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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2023 in Posts

  1. My boyfriend (who knows about my kink but unfortunately doesn't share it) and I are currently at a cottage we rented for a small getaway. We were just lying in bed, fooling around a bit and then decided to get up. He said he had to go to the toilet. I realised I needed a pee, too. We had just discussed whether it had rained or was going to, so I decided I could slip out onto the porch, ostensibly to inspect the weather if he heard the door. I quickly put on a nightgown and went outside. It had rained a little and the porch or deck was wet where it was not covered. I wal
    13 points
  2. Hey everyone, first post here I am going to a waterpark tomorrow, and want to do as many pee related things as i can, i am going to be drinking all day, and peeing all day haha, so give me fun stuff to do! I am going in a one piece but plan on trying out a new bikini (i havenet worn one in so so so long), but im bringing back up one pieces too, some sporty, some less so What to do? Have you ever had any fun experiences like this in a waterpark? pls share Thank you!
    4 points
  3. This is a wonderful first post! And welcome to the site 🙂
    4 points
  4. haha that sounds nice, im about to post a writeup of all the stuff ive done today at the waterpark, i hope youll read it
    4 points
  5. Last night there was a music event in the city at different locations there were stages and all the bars were open. We ended up at 2 pubs that are a hundred meters apart. We were outside drinking with a group of women about 25-30 years old. It was fun and we got more and more beer. Until 2 women said: "we are going to pee in the pee alley!". I was shocked and I thought is this really going to happen? I immediately thought of stories here on the forum and now I'm experiencing it myself. I was surprised that the girls spoke so openly about it. When she said that, I was of course immedi
    3 points
  6. I know my title sounds like a YouTuber video title. I wanted to write for the people in our beautiful community who have been asking why left. But I’m writing this to be completely open and honest with you guys, gals, and LGBTQ+ friends. I’m also not writing this for sympathy from anyone but to spread awareness to depression and anxiety which can lead suicidal thoughts. A couple months before I left pee fans originally I wrote a topic call “Depression But Growth.” Which was erased with all my other experiences that topic was my experiences with depression an
    3 points
  7. First pee in white pants and a pic I like
    3 points
  8. Hi @zoe468 and welcome to PeeFans. More than a few of the guys here know that I really enjoy peeing in swimming pools and water parks. You'll have seen comments from @oliver2 and @MonsterKane46 in this thread and I've also chatted with several others. Welcome again, as you've posted on my favourite subject!
    3 points
  9. Not sure this would work in real life, but in fiction perhaps. "Hi, I saw you the other day, I would recognise that smile anywhere. Would you like to sit on my lap - I'm going to East Croydon."
    3 points
  10. I was at work about to close up for the day when I felt the urge to pee, so as I was locking up the other building- where the toilets are- I sensibly went to use them. However, I did not piss in the urinals and turned my back to them to openly urinate on the floor/wall instead. https://www.erome.com/a/z6qCrEyZ
    2 points
  11. Warning story includes harm to public transport and potential discomfort to others. Not something I approve of but still fantasise about. This short story was inspired by the sensation of accidentally sitting my dry butt on a hot, piss wet, towel. I had just soaked it earlier sitting at my computer but had been called away and had to get changed into dry pants to go see someone. On returning I resumed my seat still wearing my dry clothes. It is pure fiction. Enjoy, Rikki I sometimes work a day in London coming home by train in the 'rush hour'. This usually involves standing for
    2 points
  12. Yep, nothing serious. Plenty of lumps, bumps cuts and 1 broken bone
    2 points
  13. This is so difficult to answer! I (just barely) think I like the idea of peeing on my parter more IF they were into it. There is something about feeling sooo wanted and that such a personal fetish is not just accepted but cherished by the partner as much as it would be by me. The partner pissing on me is great, but it really requires less lust on their part I feel
    2 points
  14. Welcome aboard and an excellent first post thanks for sharing with us 👍🏻
    2 points
  15. He is eager this morning! Guess i need ti take care of that
    2 points
  16. For the benefit of new users including @none 01, it's probably worth a quick summary of our Peefans site position on this type of peeing. First thing to say is I'm not opening a can of worms here. The term piss vandalism gets people very worked up, with lots of different and strong opinions. For that reason it's a topic which Admin and staff have discussed at length and have a firm policy about. That policy isn't being reopened for challenge. Peefans very much supports 'naughty peeing' - the rush and excitement we get from breaking society's conventions around peeing. That can al
    2 points
  17. sorry for not being so active so i was working and i get a snap from my gf and she said to open it when i am alone so i wait till i have some time to myself and it was so worth it for context we both have a bit of a destruction kink the video was her pissing all over her gaming pc while it was running and she broke it with her piss as she moaned it was so hot yous seeing her yellow piss (that reeks btw) just break such an expensive item anyway as the day went on i got more snaps like her pissing the bed or in her car and even on my suit hehe after work i
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. Ah yes @MonsterKane46, if you were floating behind me you'd possibly find that the water seemed slightly warmer - and also slightly more yellowish! 🙂
    2 points
  20. Love of piss transcends mere orientation 🥰💦
    2 points
  21. A short continuation of pt 1 with a pt 2 to come “Ahhhhh” I said with closed eyes as pee erupted from my semi-hard member. For a moment the only noise was the patter of our overfilled bladders emptying over the leaves in the clearing. Then Sarah spoke up. “Ry? Can I ask you something?” she asked timidly. Quickly following up with “Actually nevermind.” I could hear her stream dying down and felt my own streams pressure dropping. I looked over and I was surprised to see Sarah looking at me with a look of fascination on her face. Well not at me but
    2 points
  22. When I read the title I was worrying a little that something had happened inside Peefans (which we WOULD have gladly dealt with). But instead something much more important - YOU. We are all here for you. Any time you or anyone else finds themselves feeling alone, down or lonely, the Peefans family are here. Let's face it, we all have a pretty unique bond and it's a common theme that there's not many in the real world that share. We're all here for you. And thank you for being brave enough to discuss it.
    2 points
  23. Carol 3 Off to the jewelers during the week. Pick up the emerald engagement ring she liked, ask and get a green velvet box for the ring. Call into the local florist on the way home, Peter whom I went to school with, works in his mother’s florist (we were never quite sure about him) he shows me something I have never seen, a flower corsage that goes on a girl’s wrist. I order one for Friday. Rock up at the house nice and early, seems to be a bit of a ruckus going on, I knock and go in. Carol has her hair curled beside her face, lovely big green ribbon that matches her green sparkly
    2 points
  24. Carol 2 I am an engineering trainee, I work 3 days and go to Uni full time in the other two, work fulltime in the holidays, and fees paid by employer. Carol started casual work at Woolworths on her 15th birthday, is in her final year at school and is going on to be a home economics teacher. We are seeing each other at least once a week, always, cuddle, hug, kiss. But definitely no touching, she would freeze up a bit even with my hand on the outside of her clothes. Final exams are on for both of us, so we don’t see much of each other. I have finished exams s
    2 points
  25. There is a whole thread dedicated to this subject that was very active for a while. You could resurrect it by posting a challenge there:
    1 point
  26. I stepped out onto the familiar path that led me to the top of the hill where I lived dressed in an armless crop top, leggings that reached my middle calf, and sandals that hugged my feet, I felt the freedom of the open air as I made my way up the hill. The hill in the top of my neighborhood is covered in lush green grass offered a panoramic view of the surrounding countryside. It was my special place, a sanctuary where I could escape the worries of the world and immerse myself in nature's beauty. As I strolled along, the soft blades of grass tickled the soles of my bare feet, grounding m
    1 point
  27. I think so. But like others said, it should be defined. But any agreement between two people should be valid.
    1 point
  28. New white Yoga pants and sheet let the fun begin
    1 point
  29. My mother tells me to pee anywhere they can't see me, it can be a parking lot, on the side of the road, behind a tree.
    1 point
  30. Have fun, love waterparks me How slowly letting it go while you lay back on the float in the lazy river?
    1 point
  31. Hi everyone im zoe, i am very new to such communities, or even interecting in the adult online world, as ive been keeping my love for pee to myself all this time. A bit about me: i pee standing, and always have, i dont know why, was always natural to me... even used to think most of us girls did it like this. Really emberassing... Still havent stopped standing. I pee quite often in public in parky areas between block of houses behind bushes. I love the feel of just pee coming out of me in general lol. I love wiping after i pee and my fantasy i someone wiping for me, maybe eve
    1 point
  32. Been feeling frustrated lately and helped to abate it last night when I felt like I needed to piss. Went ahead and did it in my throw pillow since I was gonna do laundry today anyways. Pressed my dick right into it and pissed away. Accidentally got some on the bed but who's kidding it's not like I mind.
    1 point
  33. Several times with my older sister we urinated together hidden in the street after parties, pubs or concerts or any event where we had to put up with each other
    1 point
  34. Hey @Big Bear, any new stories? Its been such a long time since I've checked I almost thought you left the site. I miss the voguer elements that Pee Fans had more of in the past.
    1 point
  35. Thank you, Abby, for sharing your tough time. So sorry you went through this, our hearts are with you. Sorry if my question in your ‘Ask me anything’ thread was out of line. Welcome back. Scot_Lover and M
    1 point
  36. Thank goodness your mother found you and was able to stop you @ABBYPEEGODDESS. You have turned the corner and will be a stronger person after this. Take time to be yourself and enjoy what the future brings you.
    1 point
  37. Chapter 1 A black sedan traveled up the on-ramp. To outsiders, it was as inconspicuous as any other car on the road. For college-bound Ashlynn, it was an emotional stew of boredom, melancholy and brooding. Silence dominated much of the early trip, as the car took her away from the only town she’d ever known. Away from her friends, and her status. High school had been her domain. She’d found herself among others. They liked her and she liked them. But as the familiar landmarks grew distant, the reality of her situation set in. Gone was the comfort of sameness and familiarity, here was the
    1 point
  38. Forgot to water the garden last night so did it this morning!
    1 point
  39. It's not that I don't enjoy golden showers. I just think people from outside the pee kink community think that golden showers are the be all and end all of pee kinks, and it makes them not as pleasurable as other forms of pee play. Pissy lapdances are my favourite. Sort of like normal lapdances, but peeing while stripping.
    1 point
  40. Chapter 4 Music returned to the family car, with the two now more comfortable around each other, light conversation also ensued. It was less awkward than it had been, owing to the adventure the pair had shared throughout the day. The sun was starting to set, and Michelle had now been driving for quite sometime. The plan was to stop at a hotel they had made reservations for in a nondescript small town before resuming their travels in the morning. And the mother-daughter duo was now close to the little town in Virginia, close to the border between north and south. As their current conversat
    1 point
  41. Chapter 3 A/N: Apologies in advance for any grammatical of spelling mistakes, I rushed this a bit. I still liked how it came out though, enjoy! As always, feedback is welcomed! Traffic was no better after the two had wet themselves, but it was much more bearable. Free from the pain of holding their bladders, and their bladders satisfied from the strain of the day, a feeling of contentment was oddly present in the sedan. The two were quiet as Ashlynn started to play around on her phone again. Michelle shifted in her seat. Her daughter was right, it wasn’t all that gross or disgus
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. I sometimes scratch random cars with my key when I walk by. It's good that now people are wearing masks. I didn’t try to rip the seats, but I pee in the interior of my ex's cars. After a quarrel, I could kick the door with my foot, leaving a dent or a couple of scratches 😈
    1 point
  44. Pissing Party Part 2 As we continued partying we noticed that there must be some problem with the toilet. The queue got longer and longer and nobody went in or out. I then noticed a group of 3 girls going up the stairs. I went after and saw them go into Study. I heard one girl say: There are already puddles here, we can't make it worse. After a few seconds you could hear the girls pissing, I peeked in and saw all 3 crouching on the desk. The ass hung back over the desk and pissed down on the carpet, one hit the chair with his piss flow. While I was looking at the 3 girls, 2 men came
    1 point
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