing on something could show ownership or disdain, purely dictated by the intent behind it.
    1 point
  31. I like listening to audio recordings.
    1 point
  32. Yes, many times. It's fun to watch.
    1 point
  33. Sadly I can't pee much. I squatted behind a covered motorcycle next to the house where my friend lives and made a small dark yellow puddle.
    1 point
  34. The voice is definetly there I have however no idea where it could come from. I never had anybody in my life who talked like this to me. I guess this all just me, if that makes sense. I've been thinking about trying it for years now, maybe this could be a good opportunity to do so 🙂
    1 point
  35. Wait you have public urinals in Spain?? Guys can just piss outdoors and no one bats an eye? I need to add Spain to my travel list
    1 point
  36. Just in case that you like puddles on the forest ground I took this picture of the aftermath. I created a small lake 🙂😇
    1 point
  37. I think this is my best so far but positioning the camera is tricky and it doesn't feel as dynamic as I want. I really want to know what people like and want to see more of. Having others watch these is almost as fun as the pissing. https://www.redgifs.com/watch/trustingmotionlessichthyostega
    1 point
  38. If carpeted room, just pull the couch or armchair away from the wall, can squat down there and when you are done just push the couch or chair back over the damp patch. No maid is going to pull furniture away from walls when they clean. And the patch will be mostly dry by morning anyway. I’ve been known to leave a couch pulled away from the wall my entire stay to use (many pees) before putting back in place before check out. If no carpet, can take one of the couch cushions, unzip it and carefully pee into the cushion, then zip back up and set back in place. If you are
    1 point
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