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  1. As some of you might know by now I was raised far too strictly when it came to peeing. Going outside for example was out of the question, no matter what. I love peeing where I shouldn’t now and I’ve peed in public many times before. On the balcony, when spending a whole day or an afternoon in nature, sitting on the edge of a private jacuzzi on holiday, and many more places. I still have a residual fear of getting desperate in a situation where I can’t go though (a traffic jam, train with toilet out of order, etc.). Also; I always pee before I leave the house. Even when I just g
    8 points
  2. As promised, here is the story of my mom's first masturbation in front of me 🙂 A few weekends ago, I went over to my mom's house to finish up harvesting what little was left of her garden and to mow her yard. Most everything had dried up and died from the heat, but there were still a few okra left to pick, and her yard was needing some trimming. As you know, we are nudists to the core, so we do our yard work fully nude with good protective shoes. We had both peed multiple times outside that day...on the lawnmower seat, in the garden, once down my leg into my boots. My mom peed on the flo
    7 points
  3. A few weeks ago I stayed at a clothing optional, lifestyle-friendly resort in Palm Springs. It was late afternoon and there were 7-8 people drinking and hanging out naked in the pool trying to stay cool. I was chatting with a late-40s couple from Virginia when the lady announced that she was going to go back to their room to pee. She was blonde, curvy but not too heavy, with nice legs and beautiful breasts, so the thought of her peeing was quite arousing. One of the other people in the pool casually said "Why don't you just squat in the grass near the pool? I don't think here anyone would mind
    6 points
  4. Treated myself to a nice carpet piss last night. Felt so good... sounded so hot!
    5 points
  5. I only read this post now, but those are again some great tips! From my side it has been quiet lately. I had one show a couple of weeks ago. We were in the shower of our local pool, where my gf announced she had to pee. She asked me if it was OK to pee right there (we were the only ones in the shower area at the time) and of course I said yes. She started peeing her bathing suit and the best part was that the shower cut out during it so I saw a very clear stream of pee falling from between her legs and splattering onto the ground. But nothing gets me going more than peeing outside
    5 points
  6. I was out shopping the other day, and went in to the dressing rooms and came across this huge puddle from someone who clearly had an accident! Has anyone ever see evidence of peeing in fitting rooms of clothing stores?
    4 points
  7. Update: Saturday we both got naked in the camper. I pissed on the floor and he wanted me to piss on the open first aid kit again because he thought it was funny. I sat on the couch and he soaked me and we fucked so good. He would pull out and I'd squirt piss on him. The best was when he stood in front of me and I just kept spraying him. Watching it drop down his body... I can't wait to do it again. Oh also I have let his piss touch my tongue..he's thankfully pretty hydrated. I don't want to drink it but it's still pretty hot.
    4 points
  8. No in the toilet. But I don't always pee after sex honestly lol. One time I filled all the way up and let my husband fuck me while I was so full. It was a balancing act of pretending like nothing was wrong (because he doesn't know about my fetish) and holding while feeling pleasure, but eventually I did cum and the need to pee disappeared. I went to sleep and then a few hours later I woke up bursting lmfao. I didn't even think I was gonna make it to the toilet. If I peed in bed that night both of us would have been swimming in urine and my husband probably would have been mad af.
    4 points
  9. Thanks everyone for being so encouraging. I will share another genuine experience below. I hope you like. It’s a long story so please let me know if I have included too much? It all means something to me and is all part of my memory of the experience though! On a plane with a work colleague: A few years ago I was flying home to the UK from the US (I don’t remember where as my main memory is of the below experience but was probably somewhere in the west coast e.g. LA) with a female work colleague of a similar age. We would have both been mid to late 20s. We were flying premium economy
    4 points
  10. This experience happened a few years ago. I was in Greece with friends at a big resort on the beach. A friend (here I'll call her Lisa) and I liked pools better than the sea, so we mostly went to the pool. Actually, it was better there anyway, because there was such a bar in the water where you could swim there and have a cocktail. Fortunately, we booked the vacation as "all inclusive", which means that you could basically eat and drink at any time - many alcoholic drinks were also free at the pool bar. On the first day at noon I asked Lisa, as we were cooling down in the pool, if she wou
    3 points
  11. I have recently returned from a holiday in Europe where I had a good sighting, I wish the outcome had been slightly different however it was still so hot to see. The sighting happened on a tour to visit a volcano. We were picked up from the hotel by the tour company however they had picked up one person already, an American girl, mid 20s. She was sitting in the front wearing a matching grey sports bra and leggings. She was very pretty with olive brown hair, big boobs and a big juicy butt. We were brought a 20 minute journey to a meeting point for the start of the tour. All of the time the
    3 points
  12. I think anyone who uses a urinal (especially without "modesty panels") should expect that someone might peek and should not be offended. If peeking annoys you, use a stall.
    3 points
  13. The unhesitant pee in the orchard was a great result. I wouldn't have this exact problem because my wife is far less willing than me to pee in exposed places or private places. You have a winner here because your girlfriend has obviously decided that she is willing to pee without too much cover or with cover but in a "naughty" location. She obviously wasn't completely desperate as she managed to hold until the supermarket. Your reluctance is well meant as you are protecting her and also protecting others. If that had been me, I would probably agree with you about not peeing on
    3 points
  14. I always like to trim and shave, especially since I go on a clothing-optional beach on a weekly basis! Ignore the pee stain on the chair in the second picture *giggles*
    3 points
  15. Hi @Alpian, thanks for reading and thank you for your kind words! Naughty peeing is a mainstay of my stories and them being fiction allows me to add in a number of other aspects such as vandalism, public lewdness, and countless other misbehaviors that stimulate the imagination. Even within the subset of "naughty peeing," this being a fetish website, numerous readers have numerous other fetishes that overlap with mere peeing. As much as I would love it that everyone would love every single aspect of every story I've written, everyone has their own preferences. I understand that sometime
    3 points
  16. Hi, im a female into self peeing and hopong to participate in the future xx
    3 points
  17. In the women I've been intimate with it's about 20 percent for certain pee related scenes. After you've been in bed a few times and are familiar with each other's wants, needs, and kinks it's much easier to broach the subject without being seen as odd or weird. Usually I'll front the issue after a few beers or drinks, when she has to pee, and I'll casually ask if I can watch her pee. If it's just after she's cum she'll usually allow that, or if she's at the midstage of foreplay and she knows it will turn me on, she'll let me come in to see her on the toilet. Usually that leads to her stro
    3 points
  18. Sex Bizarre Twenty. The last issue of 1977, is printed with the usual dust cover absent from some of the scans available on the internet. For me the dust cover is an integral part of the mystique, as I am told that here in the UK, it was still illegal to distribute, sell and consume hard-core pornography. The dust cover offered a metaphorical barrier for the censors, but also a form of excitement and anticipation for the contents within. The story, called ‘Piss Champion’ is a return to a heterosexual romp as the participants are laid semi-naked in their undies from the off. There’s
    3 points
  19. Jay ! Glad to be back. I got a new job and was way to stressed to think about this forum. But i missed you guys :3 Back on topic: Super cool. Thanks for the answer. Kinda crazy that it wasn't a bigger deal :D. I mean back in my childhood we basically huddled around anyone who was exploring relationships, because we wanted to listen to their tales xD. We were basically all shy kids which were super curious. So if anyone dared to kiss someone on the cheek they would be followed like a celebrity xD. I mean at least at school (around age 12-14) you would have had your fans for being the co
    3 points
  20. My family is very open about peeing. If you have read some of my previous posts, you know that is true! My mom raised me to believe that peeing and nudity are natural and are nothing to be ashamed of. Growing up, I peed around the house (without my mom knowing), and my mom and myself peed in sinks, in bathtubs, in the laundry, and outside. We were nude 99% of the time, even when driving. Now that I am grown, my mom invites my daughter and me to be naked and pee in her house as we please. I encourage the same lifestyle for my daughter in our home, as well (which she LOVES). We truly believe in
    2 points
  21. Hello everyone community!! I'm a 22 year old guy from Argentina, and I joined PeeFans because I found it on the net, and I'm a pee fan. I'm looking to make pee friends, exchange experiences and learn from all of you, and why not fantasize and get excited a lot 🔥. As for genders, I like women, but I am also open to talking with people of all genders 😄 Feel free to comment or write me privately if you want to talk and share experiences and something else!! ☺😘 I apologize for my English, which is not the best. 🙏 Thank you very much for reading dear community! ❤
    2 points
  22. Thanks for sharing - sounds a complete delight. And on balance I'd say that was a pretty good outcome for all concerned - she got aways without the total humiliation of either wetting on the bus or spraying all over her clothes, she had friends to educate and encourage her. More than that though she now has the knowledge of how to master an outdoor pee successfully - which may sound insignificant but actually means the cycle may continue - she may not avoid booking future tours, she may be able to pee again in the open, she may be able to help someone else. And you got to witnes
    2 points
  23. I usually just pee the bed since we have a mattress protector. Before we bought the protector, I would pee into the "clean up" towel 🙂
    2 points
  24. I’ve had a few lovely experiences like this, along lines of “You’ll just have to go behind that wall”, or “The toilets are way over the other side (of the pool), but you could go behind those trees”
    2 points
  25. I've e not had that experience but I would mind it happening
    2 points
  26. I have a good mate who lives half way between my house and our chosen village pub. I'll generally visit the place once every couple of weeks, and when he's been in too we've often walked home, stopping to chat at his gatepost before I carry on. Even though it's a three minute walk - five at most - there've been times when he's stopped for a piss by someone's front gate on the way. So I guess that could be considered an acceptance if I was to do the same. The other main person is my wife, who doesn't share our interest in the slightest. She also has a steel bladder, so never is caught
    2 points
  27. I’d absolutely love to do this. For me though I’d want it to be a carpeted fitting room with a door. I’d sit rather than squat to avoid noise which would draw attention to myself. I’d just sit and let it flow silently into the carpet and totally immerse myself in the moment and it’s naughtiness. Then I’d walk away as though nothing had happened.
    2 points
  28. “How did you hear about us?” ”From a community that like peeing in pools, and… oh, they hung up”
    2 points
  29. “Our trained voyeurs have counted how much you’ve drunk and how much you’ve peed, and you have been a bad boy. Fetch one of the dominatrices…”
    2 points
  30. Which you should just ignore. I simply don't understand why you would leave the pool when you have to pee.
    2 points
  31. It’s always darkest before the dawn - and easy to feel alone.
    2 points
  32. Just last night! Walking on a street with low traffic. I was wearing athletic shorts so I pulled my shorts up so my penis hung out and pissed all over the sidewalk as I walked
    2 points
  33. Who says it's an accident? 🤭 Great photo. Thank you for sharing!
    2 points
  34. Agree far more enjoy watching and/or listening and will admit to arousal after witnessing. One gf would tell me she would listen for other women peeing in a crowded restroom and some sounds would get her juices flowing and then she'd simultanously pee and masturbate. I admit to enjoying seeing and hearing women pee of course. She also told me that watching men pee made her mouth water and that she'd alway imagine orally cleaning the remnants off a cock at the end. She wasnt so much in it for the urine, it was the sexual aspect of the act and the naughtiness of it that appealed to her.
    2 points
  35. I've used these before too. A rolled up newspaper can hide it well and I've unloaded my pee with people standing about while waiting for a bus unobserved. You simply tuck your schlong into one end of the paper roll and the other into the can. Sometimes you can fan out the top sheet and pretend to read it as you piss. Very risque and satisfying though.
    2 points
  36. Tomorrow night it is finally happening. It has not happened since February but my pee master will be coming over. She will pee in my food and in my mouth. I will drink as much as I can. I plan to take pics and even film it if she lets me. She said she would. I will wear a mask for obvious reasons. I will be licking her asshole too while she pees and I will catch what I can in a bowl. I will have he make me a glass of ice pee too. I cannot wait. Stay tuned and hopefully not another postponement. I cannot wait for her 25 year old ass to be above my face peeing in my mouth.
    2 points
  37. I have not, but WOW is that picture a huge turn on. Peeing in a fitting room is like my top tier fantasy. Have always wanted to try but I don't think I'm ever going to have the guts to leave even the smallest bit lol.
    2 points
  38. My current style! Loving having a strip 🤭🤭
    2 points
  39. Female, all natural This is 2 months of not shaving or trimming...someone help me grow a bush. I want one so bad 😞
    2 points
  40. I agree with everything you say! It really isn't too problematic as long as you clean it up in a timely manner. At home, my husband will pee from his gaming chair in the living room onto the carpet (again, more out of convenience). The only time I prefer wetting the bed is when I am breastfeeding my husband...something about feeling him latch makes my pussy release all of my pee.
    2 points
  41. And I'm imagining lying on my back in front if you with my legs spread whilst that stream showers my engorged clitoris...
    2 points
  42. Hi everyone. This is my first ever post apart from in the “introduction” bit. My name is Charlie and I am very new to this forum and to being confident with others about my interest in peeing. My confidence is growing though and I thought I would share my hottest pee experience that I have also summarised in my bio. A girl at university and me were both desperate to pee halfway through a long seminar where there were no breaks and we were in a building we didn’t know. We were already good friends (but had never talked about peeing!) and she whispered to me that she was bursting for a wee
    2 points
  43. Final installment of this series. A little longer than the first two, but I think everyone will enjoy if you liked the others. Enjoy! ------- Fast forward a few years and I'm back in town finishing up a business trip. I had been away for a bit as I relocated and it's a Friday in the summer. I had been texting old friends to see what they were up to for the weekend and of course "A" is one of the girls I messaged. She was quick to respond that she was getting ready for a country concert happening in just a couple hours and asked if I wanted join. My mind quickly raced back to the memo
    2 points
  44. It's still very warm.... So.... Created a mini Water Feature to make the day more pleasant
    2 points
  45. Another nice warm day. Thought I would contrive a mini pee flume made from an oddment of spare guttering I had. A refreshing pleasure
    2 points
  46. 2 points
  47. 💯 shaved! Lol I’m not a fan of body hair so keep it clean shaved all the time.
    2 points
  48. I surprisingly haven’t, just seen some very trashed ones. But if I did come across one like that, I’d be incredibly tempted to add to the puddle. It’d make me feel a bit less guilty knowing I wasn’t the first to go for it haha
    1 point
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