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  1. I don’t know if you remember my couple of threads from last August about being at my family cabin with a couple friends, but I’m back for my annual vacation here again. I arrived on Sun Aug 6 and we leave Sun Aug 13. For context, my grandparents have a small 2 bedroom + kitchen/living room cabin at a lake, and the property is shared between them and 3 other couples (all in their 80’s) who own the other cabins. There are 3 cabins and 1 house, along with private beach shared between the cabins. The owners lend out the cabin to their kids and grandkids, so sometimes it’s busy here with 6-
    14 points
  2. Have you had one of those days where all the water that you drink goes straight to your bladder in a matter of minutes? Yes? Well thats what happened to me last Friday. -> Woke up early for my morning run. Peed before leaving the house. Took occasional sips of water during my run and after 45 mins, felt like I'll pee myself if I dont find a spot soon. So I found myself a curb to sit on, pushed my shorts aside and let out a torrent of pee with a loud hiss, idk how. Fortunately there werent anyone around since it was quite early in the morning. -> Came back home. Got r
    7 points
  3. I’ve done quite a few different secret pees but I assess the level of risk and only do it if it’s almost impossible to be caught. Here at the cabin it’s very very easy to get away with it because of the layout of the cabins and how no one wants to go outside to go pee so nighttime encounters of someone else going to the bathroom are very rare. Honestly I didn’t notice you could see how turned on I was until I reviewed the video just now 😂 I get wet really easily which is a blessing and a curse. the concrete platform is 100% asking for someone to leave their mark behind, i
    7 points
  4. I definitely get it all out in one go except with a few exceptions: 1. When I’ve had a lot of fluids and have been holding for a while, at the end of my release my stream trickles off and sometimes stops when I still feel like I have some left in me. If I push a little, a couple big spurts will come out. Then of course I usually refill the tank within 5-10 minutes and have to go all over again with a strong stream. 2. I find that sometimes I need to clench and unclench 2-3x after I finish releasing my bladder so I can get the last drops out. If I don’t, I usually end up releasing a s
    6 points
  5. I woke up needing to go again and it’s going to be light out soon so this was my last chance for a good naughty pee. I thought of a good one - on the beach, there’s a concrete platform where they’ve covered up the former fire pit. I thought it would be the perfect place to pee as it would show a good puddle afterward. People don’t usually go down there in the morning, so it would likely evaporate before anyone saw it, but it’s still quite possible it’ll leave a nice stain. One thing I didn’t think about was how forceful my stream comes out - it hit the concrete and splattered all ove
    6 points
  6. Tonight’s pre-bed pee: https://www.erome.com/a/nWdewTES I couldn’t get the angle right and I couldn’t hold it anymore!
    6 points
  7. My now ex-wife usually held her pee until the last minute, although she said she was not into it like I was. She said she just didn't want to go yet. Anyway many Saturday nights we went out to a club, consuming 2-3 12 ounce beers. We had sex when we got home. I peed she didn't. Apparently she enjoyed sex on a full bladder, she she was very full. I could feel her bulging bladder was rock hard, and her pussy felt tight because she was clenching her muscles to keep from wetting the bed. While she enjoyed the sensation I LOVED hearing about how she was doing. She would tell me how badly she
    5 points
  8. Has anyone ever been to a piss party? I would love to buy a large house or perhaps an old church and have it designated for frequent piss parties where guess can piss anywhere they want. Open fucking and bdsm play would be allowed and obviously consent would be strictly enforced but the main premise of the event would be piss related. We could play games to see who could shoot their piss the furthest, who could produced the yellowest stains of on walls and furniture, who could put out candles with stream accuracy, and who could fill random containers with the most piss. There could als
    4 points
  9. Idk if this counts but I always dream of a peefans meet up at a massive hotel or something. I personally wouldn't be into the BDSM aspect of your fantasy but other pee activities would be a lot of fun for me to engage in and observe. Then get up to some other fun stuff in a private hotel room with my friends would be ideal 😋 of course this is assuming the hotel in my fantasies would he 100 percent okay with literal pissing competitions in their meeting rooms and whatever else 🤣 not realistic, but I can still dream right?
    4 points
  10. Right, that does it! I am buying some decent handcuffs! If asking *politely* for pee-play with my husband won’t work, maybe I will just hand-cuff him to me as my captive, do whatever I like, pee wherever I like, make him drink til he pees for me, and generally have my own way. … and just ask for forgiveness later. 😉😆💚
    3 points
  11. Inspired by @Yellowfan I would like to continue his awesome story, because he left our forum, and I'm sure there are people who would like to hear a sequel. Contains: car pissing, naughty sister and female pissing Part 2: It's been a while since the last trip, but It happened the same summer. Emily had some free days, so I decided to bring her to Florida for some holidays. It was the easiest choice 'cause she really likes to lie on the sunbed, tan her beautiful young body and drink some cocktails with an umbrella. Our parents let us do this kind of trip, because they alwa
    2 points
  12. It happens sometimes that I pee in the public shower with others around. They can’t see it because the water is running down my cock. Suddenly the water stops and I have to stop it like on this pic 😅
    2 points
  13. Down at the beach for the day and ready for some secret naughty peeing while my friends don’t notice! I’ve been holding for 5 hours now and I’ve had two big glasses of water, one big glass of orange juice, a cider, and a large double rum and coke. I have another cider with me and I’m squirming trying not to alert my friend to how desperate I am. I think I’m going to go for a dip and then sit on the dock and let it go. The dripping from me being wet will help disguise me releasing a very full bladder through the boards into the water.
    2 points
  14. Blessing IMO 🥰 Agreed on concrete begging to have a mark left on it!
    2 points
  15. Especially those of us with prostates! 🙄
    2 points
  16. I think a big portion of people quietly have this problem.
    2 points
  17. I tend to hover only if I’m not desperate and I’m wearing a skirt/dress. If I’m wearing pants, I’m worried if I hover my stream will clear the front of the toilet (it’s happened before!) and rain down on my pants. If I’m desperate and that happened, there’s no chance of me being able to stop it. So if I’m desperate I’m sitting fully on the seat so I can completely relax my bladder, it feels amazing.
    2 points
  18. I find that when I’m sleeping/lying down, my bladder doesn’t fill as much as other times but the cues it gives me say it’s super-full-about-to-burst 😂 and before this I was lying in bed for about 2 hours reading, so the volume wasn’t that much but the urgency was bad! There’s a damp spot on my pj shorts 😅
    2 points
  19. It’s been a while but I’m not the most active here I know! I don’t have too many plans for the remainder, just similar to what I’ve already done. My goal is to not use the bathroom if I can get away with sneaking a pee elsewhere, so hopefully I can do that a lot! Yes I am, thank goodness the timing with the people worked out for me - if it was as busy as it was when we got here I never would’ve been able to sneak around without being caught!
    2 points
  20. If the restroom is secluded, then thats all the more reason to pee on the floor haha. And if its crowded then maybe I'll "try" not to miss the toilet, but no promises tho. 🤷🏻‍♀️
    2 points
  21. Bored at work so started playing
    2 points
  22. So, interestingly, after some research/reading on reddit, this is much more common than I thought! (at least according to reddit users) In r/sex, the topic of squirting is one of the most commonly discussed topics, and there is and endless debate about whether squirt is pee. To me that debate is played out and doesn't really interest me because I'm interested in both squirt and pee. But what's interesting to me is that there are numerous topics about "Learning to squirt," and "How to squirt," and many of them discuss peeing during sex. For example - one woman, who is good at "sq
    2 points
  23. Any one else Love to here the sound of hissing when you or others pee?? I don't know if its strange or not, but sometimes when Im in a public restroom, i love hearing the sound of the other woman hissing when they pee.
    1 point
  24. Just went shopping and when I came back I just emptied my full bladder over the wall next to my car. It felt amazing.
    1 point
  25. So one of my fantasies is that somewhere out there would be a group of girls chatting in a whatsapp group that have all just accepted their pee fetish's and are totally casual about it with each other. Often indulging themselves with naughty fun and exciting stories. Something that would go a little like this for example. Chloe "Hey girls! I just thought I'd share this naughty moment with you all. Jess and I went to get fuel. She was bursting to pee but decided to fill up the car before she went to the toilet. Luckily for me, her poor bladder disagreed and she lost control stood
    1 point
  26. This is an adorable idea lol. I love it a lot!
    1 point
  27. Recently I read a topic on Reddit (which of course I forgot to bookmark) on clit sucking vibrators. There were multiple ladies mentioning a strong feeling of having to pee, but one really stood out to me. The lady said she just couldn’t use the toy without uncontrollably pissing herself entirely (she also had experience with squirting, and she was sure that this was absolutely not like that). Anyway; the idea really turned me on so I wanted to try for myself. I own a Womanizer but I rarely use it because even on the lowest setting it tends to get me over the edge way too fast for my
    1 point
  28. I woke up aching to piss this morning. My lower abdomen was slightly painful and my urinary opening was pleasantly tingling from the pressure of not releasing. It’s a beautiful morning here. The sun is fully out though not yet bright, so I took off my pajama shorts, popped on my fuzzy robe, and went outside with my coffee. As I’ve mentioned before, my yard has no privacy. The closest I can come to it is if I somewhat hide in longer branches of shrubs along my front porch. So that’s what I did. I took my coffee and sat in my lawn chair with my robe pulled out from beneath me. I positioned
    1 point
  29. teehee. so yeah, i do have panties on. its just that they aren't where you'd expect them to be. 😇 can you find them?
    1 point
  30. definitely didn't factor in how lacy these ones are when i put them on. 🥺 j/k. 😇 of course i totally picked them out knowing my muffin would be quite obvious. oh. i forgot. not only are they lacy, but 🤭 also a thong.
    1 point
  31. Hot damn @Chrissy89! You might have just unlocked some new aspect of my fetish in me. The intimacy of that whole situation is just unbearably arousing.
    1 point
  32. My opinion is that the guy is a little slow, but he will be taught properly in the near future,,,
    1 point
  33. Love it when they empty their bladder over me just as she starts to cum. Whether it's a full load or just part of the normal squirt that's usually the time I also send some hot fluids her way too. Amazing joint wet orgasms are some of the best you can have. Also enjoy involuntary discharges of pee into my mouth when I'm eating a girl out. Just too hot to adequately describe.
    1 point
  34. There are so many reasons to wet the bed which makes it so irresistible:- 1. Being surrounded by the warmth. When I have just peed in bed I am cocooned in the warm wetness. This feels really nice. 2. The convenience. It is so much more convenient to just pee in bed and let it all soak away in to the mattress rather than get up and use the toilet, or even get up and pee on the floor! 3. Feeling the warmth trickling over my thighs or spraying warm pee on to my feet feels so delicious. 4. Going to bed tired, and thinking that just a little pee won't hurt. A little pee won't hu
    1 point
  35. Not really a "just go" moment but once with my ex we were about to have sex and she said that she was really desperate. I convinced her that she could hold it until we were done but very quickly i realized that was not gonna be the case. With every push i could feel her leak more and more and what made it even better for me was that i could see that she was trying her hardest not to and she was embarrassed that she couldn't hold it in. Her facial expressions and little moans made me finish rather quickly and after that she run straight to the bathroom to empty the rest of her pee in to the toi
    1 point
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