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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2022 in Posts

  1. Hi there! I once again took some time to write and draw a new story for you all. The artstyle is a bit different from my previous stories because I wanted to try something new. I'm not particularly happy with how it looks, so if any of you have tips on how I could improve the art I'd apreciate it a lot. For now enjoy the first part of the story and let me know what you think 🙂 ------- “Bye Mommy!”, chanted Ian (7) and Olive (4) as their mother, Elisabeth, or Liza as everyone called her, left the house dressed in a fancy red dress to spend the night out with friends. Liza bl
    6 points
  2. I find this a fascinating topic because I am sure, probably like most of us here, that my fascination (obsession?) with peeing started from my early childhood experiences which started as a subject genuine curiosity. I can relate to so many of other peoples' accounts here. Mine was similar. My earliest memory goes back to when i used to spend a lot of time at my neighbours house. She was a similar age to me and I have memories of us often spending time in her bedroom playing with toys and games in the usual way that you do. I dont remember any actual dialogue but all I do recall is t
    5 points
  3. I enjoy peeing outdoors, not having to aim and the feeling of warm or cold air on my little fella while pissing is great. I'll post the odd pic or link to a video whenever I'm in the mood, hope you don't mind.
    4 points
  4. Because who’s going to get out of the bath to go pee? (Inspired to post this by @PrincessP, who also went pee in her bath and made a gif of it)
    4 points
  5. Growing up, my female cousins would sometimes have pee races. A playground we used to go to had an out of the way corner, that was basically he pee corner where most of us would go. Unlike most other playgrounds that had a pee corner, pee bush or pee tree that was natural, this corner was actually a sizable paved area on a slight slope. Anyway, I would often go with my female cousins for a pee break. They would squat next to each other at the top of the slope next to a retaining wall facing the downhill. They would then count down, say go and start peeing with the streams running down the slig
    4 points
  6. Liz Katz, she's 1 sexy lady
    4 points
  7. (Female deliberate wetting and masturbation) Hi all - it's Pippa here again, and I just wanted to fill you in on what's been happening since we spoke a couple of days ago. Well, what a whirlwind! You'll remember how my darling sister Louise had brought me and her two daughters back from our little holiday, and being the darling sister she is, she'd made me pretty much wet myself when she wouldn't stop the car. We both knew she may have scored a victory on that battle, but the war was most definitely hotting up. And it certainly has. I like to think I've upped my game a lit
    4 points
  8. There are plenty of us here who like wetting. If I need to pee when I go out I always wet myself and I like to do it as soon as I feel the tingle wherever I happen to be whether in a shop, restaurant, cinema, pub or nightclub, or even on the train. When I dress to wet the world is my toilet, and carpet is my friend.
    4 points
  9. Sooooo... it's been a while hehe. But I'm back with a new chapter! Since it's been so long or you are new to this story, here is the first part of the story and here is the most recent. I hope you enjoy this story. As always if you spot any mistakes tell me and feedback is always appreciated! This story contains: nonchalant pissing, public peeing, Lesbian Pissing, Piss drinking, Piss play, Shemale, Transgender, Bukkake, Piss desperation and a bit of pet play. Happy reading! 🙂 Chapter 5 The rest of the day at the beach was a lot of fun, Erik had more sex with Hiraku and the other girl
    3 points
  10. Greetings all. New member here from England. @PrincessP sent me this way so looking forward to sharing experiences and what not with all of you. Have a fantastic day
    3 points
  11. @Barbieoxo is also a fan of a tub full of piss! Her pictures inspired me too!
    3 points
  12. I’ve reached another pee milestone for myself tonight! 😆. I went to the movies with my mom, and I pretty much finished the large soda I had by the end of the movie. I didn’t really feel much of an urge to go pee, but because we weren’t 100% sure if we were going to stop anywhere else before making our way back to my house, I decided to use the restroom at the theater. I also decided to go because I noticed they had two separate family/unisex ones, so I wouldn’t have to go through the stressful situation that is trying to use gendered restrooms being transgender 😪. Anyway, I got into the roo
    3 points
  13. Some of my morning pees have been taken out on the patio welcome mat. Either standing or otherwise, I really like to let loose with the warm sun on my body.
    3 points
  14. Not sure if this is the right place or it should be in another section but here goes. It was a beautiful spring day and we got up and went out to breakfast where she had at least 2 cups of coffee and no bathroom break. After breakfast we didn’t have anything planned so figured why not play a round of golf. This is a couple hours later and she still hasn’t peed. We get to the course and she drinks a Gatorade and I figured by this time she must be getting pretty full. She didn’t use the bathroom before we started playing and we played a few holes and she says she is still fine. I ask this b
    3 points
  15. A friendship that begins with accidental wetting escalates to girl/guy peeing together and then sex. Read Part 1 first It was nearly the end of the day and Jacob had been thinking about Emma a lot. He was expecting her to get in touch to return the skirt she had borrowed, but he was also hoping to get to know her better. Of course he found it attractive how smart she had seemed in the interview, and of course she was physically attractive too, but mostly it was the way she had stripped off her pants in front of him after accidentally wetting had given him an insta-crush and he couldn
    2 points
  16. Awesome! Go kick ass. In my experience it is much easier when you have a deadline. If you're exercising for fun it's too easy to say "Ehh, I'll go for a run tomorrow instead" and then tomorrow you're sat on the sofa eating a snickers instead of running. With a deadline you tell yourself that you only have so much time, you can't put it off.
    2 points
  17. I was more thinking about fun and not series competition but you are right. My approach would make the person with the best hill victorious xD. The measuring jung idea from @mickymoist gave me an idea. Someone could also build a ramp out of an old pizza box or something. If it was something everyone could easily build no one would need to drive anywhere and you could standardize the whole thing. But that would turn the whole thing in to a crafts and arts project xD. Does anyone else feel like we are brain storming the first pee olympics xD ?
    2 points
  18. I was just thinking we would want it to be as fair as possible right? So maybe we can have one or two established ramps in each state/territory and have everyone flock to there for their races! Look the thought of a forum "leaderboard" excited me and I couldn't help myself 🤣
    2 points
  19. When i thought about it it was more like a fun forum challenge. But you went full on Pokemon Go here xD. (But i honestly think that we are to few active members to have local pee battle and traveling longer distances for some silly fun is to impractical.) P.s. Why am i in full event planner mode already xD
    2 points
  20. We could make a peefans Leaderboard to see who finds the best hil and has the best performance xD.
    2 points
  21. I have never done something like this but I cant think of anything more fun! I guess for the time being I will have to just race myself and see if I can beat my best time:p
    2 points
  22. Do I mind,oh no, don't mind that at all. Fantastic work.
    2 points
  23. Definitely but warm rain is nicer than cold and windy rain ^^. (I love rain and fog.) But you don't "need" rain. Some clothes don't really show that they are wet and when you wear tight fitting clothes no one will be able to tell that the fabric is sticking to your leg. (If you want it to look wet, because lets be honest it looks hot, this is not really an option xD)
    2 points
  24. Never did something like that but it sounds super funny. I need to remember that for the next time im playing truth or dare with someone. This is playful enough that it might work on people wo are not in to peeing xD
    2 points
  25. Me! I’m more into the desperation but I also love the wetting that comes at the end.
    2 points
  26. Oh yeah. The vast majority of the time I could make it to the toilet. Sometimes I even leave the apartment without peeing just so I can urinate in public...but: Why should I make myself uncomfortable? Men don't always seem to wait, so why should I? I like it.
    2 points
  27. Peeing outside is my little act of rebellion against this repressive society we live in.
    2 points
  28. My interest in girls wetting started with my mates younger sister, who often seemed to have wet pants but no one seemed to notice or care, she would just sit there and wet her pants. Later we progressed to the; I’ll show you mine, you show me yours. But that was all Things really changed when new people moved into the house next door, two sisters one older one a bit younger than me. I was maybe 10 or11 and was sitting on a bench with the younger, I heard a hissing sound and said what that, although I think I secretly knew. She said it’s nothing, but I could see the pee splashing
    2 points
  29. Public Restroom Use by Women - Mainstream Media Ran across an interesting article in the NY Times "At Home" section, on July 5, 2020 (paper edition). It is entitled "Don't Panic Entirely If You Have to Use A Public Restroom," and was written by Jen Gunter, MD, a woman gynecologist, who writes extensively on women's health issues. It has a lot of general information about the real and imagined dangers of public restrooms, especially for women, which are not very erotic, but factual, nonetheless. She does comment directly, and make recommendations on some aspects of women's peeing styl
    1 point
  30. Honestly, I most often pee outside out of practicality rather than necessity. I prefer peeing outside, as it avoids having to aim into a bowl (I like the flushable bucket (TM) idea 😉 ). Also, there is a lot less splatter when peeing into the plants or moss compared to hard ceramic or metal. And if I aim a meter or so in front of me, there is less of a chance that any comes back at me - can't reasonably try that at home in the bathroom. So really, I'm peeing outside because I like it, but I'm shy about being seen, so I do it out of sight. Well, and it saves water, so it is totally eco-friendly
    1 point
  31. Yeah I just love the freedom to just pee where ever I like desperate or not. Mostly cos I feel naughty in wanting to mark somewhere where people will see it. But just love the feeling of the breeze hitting your downstairs, watching your pee flow on ground or wall. I just find it very relaxing.
    1 point
  32. I am laughing so hard. It's like every message we stress it's not that serious and it's just for fun, but then we get more and more into it! I'm with you with the pizza box idea. Although every company's boxes will be different, so in our rules we'll have to include a specific pizza from a specific company. You can't have a little Domino's box vs a giant Costco sized box!
    1 point
  33. Runner here and occasional cyclist. Well I say runner, I only started last year so I still consider myself a newbie. Working towards a 10k next month. Done 1 before but that was a few months ago and then got behind on my training so hopefully having an upcoming event will get my arse into gear lol
    1 point
  34. Share all you like, please, those pictures are hot.
    1 point
  35. For me it's the freedom of just going when I want too. I don't do vandalism if building like some people do so it's usually in woods or hedges lay-bys and if I can, I'll pee myself
    1 point
  36. Kaley Cuoco 🔥🔥
    1 point
  37. Finally back with another pee experience! This is another “throwback” experience as I unfortunately haven’t been able to have much pee fun lately. This story was about 9 years ago and took place at a house party back in college. The party was actually also a basement live show with about three local bands performing. It was totally packed in the basement and the upstairs was fairly full too. This was also a very old house with just one bathroom. It was sort of an unwritten rule that out of courtesy, men would pee in the large backyard. The women would often go to the bathroom in groups,
    1 point
  38. Woah, thanks for all the answers everyone! I feel like we slightly swayed offtopic here and there but that doesn’t matter 😊 Or maybe my question was to vague to begin with. @gldenwetgoose, your reply is what I mostly meant to ask about; like the example you mention about being able to get to your workplace and use their toilets, but going for the carpark instead. Also I realized that I didn’t even answer my own question myself :’) I think I’ve mentioned this before in another topic but thanks to my lovely *ahem* parents I developed quite severe anxiety for being in (urgent) need of
    1 point
  39. My parents were also very open minded towards peeing. When driving on the highway they just stopped at a parking to let me pee in the grass and when camping they told me just to go behind the tent. I remember I was camping in a cottage once. I was playing outside and my dad was sitting in the garden of the cottage. When I wanted to go inside for the bathroom, my dad told me I could just go in the bushes in the garden. Of course I did.
    1 point
  40. Nothing better than finding a trashed bathroom it's the perfect excuse to just let the piss flow wherever you want!
    1 point
  41. Since my earliest memories I’ve always found the act of peeing fun, I’d pee anywhere and loved doing it outdoors. If I was on a country walk or outing with my parents I would convince them I was busting and they’d let me go in the bushes, or would just wait until I was desperate, pee myself, enjoy having to walk back to the car wearing wet clothes and often be naked from the waist down for the trip home. Peeing outdoors extended to the seaside and I loved wearing swimming trunks as it felt like I was in underwear and somehow “naughty”, as I was supposed to keep everything covered up when
    1 point
  42. So, I decided to be naughty and have a little fun wetting while washing the car. This was Kupars suggestion, so thanks for the idea! I drank loads before hand. Making sure that as I left the house I was already feeling really rather full. I have 3 stages to washing my car. The first is to pre-wash it using snow foam. The 2nd stage is to wash all the wheels and tyres, and the 3rd is the wash and wax of the whole car. Of course, the first step was to get myself into my favorite work / wetting outfit. I grabbed a thick pair of black work trousers and pulled them up over my boxer br
    1 point
  43. I enjoyed several river tubing excursions when I lived in Texas. The mix of beer, water and sun kept me peeing on a regular basis ... and since my bum was already hanging through the the inner tube, why would I pee anywhere else. As long as you don't make a big fuss, it's the most discreet option available. And you can pee in front of everyone! A classic win-win if you ask me. Scuba diving in a pool is a lot less discreet so kudos to @Wolfpee for bravery. The other students probably didn't notice. Learning to dive is pretty much all-consuming and you tend to be very focused. The in
    1 point
  44. I brought my laptop to my bed with me, and peed off the side while I kept typing 😊
    1 point
  45. Ohhh if I was in a man’s body the first thing I’d do is Go to the gym and do an aerobics class, and play some basketball. What would it be like to do that without big breasts bouncing around, or strapped down in a sports bra?!? I’d go for a swim, too, just so I could stand around and talk to people with my shirt off and belly hanging out. And then I’d want to stick my cock in everything I could think of. I’d go to the grocery store and get melons and rice pudding, I’d go to the fabric store and get silk and lace and faux fur and leather all to rub on my cock. And then I’d go to the hardware st
    1 point
  46. Well, then, just for the sake of scholarly study, here is a view of that one long labial lip showing loud and proud.
    1 point
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