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  1. Today I had the entire house to myself so around midday as I was relaxing in our garden, eyes closed, with my airpods plugged in and enjoying the warm sun; I felt the faintest signs of my growing need to pee. So without a moments thought I pulled my dress away from underneath me and let go. All I could hear were the barely audible sounds of me peeing and the soft pattering of my pee hitting the ground. The calmness of nature combined with the warmth of the sun made me feel that peeing right then was the only thing that could have made the experience more relaxing !
    6 points
  2. so i’ve been seeing this guy for about two months now but we’ve been casual friends for years. recently he invited me on a holiday with his mates from his footy team (rugby league) and of course i said yes, and yesterday morning we left the trip is to a small beach town and it was about a 5 hour drive or so from where we live so we left in the morning aiming to get there for our 2pm check in with time to stop for lunch along the way. most of the drive is along open highways with not many places to stop, and my bf had drunk a large coffee, a 600ml coke and a bottle of water before we’d ev
    4 points
  3. If you’ve read my posts on here before, you know that I don’t always get access to the bathroom in time. As a mother with a mom bladder and two kids to look after, I often have to delay relieving myself, sometimes for a couple hours. Sometimes it leads to a really embarrassing situation, like what happened yesterday. One of my toilets wasn’t working so I had to call a plumber. He said he would be at my house at around 2pm. Great, plenty of time to run errands. After eating breakfast, me and the boys set out to do several errands that day. Our last stop was at the mall. I needed some new clo
    4 points
  4. As I stepped onto the crowded subway, the familiar rush of the train enveloped me. The hustle and bustle of the city had always fascinated me, but today was different. I was wearing my favorite jean shorts, a comfy pair of shoes, and a breezy blouse, enjoying the warm summer day. Little did I know that a pressing matter would soon overshadow my excitement.� As the subway car rumbled forward, I felt an uncomfortable pressure building within me. A sudden realization hit me like a wave crashing against the shore - I had to pee. And not just a little, but urgently and intensely. I tried to ig
    4 points
  5. I would say that I have peed in house parties a few times now? Picking a corner of a room that isnt in use and going at it isnt as difficult specially when everyone is hammered, since no one is really paying attention to what others are upto. But yes its way more convenient in clubs.
    4 points
  6. This story will include nonchalant peeing, piss destruction/pee vandalism, public pee, naughty pee, golden showers The Soccer Girl chapter 1 The Introduction To MISS TEAM USA (NEWS REPORT) "Hello, everyone. I’m Martin Ainstein; welcome to Sportscenter. I’m coming to you live with some breaking news. Ashley Sanchez, an 18-year-old soccer star and captain of Women’s Team USA, is allowed to urinate anywhere she pleases. This news comes after the Mexican-American superstar wet herself in the Women’s World Cup 2023 Finals, where she was the night's hero. After being
    3 points
  7. I woke up this morning with that iconic morning pee urge, the kind that you can’t replicate no matter how hard you try. It was made especially worse due to the fast that I had a couple glasses of wine last night. I immediately ran to the backyard and behind the shed, where no one can see me. I peed standing up for what was probably over a minute, but I started leaking all the way back at my bed!
    3 points
  8. Did it look anything like this girls? 😄 hahaha
    3 points
  9. I was walking in an upmarket town in England 20 minutes ago just after 7pm, early evening on a sunny, warm Saturday (market day) looking for somewhere to eat. Passed a micropub where the clientele were all youngish men in shorts and tees. Many had probably been drinking all afternoon. A few inside, but many more outside on the pavement (aka sidewalk for our US friends). One guy, completely naturally and without any shame whatsoever pulls his cock out and pisses against the wall of the pub. Superb! (Nice cock too.) If I had more courage, and hadn't just gone before I left the pl
    3 points
  10. So hot 🔥 I used to love going out to the pubs in my old home town... there were always lads pissing in every alley and doorway after a few hours drinking 🍻
    3 points
  11. Thank you for the amazingly comprehensive answer. It does improve my understanding! I have only ever visited a naked beach once and it was deserted (Australia…we ain’t crowded). But it was lovely to feel the water on my skin.
    3 points
  12. As a non-naturist, I had some questions about the nudist gatherings. Do people talk about why they do it? I understand the feeling of freedom…are there other reasons? Maybe a sensory aversion to fabrics, or heating/cooling issues their bodies have? Is it a spiritual thing? At naturist gatherings, we all know why we go so there's no point discussing it. It's like asking football fans why they go to watch football games. Sometimes we talk about those reasons in the context of talking to non-naturists and enlightening them (just a few of the reasons are: feeling of air and water on the body,
    3 points
  13. I've known I was into both boys and girls since I was about 6/7. At first I only watched porn of men peeing but once I branched out and started watching women I never went back. The occasional male video does get me going tho. Even more so if i know them personally.
    3 points
  14. Hi everybody, I'm Courtney, a young woman 29 years of age, and I've had some... Interesting experiences with pee over the years. This story is something that took place last summer when I was going to a job interview. I had recently been laid off at my previous job as a result of them downsizing, but fortunately I managed to quickly secure myself a number of interviews. I was wearing a white shirt and a black pencil skirt which just about covered my knees. I have amber-colored hair and on this day I think I had it set up neatly in a high ponytail. One of these interviews was
    3 points
  15. I have, both in house parties and in clubs. Cant really help it when the bladders are full and the lines are long lol.
    3 points
  16. Not sure if this question has been asked before, but what are your favorite clothes to do pee stuff in? Wetting, holds, desperation, whatever. I have this pair of men’s pants that are a bit big on me, but nothing that a belt can’t fix. Because the zipper is bigger, I tried to pee standing up through the zipper. I love doing this when I’m desperate
    2 points
  17. One of my strangest places was my own hamper of dirty clothes back in college. After a night of partying, the last thing my bladder wanted to do was wait for my roommate to finish showering.
    2 points
  18. Its always easier for boys, I hate to walk about with an 'appendage' to help me though. Luckily the more rural you are, the more freely you can pee.
    2 points
  19. Hi Maggie, Thanks so much for sharing all this. I actually think it’s very exciting to know and even see women peeing in the pool. I have one story of this while on vacation in Vegas. We were at the hotel pool drinking plenty of alcohol and we met these ladies at the pool. We were all drinking and joking around and having a great time. I was chatting with the one lady in the water by the ledge and it was just her and I. She was laughing and joking around and suddenly she said to pee oh I really need to pee bad I have been holding it for awhile now and I was avoiding getting out of the water an
    2 points
  20. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph63b97f79ecbd8 https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph63b727bd1d53d A guy who shows his butt a lot in pee videos and gets real desperate. I’m the first video, he is naked and jumping around to hold it in. He’s also rather hairy so I know @Bacardi will appreciate this…
    2 points
  21. I went to the 24-hr convenience store in the middle of the night last night for some Advil as I had a headache that was keeping me from sleeping. The cool night air made me realise I needed to pee. I was wearing a long and loose dress I use as a nightie, so I squatted down on the side of the road and lifted my dress to my waist. One car drove by while I was peeing but I don’t think they noticed me.
    2 points
  22. The park closest my house does have bathrooms but they’re only open for particular hours and the hours change based on the time of year. I tried to get in but was met with a locked door. I popped a squat right in front of the door instead. Mind you, no one was around as it was quite early in the morning. I didn’t feel at all bad about peeing there either because I tried to use the facilities and couldn’t so I don’t know what other option could be expected.
    2 points
  23. Includes male and female pissing scenes, male and female masturbation, and nonchalant nudity/urination/sex. The protagonist is a man. The Future I Saw My name is Reno, and at the age of 25, I became a time traveler. If you're asking "how'd that happen," well, we still don't really know. I've spoken with everyone about it - from cops, to the government, to scientists, all the local and major news agencies. They're still trying to piece it together. You can find all the theories if you look online, but nothing's been confirmed yet. Most people don't believe any of it anyway
    1 point
  24. I love spandex, because I can pee through it when I am out, and as soon as I stop peeing nothing shows. I like fishnet stockings too so that I can pee down my legs without anything being visible.
    1 point
  25. Beautiful find, Kupar. Hope next time you can join in. ❤️‍🔥 oh…and here we call it a “footpath.” 😊 The world really is a giant urinal for blokes. You guys are so lucky. 🥰
    1 point
  26. Had an ex many years ago that I have detailed the incident in other posts, hold an amazing amount of pee while we were in a traffic jam. I never paid attention to her peeing habits before and we've long since broken up but the memory of that pee still sticks in my mind vividly and I've yet to experience anything similar.
    1 point
  27. I called in there later. The young men had gone and it was just two old couples. Perfectly pleasant company, and we chatted happily for half an hour, but no pee fun.
    1 point
  28. Correct ✅️ and I enjoy watching women pee more than I enjoy watching men.
    1 point
  29. I'm kinda curious as well now 😅
    1 point
  30. Thanks. It's very sensitive
    1 point
  31. Holy shit that would be so hot. Wandering in a crowd randomly peeing with a platonic friend who knows and shares your piss kink. I want to cum thinking about it
    1 point
  32. I absolutely love this attitude 😄 how many times do you reckon you have in house parties? where would you usually go and wee? 😍 it seems like more girls are open to going on the floor in clubs (much easier to be subtle I would imagine) but house parties seem rarer haha. Unless you disagree? 😂
    1 point
  33. I get this feeling that the customs around naturism and peeing vary by culture and location. I.e. in US and UK naturist public peeing would be unusual. In places like France, Spain and Germany where public peeing is more accepted generally its also more accepted in naturism. Additionally, it seems that most naturist sites are not open to public sex but some are. I would imagine the sites that are culturally more open to public sex would also be accepting of peeing.
    1 point
  34. Had some more basement fun tonight, left a few puddles in various spots! Really had to pee tonight
    1 point
  35. It was a female lifeguard. She was not on the tall chair though, she had been walking around and sort of patrolling the pool area and carrying a flutterboard clipboard. She stopped and sat at the edge of the pool with her legs in the water for a minute or so and placed the flutterboard on her lap and looked at a piece of laminated paper that was clipped to it and circled things on it a couple of times. When she stood up, I saw that the crotch area of her swimsuit between her legs was darkened. It was barely noticeable though, as it was dark navy blue. And once she was walking away, the darker
    1 point
  36. Wanted to take a moment and introduce myself, pinkpanty here. Not sure what to say right away but I'll spice this up when I get a handle of this platform.
    1 point
  37. Absolutely love this - so naughty, but if the host is too busy to help and the bathroom is trashed, then what else can a girl do? I am sure that felt like such relief and that must have been some puddle when you were done. Thank you for the details.
    1 point
  38. Peeing all over the carpets in the house as I type this. Thought I’d write about it as I’m actively doing it. Feels much naughtier this way!
    1 point
  39. I've peed under the table quite a few times. There was this one time I was out on a date and I was wearing a really short skirt. So I sat at the edge of the seat and peed in tiny spurts through my panties. I think it took me a total of 20 or so mins to get it all out and it was a fun thing to do specially when no one had any clue as to what I was upto, not even my date lol. Could I have gone to the bathroom? Yes. Will I do again? Also yes.
    1 point
  40. The one-night-stands things sounds like a thing a need to try 🤤 Probably very exciting and satisfying
    1 point
  41. *bladder But damn this is hot. I wanna be claimed for someone's territory 🫠
    1 point
  42. This has happened to me a couple of times. My favorite memory was when me and a friend on my softball team in college went to a party and we drank a little too much. The line for the bathroom at the party was ridiculous, so we just headed back to her dorm. We were so desperate that we were potty dancing while she tried to unlock her door. When we got inside, it was mad dash for the bathroom. I practically pushed her aside and slammed the door of her own bathroom and let out a huge sigh of relief as I emptied my bladder (sorry not sorry!) She cursed at me from outside the bathroom and kept bang
    1 point
  43. I guess it makes the toilet feel just like peeing on the sofa...
    1 point
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