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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2023 in all areas

  1. I peed on the floor at a house party when I was around 19 or 20. In my defense, I was very desperate and it was the middle of winter so outside was not an option. There was a line for the bathroom so I slipped into an empty room instead (it looked to be a home office, so no one had claimed it to hook up). I closed the door behind me and squatted down on the carpet. It felt fantastic and much needed.
    17 points
  2. I recently got a Tesla model S plaid I use for Lyft and uber pick ups after I was done working at 3 am so I when to this charging station in I arrive to it there’s no one not even a fly so go smoke my weed pen mean while I wait my 30 minutes. I sit on side walks next my car. I lower my jeans and thong down and begin pissing and smoking while my car charged
    7 points
  3. There is a nudist beach not too far from where I live, and I used to see many couples there, some would open engage in sex and of course having no facilities it was a common site to see men and women peeing. An interesting aspect of behaviour was that although they had being sunbathing naked some of the women would hide themselves while peeing while others were quite open about it and I had some interesting sights. It used to be easy access because of a track along the top of the beach and was much used by couples as well as single men, unfortunately during a storm the access road was wa
    5 points
  4. Everytime I walk by this HUGE potted plant tub at work, I get the urge to let out a tiny trickle atleast but unfortunately the plant tub is placed at a busy stairwell. The only way I think I can go about it is to break into the building, do the deed and then sneakily shimmy away into the darkness.
    5 points
  5. I was with some friends at the sea a few weekends ago. Nice hang-out with cliffs and ladders into the water. The place gets crowded sunny days. There are no bathrooms so everybody pees behind the rocks. I was there with a male friend, his girl-friend and one of her female friends. We had som wine and snacks with us so at some point everyone would have to pee. We’re open with each other and talk freely about kinks and fetishes. My friends wife went for a pee first and then a while later her friend. I think they’re both hot. I looked where she went and said I had to go as well. I was getting tu
    5 points
  6. This story will include nonchalant peeing, piss destruction/pee vandalism, public pee, naughty pee, golden showers The Soccer Girl chapter 1 The Introduction To MISS TEAM USA (NEWS REPORT) "Hello, everyone. I’m Martin Ainstein; welcome to Sportscenter. I’m coming to you live with some breaking news. Ashley Sanchez, an 18-year-old soccer star and captain of Women’s Team USA, is allowed to urinate anywhere she pleases. This news comes after the Mexican-American superstar wet herself in the Women’s World Cup 2023 Finals, where she was the night's hero. After being
    4 points
  7. I have, both in house parties and in clubs. Cant really help it when the bladders are full and the lines are long lol.
    4 points
  8. The weather is too nice not too enjoy it so I stopped in a layby and let the sun warm my cock while I had a little pee
    4 points
  9. Well my view is that there are plenty of people who don't even have an interest in peeing that pee in pools anyway out of convenience. So if they are doing it and they don't even do it for enjoyment, then we may as well join in and we will actually enjoy it.
    4 points
  10. I have peed standing in the crowd at an outdoor event. I was in shorts and it was dark outside. I simply held the crotch of my shorts and panties to one side and let out my stream. No one noticed (or if they did, certainly no one cared). I peed 3-4 times over the course of the night.
    4 points
  11. Wanted to take a moment and introduce myself, pinkpanty here. Not sure what to say right away but I'll spice this up when I get a handle of this platform.
    3 points
  12. Well maybe over the summer I will have to find a furniture store without too many cameras. Last time I was going to try it, an overhelpful sales assistant followed me round and kept asking if I needed any help. I didn’t feel it appropriate to ask which was the most absorbent sofa.
    3 points
  13. Well. These weren’t the tidiest pees. It’s easy to pee standing up when your only target is the ground beneath you and you don’t mind if your thigh is a little damp.
    3 points
  14. I get the feeling that some people have become pretty nonchalant about peeing at the charging stations. The girls I saw the other day were acting like it was pretty routine. They were not in a hurry, they were not looking all over for ideal locations. They just calmly went to the spots they choose as if it was something they had done before, like going to a toilet they had used before.
    3 points
  15. A great idea @Alfresco, enabling you to pee discreetly almost anywhere, Hey I know it's naughty but I LOVE the thought of you using this technique in a furniture shop in the way you've described.
    3 points
  16. Day 12 of peeing my yoga pants. Frist thing this morning I took the pants off the hook and smelled them. Started getting hard instantly. It was the most intoxicating pee smell. Someone should make candles with this scent LOL.
    3 points
  17. My first wife and I after our wedding reception headed out on our honeymoon. We were both in need of a pee and we had not driven very far before we stopped at a gas station to relieve our bladders. I went in and retrieved a key to the ladies restroom which was on the side of the building. My new bride invited me to go in with her, and when we entered the small restroom, we discovered that it was not only dirty it was filthy. There was pee all over the seat on single stool and a discarded tampon floating in the amber water in the unflushed bowl. My wife looked at me with a disgusted look on her
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. Do it, @MidoriLemonade85 - in the pool is the right place. Good girl!
    2 points
  20. This is very educational, Alfresco! Now I know! 💕 Sounds like a wonderful thing to do. I hope to try it one day. I have been too polite or nervous to pee in pools. Only the ocean or lakes. But it is a very enticing idea, especially thinking about others doing it around me too. 💚
    2 points
  21. “My, uh, wife, drinks a lot of water and is clumsy…”
    2 points
  22. Sports, music, entertainment, just staring at the ceiling thinking about different aspects of the world and how it works. Going on google earth and looking up foreign places. Reading random wikipedia articles, clicking through the keywords for the next page on some different topic. And sometimes, just sometimes you find an analogy somewhere to something thats on your mind which may be a little help. Anyways i hope and wish for everyone who struggles with this to find peace in mind and get over those struggles.
    2 points
  23. Love that. Like it is just part of the deal when sitting around waiting for the car to charge. So there are probably hundreds of Tesla sentry mode videos of girls peeing at charging stations but unfortunately most people don’t even review their footage unless there is an issue and of those that do, only a small percentage are considerate enough to share the videos. That being the case, the people who need to pee don’t worry about it and just treat it as something they need to do.
    2 points
  24. I find this so interesting because I’ve also seen a lifeguard sit on the side of the pool and pee. I always assumed it was out of desperation (because it was a very long pee), but now I’m wondering if it’s more commonplace than I thought.
    2 points
  25. The one Havelock posted wasn't even desperate given her pee barely lasted 6 seconds. My best guess is she was "topping off" her Tesla and bladder before a long drive.
    2 points
  26. Some of us are into the similar things and those who arent dont particularly care. Besides I can be sneaky af if needed because I dont want the others there to know.
    2 points
  27. Another Tesla driver peeing at the charger.
    2 points
  28. It seems my stream missed the toilet completely.. we can blame the motion of the train, right? 🤫
    2 points
  29. I went to my mom's house yesterday to help in her garden...she planted 5 rows of potatoes, and the weeds have become a little overwhelming. Of course, on my drive there, I wore nothing. I brought clothes just in case on the off-chance I was pulled over or something, but that rarely happens. As usual, I got a lot of looks from people as I passed their cars or they passed mine or we stopped next to each other at a red light. I never try to obscure my titties or the fact that I am nude...I love when people look at me with nothing but shock or awe 😉 I peed before I left since it is only a 2
    2 points
  30. This past weekend, my mom bought us tickets to a show, so we took a little road trip and stayed in a nice hotel to treat ourselves. As usual, we were both naked for the drive and made no attempt to cover our titties for passing cars. In fact, the weather was so nice, I kept the windows down for a large part of the drive...the cool wind kept our nipples pointy the whole trip! About an hour into the drive, we both started to get the familiar pang in our bladders. We were on a busier highway, so we decided to see how long we could hold it. 15 min passed...then 30, then an hour, then an hour
    2 points
  31. I’m constantly reading about peeing heightening sexual arousal/pleasure (and don’t get me wrong it gets both me and my partner horny as hell) etc. In fact I enjoy every single aspect of it, the warm feeling soaking your clothes, the naughtiness of it, the amazing feeling of my pussy throbbing because I’m struggling to hold it in and the list goes on. But for me personally it’s much more than that. I was in an abusive relationship for 16 years, had 2 nervous breakdowns, lost my job in a school because I was groomed by a convicted peadopphile in between the 2 breakdowns and was a complete wreck.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Thanks. I like to keep it natural.
    1 point
  34. It's mental health week so just wondering what you all do to help with stress/anxiety etc. Listing things here may help others by giving them ideas that they may not of though of before so let's try and help each other. For me, exercise is important as it gives me a chance to escape for a while and have nothing to worry about apart from where I'm running or biking to. I find it clears my mind. What do you guys do? And how are you all?
    1 point
  35. Same. I'm always the one who has to pee of the two of us on road trips 😂 I like it when she teases me about my minuscule bladder.
    1 point
  36. I pee in all sorts of places, but I do have a few regular spots. Firstly the obvious is my own garden, where I often pee in the drain on the patio or on the grass by the shed. Beyond my own property there is an electrical substation about 5 minutes walk away and I often pee on the wall next to that Another one is the entranceway to the now closed toilets in a local park.
    1 point
  37. https://www.joesixpack.net/2017/03/01/that-thing-at-your-feet-its-not-a-pee-trough/
    1 point
  38. Am I allowed a whole playlist? Or at least a couple… https://youtu.be/JcbdxwEs0gE https://youtu.be/SJUhlRoBL8M https://youtu.be/QeyvpzWYJh4 And only links, so no spoilers.
    1 point
  39. Includes female pissing scenes and desperation. The protagonist is a woman. The Holster of Reichiona - A Desperate Climb Ell and I emerged from the darkening treeline beneath the crescendo of a late summer's storm. Aforth us our destination: the stark, grey-lashed cliffs of the Tenant Range, their godly edifice towering thousands of feet to the sky. The first raindrops from the clouds above wrote streaks against the cliffs, and a harsh pitter-patter began in the foliage around me as well. "There," Ell called to me over the rushing of the leaves, "The entrance to the Holster! Q
    1 point
  40. Hi @Sephora, welcome back and it is great to see you again. I remember enjoying reading your posts in the past and it was a lovely surprise to see your name pop up again. Sounds like life has been very busy for you, but hope you can stay around a while.
    1 point
  41. That was beautifully executed! I absolutely felt your anxiety about being caught in a compromising situation. Along with being in the difficult position of having to pee somewhere against your personal rules. I too have been in a work situation where I had no choice but to pee in a container used for produce. Likewise, I couldn't use enough dish soap and bleach to clean it out afterwards. It's tricky when you have a piss fetish, but then find yourself forced to urinate in an undignified way. It's like this whole intersection of contradictory emotions. Reading it as an employee who's been
    1 point
  42. I have been on a few cruise holidays and they are great places to enjoy peeing. I have peed down my legs whilst stood in a crowd watching the belly flop competition (deck is already wet, people are fairly tightly packed and everyone is looking at the competition, not my legs), in various pools and hot tubs, into a glass whilst sat on a sun lounger, onto the artificial grass on a mini golf course at the back of the ship, between the seats on a sofa and of course on the balcony of our room as well as sprinkling a bit around on the carpet in the room. I've peed in a lot of places on shore
    1 point
  43. It might just be my browser, but the links don’t work for me. I’m sure they’re sexy though so don’t worry about feedback.
    1 point
  44. Well I have, ages ago at a house party but that was out of sheer necessity, else I never pee on floors. However, if I'm at a club then I usually pee on the floor or carpet or whatever, when I know that I can be sneaky about it.
    1 point
  45. That description absolutely does it for me! I can just imagine the pleasure in each of those sensations, as well as relieving the original nice and compelling urge to pee in your swimsuit, which of course is also a pleasure
    1 point
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