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  1. After a rather eventful night out in London, some friends and I headed to the train station for the last train home. I noticed one of my friends, let's call her Emily, was scanning around as we paced towards the station. I knew what she was looking for. A toilet. Just to prompt something, I exclaimed "I really need to pee!", Which wasn't a lie. I was pretty desperate myself as I hadn't peed for about 2 hours, and had been drinking a fair amount. "Glad it's not just me then!" Emily replied "we can't stop or we'll miss the last train home. Hopefully there's a toilet
    13 points
  2. As I mentioned in my previous post, along with Emily, I was also pretty desperate for a pee. I'll continue my account of the night from as we pull out of the station after Emily brazenly pissed on the platform in front of a train. Obviously there was a mountain of laughter between the three of us as we rattled our way towards the next station. After a few minutes, Emily quite rightly asked "I thought you also needed to pee?" "I do" I replied, "but I was going to hold till I can find somewhere a bit more private" "Fuck it mate. I clearly don't give a fuck. Just piss out the
    10 points
  3. Just went shopping and when I came back I just emptied my full bladder over the wall next to my car. It felt amazing.
    9 points
  4. I was the only one home today which for me always means at least 1 fun piss. I had spent the first half of the day running around doing some errands and didn’t notice until the late afternoon that I hadn’t peed since the morning. I took this as an opportunity to start holding until I was a little more desperate. I went out on my deck to smoke some weed, as it makes naughty pisses feel soooo much better. While I was smoking, I was rubbing myself through my jeans, and let out just a little spurt to make the crotch of my jeans damp. The wet jeans rubbing against my clit felt so good, I
    5 points
  5. Hopefully not too "extreme", because this is a fictional battle royale game, meaning it's already fighting to death. SPOILER Alert The Huger Games Chapter 17 >Katniss destroys The Careers' food supply.< (Use cursor to see text) I froze as the last Career disappeared into the trees, searching for who blew up their food supply; now it was time to take away their water. Stealthily I descended the rocky slope to the clear pond the tributes had been drinking from. I swept the surrounding area for traces of recent activity before inching forward. Once I reached the edge, I
    3 points
  6. She was facing towards us, I think she was aiming for the gap, but was way too far back for it to actually reach
    3 points
  7. … And had to pee - no matter where!
    2 points
  8. So, interestingly, after some research/reading on reddit, this is much more common than I thought! (at least according to reddit users) In r/sex, the topic of squirting is one of the most commonly discussed topics, and there is and endless debate about whether squirt is pee. To me that debate is played out and doesn't really interest me because I'm interested in both squirt and pee. But what's interesting to me is that there are numerous topics about "Learning to squirt," and "How to squirt," and many of them discuss peeing during sex. For example - one woman, who is good at "sq
    2 points
  9. I woke up eager to pee again, grabbed my coffee and phone, and headed outside. I pulled my lawn chair up against the wall of my house and faux-casually aimed away from neighbors. Since fully indulging my kink, I’ve recorded as many as possible. It’s been only a few months, but the dozens of videos I’ve collected bring me so much pleasure. I recently was looking through unpublished albums and some experiences I’d completely forgotten already. The reminder was like living them anew and fuck it turns me on just thinking about it. So, as I do, I put my camera out where I could catch th
    2 points
  10. A few months ago I was going for a pee in a public toilet late evening and a woman maybe about 30 came and stood next to me and peed too then winked as she left. would love to talk to more of you about pee fetishes
    2 points
  11. Fantastic experience there. To be fair, she didn't have a lot of choice it seems - either she was going to wet herself on the train, pee on the train having pulled her panties out of the way, or do what she did. If she had gone looking for a toilet then there probably wouldn't be one, or it would be closed and the train wouldn't have waited, so she would be in a worse position of being at a station which was not her destination, it was the last train so she would be stranded and she would still need to pee. Is she had peed on the train then that would also be very hot, but she would proba
    2 points
  12. 2 minutes and 38 seconds in and the translation is quite pissy.
    2 points
  13. This story is since 7 years ago when I was camping with my classmates. The scenario inside a large farm that was used for camping and other activities, this farm has about 4 square miles (10.36 km2) and in it there were very few buildings, almost everything was forest with small moors. The end of the hacienda was delimited by a wire fence held together with cut logs. We decided to camp among some trees near the fence. There was a little lake in the farm. We spent the day playing and then in the night we made a bonfire. In the farm there was bathrooms, but it was 20 minutes walking.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. It’s my first shot at this. Dear Wet Carpet, Hello, Wet Carpet readers; I’m Aaron, 45 years old I live with my only daughter, 18. Her name is Aaliyah; her mother, my wife, passed away two years ago in a car accident. Aaliyah and I have been closer than ever; she is an excellent girl. Her grades are immaculate. She’s an honor roll student; after graduating, Aaliyah has an Ivy League scholarship. (Aaliyah's physical description) Aaliyah is 5’7, and her skin color is light skin. Her hair is golden brown, curly down to her lower back. Her eyes are like min
    2 points
  16. Man, I should really just be more bold and careless when I'm in hotel rooms. Sounds like I'd be fine.
    2 points
  17. I have one of these and use it often. Very convenient! Others call them Jeans...
    2 points
  18. My kid is very active in a sport for which there are weekend tournaments all summer long. These outdoor tournaments are a big gathering, and often involve families traveling to attend. The more specific details aren't relevant to this particular incident. At the most recent tournament, last weekend, there were two pee-related incidents that I thought were worthwhile to mention here. One involved my wife, and the other involved another female parent. The first, involving my wife, was at a morning game/match. It was an early start to the day, and my wife and I had been drinking coffee
    2 points
  19. So I filled up on some water and took off of course with another big water bottle with me. I went on finding naughty places to pee, it was a cold evening. I had a pair of black leggings on and no undies. First I went to a dunkin donuts and i let loose by the sink the edge of the toilet than walked out. Went down to the gas station and noticed there was already a puddle and piss on the seat so I added to it, than I went to the grocery store, there were 2 stalls so I went on the first one sat on the edge and pissed odd hitting the door I saved some went to the next one squatted and went in front
    2 points
  20. Can't think of any other reason for that behaviour - especially as it was a dark area and the timing was about right for a wee break. I used to know someone who was a guard on the railway and she was on a train out of Waterloo late one Friday evening. The toilets were out of action and multiple people were complaining to her about the lack of toilets. She went on the PA system and announced to the train that she was sorry for the lack of available toilets on the train and understood that several people were in need. She said that she would hold the train at Clapham Junction to allow t
    2 points
  21. Just followed this up in a Walmart in some random town. The trash can was much taller and had a foot pedal to open the lid, so no spillage. Felt so good to let everything out in it, soaking all the paper towels thrown into the bin. Again, it does tug at my sense of guilt, but it’s so rare for me to have any opportunity, let alone so many, so I’m “treating myself” while also making sure to minimize the mess or clean up any that I do make.
    2 points
  22. You should talk to her about why she does it and what she gets out of it. If you understand why then you might be able to relate better also you could come to some compromises about how she goes. Understanding her is step one. You might understand once you talk to her.
    1 point
  23. Every piss i taken in the last 3 days has been on the floor
    1 point
  24. The look of relief on that first guy's face 😍
    1 point
  25. I usually just squat somewhere in front of the bowl
    1 point
  26. I would say, it is all about good preparation. Ideally take an anonymous big hotel in a large city. Criteria for selecting the perfect room: plush carpet, spare cushioned furniture (fabric sofa backrests are very absorbing) and long curtains. For all is true: the darker, the better. Most important: go for two beds in the room 😜 The standard rooms in the houses of the big chains usually offer layouts with two queen size beds. The mattresses need to have a decent hight. Since back in my days in a pee relationship I go by these criteria whenever possible. My gf and I really loved to mess aro
    1 point
  27. I wouldn't pee on food unless it's expired, as I'm neither into eating such food nor wasting it. That said, I've seen some clips of girls doing that and I enjoyed watching them.
    1 point
  28. I remember one day at work years ago when I was joking with a couple of people I worked with, one man and one woman. I quoted a meme about how women need multiple hygiene products while men have a seven in one shampoo, conditioner, engine cleaner, etc. The woman then commented on attempting to stand to piss and how hard it was. I had to hold my notebook over my crotch and walk back to my desk and sit there for a while until my erection went away.
    1 point
  29. It's a working from home day 😌😌
    1 point
  30. Not really, men don't much care who see's them.
    1 point
  31. I just went to see P!nk last night and the women's bathroom lines were insane. I just went into the men's room and as I looked towards the entrance after I used the urinal an army of women just materialized out of thin air.
    1 point
  32. Gotta love it when lights malfunction.
    1 point
  33. Would also love to see a pic of the stains with it dry
    1 point
  34. Great question. In regards to pee, I have a very small handful of people I have connected with here on PeeFans who I love truly, dearly, madly. I share everything with them and they know me inside and out. We are there for each other through ups and downs, horny times and lack of mojo. We inspire and support each other and learn from each other. I speak to them nearly every day. I see them as relationships….just separated by a screen. Those people are very, very special to me. With these people we share sexy times through stories, videos, photos, and chat. The connection, the understan
    1 point
  35. Was there a video of this? Your comment kind of implies that there is… 👀
    1 point
  36. it was a last minute decision. but this happened. lol eek 🤭😇
    1 point
  37. Yes I'm a big fan of desi women peeing and taking shit in open fields... Hope we could connect somewhere
    1 point
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