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  1. When I am at home I always close the bathroom door but I never lock it, I haven't since I was a teenager. That habit bit me a few minutes ago! I am staying at a friend's farm with my husband and daughters. We had been relaxing in the lounge, talking, laughing and generally having a good time. My friend, Nicola, went upstairs to find something and since I had been needing a wee for a while I decided to use the opportunity to go to the loo. I didn't want to be jiggling around when looking at what she was showing me. I closed the door behind me and walked over to the toilet, flipping up the
    12 points
  2. when it's a hot summer night, so when it's time for your pup's walk, you go wearing just your undies. 🤭😇
    9 points
  3. It’s friday and it was payday for me so I decided to treat myself. I decided to go to the mall and get some lingerie, perfume, and shoes. I started the day with a large mug of hot tea which was so delicious and fragrant. I made sure to fill my half gallon water bottle up for the day and wear a cute dress. The particular one I wore was very flowy and short which I love and no panties. (Easy Access) I walk downstairs from my apartment complex with my purse and full water bottle I get in the car already feeling that familiar twinge in my bladder. I’m drinking more water on the way to the mall to
    8 points
  4. This happened about twenty minutes ago. I was out shopping with my mom, with an armful of clothes to try on and a VERY full bladder. I thought I could make it back to my dorm until I found myself crossing my legs and bouncing while pretending to look at clothes. I saw two available options: wet myself in my red leggings, very noticeable, or relieve myself at least a little in the dressing room. This is one of my favorite stores and one I come to frequently so I was a little hesitant, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I handed my selections to the employee an
    5 points
  5. I was sat with everyone again and I got up for a wee. I told everyone where I was going and Nicola said "Don't forget to lock the door this time" with a wink. I nearly wet myself laughing! It was such a small thing but it really set me off.
    4 points
  6. I’m with you. I would like to try it.
    4 points
  7. haha. apparently i don't mind sharing with you, or anyone else for that matter, what undies i had on. 😇 and yes, i was caught way more times than i had hoped to be while walking around in my panty and bra. 🫣 but, idk, it's kinda thrilling, even if totally embarrassing.
    4 points
  8. This is a true account of what happened to me many years ago. I was out with friends at this one bar and it was a popular hang out and was always crowded on the weekends. One Friday night we were there and it was packed and obviously everyone was consuming a lot of alcohol. The bathrooms at this place were all unisex which was very unusual back then. The bathrooms each had 1 urinal and 1 toilet in the 2 bathrooms that they had. Obviously with the crowd and all the drinking going on there were always long lines for the bathrooms. This one particular Friday night I was in line for the bathroom a
    4 points
  9. I was honestly bored and my boss pissed me off this morning. (No pun intended) He left for lunch I watched him leave I closed the door behind him his office was now mines for the moment. I am still currently in the office with a small urge to pee. So I pulled my skirt up a bit and slid my panties to the side. I felt the air hit my slit and it was over I peed on his chair quite a bit. It pooled and fell onto the floor making a little puddle. I then went on top of his desk and rubbed my swollen clit until I came. 10/10 would do again.
    4 points
  10. This past weekend I ventured out for some piss sightings. I figured I’d return to the parking garage which provides parking for two lounges, and I have seen 3 ladies relieve themselves there next to their cars. I arrive about 11pm to find one of the lounges to be dark, vacant, parking lot closed off, building boarded up. No parking attendant in the booth for the parking garage next door which is usually staffed with a female attendant and a police officer. You grab a ticket from the machine and pay upon exit. The other lounge on the other side of the garage was open, but dead.
    3 points
  11. Have you ever wondered if you were the unwitting star of some bizarre reality show? And now the producers were just fucking with you? Well, this was the case in what was probably the easiest sighting I ever had. The music festival I was attending was contained at the farthest perimeter of the park by a concrete wall. One which countless men had used as a urinal after the sun went down (this was America after all, where day peeing is done at your own risk). And so it was sometime between sundown and midnight that I had decided to make my mark on it as well. After staking out a prime slice
    3 points
  12. Today on a place for campervans. Toilets a mile away and two other vans here. Both men and women go in the bushes, Just like it is the most normal thing to do. Vanlife is great!
    3 points
  13. took some pictures of me stroking my dick
    2 points
  14. that or a bottle, same idea, and is great as well. You can direct it more easily.
    2 points
  15. So, update from my previous post from last week. Several times over the week and at least once or twice a day, I walked behind the caravan and into the bushes to pee. The bushes were fairly sparse and only went back about 5 metres up to a chain-link fence. Beyond the fence was open woodland and immediately the other side of the fence was a track along which people frequently walked their dogs. By walking right back to the fence line, it meant that I was less likely to be seen from the campsite, but of course, if anyone approached on the path, they would have a full on view. Mostly it w
    2 points
  16. I did something new today. I peed in a container and poured it all over myself. Loved it. Have you tried that?
    2 points
  17. What do you think the most expensive result has been due to the aftermath of you peeing? (For example, clean-up costs or replacement costs). Whether it was something of your own or someone belonging to someone else (or a public area) that got peed on -- what do you think the most expensive aftermath has been? Me personally: Most of my naughtiest pees had been with my ex so I suppose the consequence of this was that there were two bladders' worth of pee here, but I used to think it was the time we pranked our friends at a decently priced hotel (I think it was a Wyndham) by peeing on the do
    2 points
  18. I had some gardening to do on the weekend so I thought I might as well pee at the same time, you can hear my neighbour talking in the next yard over, little did they know 😁 https://www.erome.com/a/VjbEgEM8
    2 points
  19. Sorry about that, should be fixed now. 🙂
    2 points
  20. Obviously no 'secret' - But we're really ok with that 😁 Huge thanks as always for everything you share.
    2 points
  21. Ok just before we start me and my gf both agree not to take any pics or vids so yea lol Pls excuse any spelling mistakes as im dyslexic Anyway's so me and my gf both love naughty pissing but its just not as fun if its in you're home so we decided to go away for the weekend so we booked into a little hotel The car ride itself was super wet as i told my girlfreind that she coulde use my car as a toilet and she loved that idea! So on the way down she was naked from the waist down and everytime she needed to pee she would let me know so i can pull over and she would put he
    2 points
  22. @puddyls Lovely as always x
    2 points
  23. A shame that consensus says it’s not safe. Seems like an extremely fun thing to do…
    2 points
  24. My story came from a business trip about a year before lockdown. I was walking home from dinner with two colleagues, one male, on female. The walk took longer than expected and I was absolutely bursting. I felt fine when we left the restaurant, but that's beer for you. When it filters through, it takes no prisoners. I took a position slightly behind the other two as we walked, because I was afraid I might have an accident and so they wouldn't see the way I was walking (or me squeezing myself to keep control). After about ten minutes, and realising we were still a long way from the ho
    2 points
  25. When I was in college I loved going out with my girlfriend at the time, not just because she was fun to be around but because I knew I'd go back to my dorm with some batshit insane story to tell. One night my girlfriend Sarah*, her friend Lola*, and I drove out to a church near campus to smoke in the parking lot. Sarah was pretty unfiltered when talking to me but Lola had her beat in that regard. By this point Sarah had known about my kink for some time (and I suspect Lola might have too considering how close they were). Eventually Lola got up from the curb we were sitting on and announce
    2 points
  26. Kind if bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet. I don't really need to do it - the stream shoots out cleanly and the female urethra is small enough not to retain liquid (usually). I like doing it, though. It feels rebellious; even if not strictly speaking necessary.
    2 points
  27. I have laid down in the bathtub and peed all over myself and in my mouth, it was a lot of fun.
    2 points
  28. I do enjoy this. The warm feeling of fresh pee all over your body is amazing. The drinking part can be fun sometimes as well.
    2 points
  29. My family is very open about peeing. If you have read some of my previous posts, you know that is true! My mom raised me to believe that peeing and nudity are natural and are nothing to be ashamed of. Growing up, I peed around the house (without my mom knowing), and my mom and myself peed in sinks, in bathtubs, in the laundry, and outside. We were nude 99% of the time, even when driving. Now that I am grown, my mom invites my daughter and me to be naked and pee in her house as we please. I encourage the same lifestyle for my daughter in our home, as well (which she LOVES). We truly believe in
    1 point
  30. A couple from webshots, on the green although not in the hole.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Yes that would be lots of fun! Clean up would be a pain though. The bathroom I use is almost empty so clean up is easy
    1 point
  33. I doubt I’m the only one to find this pretty relatable.. 😅😉
    1 point
  34. Maybe - and we'll never know, so just wild speculation... Maybe her friends had all looked towards the row of guys at the wall and said 'Urgh, no way, we can't go over there, there's guys pissing' and her replying along the lines of 'well I'm not wetting myself which is a real possibility if I wait another minute' Or perhaps a slightly tipsy dare - 'Ten bucks if you pop a squat right next to that guy over there' Either way an amazing event. And I may be in the minority of thinking that moments like that are perhaps best just left as they are, without creeping her out by asking
    1 point
  35. This is a topic close to my heart this week. We are staying in a caravan on an organised campsite this week. The site consists of a field of closely mown grass with an area of bushes around it on three sides. The fourth side leads to a carpark and beyond that is a small cafe, then a play park, then the site building and the toilets and showers are at the far end of that building. So, to walk to the toilet from the far side of the field is at least a bit of an effort and would probably be a 15 minute round trip just to pee. There are about half and half between road vehicles (carav
    1 point
  36. Finally I’ve taught myself a way to walk and piss on my way to the towel! 🙂
    1 point
  37. I went swimming again today with my family. I was already feeling sorta horny and when I got out of the locker room I was happy to see we were the only people there! I was splashing around with my kiddo and hanging out with my husband when I decided I was gonna go for a pee. I got up and headed to the locker room but stopped short of the bathrooms. It was so empty that I decided today was the day. I was going to do pick a drain and pee over it! I went allllll the way to the back row where the lights were much dimmer and found a drain at the very back in the corner. It took a few moments
    1 point
  38. I continue to pee in parking garages, I have reported some of them in my thread in the men peeing section as they include some pics that include the actual pee stream and my dick. You can find them at the links below if you are interested: https://peefans.com/topic/17108-alfresco-peeing/?do=findComment&comment=313682 https://peefans.com/topic/17108-alfresco-peeing/?do=findComment&comment=307831 I nearly got caught the other day. I was in town and popped into the car park for a pee (I hadn’t parked there, but it was still convenient). I went into the stairwell, go
    1 point
  39. Oh wow, I definitely have quite a few of these - I’m very partial to a naughty piss; my favourite kind, in fact. One that stands out in particular, is a girlfriend (at the time) who’d left one of her T-shirts at my place. I wanted to piss on it, and with her knowledge, chucked it on my bed and then knelt beside to piss all over it. It was a much longer piss than expected, and I also anticipated the T-shirt to soak up more of the piss than it did, causing my piss to start going on the bed as well. I definitely thought “I should stop” at that moment, but was enjoying defiling her T-shi
    1 point
  40. I am not really into collecting tissues or piss samples, so I didn't do that. I just like to watch. Sorry! This time I thought let's explain a little bit how my gf looks like. I haven't really described her yet, but maybe it is nice to talk about that for a little bit. I am not at all into slim, athletic girls, so my gf is quite busty and chubby. I need myself some flesh on the bones! She had long, straight hair which she usually wears in a pony tail. The thing I love most about her body are her boobs. They are a D cup size so about two hands full. They are soft and sq
    1 point
  41. My husband had to go out of town for work in a town near Las Vegas, Nevada. His duties kept him out there for a little over two weeks. About 4 days longer than he had planned. Knowing how I absolutely hated him having to go away on these trips, he felt bad about the extra days. He wanted to make it up to me... he wanted to surprise me and do something nice for me. As he was driving to the airport, he kept noticing advertisements for the big NASCAR race. He thought to himself.. Hmmm.. That would be a great surprise. He then started looking for more advertisements, trying to catch the dates, hop
    1 point
  42. I started my day like usual, sat on the toilet and had a wee then went downstairs to make a coffee and breakfast. Nothing fancy, just a couple of slices of toast. Afterwards I went back upstairs to wake up my daughter and jumped in the shower. By the time she was out of bed I would have finished washing myself. I put on my work clothes, we don’t have a uniform as such but I tend to wear the same things every day and try to look smart. I started with a normal pink bra and thong, nothing special and then put on a tight black pencil skirt. To finish my outfit I wore a white blouse. Once everyone
    1 point
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